30th June 2023
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Today in the Biden-Harris Slow-Motion Train Wreck
30th June 2023
Posted in The Hunt for Heretics and Sinners | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
30th June 2023
Posted in The Hunt for Heretics and Sinners | Comments Off on Today in Witch-Hunt Culture
30th June 2023
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on Today in BIPOC Privilege
30th June 2023
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Global Warming Hysteria
30th June 2023
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic
30th June 2023
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Today in Progressive Totalitarianism
30th June 2023
He will be sorely missed.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on RIP Alan Arkin
30th June 2023
The Foundry.
A teen mom opened up about her struggle to keep her son, now 1 year old, at the National Life Day Rally commemorating the one-year anniversary of the overturn of Roe v. Wade.
“This culture of death that we’ve created surrounding abortion has not only led people to want to kill their children, to kill their children, but has also pushed parents who want to keep their children, to [kill their children],” Kaylee Stockton, the teen mom, told The Daily Signal(emphasis original). She held her son in one arm and with the other held a sign reading, “This Teen Mom didn’t build her success off of murdering her child.”
Stockton, who gave birth to her son at 18 years old, attended the Life Day Rally, sponsored by Students for Life of America, at the base of the Lincoln Memorial steps this past Saturday. She told the Daily Signal that to continue to build a pro-life America, pro-lifers must continue to hold events like the rally.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | Comments Off on Teen Mom Says ‘Culture of Death’ Was Her Biggest Struggle in Keeping Her Child
30th June 2023
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
30th June 2023
ZMan’s weekly podcast. Highly recommended.
This week I thought it would be useful to talk about the Supreme Court case regarding affirmative action in college admissions. As I pointed out on Gab and Twitter, the ruling is a big nothing burger when you read it. Schools cannot come right out and say they are not taking Whites or Asians, but they can still discriminate to their heart’s desire as long as they frame as a character evaluation.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Affirmative Action
30th June 2023
The Antiplanner.
Portland used to call itself “the city that works,” and I pointed out in a paper 16 years ago that, not only was it not working, it was especially ironic that it borrowed that claim from Chicago, another dysfunctional city. But if Portland wasn’t working in 2007, it is anti-working today, that is, actively working to alienate as many people and businesses as possible.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on “The City That Jerks”
30th June 2023
Gates of Vienna.
Collectif Némésis is an identitarian feminist organization based in Switzerland and France. Its principal focus is the danger posed by third-world migrants to native white women, which is why it has so often run afoul of mainstream feminist groups.
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on “We Are Dragged Into Reality”
30th June 2023
Steve Sailer.
Angela Davis Primary School in France is torched by black and brown rioters.
Is there a Judge Harold Haley School anywhere in the world? (Haley was the judge murdered on Aug. 7, 1970 with the shotgun Dr. Davis bought on Aug. 5, 1970.)
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on L’ironie
29th June 2023
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on Today in BIPOC Privilege
29th June 2023
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Today in Progressive Totalitarianism
29th June 2023
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Today in the Biden-Harris Slow-Motion Train Wreck
29th June 2023
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Global Warming Hysteria
29th June 2023
Posted in The Hunt for Heretics and Sinners | Comments Off on Today in Witch-Hunt Culture
29th June 2023
Posted in The Hunt for Heretics and Sinners | Comments Off on Trump Derangement Syndrome
29th June 2023
The Other McCain.
Most students at elite universities come from affluent backgrounds. Their parents are usually college-educated professionals, and the offspring of such families are expected to follow a similar career trajectory, to emulate and hopefully exceed their own parents’ success. Highly intelligent, they are recognized as top students at an early age, chosen for “gifted” classes in elementary school, put onto the academic fast-track of honors classes in high school, and steered toward highly selective universities — the Ivy League, Northwestern, Stanford, etc. — where merely being admitted to the freshman class is a prestigious honor.
These youth are repeatedly told by their parents and teachers, like the chorus in Greek tragedy, that there is no limit to their future achievements. Nothing is beyond their reach, they are assured, and their experience of scholastic achievement — valedictorian, admitted to a very selective university — gives them no reason to doubt this prophesy of success. Their ambition is boundless. They expect to win.
Well, the freshman class at Harvard is nearly 2,000 kids, and the freshman class at Yale is over 1,500, and there simply aren’t enough chairs at the table of Ivy League greatness to accommodate every clever freshman who wants a seat. It is proverbial that the hardest part of graduating from Harvard is getting admitted to Harvard — well over 95% of freshmen eventually get their diploma — but then what? Harvard, Yale, Duke, NYU — go on down the list of elite universities, total up their graduating classes, and you realize that the top 20 schools are cranking out something over 30,000 “elite” graduates every year. Some of them are trained in fields like engineering or banking where their degrees will automatically qualify them for lucrative employment, but what will become of the liberal arts majors? A degree in English literature from Yale is a more prestigious credential than a similar diploma from a second-tier state university, but it’s still not a coupon that can be automatically redeemed for a big house and a new car.
UPDATE: Why So Many Elites Feel Like Losers
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Freddie deBoer, ‘Elite Overproduction’ and the Inevitability of Competition
29th June 2023
The American Mind.
Why is the transgender issue so hot? Much of it has to do with the reality that sex and race are not merely very different things, but also they are different kinds of things. Sex is a biological reality; race is largely a cultural phenomenon. The trouble is that our civil rights laws—and the culture that follows from those laws—are uncomfortable with that reality. It is not that we never allow discrimination on the basis of sex—otherwise there never would be any single-sex bathrooms or colleges. But we have a strong bias against allowing sex to matter. Our fights over transgender athletes bring this reality into stark relief.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Judging Sex as Race
29th June 2023
A research team at the USDA has developed new lines of cotton that are naturally flame-resistant — even putting themselves out when lit.
The ability could help cut back on the use of flame retardants, chemicals applied to a vast array of commercial products, like clothing, carpets, upholstery, and mattresses, to prevent cotton’s flammable fibers from burning people if there’s a fire — but which come with a variety of negative health and environmental impacts.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Scientists Breed Flame-Resistant Cotton, Without Added Chemicals
29th June 2023
ZMan says the quiet part out loud.
The crisis of competence has been a popular topic in dissident circles but largely ignored by mainstream politics. Human intelligence is a dangerous subject in this increasingly primitive time because it points to immutable differences in human beings, which contradicts the new religion. If who we are is determined by our genes, then many of the popular social fads are invalid. This makes discussing the declining competency of Western societies difficult.
Even so, the reality of the situation is hard to ignore, and we are seeing more mainstream writers notice the topic. Here is a post in the Claremont Review of Books discussing one cause of the decline. While the article focuses on how civil rights theology has warped the law, this warping of the legal system is having a deleterious impact on society by reducing competence to happy accident. When vague notions of social justice are primary, competence is an afterthought.
The most recent Budweiser panic is a good example. The ethic inside the company was built around notions of representation and equitable outcomes. These magic phrases did not spring from nothing. They are rooted in the same civil rights theology as the legal mechanism that enforce diversity quotas. It is a straight line from expecting equal outcomes to thinking you need to market cheap beer to crossdressers in order to make sure everyone is represented in your marketing.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Questions of Competence
29th June 2023
Charles C. W. Cooke.
Which “society” would that be, exactly? Who believes that “diversity” as achieved by affirmative action is a “fundamental American value”? What is this “face of an America whose cries for equality resound”? To read Sotomayor, you’d assume that racial discrimination in higher education was popular. But it’s not. It’s extremely unpopular.

Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Sotomayor’s Fake America
29th June 2023
Steven Hayward at Power Line.
The Supreme Court’s long expected ruling on the Harvard and University of North Carolina race-based admissions practices was just released. A 6-3 vote, along predictable lines, backs up Chief Justice John Roberts’s very strong opinion, which relies on the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. I’m still making my way through the concurrences (Thomas decided to write a long concurrence giving the originalist ground for the ruling, as well as a history of the 14th Amendment, sensibly thinking that a lot of people today—and perhaps the Democratic appointees to the Court, don’t really know it very well) and dissents. Stay tuned.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Supreme Court Finally Strikes Down Race-Based Admissions
29th June 2023
Sarah Hoyt
… the tendency for any human institution to perpetuate itself, no matter how stupid or harmful its purpose, because it is the job of the persons running it.
Suppose tomorrow there was a plague that rotted infants from the toes up, so that if you didn’t immediately cut an infants’ toes off, they would die sometime before five. An organization would be formed to cut infants’ toes off, and develop all sorts of branches and sub-organizations. Then twenty years later, someone discovered that a simple antibiotic stopped the death. Do you think the infant-toes-cutting-off bureaucracy would go away? Really? Why?
I bet you they would come up with a million reasons why cutting off day-olds’ toes was better for the baby, and stridently refuse to disband and/or change policy.
This is sort of how we got here.
Wisdom. Attend.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on The Problem of Hindsight
29th June 2023
Read it.
A 40 minute presentation of propaganda and misinformation by President Biden was destroyed overnight with one unquestionable, government-data-driven, sentence by The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board:
“The Bureau of Labor Statistics says real average hourly earnings have fallen 3.16% during the Biden Presidency.”
As we noted yesterday ahead of Biden’s speech, real wages are down on a YoY basis for 26 straight months (i.e. since the president’s term began), but that never stopped the exaltation of so-called “Bidenomics” by The White House and its media lackeys…
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on WSJ Checkmates ‘Bidenomics’ In One Move
29th June 2023
Read it.
Social unrest exploded across France thThis week, forcing the government to deploy 40,000 police officers to quell the violence. The turmoil was sparked after police fatally shot a 17-year-old teenager of North African descent during a traffic stop.
This is what happens when you let boatloads of foreigners (pun intended) into your country and expect them to obey the same laws as everybody else.
I strongly suspect that if all black people in the U.S. went back to Africa, U.S. crime rates would plummet. God alone knows what would happen to Africa….
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on France Mobilizes 40,000 Police After All Hell Breaks Out
29th June 2023
Taxpayers are losing more than $100 billion a year to Medicare and Medicaid fraud, according to estimates from the National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association.
“That’s probably a conservative number,” Pérez Aybar said. “When we think about all lines of business in Medicare and Medicaid, that’s probably a drop in the bucket.”
The fraud runs the gamut: billing for unapproved Covid tests, phony billing for wheelchairs, braces and other medical equipment, genetic testing fraud, home health-care billing and a host of other schemes. Investigators say fraudsters have gotten more brazen in recent years — as Washington swiftly doled out trillions of dollars in Covid-19 relief funds and other aid in response to the pandemic.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Inside the Mind of Criminals: How to Brazenly Steal $100 Billion From Medicare and Medicaid
29th June 2023
Three years after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote and hybrid work are as popular as ever. Only 6 percent of employees able to do their jobs remotely want to return to the office full time, according to a Gallup survey published in August. The vast majority of “remote-capable” workers1 want to spend at least some of their workdays at home. When they’re forced to return to an office, they’re more likely to become burned out and to express intent to leave, according to Gallup.
But that’s not all. The pandemic, combined with a strong labor market where workers have persistent power to demand the kinds of work cultures they want, means even more changes could be coming. After years of advocacy, many U.S. states are moving towards mandatory, paid family and sick leave for all workers. Meanwhile, companies are flirting with a four-day workweek in pilot programs worldwide, including in the U.S.
Policies like these have conventionally been seen as good for workers’ personal lives but bad for business. But thanks to the massive, sudden changes brought on by the pandemic, we now have more data than ever, and it shows that assumption is mostly wrong. Overall, policies that are good for employees’ personal lives are, when enacted correctly, good for their work lives, too. In fact, they seem to be good for everyone. The only question is whether we’ll start to see more companies adopt them.
UPDATE: Bosses face losing ‘key’ workers after forcing a return to office
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on The Perks Workers Want Also Make Them More Productive
29th June 2023
Scientists are still figuring out why tirzepatide causes weight loss. One theory is that they “accidentally” created a new hormone.
Good news for black women.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Tirzepatide: A Novel Obesity Drug Ushers in a New Era of Weight Loss — Because This One Works
29th June 2023
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
29th June 2023
John C. Wright.
My Comment: this is not the half of it.
I can double this list, off the top of my head, of things denounced as conspiracy theories later admitted or proven true.
- CIA involvement in JFK assassination
- Manmade origin of COVID in Chinese lab
- Fauci funding thereof
- FBI false flags framing Trump supporters
- January 6th being a riot
- January 6th being an insurrection
- January 6th being an insurrection lead by Trump
- Operation MK Ultra
- Operation Mockingbird
- Atrazine turning the Frogs gay
- Antifas being real
- BLM being not real
- Replacement Theory
- Arizona Election Fraud
- 2000 Mules
- Chinese influence over Hollywood
These are just those either admitted or proved beyond reasonable doubt.
I will not list climate hoaxes, overpopulation hoaxes, or various Green New Deal scares, because despite the fact that the Ice Cap did not melt in AD 2000, nor did India starve to death in AD 1990, nor did human life end in AD 2015, the perpetrators of these hoaxes have not stopped, nor even slowed, their well-funded efforts.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Conspiracy Theory or Spoiler Alert?
29th June 2023
The American Mind.
Amendment, saying that they’d need F-16 fighter jets to take on the U.S. government.
Put aside for a moment the deeply disturbing thought that an American president would have recurring thoughts of using the most deadly weaponry in the history of the world against his own citizens. Put aside the equally disturbing thought that the true spirit of the Second Amendment as framed by the founders is lost on an American president.
President Biden’s own recent history as Commander in Chief provides evidence that even if you accept his bizarre premise, he is still wrong.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Winning Hearts and Landmines
28th June 2023
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Global Warming Hysteria
28th June 2023
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on Today in BIPOC Privilege
28th June 2023
Posted in The Hunt for Heretics and Sinners | Comments Off on Today in Witch-Hunt Culture
28th June 2023
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Today in Progressive Totalitarianism
28th June 2023
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Today in the Biden-Harris Slow-Motion Train Wreck
28th June 2023
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic
28th June 2023
Posted in The Hunt for Heretics and Sinners | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
28th June 2023
Read it.
The multicultural Parisian suburb of Nanterre was the site of overnight clashes between youths and police following the shooting of a 17-year-old Arab teen by police in a traffic stop gone wrong.
The teenager, simply known as “Nael M,” was shot dead after failing to comply with an order to stop his vehicle Tuesday, June 27th, as footage of the incident shows one officer opening fire on the car as it attempts to drive away. The violence adds fuel to the flames of the French Republic’s simmering racial tensions that some critics say risk further destabilising the entire country.
The teenager, who was pronounced dead at the scene, first came to the attention of officers after committing multiple traffic violations. Officers claim that two police motorcyclists had been rammed by the car prior to the altercation. The officer who fired the fatal shots has already been detained on murder charges according to the Nanterre prosecutor’s office.
Since when is Arab a race?
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on Race Riots Engulf Parisian Suburb After Death of Arab Teen
28th June 2023
A sheriff in Florida blasted beachgoers for ignoring deadly rip-current warnings and harassing first responders after nearly a dozen people, including former NFL quarterback Ryan Mallett, drowned in the past two weeks.
Think of it as evolution in action.
Time to cull the herd,.
Posted in Full Frontal Stupidity | Comments Off on Fla. Sheriff Blasts Beachgoers for Ignoring Warnings
28th June 2023
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
28th June 2023
Read it.
In 2022 Norway’s third richest man, Kjell Inge Røkke, announced in an open letter to shareholders he was moving to Lugano, Switzerland.
“My capital will continue working in Norway,” wrote the fishing magnate turned industrialist who launched his empire four decades ago with a 69-foot trawler he bought while saving money working on ships off the coast of Alaska.
Røkke, who Forbes estimates has a fortune of $5.1 billion, will cost the Norwegian government an estimated 175,000,000 kroner annually (roughly $16 million) with his departure. That might not sound like a lot of money, but Røkke is not the only wealthy entrepreneur leaving Norway, The Guardian notes.
“More than 30 Norwegian billionaires and multimillionaires left Norway in 2022, according to research by the newspaper Dagens Naeringsliv,” reports wealth correspondent Rupert Neate. “This was more than the total number of super-rich people who left the country during the previous 13 years, [the paper] added.”
Did you catch that? More “super rich” Norwegians left Norway in 2022 than during the previous 13 years combined. The reason wealthy Norwegians are fleeing the country is not a secret.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Norway’s Wealth Tax Is Backfiring. Are Americans Paying Attention?
28th June 2023
The Foundry.
Las Vegas police are withholding details about what looks like a classic “good guy with a gun” scenario in which someone carrying a firearm prevents what could have turned into a mass shooting.
The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department won’t identify anyone involved in an incident Friday in which a helmet-wearing man with what appeared to be a semiautomatic rifle shot out windows at a high-rise condominium before being shot himself.
Local media reports say that residents of the condo complex, Turnberry Towers, hailed a building employee, possibly a security guard or mailroom worker, as a hero for shooting and stopping the gunman before he fired on anyone.
A video circulating on social media does appear to depict a case of defensive gun use to protect others.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Good Guy With a Gun? Las Vegas Police Secretive About Shooting at High Rise
27th June 2023
Read it.
Cooklang and the tools we’ve built to use it, you can:
- simplify your personal recipe management;
- streamline your shopping routine;
- make cooking more fun.
Here’s how the Cooklang ecosystem makes that happen:
All recipes are human-readable text files.
Everything is a file. No databases. And you have complete control over your information.
All the tools are simple, focused, and efficient; the UNIX way.
I am not making this up.
Posted in Is this a great country, or what? | Comments Off on Cooklang – Recipe Markup Language
27th June 2023
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic