Archive for May, 2018
31st May 2018
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Classicist and military historian Victor Davis Hanson’s extended essay and memoir, Mexifornia: A State of Becoming, has aged well since it’s publication in 2003, when it was met with significant criticism from both the Left and the economic-libertarian Right, who, according to Hanson, accused him of being a racist, nativist, and isolationist. Its grave concerns, related to immigration policy in the United States, have proven to be prescient, and its prescriptions are as salutary now as the day the book was published.
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31st May 2018
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Along the way, vote for proglodyte politicians to continue destroying our culture.
The idea he comes up with is called “Laborize,” a company that would hire itself out to one organization to unionize a rival — it would, say, contract with Uber to unionize Lyft — and therefore ruin the competitive advantage that comes from denying health care, steady wages and other benefits of unionization. It is a clever ploy that cuts to the heart of what makes Silicon Valley a very pure example of capitalism: the fact that it screws over, or tries to automate into the digital ether, a vast proportion of the American work force, in order to enrich, artificially and enormously, a small proportion of investors and owners, whose companies are — more often than not — profoundly unprofitable.
A better grasp of economics and the destructive effects of collectivism and government interference than anybody at Google, Facebook, or Twitter has ever exhibited. I like him already.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on The Fate of Most Silicon Valley Drones: ‘Live Work Work Work Die’
31st May 2018
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I guess we’ll see.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on NBC Pretends White Nationalism Will Take GOP by Storm in 2018 Midterms
31st May 2018
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Don’t those idiots know that Trump is in Putin’s back pocket? Don’t they watch the news?
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Poland Asks Trump to Establish Military Base on Russian Border to Deter Moscow
31st May 2018
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How about that GREAT government-provided health care! Don’t you wish we had a system like that over here?
Feel the Bern….
We could let the Post Office run it. They appear to be looking for something to do; it’s not as if they’re delivering the country’s mail any more.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on UK: Inadequate Care Blamed for 40pc Rise in Emergency Readmissions to Hospital
31st May 2018
Amid Their Roseanne Firestorm, ABC Whines: Trump Hasn’t Condemned Her Yet! Of course, they haven’t apologized to him yet for all of the horrible things they say about him every day.
Tyrant: Shakespeare on Power by Stephen Greenblatt, review: What Shakespeare’s plays can tell us about Trump Because EVERYTHING these days has to be about Trump.
TBS’s Samantha Bee Calls Ivanka Trump ‘Feckless C**t’ Classy.
USAT: ‘Dog Whistler in Chief’ Trump Gains Politically by Forcing NFL Protest Ban ‘Forcing’? Did he arrest somebody? Is somebody in prison for not standing for the National Anthem and I didn’t hear about it. (Remember: If you hear the dog whistle, then you’re the dog.)
MSNBC Panel: ‘Bigot in Chief’ Trump Told KKK They Can ‘Take the Hood Off’ Scott Adams is right — CNN is turning into a comedy channel.
CNN Pundit Blames Trump For Sam Bee Calling Ivanka A ‘C*nt’ You can’t make this stuff up.
The Internet Is Having A Meltdown Over This New York Post Cover Involving Trump And Kim Kardashian
Nets Link Roseanne to Trump 31 Times, Ignore Weinstein’s Ties to Clinton, Obama Not a surprise, but a useful reminder.
CNN’s Acosta Lost It When Kim K Visited Trump. Here’s What He Said When Celebs Visited Obama If one is looking for a feckless c*nt, one need look no farther than Jim Acosta.
NBC Reporter Tries to Excuse Vile Samantha Bee: ‘She’s a Comedian’ So is Roseanne. Pay attention.
NY Times Lead Story: ‘Conspiratorial’ Trump’s Corrosive ‘Paranoia’ Harming Faith in the Media
MSNBC: White Nationalist Candidates ‘Just a Little Bit More Extreme’ Than Trump Except that Trump is not ‘extreme’ at all; certainly less ‘extreme’ than Bernie Sanders.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
31st May 2018
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Australians won’t be able to purchase goods from Amazon’s international websites after July 1 thanks to a sales tax on overseas purchases, leaving room for competitors to take advantage of Amazon’s smaller presence in the country.
The $500 million to $700 million AUD ($376 million to $527 million USD) that Australians spent on all Amazon websites represented about 10 percent of all online overseas spending, Australian Financial Review reported Thursday.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Australians Can’t Use Amazon’s US Website Thanks to New Tax Hike
31st May 2018
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Trump’s net worth dipped to $2.8 billion, down from $2.9 billion in 2017, according to a Bloomberg estimate of the president’s May 16 financial disclosures. That’s the lowest Bloomberg has seen the former real estate mogul’s wealth since 2015.
Contrast with how Obama and Bill Clinton are raking it in.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Corruption in the White House? Trump Is Losing Money as President
31st May 2018
Freeberg waxes delightfully dyspeptic.
Yes it’s fun watching liberal heads explode in the Trump era, as it seems they’re losing ground on every front, but things always move in cycles and I see one battleground where things are going the wrong way: This talk about “privilege.” It used to be fringe-kooky racist stuff, as in, “white people need to learn their place and check their privilege.” And then it was radical-feminist sexist stuff. “Men have to check their privilege.” It’s quickly becoming mainstream. I’m hearing it from all directions lately. Such is the power of guilt…and, the allure of not-shutting-up. “Oh, I find these arguments completely convincing that I’m white and suburban and don’t know anything about anything and need to shut up…I shall have to prattle away about that endlessly to show how enlightened I am.”
And, by the way, have you seen my Tesla?
Who has these “You’re privileged and I’m not” bragging rights? Fact is — among those who can read these words, no one has ’em! If you were born, or were able to migrate to, the United States anytime in the last hundred years, you are privileged.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Show Me on This Doll Where My Privilege Hurt You
31st May 2018
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
31st May 2018
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Perhaps they’re using the wrong glass slipper.
I hear that Roseann Barr is looking for a job.
Posted in You can't make this stuff up. | Comments Off on UK: Treasury Struggles to Find a Woman to Set Rates at the Bank of England
31st May 2018
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The Crust think that the Filling are so stupid that merely filing the serial numbers off of a bad idea and slapping on a coat of paint is sufficient to reboot their schemes. Of course, with Europeans they may be right; after all, Europeans voted for this monstrosity in the first place.
That ‘artists’ are leading this effort ought to come as no surprise. (‘They may have won all the battles/But we had all the good songs!’)
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on The European Union Is Under Threat. Artists Say It’s Time to Rebrand.
31st May 2018
Joe Bob Briggs lets it all hang out.
Question: How can you tell the difference between Elon Musk and an ordinary Tesla owner?
Answer: Elon Musk will eventually stop talking about his Tesla.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on “Hey, Look, I’m Driving a Giant iPhone!”
31st May 2018
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It is against the law to discriminate against workers older than 40 in hiring and recruitment. But using material provided by our readers through a ProPublica crowd-sourcing effort, we found dozens of companies who bought Facebook ads aimed at recruiting workers within limited age ranges. Some companies said these ads were not representative of their wider recruitment strategies. Others said targeting workers by age was a mistake, and vowed to stop doing it. To see the ads and each company’s response, click on the company names below. To join our crowd-sourcing effort, download our tool for Firefox or Google Chrome.
This would disturb me if I were on Facebook (or would even touch it with a ten-foot pole).
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on These Are the Job Ads You Can’t See on Facebook If You’re Older
30th May 2018
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Is This a Great Country or What?
30th May 2018
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
30th May 2018
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Let that be a lesson to us all.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Big Game Hunter ‘Gored to Death by Buffalo’ Moments After Shooting Another Member of Herd
30th May 2018
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But you have to bear in mind that Trump has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING during his first two years in office.
Bear it in mind.
Absolutely nothing.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on GOP Tax Reform Already Showing Major US Reinvestment
30th May 2018
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This is why we need a wall.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Mexican Reporter Bludgeoned to Death, Becoming Sixth Journalist Slain This Year
30th May 2018
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Of course they do. On Planet Grievance, black people can do no wrong.
Farrakhan is perfectly comfortable in the Party of Hate. It’s what he does for a living.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on NYT Whitewashes Democrats’ Ties to Anti-Semite Farrakhan
30th May 2018
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The Crust is heavily marbled with self-hating white people. This will not end well.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on MSNBC Guest Stereotypes White People During Racism Town Hall
30th May 2018
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To understand the evolution of macaroni and cheese is to realize that pursuit of the “cheapest protein possible” has been a longstanding quest of the American food system.
I am a big fan of mac & cheese, with tuna and peans and mushrooms to make a quick and tasty meal.
(Thanks to Debby Witt, a kindred soul.)
Posted in Is this a great country, or what? | Comments Off on A Brief History of America’s Appetite for Macaroni and Cheese
30th May 2018
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
30th May 2018
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If, of course, that’s what you want to do.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Where to Score Free Treats on National Doughnut Day
30th May 2018
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Sure, that’ll work.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on MSNBC Tries to Solve Racism With Bigoted Shots at White People
29th May 2018
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Historians are going to be spending decades trying to divine the reasons why Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States. But what about divination itself? That’s the explanation given in a new book by occult historian Gary Lachman. Dark Star Rising: Magick and Power in the Age of Trump argues that the President and his alt-Right followers used positive thinking, magic, and occult practices to defeat Hillary Clinton.
The idea is that Trump came to power through the use of “New Thought,” which is a generic name for “a variety of different beliefs, philosophies, and practices that have as their central theme the idea that the mind can influence reality directly, that through mental effort alone we can ‘make things happen,” writes Lachman, a musician and the author of critical studies of Karl Jung, Rudolf Steiner, Madame Blavatsky, and other figures in the Western esoteric tradition.
The real-estate magnate and his supporters apparently willed him into the White House by tapping into a non-material realm that allows those with the right skills, or the right amount of willpower and positive thinking, to create their imagined reality.
Of course. It’s all clear to me now. (But I thought all those kinds of people were Democrats? Oh, dear, I’m confused….)
Posted in You can't make this stuff up. | Comments Off on The Donald, Chaos Magician
29th May 2018
Vox’s Ezra Klein Compares Trump to Novelist Philip Roth’s Fictional Fascist President Of course he does.
Leftist Pols, Activists, Media Use 2014 Detention Photos to Attack Trump on Immigration ‘Fake bur accurate’.
Trump lashes out as Obama-era photos of immigrant children in steel cages linked to current administration Whatever happens, it’s Trump’s fault.
Schumer: ‘The President And His Associates Have … Lied’ Like being called ugly by a frog.
April Ryan Tweets Bizarre Article About Trump — The Fallout Continues
Mitt Romney Takes Shot At Trump: ‘Not A Role Model For My Grandkids’ Being a ‘role model’ is not his job. If his grandkids need a loser as a role model, they’ve always got their grandad.
Starbucks CEO Blames Trump For ‘Racist Behavior’ Before Closing Stores For Racial Bias Training Sounds as if Starbucks has been more racist that Trump. Wonder how they square that circle.
History will never let Donald Trump escape the shame of separating parents and children at the border Which, of course, he has not done.
Warren Says Trump Invented ‘Spygate’ Because He’s Afraid Of Mueller Much like Warren invented her skraeling descent?
Joy Behar: Trump ‘Can’t Really Take Credit’ For The Economy, It Was Obama [VIDEO] Uh-huh. I guess that’s why it didn’t take off until after Obama left office and AFTER the Trump tax cut. Sure, that makes perfect sense.
Martin Short: ‘History Books’ Will Focus on ‘Shame of Trump Supporters’ Actually, they’re more likely to focus on the delusions and dithering of his critics.
On NPR, Harvard Professor Touts ‘White Fear Being Weaponized’ Under Trump Well, pounding on white people all the time will do that. Be careful what you wish for.
University President Laments Trump’s ‘Degradation Of Our Culture’ Actually, that degradation is well under way in our universities. He maybe ought to look in a mirror.
Donald Trump and the art of the conspiracy theory Actually, reading the news reveals that it’s not just a theory.
Axios Tells Readers Not To Blame Trump For High Gas Prices — Promptly Blames Trump For High Gas Prices ‘They don’t get to do that to our pledges — only we get to do that to our pledges!’
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | 2 Comments »
29th May 2018
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A teenage girl used Apple’s Find My iPhone app to help her secret boyfriend rescue her from a forced marriage thousands of miles away in Bangladesh.
A court heard her parents tricked her into going on a sham holiday from their home in Leeds, West Yorks, as part of a plot to force her to marry her cousin.
The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said they physically pressured her into going through with plans for the wedding in July 2016, and said she was expected to have a child with her cousin so he could obtain a British visa.
We have the technology.
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on Girl Saved From Forced Marriage by Apple’s Find My iPhone App
29th May 2018
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How about that GREAT government-provided health care system! Don’t you wish we had one like that over here?
We could have the Post Office run it. It’s not as if they’re doing anything these days.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on UK: More than a million patients have had to change GP due to local surgeries closures
29th May 2018
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Apparently only white ‘consumers’ are patriotic, and so many of them watch rich black assholes push each other around a football field that they need to be catered to. And ‘black consumers’ are perfectly all right with people disrespecting the American flag.
Chuck, do you really want to start down that road?
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Chuck Todd: NFL Sided With ‘White Consumers’ by Implementing Anthem Policy
29th May 2018
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In February, oil output hit 10.2 million barrels per day and gas production hit 87.6 billion cubic feet per day. The fact that US oil and gas companies are producing such prodigious quantities of energy — and by doing so, are saving consumers billions of dollars per year — should be headline news.
If it were, it would be shrieks of horror.
How big is that addition? Over the past decade, merely the increase — I repeat, just the increase — in US oil and gas production is equal to seven times the total energy production of every wind turbine and solar project in the United States.
The horror! The horror!
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Bad News for Green Energy Lovers: US Oil & Gas Are Booming
29th May 2018
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On average, 2.3 million tons of Styrofoam end up in landfills every year in the United States. That is less than 7 percent of the nearly 33.54 million tons of plastic Americans discard annually. Additionally, replacing Styrofoam products with paper alternatives often creates more waste (in volume and energy use) and generates more air and water pollution. The environmental impact of paper manufacturing is worse than foam manufacturing.
Banning Styrofoam creates other problems. The material is used widely in the food and packaging industries and such industries typically provide ownership and employment opportunities for minorities. In 2014, New York City collected an estimated 28,500 tons of plastic foam, about 90 percent of which came from single-use containers for the customers of food vendors and restaurants. Vendors using foam containers are less able to absorb the costs of switching to more environmentally friendly materials because many are small businesses that operate on thin profit margins. Bans also impose costs on the foam manufacturing industry. The direct and indirect impacts of prohibiting EPS manufacturing in New York could eliminate 2,000 jobs and $400 million in economic activity. In California, an estimated 8,000 jobs could disappear.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | 1 Comment »
29th May 2018
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Actually, it would be more correct to say that intelligent people are more likely to need glasse.
But nobody expects ‘journalists’ to think any more. It’s asking too much.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Glasses Wearers Really Are More Intelligent – It’s in the Genes
29th May 2018
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Romney ought to move to the Democrats and get it over with. He can take Bob Dole’s place. They could use another loser.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on MSNBC: Romney Is in Battle Against ‘Far Right’
29th May 2018
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One of the fundamental proglodyte articles of faith is that history has a ‘right side’ and a ‘wrong side’, with them (of course) being on the ‘right side’. This is a notion that they got from Marx, and you would think that the failure of Marxist government everywhere would suggest that maybe, just maybe, they’ve got it backwards.
Loyal Trump Supporters Wait In Line For EIGHT HOURS Before Rally [VIDEO] Looks as if the ‘wrong side’ has all the best songs this time.
Posted in Full Frontal Stupidity | 1 Comment »
29th May 2018
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Which is obviously more important than all of the people, mostly People of Color, murdered over the weekend in Chicago.
What a bunch of racists.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on CNN Gives Major Airtime to Teacher Who Corrected Trump’s Spelling
29th May 2018
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Thank God for those strict gun control laws in Chicago, or the place would be like Texas.
Eight people are dead and 30 more wounded after Memorial Day Weekend carnage in Chicago. As ABC affiliate WLS reports, Chicago police say the shootings killed one more person than the seven who died over last year’s Memorial Day Weekend.
Those killed represent a cross-section of the city, from a 20-year-old mother who died at her front door to a 31-year-old man who died after receiving gunshot wounds to the chest and head following an altercation.
None of it was white kids at a school, however, so it wasn’t considered newsworthy by the DemLegHump Media.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Murder and Mayhem Mark Chicago Memorial Day Weekend
29th May 2018
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Except for that whole ‘being sold’ and ‘being forced to work’ part.
Amazing how whenever a black person runs into something he/she doesn’t like, ‘it’s like slavery’. (None of them have ever experienced actual slavery, so how would they know?)
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on CNN’s Symone Sanders on Children Being Separated From Illegal Immigrant Parents: It’s Like Slavery
29th May 2018
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
28th May 2018
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
28th May 2018
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How horrible! Women and minorities hardest hit, etc. etc.
We must either (a) ban cycling or (b) distribute free cycles to minorities.
The part I wonder about is the fact that London apparently has a ‘cycling chief’.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on London Cyclists Too White, Male and Middle-Class, Says Capital’s Cycling Chief
28th May 2018
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On Friday, British free-speech activist and Islam critic Tommy Robinson was acting as a responsible citizen journalist — reporting live on camera from outside a Leeds courtroom where several Muslims were being tried for child rape — when he was set upon by several police officers. In the space of the next few hours, a judge tried, convicted, and sentenced him to 13 months in jail — and also issued a gag order, demanding a total news blackout on the case in the British news media. Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, was immediately taken to Hull Prison.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on UK: You’re Not Allowed to Talk about It. About What? Don’t Ask.
28th May 2018
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Any suggestion that political correctness amounts to “just being polite” is bonkers. Today, it’s a weapon deployed by capricious neurotics from Planet Grievance to ruin perfectly normal people who display normal Earthling behavior such as “joking.” Since when does a mention of “ladies lingerie” constitute a hateful attack?
Much of the nuttiest stuff in the thought-policing world continues to happen on campus. Robby Soave, who has covered college protests against speech extensively for Reason, writes that students generally tell him they support the First Amendment BUT “They also tell me some combination of the following: Hate speech isn’t free speech; if marginalized people feel threatened by the speech, the speech is actually violence” and angry mobs that shut down speakers are not behaving unethically because they’re not the government.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Freedom of Speech? Not on Our Watch.
28th May 2018
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
27th May 2018
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
27th May 2018
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But you have to remember that Trump has accomplished ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in his first year in office.
Bear that in mind.
Absolutely nothing.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Trump Takes on the Bureaucracy With Civil Service Reform
27th May 2018
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Funny how the progs are very fond of unions except in their own back yards.
Posted in You can't make this stuff up. | Comments Off on Planned Parenthood Is Asking Donald Trump’s Labor Board for Help Busting Its Colorado Union
27th May 2018
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But of course if white men called for an end to Louis Farrakhan, that would be raaaaaaacist.
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on Louis Farrakhan Issues Sunday Call for an End to White Men
27th May 2018
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But you have to remember that Trump has accomplished ABSOLUTELY NOTHING during his first year in office.
Bear that in mind.
Absolutely nothing.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Here Are the 17 Prisoners Trump Has Freed Since He Took Office
27th May 2018
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day