Archive for October, 2022
31st October 2022
Elon Musk, right-wing figures push misinformation about Pelosi attack (Washington Post) No mention, of course, of Narrative Media and tehir pushing left-wing misinformation.
January 6 committee obtains eight emails showing possible planning of post-election crime (CNN)
‘SNL’ takes on notable Republicans before the midterm elections (CNN) My, what a surprise.
Republicans blame ‘both sides’ for political violence after Paul Pelosi attack (Washington Post) They had to put the scare-quotes around ‘both sides’ so you would realize that it’s only one side, the Republicans, to blame.
Don’t blame ‘both sides.’ The right is driving political violence. (Washington Post) Max Boot makes the witch-hunt explicit.
Even The Goodwill Cancels Kanye West, Bans Yeezy Shoes From Stores I guess even Goodwill has a limit.
Russians Used a US Firm to Funnel Funds to GOP in 2018. Dems Say the FEC Let Them Get Away With It. (Mother Jones) Dems say! That proves it!
Indian government creates body with power to order social media content takedowns
CBS’s Margaret Brennan Tries to Pin Political Violence on Republican Rep’s Tweet
Laxalt campaign paid thousands to political operative linked to Twitter account that denigrated Jews, women (Jewish Insider) Linked! And the witch-hunt continues.
Pelosi Attacker Was Progressive and Mentally Ill, Says Ex-Girlfriend
Elon Musk, Twitter’s new owner, tweets conspiracy theory about attack on Paul Pelosi (CNN) And the witch-hunt continues.
MSNBC Hosts Misleadingly Link Crime to GOP States (with Democrat Cities In Them)
Right-wing ‘zombie’ papers attack Illinois Democrats ahead of elections (NPR) According to the Law of Liberal Projection, this means that Democrats are planning to do this very thing.
In Pennsylvania, the Big Lie Is Spreading Its Roots (Bloomberg)
Election denier Mark Finchem’s sleeper campaign closes in on MAGA prize (Washington Post)
Dr. Oz’s Campaign Is Stocked With Jan. 6ers (Rolling Stone) These kinds of ‘stories’ are going to metastatize as the election grows nearer.
Morning Joe Blames Paul Pelosi Attack on ‘Republican Propaganda, Trump-Fueled Fascism’ If Joe says X, it’s usually safe to believe not-X.
Reuters Editor Freaks World ‘Worse Off’ with Musk Twitter Ownership
Republicans amplify misinformation, falsehoods about attack on Paul Pelosi (Washington Post) And the witch-hunt continues.
Prominent conservatives share online disinformation about Paul Pelosi assault (Politico) And the witch-hunt continues….
‘The Nation’: Musk Trying to Turn Twitter Into ‘Far Right Forum’ And the witch-hunt continues….
Twitter Bans Conservatives, Including Heritage Foundation Expert, One Week Before Midterm Elections
The right-wing ecosystem that created the Paul Pelosi conspiracy theory (Media Matrters) Mat Gertz continues the witch-hunt….
ABC, NBC Lash Out Over Supreme Court Hearing Affirmative Action Case
What Is J.D. Vance Doing? (Slate) The witch-hunt goes into high gear as the election approaches.
Company Backed by J.D. Vance Gives Platform for Russian Propaganda (N.Y. Times)
CBS or DNC? ’60 Minutes’ Helps Democrats With Late Hit Piece on Arizona ‘Election Deniers’
Republicans have made violence part of their brand (Washington Post) Jennifer Rubin is back from vacation and promptly loses her shit. (BLM is part of the Republican brand? Antifa is part of the Republican brand?)
Doctor Compares Crisis Pregnancy Centers to ‘Terrorists’ During Democrat-Led Hearing
Posted in The Hunt for Heretics and Sinners | Comments Off on Today in Witch-Hunt Culture
31st October 2022
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Global Warming Hysteria
31st October 2022
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic
31st October 2022
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Today in Progressive Totalitarianism
31st October 2022
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Today in War
31st October 2022
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Today in the Biden-Harris Slow-Motion Train Wreck
31st October 2022
Posted in The Hunt for Heretics and Sinners | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
31st October 2022
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on Today in BIPOC Privilege
31st October 2022
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A new city law going into effect on Tuesday will require companies with at least four employees to post salary ranges for openings, even if the jobs involve remote or hybrid work.
This could be entertaining. I wonder how much this will accelerate the moves to Florida.
Posted in News You Can Use. | 1 Comment »
31st October 2022
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Jack Algiere has always been a tinkerer. As a child in the 1980s, he would repair and swap out engines in the broken equipment on his family’s farm, often figuring out exactly what he was building as he went along. “It’s just part of growing up on a farm,” he said. “We made it work, and we made it.”
Algiere grew up in an era when it was second nature for farmers to fix their equipment—before farm equipment manufacturers like John Deere and others started incorporating proprietary software, parts, and tools only accessible to authorized dealerships.
Now, amid a growing “right to repair” movement pushing farm equipment manufacturers to shift their practices, some have gone a step further by calling for a new, production model altogether, built on an open-source system. Under this model, farm equipment is designed to be easily modified and repaired by relying on accessible, universal parts, while sharing or licensing the design specifications and source code.
Posted in Is this a great country, or what? | Comments Off on In the Battle Over the Right to Repair, Open-Source Tractors Offer an Alternative
31st October 2022
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Technology capable of collecting solar power in space and beaming it to Earth to provide a global supply of clean and affordable energy was once considered science fiction. Now it is moving closer to reality. Through the Space-based Solar Power Project (SSPP), a team of California Institute of Technology (Caltech) researchers is working to deploy a constellation of modular spacecraft that collect sunlight, transform it into electricity, then wirelessly transmit that electricity wherever it is needed. They could even send it to places that currently have no access to reliable power.
“This is an extraordinary and unprecedented project,” says Harry Atwater, an SSPP researcher and Otis Booth Leadership Chair of Caltech’s Division of Engineering and Applied Science. “It exemplifies the boldness and ambition needed to address one of the most significant challenges of our time, providing clean and affordable energy to the world.”
Atwater, who is also the Howard Hughes Professor of Applied Physics and Materials Science, leads the project jointly with two other researchers: Ali Hajimiri, Bren Professor of Electrical Engineering and co-director of SSPP; and Sergio Pellegrino, Joyce and Kent Kresa Professor of Aerospace and Civil Engineering, co-director of SSPP, and a senior research scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).
Jerry Pournelle pushed this idea for decades.
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31st October 2022
Scott Johnson at Power Line.
This Washington Free Beacon editorial includes Nancy Pelosi’s fundraising appeal on the back of the attack on her husband. The Free Beacon editorial responds to the call for Republicans to “spend the final week of the campaign sitting one bench, reflecting, atoning” for the attack on Paul Pelosi. Minnesota 6h District Rep. and NRCC chairman Tom Emmer received the impassioned instruction of Margaret Brennan for Republicans to quit their lowdown ways and lay off Nancy Pelosi (video below). Brennan hosts CBS’s Deface the Nation, as Rush used to call it.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | Comments Off on She who must not be mentioned
31st October 2022
ZMan keeps you up to date.
Last week the people in charge of Penn State University decided to get in the way-back machine and relive the alt-right days. They invited onto campus a bogeyman so that the usual suspects could engage in performative protesting. They invited internet performers Gavin McInnis and Alex Stein to talk to a student group. A group of entitled children was then invited to throw a tantrum outside the event. Eventually, the school cancelled the event for security reasons.
The only people interested in any of it was the regime media that has yet to find a new set of bogeymen to replace those from the Trump years. McInnis went along with it because it is all he has at this point. His edgy right-wing guy act fell apart with the Proud Boys fiasco and dissidents have no interest in him. Alex Stein is trying to be the Matthew Lesko of ambush comedy, so this provided him with a chance to do his act in front of some purple faced coeds for the streaming audience.
The main takeaway from the event is that the white supremacist bogeyman act has run its course and the regime has found nothing to replace it. As a result, the usual suspects are resurrecting old villains like McInnes. The term “Proud Boys” is still something of a dog whistle for the crazies, even though the rest of the world lost interest in the whole thing years ago. It is sort of like how Nixon remained a villain for the crazies well into the 1980’s, after the world had moved onto Reagan.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Times Are Changing
31st October 2022
Freeberg has some insight.
On this “fake it ’til you make it” thing…
It occurs to me that we could think of this as how humans are built. We settle ourselves into communities, and at the community level a decision is made somehow about whether we’ll put up with fakery. This is why certain people don’t fit into certain communities. If you’ve watched people for a very long time like I have, you’ll notice certain people don’t fit into certain places: Alice invites Bob to live in Aliceville, and when Bob makes the move, things don’t click. Like much of nature, this is a simple thing until you take the time to study it, at which point you discover layers of complexity. “Bob couldn’t make it because Bob is a jerk” makes perfect sense, until Bob relocates to Bobtown, where he gets along just fine. Then: “Alice can live in Aliceville but Bob is relegated to Bobtown because Aliceville has a higher standard…and Bob’s a jerk” makes perfect sense. Until the day Alice visits Bobtown and can barely stand it. Then, you could keep things simple by saying: “Alice is a giver, and the people of Aliceville make it tolerable for her because they’re not a bunch of manic takers like the inhabitants of Bobtown who just take take take, until she has nothing left to give.” Which, again, makes perfect sense. Until you find the citizens of Bobtown are kindly counseling Alice, on her way out of town, not to let the doorknob hit her in the ass.
Deductive reasoning makes it clear, therefore, there’s something deeper and more complicated happening here. Neither side has a monopoly on civil behavior, or mutually rewarding associations. There must be flavors of communities; unwritten codes of conduct.
All the people have the “but” in their “I’m a tolerant person, but.”
All the communities have the “but” in their “We’re an accepting and broad-minded community, but.”
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Control Communities
31st October 2022
John Hinderaker at Power Line.
…only contains a few plays. We saw one of them a couple of days ago with the attack on Paul Pelosi. Nothing says “MAGA” like a deranged gay nudist drug addict who lives in a hippie commune with Black Lives Matter signs, but when has logic ever gotten in the way of Democratic talking points? (As everyone with any sense anticipated, the Pelosi story continues to get weirder. More on that below.)
Most people don’t realize that only days before the Pelosi incident, someone burglarized one of Arizona governor candidate Katie Hobbs’s campaign offices. OMG! GOP nominee Kari Lake, who is crushing Hobbs in the polls, was obviously to blame. At least, that is what Hobbs and the Democratic Party claimed.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | 1 Comment »
30th October 2022
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on Today in BIPOC Privilege
30th October 2022
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Today in Progressive Totalitarianism
30th October 2022
Illegal immigration set records this year, but Democrats kept border funding flat (Fox)
With a possible surge of Haitian migrants ahead, the Biden admin is weighing holding them in a third country or Guantanamo (NBC) This appears to be the Deep State playbook: (1) Stick our nose into the business of some foreign country; (2) Act totally surprised when it goes badly wrong; (3) Open the borders to the hordes who immediately head for the U.S. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Biden Claims There Are ’54 States’ In Latest Gaffe Well, in addition to the normal fifty, he’s got Confusion, Denial, Dementia, and Corruption.
Russia’s Lavrov Needles Biden Over Cuban Missile Crisis and Ukraine
Fentanyl Strikes the West Coast, Killing Thousands
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | 1 Comment »
30th October 2022
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic
30th October 2022
NY Times ‘News’ Headline: ‘Democrats Say Racism Is the Real Messaging’ in GOP Crime Ads
Scandal-Plagued MAGA Candidate Has Even More Wild Secrets (Daily Beast)
Oil companies rake in huge profits amid consumer squeeze (The Hill)
White House rejects promoting general involved in Capitol riot response (Washington Post)
I visited Monaco, one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Here are the 12 most over-the-top examples of luxury I saw. (Insider)
Ousted Twitter top lawyer made calls to ban Trump, censor Hunter Biden laptop story (Fox)
How Samuel Alito’s hypocrisy is fueling the crisis at the Supreme Court (MSNBC)
Will plunging shares end big tech’s era of ‘pornographic’ profits? (The Guardian)
Please, don’t give your vote to Lauren Boebert (Denver Post) Not so much for Democrats as against Republicans.
Only the GOP Celebrates Political Violence (The Atlantic) David Frum obviously doesn’t read the news.
NPR-Affiliate Flunkies Make ‘Deranged’ Attempt to Tie Elise Stefanik to Paul Pelosi Attacker
‘Saturday Night Live’ Opens by RIPPING Republican Candidates as Morons and Menaces My, what a surprise.
White Nationalist Nick Fuentes Re-Banned From Twitter (Daily Beast)
NBC’s Todd Worries Inflation Will Elect Republicans Like Kari Lake
Elon Musk, in a Tweet, Shares Link From Site Known to Publish False News (N.Y. Times) One could say the same for anyone tweeting a link to the New York Times–or the Washington Post.
Elon Musk, new owner of Twitter, tweets unfounded, anti-LGBTQ conspiracy theory about Paul Pelosi attack (NBC) The witch-hunt continues….
Elon Musk, right-wing figures push misinformation about Pelosi attack (Washinton Post) The witch-hunt continues….
Elon Musk tweet promotes baseless anti-LGBTQ conspiracy theory about Paul Pelosi attack (S.F. Chronicle) The witch-hunt continues….
Posted in The Hunt for Heretics and Sinners | Comments Off on Today in Witch-Hunt Culture
30th October 2022
Why Trump Is Ramming Piles of Cash Through a Campaign Loophole (Daily Beast) And why our obsession with Trump leads us to ignore people like George Soros.
How Releasing Trump’s Tax Returns Could Save Our Democracy (Daily Beast) In the Narrative Media, ‘our democracy’ means ‘Democrat vote fraud’.
Posted in The Hunt for Heretics and Sinners | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
30th October 2022
Curioser and curioser.
Paul Pelosi, husband of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi — including the eyebrow-raising news that Pelosi referred to his assailant as a “friend” when calling police.
Here’s an updated account as it’s been reported by the Los Angeles Times and various other media outlets citing police sources — along with some perspective on popular speculation about the incident.
After reportedly breaking through a rear door in the very early hours of Friday morning, DePape entered the house and at some point confronted Pelosi.
If you look at the picture of the broken window, you’ll notice that a lot of broken glass appears to be on the outside, whereas if someone were breaking in it would be on the inside.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Elon Musk ‘Fact Checks’ Hillary Clinton Over Paul Pelosi Attack Claims
30th October 2022
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The elephant in the room, of course, is the question: If they didn’t do it, who did? A question that nobody at the New York Times appears interested in asking, much less answering.
Maybe the Slimes ought to hire an investigative reporter … if they can find one.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on New York to Pay $26 Million to Men Wrongly Convicted of Killing Malcolm X
30th October 2022
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Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was attacked by a man with a hammer at the couple’s home in San Francisco early Friday morning. CNN has strung a series of reports on the attack here. CNN’s first report of the assault was posted at 11:08 a.m. on October 28. By 2:25 p.m. Gavin Newsom had attributed the attack to “divisive and hateful rhetoric.” By 7:25 p.m. President Biden had observed that assaulter’s query — “Where’s Nancy?” — was the same one used during the Jan. 6 insurrection at the US Capitol.
Defamation dies in darkness. The Washington Post therefore assigned three reporters to the case. By 7:00 a.m. on October 29 the Post had nailed it down: “Attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband follows years of GOP demonizing her.” The subhead was equally unsubtle: “A man with right-wing views who broke into the House speaker’s home yelled ‘Where is Nancy?’ before assaulting Paul Pelosi with a hammer, police say.” The Post must have capitalized “Where is Nancy” to indicate it’s part of the right-wing code.
Michael Shellenberger has taken note. Shellenberger is the long time Bay-area resident and author of San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities (2021). Shellenberger finds the attacker — David DePape — to be more in the grip of a drug-induced psychosis than ideology-induced fanaticism.
The speculation I’ve seen on the web, granted among people who have even less respect for the Pelosis than I do (zer0), characterize it as a Grindr date gone wrong. This is usually followed by an assertion that the truth won’t come out until after the election because Democrat apparatchiks fear the truth’s effect on their electoral prospects.
I guess we’ll find out….
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on The Dope on DePape
30th October 2022
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Film writer Sonny Bunch once argued that radical environmentalists make great super-villains because they are unshakably convinced of the rightness of their cause, and just as unshakably determined to make everybody’s lives worse. If we take that observation and scale it down from Marvel movie to farce, we get the latest environmentalist protest trend, which feeds green fanatics’ sense of self-righteousness while alienating just about everyone else.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Moral Toddlers Making a Mess
30th October 2022
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(The Atlantic got something wrong? Sah it ain’t so!)
In September, the Atlantic published an article headlined “Separating Sports by Sex Doesn’t Make Sense.” In it, author Maggie Mertens bemoans the fact that “many people still view sports as a perfectly reasonable venue in which to enforce exclusion on the basis of sex” and seeks to explain why this is a misguided position.
Here we go again. The headline told me where things were headed. A strange trend had emerged on the left: many progressives were feverishly insisting that biological sex “isn’t real,” or is so complicated that it’s silly to say someone has a sex in a stable sense. These bizarre claims were being disseminated for one reason: to undercut arguments that trans women aren’t “real” women, or that trans men aren’t “real” men. The thinking goes that once people realize these claims are bigoted and empirically false, it will greatly accelerate society’s path toward trans acceptance.
This is a fundamentally confused position. Until very recently, everyone understood that sex (being male or female) and gender identity (feeling like one is male or female, if you believe in that sort of thing) are two very different concepts, and that arguments for trans rights don’t — can’t — rely on the idea of trans women, for example, literally being women. But the orthodoxy changed swiftly. These days, not only is the sentence I just wrote considered dangerously close to hate speech, uttering the term “biological sex” makes you a dinosaur. We’re supposed to say “sex assigned at birth,” as though delivery-room nurses are flipping coins.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on What the Atlantic Got Wrong About Trans Sports
30th October 2022
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The subtitle is Why Insurance Markets Fail and What To Do About It, and the authors are the highly regarded Liran Einav, Amy Finkelstein, Ray Fisman. The level is a bit above what could make this book a bestseller, but I consider that a good thing. The book in fact is a classic example of how to present economic research in readable, digestible form and should be regarded as such.
People don’t spend a lot of time thinking about insurance–nothing is more boring than an insurance salesman, per the conventional wisdom–but insurance is one of the pillars of modern civilization (in the same way that sewage removal is a necessary requirement of modern cities).
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on *Risky Business*
30th October 2022
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Nobody Wants Touch-Screen Glove Box Latches And It Needs to Stop Now
30th October 2022
John Hinderaker at Power Line.
By universal consent, the most powerful force in Minnesota politics is the teachers’ union, Education Minnesota. In my opinion, Education Minnesota is the state’s number one source of evil. My organization, Center of the American Experiment, has been fighting for years to counter the teachers’ union’s malign influence.
We are the only effective challenge to their power. Among other things, we have exposed the fact that the union spends much more money on left-wing politics than on representing its members. We have also exposed the fact that, contrary to myth, Minnesota’s public schools can fairly be described as failing their students.
So Education Minnesota hates us. Yesterday, it sent out this missive to its members and, I suppose, friends and supporters.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on We Are Proud of the Enemies We Make
30th October 2022
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Once a term gets widely adopted by the press, and earns itself a space in dictionaries, it becomes challenging to argue that the thing the term stands for does not really exist.
A good example is ‘capitalism’, a term with a precise meaning (by Marx) that most people use as if it were a synonym for ‘industrialism’.
At least this is the case with the “techlash.” A term which is everywhere, even as the thing that it names can be a bit trickier to pin down.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Theses on the Techlash
30th October 2022
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Germany’s social welfare bureaucracy is currently overwhelmed due the huge numbers of migrants — from Ukraine and elsewhere — burdening the system. Who could have foreseen that a situation such as this might ever arise?
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Too Many Culture-Enrichers
30th October 2022
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So is Hillary once again an election denier, this time preemptively? What on God’s green Earth is she talking about? She refers to a case that comes before the Supreme Court this term, Moore v. Harper, which is actually intensely interesting.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | Comments Off on Hillary’s Paranoid Delusion
30th October 2022
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A politicized Department of Justice is hunting down enemies of the state in the form of pro-life activists, parents concerned about the sexualization of their children at public schools, and supporters of his presidential opponent. All are now labeled “domestic terrorists.”
The government is colluding with big tech to silence views contrary to the official government positions; preventing them from being voiced on social media platforms. Dissent from “accepted” positions on public health, transgender issues, vote fraud, and the mental acuity of the President are censored by social media with the collusion of the government. Gun control is a priority of this government as is increased taxation.
Yet all is not lost. The censors are being challenged in the courts, with people fired or canceled for unpopular views being restored to their jobs. Yesterday, Elon Musk took over Twitter, firing its chief censor. He is opening the platform to all opinions. Most importantly, a week from this upcoming Tuesday, voters get their opportunity to weigh in. They can replace their elected representatives, sending the ones favoring silencing political opponents with ones favoring free debate of the issues.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Silencing the Opposition
30th October 2022
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The assault on Paul Pelosi is bringing out all the armchair detectives and grifters that are trying to use the attack to satisfy and reinforce their own political narratives. The attacker alone and no one else is responsible for his behavior.
As a former police officer, I found that the majority of mentally ill individuals I dealt with were receiving auditory messages rather than hallucinations. Drug users might be an exception depending upon the drug they were ingesting. Not all auditory input is disembodied voices. The internet provides any number of theories that can reinforce the delusions of the mentally ill.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | Comments Off on ‘There’s a Killer on the Road’
30th October 2022
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
29th October 2022
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Afghan Commandos That Were Trained by US Navy SEALs Are Being Recruited to Fight for Russia in Ukraine, Report Says
29th October 2022
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We have the technology.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on New Smart Contact Lens Monitors for Glaucoma 24/7
29th October 2022
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic
29th October 2022
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Today in the Biden-Harris Slow-Motion Train Wreck
29th October 2022
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Today in Progressive Totalitarianism
29th October 2022
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on Today in BIPOC Privilege
29th October 2022
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Global Warming Hysteria
29th October 2022
Posted in The Hunt for Heretics and Sinners | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
29th October 2022
Attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband follows years of GOP demonizing her Or, alternatively, follows years of her being an egregious totalitarian proglodyte butthole. Your choice.

Man Accused of Attacking Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Left Trail of Far-Right Hate (Vice) Well, that didn’t take long, did it? Actually, of course, the guy was just crazy; the alleged ‘far-right hate’ is just the usual proglodyte talking points. (How long before they pin it on Trump?)
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Blocks GOP Rep Mayra Flores’ Request To Join Guess she’s not Hispanic enough; apparently being born Mexican doesn’t count.
Kanye West mural painted over in rapper’s hometown of Chicago (N.Y. Post)
Ye mural in Chicago, where he grew up, covered after antisemitic comments (NBC)
Musk says he had no role in bringing Kanye West back on Twitter (Reuters)
Watch: Ilhan Omar Calls Anti-War Protesters “Dangerous Propagandists” For Disrupting Town Hall
Dem Hernandez Calls for GOP Nunez’s ‘Latina Card’ to Be Revoked
Liz Cheney launches TV ad targeting Arizona election deniers Cheney goes full Democrat.
Nearly half of Americans say they want a ‘Christian nation’ (Washington Post) WaPo thinks this is a bad idea, of course. (Ever notice how Democrats only like democracy when they win?)
Republicans’ Secret Swing-Seat Weapon? Dozens of Rich Nominees. (The American Prospect) Rich candidates (like Nancy Pelosi) are only good if they’re Democrats.
The View Decries Twitter Free Speech, Demands Feds CRACK DOWN
The hidden danger lurking behind Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover (Washington P0st) Greg Sargent loses his shit. (Jennifer Rubin must still be on vacation.)
‘Like the Gates of Hell’: Leftist Media Meltdown About Elon Musk’s Twitter Takeover
People are pretending to be laid-off Twitter employees carrying boxes outside of HQ (The Verge)
Pranksters posing as laid-off Twitter employees trick media outlets: ‘Rahul Ligma’ (N.Y. Post)
CBS Sobs: ‘Our Democracy’ Is in Peril after Elon Musk’s Successful Twitter Takeover
Elon Musk’s First Move Is To Fire The Person Most Responsible For Twitter’s Strong Free Speech Stance (TechDirt) In the Narrative Media, censorship is “strong free speech stance”.
U.S. faces “environment of fascism” ahead of 2022 midterms, AOC says (Axios) With Democrats controlling the government, we already have an environment of fascism. Read the news about what the FBI is doing lately.
MSNBC Warns Musk’s Idea Of Free Speech Threatens Free Speech
I’m sorry I said nice things about Glenn Youngkin (Washington Post) Karen Tumulty returns to the reservation.
Posted in The Hunt for Heretics and Sinners | Comments Off on Today in Witch-Hunt Culture
29th October 2022
John Hinderaker at Power Line.
The Left hungers for racism–of the approved sort–but it is hard to find. Trevor Noah, the host of the Daily Show, went looking for racism in the ascension of Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Noah purported to see a “backlash” against Sunak, for which there is zero evidence. To be fair, though, when has a total lack of evidence ever stopped a liberal comedian–isn’t the Daily Show supposed to be comedy?–or newsman?
Noah’s racism-hunting safari did not go over well in Great Britain.
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on Can We Please Have Some Racism?
29th October 2022
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
29th October 2022
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The guide, featuring Muslim women in hijabs in front of skyscrapers, informs us that Muslims are “making an indelible mark on the City” and boasts of the “over 275 mosques spread across all five boroughs—more than any other metro area in the US”. That’s almost one mosque for every 9 people murdered in and around the World Trade Center by Islamic terrorists.
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on NYC Issues ‘Halal Guide” Featuring Terror Mosques
29th October 2022
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A Vermont middle school soccer coach and his daughter were suspended allegedly for complaining about a trans female in the girls’ locker room.
Reading the story is very confusing, as the reader has to continually do mental gymnastics to keep in mind what the writer means by “trans female.”* The reader would have a much easier time understanding the story and its background controversy if the writers had just used clear, concise language: “A Vermont middle school soccer coach and his daughter were suspended allegedly for complaining about a boy in the girls’ locker room.”
The article writer could then explain that the school thinks the boy should be allowed in the girls’ locker room because the boy thinks he’s a girl; that the school believes the boy deserves for everyone to agree with his thinking that he’s a girl; and that the girl and her father need to be punished for their bigotry in objecting to allowing the boy who thinks he’s a girl to enter the girls’ locker room. Simple. Clear. The writer later summarizes the father soccer coach pointing out that the person coming into the girls’ locker room to change clothes is male, but until then a reader who is not up on the latest trendy lingo is left in confusion about why there’s a problem.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Confused Language Leads to Confused Thought
29th October 2022
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An examination of the “gatekeeping” that has taken place in the American conservative movement will bring me sooner or later to the subject of purges. This theme has engaged my interest as an historian of the conservative movement because it is key for understanding the vicissitudes of American conservatism. Purging unwanted dissenters has often been presented as the movement’s sensible reaction to extremism. It has supposedly allowed conservatism to become respectable—or at least so it seemed before the American media ceased to recognize anything as being respectable that was not recognizably part of the Left.
As late as October 27, 2005, on the fiftieth anniversary of National Review, Jonah Goldberg praised his magazine’s founder, William F. Buckley, Jr., for “throwing friends and allies off the bus from time to time.” Further: “The Randians, the Rothbardian anarchists and isolationists, the Birchers, the anti-Semites, the me-too-Republicans: all of these groups in various combinations were purged from the movement and masthead, sometimes painfully, sometimes easily, but always with the ideal of keeping the cause honest and pointed north to the ideal in his compass.”
Curiously, Goldberg’s praise was echoed in the New York Times and elsewhere in the national press, which depicted the by-then venerated WFB as a high-minded conservative who had dealt heroically with right-wing extremism among conservatives. Only a handful of commentators, either libertarians or on the far Left, bothered to notice that Buckley’s targets in the 1950s and 1960s were hardly neo-Nazis. Most of them were Jewish isolationists who differed with his view of foreign policy.
As ZMan never tires of pointing out, Buckley and his merry men were chiefly engaged in a desperate attempt to prove to the Liberal Establishment that they were Highly Respectable–conservatives, yes, but of the Nicer Sort, not in any way a threat to progressive cultural hegemony, just a sort of Loyal Opposition. (Trump has, of course, thoroughly upset their applecart.)
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29th October 2022
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Earlier this year, Saudi Arabia announced plans to dedicate an $80 billion fund to develop the Neom megaproject, aimed at establishing a futuristic living space in the northwest of the country. This forms part of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, which aims to diversify the national economy and make the country less reliant on its oil revenues. Saudi Arabia plans to develop Neom as a mega clean-energy city on a plot of land the size of Belgium. The space is expected to eventually become self-sufficient and provide a return on investment of between 13 and 14 percent. It will have no cars, roads, or greenhouse gas emissions and will be powered by 100 percent renewable energy, with 95 percent of the land being preserved for nature.
The much-talked-about Neom project will see the 10 regions developed in the northwest of Saudi Arabia. The most ambitious project is called ‘The Line’, two parallel skyscrapers aimed at housing 9 million people, a 170-kilometre building that juts into the Red Sea but is just 200 metres wide. What it lacks in width it makes up for in height at a staggering 500 metres tall, complete with a mirrored facade. If successful, this structure will be a major feat of engineering. The development will also include Oxagon, an industrial city with a manufacturing hub centred around tech industries, to be built on the sea and the mountainous region of Trojena. Neom will include a residential area, an industrial city, and a mountain tourism destination.
The project has the further advantage of cutting through major areas that are the traditional home of the Howeitat, long-time enemies of the Saudi royal family.
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