(Mostly) Other People’s Takes on the SOTU
31st January 2018
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31st January 2018
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on (Mostly) Other People’s Takes on the SOTU
31st January 2018
NYT’s Goldberg: Only Way Trump Will Become ‘Presidential’ Is If He Apologizes, Resigns And of course she’s the expert.
Joy Behar: Someone Should Yell ‘You Lie!’ At Trump Tonight Gee, she was all upset when somebody did that to Obama.
These Scientists Disavowed Bill Nye For Accepting An Invite To Trump’s SOTU Address Not really scientists.
Facts First? CNN Speculates Melania Wearing White to Protest Her Husband I’ve heard of black as a protest color but never white. This is rather a stretch.
Networks Use Pre-SOTU Moments to Bludgeon ‘Embattled’ Trump, GOP ‘Paying the Political Price’ If winning is the price, I’m sure Trump will gladly pay it.
Congressional Black Caucus Dons African Garb To Protest Trump’s SOTU Yup, nothing says Moral Superiority like dressing like foreigners. I’d be happy to pay their airfare back to Africa.
Angry Celebs Rage During Trump’s State of Union: ‘Sh*tler’ Is ‘A Disgrace’ The Peter Pan Parade (‘I won’t grow up!’) was out in force.
Al Gore Attacks Trump’s ‘Clean Coal’ Remarks, Says there’s ‘No War On American Energy’ Of course not, with Trump as President. Had AlGore or Hillary been elected, then you’d see the war.
Juvenile MSNBC Crew Giggles, Touts Trump Limo Being Flipped Off The Peter Pan Parade (‘I won’t grow up!’) was out in force.
ABC Melts Down Over ‘Divisive,’ ‘Gloomy,’ ‘Sad’ SOTU Speech ‘Stoking…Racial Tensions’ Apparently none of them listened to the speech:
Luis Gutierrez Stormed Out Of House Chamber During SOTU He realizes that he’s going to be nobody for the next three to seven years, and he just can’t stand it.
Rattled MSNBC: Trump ‘Stokes the Fires’ With North Korea, ‘Wants a War’ Uh, Chris? If he had wanted a war, we’d have a war. And we do — it’s just being fought with economics rather than the military. And we’re winning. Try to keep up….
CNN Laments Trump Using Patriotic Language in SOTU, Alienating Democrats Yeah, the nerve of that guy.
Vox: Trump culturally appropriated for Americans the term “Dreamers” from its rightful owners: illegal aliens The nerve of that guy.
Director Rob Reiner Sad That MSNBC’s ‘Intelligent People’ Have to Watch ‘Racist’ ‘Liar’ Trump But who’s going to watch the racist liar Rob Reiner?
Donald Trump booed in his first State of the Union after hitting out at ‘chain migration’ This isn’t precisely cherry-picking; perhaps ‘turd-picking’? This reminds me of the old joke about the race between a Russian and an American where the Soviet press reported that the Russian came in second and the American next to last.
Bernie Sanders: I don’t understand how the President can give a State of the Union and not mention climate change Oh, Bernie. One could make a career out of listing the things that you don’t understand.
Chuck Todd: Trump’s Speech ‘Set Things Back,’ ‘Offended a Lot of Democrats’ By ‘set things back’ I guess he means ‘pushed Trump-haters back into denial’.
Stephen Colbert Was ‘Barely Conscious’ After Trump’s State Of The Union Address How could they tell?
Morning Joe’s Mika Melts Down Over Trump’s Speech And Defaults To Calling Him A ‘Dictator If Trump really were a dictator, Mika, you’d be in jail.
View’s Hostin Outraged by SOTU: ‘Very Offensive’ to ‘Demonize Immigrants!’ Except, of course, that nobody ‘demonized’ immigrants — except in the proglodyte fantasy world.
NBC: Don’t Forget, Trump’s ‘Under Criminal Investigation’ Except, of course, that he’s actually not.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
31st January 2018
Some dreams are nicer than others.
Xinran Ji, 24, had big dreams. But demons demolished them.
The bright hopes of young Ji, a University of Southern California engineering student from Inner Mongolia, died in 2014 at the hands of a then-19-year-old “Dreamer” and his thug pals.
Mexican illegal alien Jonathan Del Carmen, who first jumped the southern border at age 12, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder last summer in the savage robbery and fatal beating of Ji—who was walking home from a study group after midnight.
No, it wasn’t President Donald Trump, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, Republicans, or conservative talk show hosts who racially profiled Ji. It was “Dreamer” Del Carmen and his partners in crime: Alberto Ochoa, 17; Andrew Garcia, 18; and Alejandra Guerrero, 16.
The gangsters targeted Ji because he was Asian and assumed he “must have money.” Guerrero had sent Facebook messages about wanting to “flock” (rob) white and Chinese people. Off-campus neighborhoods around USC are dominated by Mexican Mafia affiliates that target foreign students and shake down local businesses owned by law-abiding immigrants.
People who break one law are often less reluctant to break others.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Meet the Immigrant Who Was Killed By a ‘Dreamer’ and Friends
31st January 2018
Though Maxine Waters — who boycotted President Trump’s State of the Union address — declined to give her empty SOTU seat to Ricky Taylor, the Army veteran still got to take attend Tuesday’s address.
The Daily Caller caught up with Taylor, who ended up attending as a guest of Congressman Sean Duffy, in Statuary Hall on the Hill Tuesday night, during which he poured a little more salt in Waters’ wound.
“It’s disrespectful honestly,” Taylor says, “That’s what I really believe. It’s very unpatriotic, regardless of if you like the President or not.”
That’s never stopped them before. The D in Democrat also stands for Disrespect.
Sucking on a lemon since 1991.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Veteran Blinds Maxine Waters With Patriotism After She Gave Him the Cold Shoulder
31st January 2018
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Eight Times Democrats Refused to Stand During Trump’s Address
31st January 2018
We have the technology.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Children Receive New Ears Grown From Their Own Cells in World First
31st January 2018
Alison Mapletoft and her family were left “extremely distressed” when an enforcement firm contracted by her local council demanded the money.
When the mother-of-two phoned 3GS, she was told that she faced a prison sentence or a £2,500 fine unless she paid up.
No, you do not want to live in Britain these days.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Woman Fined £600 and Threatened With Jail After Accidentally Putting Cardboard Box in Wrong Bin
31st January 2018
Well, I’ve always thought so. But that’s me.
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31st January 2018
Mommeee! Donald hit me back!
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on DACA Recipients Are Furious Trump Used ‘Dreamers’ to Describe American Citizens
31st January 2018
As Scott Adams has pointed out, a rational immigration policy will necessarily have a ‘disparate impact’ because the places that have the highly intelligent and highly educated people we want tend to be full of white and yellow people, while the shitholes that have the people we don’t want tend to be full of black and brown people. That’s just a fact.
To backtrack from ‘disparate impact’ to racist (which is a matter of intent, not impact) is one of the intellectual smoke-and-mirrors jobs that the SJW Left has gotten away with for years. They need to be called on it every time it’s trotted out.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on CNN’s Cuomo Argues President Trump’s Immigration Policy Proposal is Racist
31st January 2018
Read it. Watch the videos if you have a strong stomach.
Yeah, if ‘every man’ had a trust fund, went to Stanford and Harvard Law, and had a Congressional seat reserved.
White Privilege, thy name is Democrat.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on CNN: Joe Kennedy III Is An ‘Every Man’
31st January 2018
Maxine Waters may have boycotted the SOTU speech, but her face was there — every damned one of those Democrats looks as if he or she had been sucking on a lemon for the last 20 years.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | 1 Comment »
31st January 2018
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
31st January 2018
When I see the work ‘tick’, I think ‘Democrat’: They get under your skin, they suck your blood, they’re almost impossible to remove, they transmit all sorts of diseases.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Ticks may be the next global health threat
31st January 2018
Of course, when he was on the Global Warming bandwagon, he was embraced for doing both — supposedly.
This is an article in Scientific American — love that oxymoron — by ‘500 Women Scientists’.
By attending the State of the Union with NASA administrator nominee Jim Bridenstine, the Science Guy tacitly endorses climate denial, intolerance and attacks on science
Well, no, he didn’t do any of those things — except in the fantasies of ‘500 Women Scientists’.
The Hunt for Heretics and Sinners proceeds apace. Proglodytes are fond of throwing around cries of ‘McCarthyism!’ but if this isn’t what they mean by McCarthyism then the term has no meaning.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Bill Nye Does Not Speak for Us and He Does Not Speak for Science
31st January 2018
In 2012 the Chinese naval ships operating off Somalia were seen accompanied by what appeared to be a cruise ship. It was actually the first of two “barracks ships” that the Chinese Navy has built since 2011. Both are 30,000 ton ships that appear to be based on cruise ship designswith lots of topside cabins with windows and large open decks for recreation. These two ships are indeed “barracks ships” but were designed to be quite flexible.
They were first seen in operation off Somalia and described as an example the Chinese Navy learning how important morale at sea was. Until 2008 Chinese warships rarely spent more than a week away from port but since then China has been sending “Naval Escort Task Forces” to participate in the anti-piracy patrol off Somalia. There, for four months (plus a month to get to and from China) the two warships (accompanied by a supply ship) look for pirates and escort merchant ships. On those long voyages Chinese officers soon noted that many months at sea put more strain on sailors than the usual shorter training voyages.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on China Militarizes Cruise Ship Design
31st January 2018
The nerve of that guy.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Notorious Racist Trump Honors Teens Slain by MS-13
30th January 2018
Buillshit. There isn’t an Irishman in America that doesn’t love Notre Dame’s mascot.
ESPN has to quit hiring these beta-male losers.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | 1 Comment »
30th January 2018
The most effective male birth control pill is a zipper.
Posted in News You Can Use. | 2 Comments »
30th January 2018
Federal Judge Basically Compares Trump Administration To A Fascist Regime If this regime is so fascist, how come this judge isn’t in jail?
Steven Colbert on the Grammys: ‘That must have made Trump so mad, to see Hillary showing off how she can read’ It must have made Colbert so mad, to see Trump giving it no attention at all.
Environmentalists Are Bashing Trump’s First SOTU Before It Even Happens Of course they are. The Trump that exists in the real world is far less important than the Trump that exists in their fantasies.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
30th January 2018
As indeed it is — Democrats refuse to accept the fact that Hillary lost. When one side ignores the results of an election, that’s the basis for a civil war. Civil war is commonly accepted as ‘a constitutional crisis’.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Claire McCaskill Declares That the Country Is in a ‘Constitutional Crisis’
30th January 2018
Tech Sgt Geraldine Lovely has been “removed from her supervisory role” after the Facebook post went viral over the weekend, officials at Nellis Air Force Base near Las Vegas have said.
The Sergeant is female and apparently white or Hispanic.
“It pisses me the f*** off that they have no respect and constantly have attitude,” Ms Lovely says in the video. “What the f*** is up with that?”
That’s the way they were raised. Good manners have no value in the ‘hood.
The Air Force base said that they will be using the profane video to start a dialogue within their ranks.
Said ‘dialogue’ will be rather one-sided: ‘You WILL shut up about this.’ Been there, heard that.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | 1 Comment »
30th January 2018
God help anybody with brain activity like mine.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Similarities in Brain Activity Could Be Used to Predict Friendships
30th January 2018
I have always had my suspicions. Looking forward to the day when all of the other indicia of SWPL white supremacy are denounced. Let’s get on it!
But that raises a further question: Just how do they contribute? Credit card, Pay Pay, bitcoin, what?
Posted in You can't make this stuff up. | Comments Off on Americans Who Practice Yoga ‘Contribute to White Supremacy’, Claims Michigan State University Professor
30th January 2018
I can understand the logic. I wouldn’t want those people reproducing either.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on California Senate Passes Bill Mandating Abortion Pills on College Campuses
30th January 2018
Where’s the fun in that?
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
30th January 2018
We are already at war with North Korea, and we’re winning. Trump knows how to handle this.
The trouble with most news media coverage of Trump is that ‘journalists’ have no experience in business outside of their own narrow field and so they’re constantly coming up against things that are usual in business but totally outside of their ken. Thus the OMG! headlines about stuff that any American CEO would consider SOP.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | 1 Comment »
30th January 2018
So that those in Flyover Country who are condemned to live somewhere than on a Left Coast can still pretend and have a rich fantasy life.
Ponder the fact that nobody needs ‘transit directions’ for their personal car. What does that tell you about ‘transit’?
I would venture to suggest that, whatever else the American Dream might contain, a part of it is to live in a place where there is no ‘transit’, nor any need for such.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Apple Rolls Out Transit Directions in Milwaukee, Wis., and Omaha, Neb.
30th January 2018
Saw THAT coming’….
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | 1 Comment »
30th January 2018
Let that be a lesson to us all.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Big Game Hunter Shot Dead as He Aimed at Lion He Wanted to Kill
29th January 2018
Read it. And watch the videos.
Matching what Dems said then and what they say now.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Dems on Immigration: That Was Then, This Is Now
29th January 2018
Democrats as Officer Obie: ‘And everybody wanted to get in the newspaper story about it….’
And Trump is going to make them look like full-diaper fools.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Democrats and Leftists Will Be Giving at Least Six Separate Responses fo Trump’s State of the Union Address
29th January 2018
NY Times Sunday Mag Lets CNN’s Amanpour Savage Trump: ‘Lies Lead to Dictatorship’ What, no mention of Obama?
Grammys 2018: Hillary Clinton reads ‘Fire and Fury’ alongside Snoop Dogg and John Legend Democrats appear to have nailed the art of being boring.
Celebrity Chef Admits To Defaming Ivanka
Pro-Trump group deny telling Latino and Native American legislators to ‘get out of my country’ Although, if the shoe fits….
Donald Trump isn’t the only reason – or even the main one – why stock markets are booming in America and beyond In addition to being an anti-Trumper, Sean O’Grady is not an economist or a businessman, so of course he’s an expert on business and economics.
Students Dump All Over Trump’s State Of The Union And It Hasn’t Even Happened Yet Because they know what it has to be! HAS TO BE!
Frederica Wilson: Trump Doesn’t Deserve To Be Honored At SOTU Well, actually, he’s the one giving the speech….
Michael Moore Rages Against Trump and Capitalism: They Are ‘Like Horror Films’ That’s funny, I was about to say the same thing about Michael Moore.
Wave of Kabul terror attacks ‘linked to Trump’s aid withdrawal’, say Afghan officials ‘Linked to’ means ‘we want you to think that there’s a connection’.
Ana Navarro Likens Andrew McCabe Resignation To The Holocaust Surely it’s even worse than that.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
29th January 2018
Perhaps I ought to start a new category, Crooked Black Women Democrats. (Well, ‘Democrat” is probably redundant.)
Worst part of it is, she still gets a handsome pension.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | 1 Comment »
29th January 2018
WaPo clutches the pearls.
A lobbyist flies solo from Texas to Washington to press his case on the Hill, leaving behind the female associate who did much of the work on the issue.
He recognizes that his decision to fly alone is a lost opportunity for his talented young co-worker, but right now, with everything that’s going on, he is not willing to risk a business trip alone with a woman — even if what he sees as caution strikes many women as discrimination.
Be careful what you wish for, you just might get some Unintended Consequences.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Lunches, Hugs, and Break-Room Banter: Where Are the New Boundaries At Work?
29th January 2018
Over the weekend, St. Louis writer and “scholar of authoritarian states” Sarah Kendzior caused a stir by asserting that it was no longer possible to deny that The New York Times is “now a white supremacist paper.” Kendzior herself had shared an article from the Times just a few hours earlier, but in light of a Saturday op-ed by columnist Ross Douthat she was now urging people to “#Unsubscribe”.
And the twits just keep on comin’….
Posted in You can't make this stuff up. | Comments Off on The New York Times Is Now a Nazi Paper. Wait, What?
29th January 2018
Lisa Rockford, an art professor at Broward College in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., painted an American flag white, cut it in half, and placed it like a doormat at the entrance to an art exhibit, reported Campus Reform.
“I have an appointment with the [dean] on February 2nd where he is going to explain why this is ok,” said Jess Karcher, a Marine Corps veteran and Broward College student who posted a picture of the display on Facebook. “Until then, this flag is going to be walked on and disrespected until the show is over.”
Proglodytes really never grow up.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Professor Makes Students Step On American Flag To Enter Art Show
29th January 2018
If, of course, that’s what you want to do.
I can think of some Democrat public officials for which jewelry made from smog would be an improvement.
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29th January 2018
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day: Too Much Like Work
29th January 2018
‘Hate crime’ is still a nonsense word, part of the troglodyte Hunt for Heretics and Sinners.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Hate Crime Numbers in and Around Schools and Colleges Up 62% in a Year, Figures Show
29th January 2018
In the Good Old Days these people would be subtracted from the gene pool.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Vegan Animal Rights Activists Are ‘Sending Farmers Death Threats’ Branding Them ‘Murderers’
29th January 2018
The obvious question is: If this is such a ‘powerful political movement’, how is it so easily ‘neutered’?
I’d be more inclined to the thought that this is the perfect example when proglodyte delusion meets reality. Reality wins every time.
Case in point: Grammys 2018: Pink wears t-shirt and jeans for awards performance in solidarity with #TimesUp and #MeToo
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on The Grammys Were the Perfect Example of What Happens When a Powerful Political Movement Is Neutered
29th January 2018
Let that be a lesson to us all.
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29th January 2018
Police in the Dutch city of Rotterdam have launched a new pilot programme which will see them confiscating expensive clothing and jewellery from young people if they look too poor to own them.
Officers say the scheme will see them target younger men in designer clothes they seem unlikely to be able to afford legally – if it is not clear how the person paid for it, it will be confiscated.
The idea is to deter criminality by sending a signal that the men will not be able to hang onto their ill-gotten gains.
Taking the medieval notion of sumptuary laws into the new millennium.
Of course, in the U.S. it’s called ‘civil asset forfeiture’ and is a less informal process — but still pretty informal.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Dutch Police to ‘Undress’ Youths Wearing Clothes Deemed Too Expensive for Them
29th January 2018
From the US, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Gates Institute, the Population Reference Bureau, the Population Council and the Ford Foundation are very active. In Britain, the charity Population Matters sees checks on population as vital to Africa’s ability to combat shortages of food, while the British quality press decries what it calls ‘unsustainable’ population growth in countries such as Nigeria. More broadly and more importantly, the US State Department, USAID, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Britain’s own Department for International Development quietly spend billions on what they delicately call ‘family-planning’ in Africa.
All these bodies trumpet what appear to be noble causes: a planet where every pregnancy is wanted, a woman’s right to choose, sexual and reproductive health, and women’s empowerment. Yet while people should and do fight for these goals in their millions all over the world, in Africa they are imposed from on high and from outside by moneyed, bureaucratic agencies. The sums spent, though fairly modest in the Western scheme of things, are more than a little influential in Africa; and the results are not pretty.
Even less pretty are articles such as this one. I don’t see anyone forcibly sterilizing Africans. If people are willing to take money not to reproduce, or be persuaded by money spent on propaganda, that’s not ‘imposing’ anything.
Those who characterize persuasion as force seriously need to recalibrate their brains.
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on Return of the Malthusians
29th January 2018
Guns are how a civil war ends. Politics is how it begins.
How do civil wars happen?
Two or more sides disagree on who runs the country. And they can’t settle the question through elections because they don’t even agree that elections are how you decide who’s in charge.
That’s the basic issue here. Who decides who runs the country? When you hate each other but accept the election results, you have a country. When you stop accepting election results, you have a countdown to a civil war.
Posted in Think about it. | 1 Comment »
28th January 2018
We have the technology.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Exercise-tracking App Mapped Military Bases, Revealed Where Spooks Go Jogging
28th January 2018
Michael Moore Goes On Rant Against ‘Malignant Narcissist’ Trump Speaking of malignant narcissists….
Univision Smears Trump Tax Cuts
Khizr Khan Attacks ‘Clown Show’ Trump Administration’s ‘Racist Sentiments And Statements’
On CNN’s Van Jones Show, Jay-Z Calls Trump a Racist ‘Superbug’ Like Donald Sterling I can think of fewer people more racist than Jay-Z. Maybe Van Jones.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
28th January 2018
Insert snarky comment about ‘drive-by media’.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Kentucky School Shooting: Reporter Who Rushed to Cover Deadly Attack ‘Discovers Suspect Is Her Son’
28th January 2018
Mayor Joy Cooper of Hallandale Beach, Florida, was forced to resign by Sunshine State Governor Rick Scott on Friday after her Thursday arrest on three felony charges: campaign finance violations, official misconduct and money laundering. At least four Florida news outlets have run reports failing to tag Cooper, who is accused of accepted illegal campaign finance checks from Russians, as a Democrat
Sure, there’s a bit of double-standard here — a Republican would be so identified in the first sentence — but I don’t think that it’s a big deal. The thing is that this sort of behavior is kinda-sorta expected from Democrats; it’s not news. For Republicans, on the other hand, which it’s not unknown, it is rather less common; that’s news.
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