We have seen the future, and it sucks.

What Drives Views on Government Redistribution and Anti-Capitalism: Envy or a Desire for Social Dominance?

12th April 2011

Read it.

I first show that respondents who express traditionally racist views (on segregation, interracial marriage, and inborn racial abilities) tend to support greater income redistribution. Traditional racists also tend to oppose free-market capitalism and its consequences, wanting the government to guarantee jobs for everyone and fix prices, wages, and profits. Next, I report a similar pattern for those who express intolerance for unpopular groups on the fifteen Stouffer tolerance questions (regarding racists, homosexuals, communists, extreme militarists, and atheists). Those who express less tolerance for unpopular groups tend to favor income redistribution and oppose capitalism.

My, what a surprise. Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.

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