Jussie Smollett isn’t alone in trying to fake a hate crime for personal or selfish reasons. Hate crime hoaxes happen more often than many well-meaning Americans probably realize, and often they’re orchestrated as part of a trend intended to provoke hysteria and panic. Sometimes, innocent conservatives guilty of nothing more than living in the area where the “crimes” allegedly occurred are falsely accused of carrying out the attacks, and subjected to a storm of online threats and abuse. The political subtext of these false reports is easy to spot. Just like the Smollett case, they’re intended to portray Trump supporters and conservatives as violent bigots and homophobes willing to indiscriminately target members of the trans and gay communities.
The long-awaited trial of former Minneapolis police office Mohammed Noor for murder begins tomorrow in Hennepin County District Court before Judge Kathryn Quaintance. In an egregious example of police incompetence, Noor killed Justine Damond on July 15, 2017. Noor should not have been on the force. His killing of Damond represents an utterly needless tragedy that exposed Minneapolis’s kakistocracy for the world to see and now, in the words of the old antiwar left, the whole world is watching. The Star Tribune previews the trial in today’s paper.
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Spanish authorities announced on Tuesday that they are seeking 10 men who allegedly entered the embassy on Feb. 22, armed with knives, metal bars and dummy guns, before tying staff up and trying to convince the economics officer to defect. The group, which included Adrian Hong Chang, a Mexican citizen, as well as a US national and five South Koreans, reportedly took a number of computers, data discs and mobile phones before making their escape.
You now know as much about this as I do — or care to.
See, this is what happens while the American news media are hyperventilating about Trump.
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Even at a time of low interest rates and rising wages, Americans simply can’t afford a home in more than 70% of the country, according to CBS. Out of 473 US counties that were analyzed in a recent report, 335 listed median home prices were more than what average wage earners could afford. According to the report from ATTOM Data Solutions, these counties included Los Angeles and San Diego in California, as well as places like Maricopa County in Arizona.
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Members of Congress are old. Really old. The House Democrats’ top three leaders are all 78 or 79.
Democrat John Dingell was re-elected to the House every two years from 1955 to 2014, even though he represented Detroit during the period in which the city sank from America’s crown jewel of manufacturing to a symbol of urban blight. In 2014 he was replaced — by his wife.
Republican Strom Thurmond was a racial segregationist born in 1902 who served in the upper chamber from 1956 until 2003. The nation changed, but he remained in office. By the end, his aides were dragging him around and propping him up like a marionette. Who did this serve?
Congressmen have used their power to design an institution that’s first order of business is keeping current members as current members for as long as possible.
The Trump administration has cut off all foreign aid to the Central American nations of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras – known as the Northern Triangle countries.
About. Fargin. Time.
“We were paying them tremendous amounts of money. And we’re not paying them anymore. Because they haven’t done a thing for us. They set up these caravans,” Trump reportedly said.
They need to realize that they are no longer allowed to dump their trash on our lawn.
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Does it ever seem like some of your best ideas come to you while hot water is pouring over your head? Tell it to “Shower Thoughts.” This forum on Reddit is dedicated to discussing the most profound thoughts people have while washing up, and a group of experts just analyzed some of the best ones.
I have always attributed the creativity that comes with taking a shower to be a result of the relaxing effect of hot water.
Mira Showers, a UK-based shower maker, is the company behind the project. It sifted through about 2 million posts on the Shower Thoughts subreddit and sorted them into categories. As it turns out, most of them (28 percent) were about society, politics, or history. Philosophy and existentialism is the second largest category (comprising 20 percent of all thoughts), followed by pop culture, sports, and entertainment (17 percent).
Mine mostly revolve around Plotting Revenge.
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The phrase “black privilege” is being thrown around in connection with this story. That’s not altogether inappropriate. That Smollett’s blackness—black-ish-ness, whatever—was an important factor in the charges being dropped, can’t be denied.
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One of liberal Democrats’ favorite tactics these days is to smear anyone who doesn’t agree with them as a racist. However, they don’t always follow their own rules due to an apparent “do as I say, not as I do” mentality. That philosophy was on full display in Savannah, Georgia, on Wednesday night, when reporters attempting to cover an event for candidates in the upcoming mayoral election were greeted with signs that said “Black Press Only.”
Racism, straight up.
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Scott’s two posts on his and Victor Davis Hanson’s treatment by The New Yorker calls to mind one of the first and most important lessons I learned from my mentor in journalism, the great M. Stanton Evans. Most “mainstream” journalists are not merely biased, but have a narrative story line in mind when they begin “reporting,” so that when they call you on the phone, they aren’t looking for actual information and perspective—they are looking for a specific quote to drop in their story that fits their narrative. The point is: when you deal with the media, it is not just their innate liberalism you need to be on guard for—you need to keep in mind that they already have their story written.
Dick’s Sporting Goods took a loss of an estimated $150 million in sales last year after the company heavily restricted firearm purchases and began advocating for gun control.
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It will take weeks for the elite pundit class to unravel all the possible implications and subtexts embedded in Robert Mueller’s final report on the charge that Donald Trump and his team colluded with Russia to fix the 2016 election. The right claims that the report exonerates Trump fully, while the left contends there are lots of nuggets in the full text of the final report that may point to obstruction of justice, if not collusion.
In 1991, Sen. Joe Biden was the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee who permitted the Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Clarence Thomas to become a “high-tech lynching.” Among other things, this squalid episode had the effect of causing young Andrew Breitbart to begin questioning the liberal beliefs he had grown up with. (See, for example, Larry O’Connor’s column from last October, “The Kavanaugh effect: The next Andrew Breitbart is watching.”) What Biden and his fellow Democrats did to Thomas was so clearly wrong, and so obviously motivated by political hatred, that it was henceforth impossible for Democrats to appeal to a sense of decorum or bipartisanship without being seen as hypocrites.
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One Popperian way to test the validity of the popular hypothesis of White Privilege is to look at battles over who gets classified as white by the government.
A century ago, Middle Easterners successfully battled to get themselves declared white so they could share in White Privilege.
Today, however, the most politicized of the younger generation of Middle Easterners are adamant about shedding their White Disprivilege.
Ever since USA Today was founded in 1982, people at the national weekday newspaper have tried to maintain a reputation as a “centrist” media outlet.
However, that philosophy hit a roadblock last weekend, when a self-described “libertarian conservative” USA Today editor named David Mastio as a rejected an op-ed because the writer cited such “not reliable” sources as The Federalist and National Review.
Could the next great Chinese advanced missile threat come disguised as an innocuous looking shipping transport vessel? A new report in The Washington Free Beacon suggests so, as it details China’s new long-range cruise missile which can be launched directly from a shipping container device, which is meant to conceal detection of the threat right up until the moment of launch.
Alarmingly, it’s already being flight tested, according to analysts cited in the report, which further finds the technology “could turn Beijing’s large fleet of freighters into potential warships and commercial ports into future missile bases.” If cruise missiles can be hidden in international shipping containers, China could be a major threat to western targets simply as it moves millions of tons of goods every year.
Those pesky Chinese.
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Steve Sailer follows this stuff so you don’t have to.
As Tom Wolfe pointed out in 1987, one of the obsessions our age is Plaques for Blacks. In Bonfire of the Vanities, the Mayor of New York winces everytime he asks his chief of staff what’s on the schedule today and his aide answers “Plaques for Blacks.”
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Maltese special forces have seized a Turkish oil tanker, El Hibu 1, which had been hijacked by the very migrants it stopped to rescue in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Libya.
Whoa. I didn’t know Malta even had any ‘special forces’.
Human rights groups have defended the hijacking, saying that the refugees were simply trying to escape the “hell” of detention camps in Libya.
Uh, that doesn’t justify piracy. Just sayin’.
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The mayor told the radio hosts that the $10,000 bond Smollett forfeited after charges were dropped against him “doesn’t even come close to what the city spent in resources.”
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Roy, a first-term lawmaker, said that while traffickers were still moving marijuana, they were also “moving towards human trafficking for profit.”
“We know, talking to Border Patrol,” Roy said, “that in the area in and around the Rio Grande Valley sector, the Gulf Cartel, particularly in Reynosa faction of the Gulf Cartel, will make upwards of $130 million, probably more now this year alone, moving upwards of 400,000 people through that part of the border.”
Roy, 46, who represents Texas’ 21st Congressional District, recently visited the border town of McAllen, Texas, to survey the situation there. The 21st District abuts Austin and San Antonio, but does not share a border with Mexico.
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Republicans are finding their spines. It’s good to see.
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San Antonio’s left-leaning city council, backed by mayor Ron Nirenberg, recently banned Chick-fil-A from becoming a concessionaire at the city-operated international airport. City officials reportedly cited Chick-fil-A’s political positions as justification for its boycott of the company: “With this decision, the City Council reaffirmed the work our city has done to become a champion of equality and inclusion,” said councilman Roberto Treviño. “San Antonio is a city full of compassion, and we do not have room in our public facilities for a business with a legacy of anti-LGBTQ behavior.”
The charge that Chick-fil-A is “anti-LGBTQ” is based on its owners’ private contributions (made through the WinShape Foundation) and statements in support of traditional marriage. The city does not claim that the company’s employment practices or business policies are illegal; Chick-fil-A’s personnel policies conform to federal employment law, and the company has issued a statement of respect for all people, regardless of sexual orientation, in an internal document called “Chick-fil-A: Who We Are.” Nonetheless, LGBT activists have targeted Chick-fil-A for years. In 2012, when LGBT groups organized a national campaign to boycott the chain for its owners’ opposition to same-sex marriage, a backlash by the company’s devoted customers—led by former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee—resulted in record-breaking sales. The public has demonstrated that it does not object to the owners’ allegedly objectionable positions. Yet the activists persist.