We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for July, 2020

Today in Black Privilege

31st July 2020

Obama Goes After Trump On George Floyd Protests At John Lewis’ Funeral

Louisville And Other Cities Considering Declaration That Racism Is A Public Health Crisis

Tennessee State Senator Allegedly Stole Over $600,000 Of Federal Funds To Pay For Wedding, Travel, Campaign Events And A Jeep

So 2020: A TLC Special All About Pregnant Black Trans Couple

Obama Uses John Lewis Eulogy To Slam The ‘Jim Crow Relic’ Filibuster He Supported 15 Years Ago

He held a BLM sign in what he called ‘America’s most racist town.’ The result? A viral video of abuse.  Washington Post.

Tennessee senator stole $600K to pay for her wedding — then cover her divorce

De Blasio paints another Black Lives Matter mural, as shootings plague NYC

A Black Lives Matter mural is defaced with red, white and blue paint in Washington state

Obama Turns John Lewis Funeral Into Political Rally  Of course he did.

NBA players protest racial injustice as league returns to action

Tom Patterson: BLM Is a Marxist, Racist Fraud

WaPo: While Black Moms Have Black Bodies, White Moms Only Have White Flesh, by Steve Sailer

Critics Rush To Capitalize On Herman Cain’s Death, Mask-Shaming And Blaming Trump

St. Louis’ Top Prosecutor Says No Charges Against Police Officer Who Killed Michael Brown in 2014

‘For F**king Shame’: Activists Angry At New Prosecutor Who Won’t Charge Cop In Michael Brown Case

LeBron James Kneels During The National Anthem

Google adds “Black-owned” business attribute to local listings

Speech Police: ABC Warns of ‘Commonly Used Terms’ With ‘Racist Origins’

Charles Barkley Defends People Who Stand During The National Anthem, Says They’re Not ‘Bad’ People

UCLA Beclowns Itself in Fighting ‘Racism’

The Fed and Racial Equality

Trader Joe’s Makes Baffling Business Decision To Ignore Angry People On The Internet Who Don’t Even Shop There  Babylon Bee.

In Portland, some Black activists frustrated with white protesters

Leftist NBA Players Juggle Basketball Around Social Justice Priorities

‘Trained Marxists’: Morgan Zegers Talks About What She Thinks The Black Lives Matter Movement Really Stands For

Joy Reid: Obama Was Like ‘Batman’ Giving an American ‘Treatise’ to Stop Trump, the ‘Joker’

Hundreds Of Angry Protesters Gather Outside Hamptons Billionaire Mansions To Demand Wealth Tax


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

31st July 2020

Trump Recovers Taxpayer Cash On A $1 Billion Obama-Backed Solar Plant That Was Obsolete Before Ever Going Online

Study: Flooding Could Cost $14.2 Trillion In Asset Loss By 2100

Flooding from sea level rise could cost our planet $14.2 trillion, study says CNN.

Coastal flooding could hit nearly 20% of global GDP as climate change accelerates storms, sea level rise

The four types of climate denier, and why you should ignore them all  The Guardian. Burn the witch!

The Guardian: “The Four Types of Climate Denier…”

Wildfires, record warmth and rapidly melting ice: Arctic climate goes further off the rails this summer  Washington Post. Off the rails!

UK Academics Advocate Silencing Dissent On Climate Change & COVID-19

Increasing Arctic freshwater is driven by climate change


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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

31st July 2020

Authorities Seize IEDs In Seattle — DHS Also Confirms Their Use In Portland Protests

Pure Evil: Navarro, Reid & Co. Berate Herman Cain After Death for Not Wearing Mask

Dianne Feinstein Says China, Which Is Putting Muslims In Camps, Is ‘Growing Into A Respectable Nation’

Breitbart Still Suspended From Twitter After Viral HCQ Video; Doctor Gets Axe Over Involvement

DC Rebrands Wonder Woman As Wonder Person Who Menstruates  Babylon Bee.

Tax hike on California millionaires would create 54% tax rate  Time to bail.

‘These Are All Signs Of Organized Activities’: Leading Security Expert Reacts To Portland Riots

The New York Times Union Is Pushing For Compensated Pre-Publication ‘Sensitivity Reads’

Protesters Assault Two Officers Near Richmond Robert E Lee Statue, Police Say

Report: Facebook Censoring Hydroxychloroquine as Cure, Despite Drug’s Use in Other Nations  They don’t want a cure. They want to tank the economy in order to get rid of Trump.

CNN Spokesman Doubles Down On Network’s Decision To Say ‘Individuals With A Cervix’ Instead Of ‘Women’


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

31st July 2020

CNN Allows Venomous Trump-Hating Harwood to Cover the White House

Co-founder of influential conservative group: Trump’s tweet floating election delay is grounds for impeachment  CNN. Oh no! Trump got out of bed today! Impeach him!

Walsh on Trump tweet: I don’t give a damn if he’s joking, he said it  CNN.

MSNBC Crackpot Reid Fears ‘Fanatical’ Trumpers May Harm Mary Trump

Nets Celebrate Politicization of Lewis Funeral for ‘Forceful Attack’ on Trump

Cuomo Blames Trump for Cain’s Death, Claims Pres. Feels No Remorse

Dem Stooges at CNN Wounded That Trump Is Undoing THIS Obama Power Grab

Vicious NBC Turns John Lewis Funeral Into Trump-Trashing Attack Ad

James Clyburn Slams Trump, Says He Scrapped National Plan Because COVID-19 Was Spreading In Blue States

Trump Admin Made Four Separate COVID Stimulus Offers – Dems Rejected All Of Them, Meadows Says

Tax-Funded FRAUD: NPR Cues Up ‘Republican Response’ from Biden Campaigners

Hillary’s Honchos: CNN Turns Clinton Into a Victim, Lies About Trump Housing Policy

Gracious Trump Suggests Delaying Election Until Dems Find A Candidate Who Can Form Coherent Sentences  Babylon Bee.

Marie Harf Claims Trump Wants Violence To Escalate So He Can ‘Make Campaign Ads Out Of It’  And proglodytes seem determined to assist him.

‘Listen, You Know Nothing About What I Do’: Trump Scolds Reporter Over Mail-In Ballot Question

Lunatic Trump Nazi Conspiracy Theory Shows CNN Isn’t News


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The Dangers of Narrative Journalism

31st July 2020

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So, narrative journalism is basically reporting the news by telling a first-person (usually) narrative about the topic. A narrative is simply “a spoken or written account of connected events; a story.” In narrative journalism, the journalist writes: what’s happening, how I went there, who I talked to, what I saw, how I felt, how the victims and participants in the news felt, what they told me and, for most stories, what I (the journalist) think it all means.

Most ‘jouralists’ today don’t want to report news, they want to tell stories, because it is by telling a story (preferably a tear-jerker) that will get the all-important Pulitzer and a six-figure income

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Ocasio-Cortez Says Statue Of Catholic Priest Who Served Lepers Is ‘White Supremacist Culture’

31st July 2020

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The statue of a Catholic saint who served people with leprosy in Hawaii is an example of colonialism and white supremacy, New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggested an Instagram story Thursday.

In the video, one of several posted several Instagram stories criticizing the number of white, male figures represented in the U.S. Capitol on Instagram, Ocasio-Cortez refers to the “patriarchy and white supremacist culture” and pans to Hawaii’s statue of Father Damien, a Belgium-born 19th century priest who dedicated his life to a leper colony on the island of Molokai and eventually died with the disease, according to the Architect of the Capitol.

I would have to agree. That’s exactly what white culture looks like.

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Thought for the Day

31st July 2020

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How Dumb Are Liberals?

31st July 2020

Severian adds it up.

There were two main reasons for the decline, both structural. The first, of course, is Communism itself. A totally ideologized society is a society totally committed to make-believe. You could fill a good-sized book listing the catastrophes make-believe caused the USSR. Just to take the most obvious: Hitler did everything but send the Goodyear Blimp over Moscow, towing a banner announcing his invasion plans. But since everyone who accurately reported the goings-on in Poland ended up in the Gulag, the Wehrmacht walked right on in.

The second has to do with the nature of totalitarian leadership. Obviously sharing power is out of the question, so every Boss who finally claws his way to the top ruthlessly purges everyone who could conceivably challenge him. The purged are replaced by yes-men and toadies, who immediately enact mini-purges of their own inside their new departments. It doesn’t take more than a few rounds of this for smarter functionaries to learn to dig themselves in very, very deep, disguising themselves in a kind of protective stupidity. A few more rounds, and “protective stupidity” drops the modifier, as anyone with anything on the ball has decamped for the safer — and, not coincidentally, very soon much more profitable — havens of technical management.

It doesn’t take long before your “leadership” is nothing but ideology-addled dimbulbs. Sound familiar?

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ISLAMOCOPIA FRIDAY: What’s New in the Religion of Peace

31st July 2020

A Culture-Enriching Knife Rampage in Sarpsborg

Culture-Enriching “Swedish” Murderer Sprung From Durance Vile

Arizona Woman Who Tried to Send Money to al-Queda Arrested by FBI

Another Afghan Success Story From Sweden

Iran moves mock aircraft carrier to sea amid US tensions

Israel & Hezbollah Exchange Fire Across Lebanese Border In Major Clash

Pakistan urges worshippers to buy sacrificial animals online to prevent COVID-19 surge

Don’t Let Turks & Russians Carve Up Libya

Taliban announce three-day ceasefire in Afghanistan for Eid al-Adha, starting Friday  But that trick never works.

Afghan Government To Release 5,000 Taliban Prisoners, Restart Peace Talks With Insurgents  But that trick never works.

Rockets Pound U.S. Bases In Iraq Following Hezbollah-Israeli Escalation

The Joys of Italian Multiculture

Turkish Magazine Calls For Revival Of Caliphate 

WEAPONS: SPICE Versus Islamic Terrorists

Pakistan man accused of blasphemy shot dead in courtroom

U.S. urges Pakistan to act after American charged with blasphemy shot in court

ISIS Releases Video Calling for Arson Attacks in the US  Claim to be Democrats and you’re in free.

INTELLIGENCE: The Recruitables

IRAQ: Confronting Turks And Iranians

In Mecca, a fortunate few pray for a pandemic-free world

In West Bank, Eid sacrifices plummet as Palestinian virus cases soar

Pakistanis take livestock to ‘cow wash’ ahead of Eid


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American Parents Are Setting Up Homeschool “Pandemic Pods”

31st July 2020

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In the past few weeks, a new vocabulary has emerged in parenting groups on social media: pandemic pods, copods, microschools, homeschool pods. All describe cobbled-together groups of students who plan to study at home together this fall as the pandemic creeps into a new academic year.

Homeschooling, this is not. As local and federal governments continue to squabble over the risks of sending kids back to school, parents are frantically gathering groups of similar-age kids to be taught at home. The idea is that they band together to pay for private tuition or delegate supervision to a single parent, allowing the rest to get back to work. Pods should also supply some of the social aspect of school without the infection risk inherent in cramming dozens of kids in a room together.

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The Weight of the World

31st July 2020

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Until today, I was not aware that there was an academic subject known as Fat Studies. You can take Fat Studies at several universities, and it will probably come as no surprise to readers to learn that they are fully compatible with the main aim of modern education, namely the promotion of a sense of grievance and resentment in the students. One university described its course of Fat Studies as the “Examination of weight based oppression as a social justice issue with other systems of oppression based on gender, race, class, age, sexual orientation, and ability.”

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Twitter Defends Censoring Trump, Allows Iranian Leader to Call for Israel’s ‘Genocide’

30th July 2020

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“A Twitter spokeswoman has defended the company’s decision to block and restrict tweets from President Trump but not those of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei which call for genocide of the Israeli people,” The New York Post reported July 29. International Human Rights Lawyer and political analyst Arsen Ostrovsky tweeted a video of a Knesset (or Israeli parliament) hearing on anti-Semitism, where a Twitter representative was roasted for restricting President Donald Trump’s tweets while allowing Iran’s Supreme Leader Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei to call for Israel’s violent destruction.

The Twitter representative claimed that “foreign policy saber-rattling” and “commentary on political issues of the day” are “generally not in violation” of Twitter’s rules. Trump’s condemnation of rioters, however, “was violating [Twitter’s] policies regarding the glorification of violence” and “could “possibly inspire harm.”

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Today in Black Privilege

30th July 2020

Laura Ingraham hammers Democrats over ‘deafening silence’ after Black Trump supporter murdered

Crime Wave [Updated]

Philadelphia NAACP President Under Pressure To Resign Over Anti-Semitic Facebook Post

Even With Removing Margaret Sanger’s Name, Planned Parenthood Is Still Influenced by Racist Founder

Migrants pictured drying on Kent bench after dumping their stolen dinghy 

Former College Football Player Malachi Capers Shot In Horrifying Video

Woke Activists: CNN Panel Attacks Barr for Disagreeing with Systemic Racism

The Systemic Racism Canard’s Consequences

24 People Have Died Since Violence Erupted Following George Floyd’s Death  I’m sure George would be proud.


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

30th July 2020

Reid’s Harris VP Audition: Trump ‘Secret Police’ Will Steal Election!  Not much of a secret if Reid knows about it.

MSNBC Fight: Melvin Asks Democrat Trump Supporter ‘Are You a Paid Campaign Surrogate?’

‘That Is Disgraceful’: Black Democrat Vernon Jones Rips Into MSNBC Host For Asking If He’s ‘A Paid Campaign Surrogate’

MSNBC Agrees ‘100%’ With Dem Attacks on Barr, Demands They Punish Him

Gallup: Congress at 18%, Trump at 41% Approval

Donald Trump’s Weak, Self-Defeating Call for Delaying the Election  The cucks at National Review.

Obama Apologists at ABC Huff Trump ‘Stoking Racist Fears’ By Repealing Radical Obama Housing Rule


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

30th July 2020

Record number of environmental activists killed in 2019

How bad can deep sea mining be? Coronavirus is going to look like a picnic compared with what’s coming  The Guardian.

Unsolved Mysteries: Who Released The Toxic Plume Of Methane In Florida? 

New Study Predicts Global Population As Low As 6.29 Billion By 2100, Shattering Most Climate-Alarmist Models

ALERT: Warmist Eric Holthaus admits it: ‘The climate emergency isn’t about science, it’s about justice’  (Do polar bears have White Privilege?)

Anti-climate action statements get more visibility in news coverage, study finds


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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

30th July 2020

Antifa Trash Fire Roundup

It’s Now Even Easier to Fire US Workers for What They Say

‘I Was Stabbed For Being A Conservative Journalist’: Videographer Injured At Portland Protests

4 Men Admit To Voter Fraud Scheme In Los Angeles

School Social Worker, Physical Therapist Charged With Assaulting Wisconsin State Senator During Protest

Fitton Fumes After Adam Schiff Gets Away With Doxing High Profile Conservatives

Florida Couple Faces Charges For Refusal To Quarantine

14 Parents Sue a School District Over Secretive Transgender Policy


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Put Down the Banjo, Timmy: Study Finds Learning Music Won’t Make Children Smart

30th July 2020

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Well, shucks.

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Coronavirus in One State

30th July 2020

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Over the past two days the authorities have attributed four new deaths (7/28) and nine deaths to (7/29) COVID-19. In yesterday’s report, 7 of the 9 new decedents were residents of long-term care facilities and 8 of the 9 decedents were in their 70’s, 80’s or 90’s. One was in his 50’s. Long-term care residents account for 76.5 percent of deaths attributed to the epidemic.

And yet the beat goes on in the Minnesota Department of Health’s daily press briefing (audio below) as it does in the media nationally. The panic will be sustained as long as Donald Trump remains president. That much I can tell you.

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US Sees Worst-Ever Contraction for Second-Quarter GDP

30th July 2020

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The Pandemic Panic is having its intended effect. Orange Man Bad!

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Trader Joe’s Reverses Decision to Change ‘Racist’ International Food Names, Announces It Is Beholden to Customers, Not Petitions

30th July 2020

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“We make decisions based on what customers purchase, as well as the feedback we receive from our customers and Crew Members. If we feel there is need for change, we do not hesitate to take action,” the statement reads.

“Recently we have heard from many customers reaffirming that these name variations are largely viewed in exactly the way they were intended­—as an attempt to have fun with our product marketing. We continue our ongoing evaluation, and those products that resonate with our customers and sell well will remain on our shelves,” the statemtent added.

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Rules, Masks, and Rules About Masks

30th July 2020

Freeberg sees a distinction.

Blue staters want everyone else to wear masks, so they can play alpha-dog. And so that they can see masks everywhere, because then maybe Biden will be elected. When blue staters wear their masks, they often leave them dangling around their chins, or letting their noses stick out Gavin-Newsom-style…they haven’t got a care in the world about what the masks actually do.

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Vanity Fair: The Conservative Woman Is a ‘White Nationalist Racist Gender Traitor’

30th July 2020

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Well, I’m glad we cleared that up.

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The Future of Skyscrapers: A Mile High, Slimmer Than Ever and Made From Wood

30th July 2020

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And a truly superb target for Muslim terrorists. I can hardly wait.

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Exposure to Mobile Phone Light at Night Raises Risk of Bowel Cancer

30th July 2020

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I’ll bet you didn’t know that.

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Don’t Be a Karen. Be a Becky

30th July 2020

Ann Coulter parses the taxonomy.

“Karen” and “Becky” are two neologisms with opposite meanings for the enjoyable life. Here’s your field guide.

Karen: a person, often a white woman, who feels entitled to lecture perfect strangers about their behavior.

Synonyms: “Co-op Board President”; “Hillary Clinton”; “Portland ‘Moms’”

Becky: a white woman who calls the police on a suspicious black male.

Synonyms: “Still alive”; “Breathing”

Karens used to be known as “bossy,” but then Sheryl Sandberg said “bossy” was patriarchal, misogynistic and sexist, so a new word had to be invented to describe the exact same conduct.

— A Karen will walk across the street to tell you you’re in a non-smoking area.

— She’s the person who harangues strangers (not customers) on mask-wearing — pro or con.

— She’s the Harvard Asian who made a TikTok video lecturing white people on their racism and threatening, “Ima stab you!”

The public has been crying out for a word like “Karen” ever since “bossy” was cruelly taken away from us.

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Fake News: How the Omelet Got Made in 1933 Moscow

30th July 2020

Steve Sailer.

My new movie review is of Mr. Jones, the story of Gareth Jones who helped break in 1933 the story of the Ukraine famine that was being covered up Walter Duranty of the New York Times and the rest of the Western press corps in Moscow.

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ABC Spikes Antitrust Tech Hearing, CBS Defends Censoring Conservatives

30th July 2020

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In a contentious antitrust hearing on Wednesday, four of America’s tech titans (Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google) were grilled by Democrats and Republicans about their shady business practices. House Republicans came down hard on the issues of political bias and censorship of conservatives. But while ABC’s World News Tonight ditched covering the hearing altogether, the CBS Evening News defended efforts by Facebook and Google to censor conservative outlets like NewsBusters.

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Madonna Censored by Big Tech for Post Touting Pro Hydroxychloroquine Doctors

30th July 2020

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Pop star Madonna saw a bit of her own social media censorship the other day, when Instagram removed her post from their platform for spreading “conspiracy theories” about coronavirus. Interestingly, the 61-year-old pop star is a Chinese Virus truther who believes that hydroxychloroquine may be a helpful therapeutic drug for people.

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1,000-Year-Old Onion and Garlic Remedy Kills Antibiotic-Resistant Biofilms in The Lab

30th July 2020

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Sometimes the old ways are best.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

29th July 2020

‘I failed my fellow Americans’: the white women defecting from Trump  The Guardian.

Trump storms out of press briefing after CNN reporter questions his promotion of quack doctor  Salon. Storms!

Latest O’Donnell Conspiracy Theory: Trump Only Cares If His Voters Get COVID

IRONY! CNN’s Harwood Insists Trump Is ‘Disturbing, ‘Functioning’ Like ‘A Child’

CNN’s Camerota Fumes After Black Trump Supporter Calls Out Biden’s Racist Comments

As Biden V.P. pick nears, Susan Rice slams Trump in TV interview  Wow, that’s news.

Huh? Joy Behar: Dems Wouldn’t Let Barr Answer Questions Because He Never ‘Really Answers the Question’


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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

29th July 2020

Understanding Totalitarianism

New York Post columnist describes NYC as ‘disaster area,’ predicts many who have left won’t return

Armed civilian groups surge into local politics in the Pacific Northwest

Portland hits feds with $500 fine every 15 minutes fence stands outside besieged courthouse

Rep. Jayapal Spars With Barr: ‘I’m Starting to Lose My Temper’

The mob comes for Seattle’s mayor

ACLU asks U.S. court to sanction agents for targeting journalists at Portland protests

CNN’s Tapper Throws Sophomoric Fit, Implies Rep. Jordan Is Dishonorable, Bad for America

I Was Invited to Testify on Energy Policy. Then Democrats Didn’t Let Me Speak

‘F**k It. If One Of Them Cops Got Killed, Good’: Two Portland Protesters Laugh Off Explosion Near Federal Courthouse

NYPD Responds After Viral Video Shows Plainclothes Officers Pulling Protester Into Van  It’s called “being arrested”, something that, granted, protesters have little experience with.

Dems Waiting for Bloomberg’s Promised Funding  The best politicians that money can buy

Barr Rightfully Defends Federal Response to Dangerous Rioting, as House Democrats Attack Him

Mostly Peaceful Protests

Who Are You Gonna Believe?, by Steve Sailer

ON THE GROUND: Exclusive Footage Of Tactics Used By Protesters In Portland

Portland Police Disperse Wall Of Moms With Air Drop Of Target Gift Cards  Babylon Bee.


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

29th July 2020

Japanese Scientist Reveals When New Ice Age is Set to Begin on Earth

Philippines takes ‘major step’ toward using nuclear power

What Greta missed from skipping school: Presentation by Willie Soon

NYT: Climate Change Justifies Third World Moving North, by Steve Sailer

Six good years in a row for the polar bear subpopulation used to predict species demise


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Mac OS 8, implemented via JavaScript

29th July 2020

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Developer Felix Rieseberg has written a JavaScript virtual machine emulating Mac OS 8 running on a 1991 Macintosh Quadra. Wild. And because it’s an Electron app, it runs on pretty much any platform.

Gee, our old LaSalle ran great!
Those were the days!

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Lincoln Project Pays $4M to Back Dems in Maine, Alaska, Montana

29th July 2020

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I guess being a RINO isn’t good enough for them.  Well, if you’re going to have a Democrat in the Senate, it might as well be an official Democrat rather than one pretending to be a Republican.

I wonder whether they do requests? There’s this guy in Utah….

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Democratic Activist Arrested Ffr Allegedly Setting Fire to AZ Democratic Party Headquarters

29th July 2020

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Some people are just confused.

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Thought for the Day

29th July 2020

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At a Loss for Words: How a flawed idea is teaching millions of kids to be poor readers.

29th July 2020

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For decades, schools have taught children the strategies of struggling readers, using a theory about reading that cognitive scientists have repeatedly debunked. And many teachers and parents don’t know there’s anything wrong with it.

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Democrats Debut New 2020 Campaign Slogan: ‘Reclaiming My Time!’

29th July 2020

The Other McCain has the scoop.

Yesterday, while I was working on an American Spectator column, my office TV was tuned to the House Judiciary Committee hearing where Attorney General William Barr was testifying and the performance by the committee’s Democrats of a loathsome kabuki theatre. Every Democrat unloaded a sort of sermon accusing Barr of various malfeasances — treason, conspiracy, murder, etc. — and then, when Barr would begin to answer, his interrogator would interrupt: “Reclaiming my time!”
Barr remained calm during this abusive treatment. At one point, interrupted by California Democrat Lou Correa, Barr responded: “This is a hearing. I thought I was the one who was supposed to be heard?”

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It’s Essential to Say “Transit Is Essential”

29th July 2020

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The coronavirus has made it essential that every transit supporter use the word “essential” in their discussions, as in how essential it is that transit carry essential workers to their essential jobs. Ridership may be down by more than 80 percent, but the remaining 19 percent of riders are really essential, so that makes it essential that we keep giving more subsidies to essential transit agencies.

Transit Is Essential is, in fact, the name of a new paper from the California Transit Association. The paper skips over the whole messy part about why transit is so essential and instead goes immediately to demanding more subsidies. “Another round of emergency funding is critical to preventing significant and permanent reductions in transit services.” In other words, subsidies aren’t just essential, they are critical.

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America’s Problem? We’ve Forgotten How to Mind Our Own Business.

29th July 2020

Jon Gabriel lays it down.

Everyone’s angry these days. We’re mad at people wearing masks and people not wearing masks. Mad at the crowds in Portland and mad at the cops trying to keep the peace. Mad at Trump and Biden and Kanye West.

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China Consulates in NY, San Francisco Alleged Spying Hubs

29th July 2020

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While the Trump administration shut down the Chinese consulate in Houston amid espionage allegations, the true hubs of Chinese spying are believed to be in New York and San Francisco.

“San Francisco is the real gem, but the U.S. won’t close it,” a former U.S. intelligence official told Axios.

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Squid-Inspired Robotic Muscles Heal Themselves in a Second

29th July 2020

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Materials that can heal themselves after becoming damaged have opened up some interesting new possibilities over the past decade or so, pointing to a future of scratch-resistant car paints and space ships that can plug their own holes. A newly developed squid-inspired self-healing material is claimed to act faster than most, with the ability to repair itself in just a second.

Soon to be a major motion picture.

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Today in Black Privilege

28th July 2020

Racism among white Christians is higher than among the nonreligious. That’s no coincidence.  NBC “News”. Perhaps it’s because they’re being targeted by black thugs and criminals.

NYC Beats Chicago in Weekend Murder Tally, by Steve Sailer

Richmond Mayor: Undercover White Supremacists Dressed as Black Lives Matter Started Riots  They had awfully dark skins for white supremacists….

MSNBC’s Sharpton Enables Far-Left Violence, Claims Riots Are ‘Peaceful’

Australia Black Lives Matter rally to go ahead despite court ban  Yeah, Australia has just so many oppressed Africans….

Chicago Mayor Now Blames ‘Guns From Other States’ For Horrific Violence  BRAAAAAAAINS!

Al ‘Tawana Brawley’ Sharpton: GOP Wants to ‘Hurt’ Minorities By Opening Schools

A Brave Baseball Player Stands Up to Black Lives Matter Agenda

Racialism vs. America

Natalie Portman, Joaquin Phoenix & Others Sign BLM Petition to End ‘Police Terror’  Signal that virtue! Signal that virtue!


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

28th July 2020

New Material Can Generate Hydrogen From Fresh, Salt, or Polluted Water by Exposure to Sunlight

Checking in With the Latest Climate Change Estimates


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The CDs You Burned Are Going Bad: Here’s What You Need to Do

28th July 2020

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If you used a computer between 1997 and 2005, you probably burned valuable data to at least one recordable CD (CD-R) or DVD-R. Unfortunately, these have a limited lifespan, and many have already become unreadable. That’s why it’s important to back up your recordable discs before it’s too late—here’s how to do it.

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Andrea Mitchell FREAK OUT After House GOP Hammer Lying Leftist Media

28th July 2020

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MSNBC Democratic hack Andrea Mitchell absolutely lost it after Ranking Republican House Judiciary Committee member Jim Jordan began Tuesday’s hearing with Attorney General Bill Barr by playing a video montage of the media lying about violent far-left protests across the country. The so-called “news” anchor trashed the “very political and highly edited” video that called out many of her own colleagues at the left-wing cable channel.

As the congressional hearing began, in the 11:00 a.m. ET hour, Jordan addressed Barr: “I want to thank you for defending law enforcement, for pointing out what a crazy idea this defund the police policy, whatever you want to call it, is, and standing up for the rule of law.” The Congressman then introduced the video that so upset Mitchell: “And frankly, we have a video that we want to show that gets right to this point. Can we play that video, please?”

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Margolis: 10 COVID-19 Charts You Need To See

28th July 2020

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They go for the headlines, the stuff that looks bad, in the hopes they can pin everything on Trump, or deflect criticism from Cuomo in New York, and generally make people afraid. But there’s a lot of stuff happening that doesn’t make it into the headlines or is ignored.

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Rep. Jerry Nadler Snaps at Republican Committee Members for Not Wearing Masks

28th July 2020

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Democratic New York Rep. Jerry Nadler scolded three Republican congressmen for not wearing masks during a portion of the House Judiciary Committee’s questioning of Attorney General Bill Barr.

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Our House of Cards

28th July 2020

ZMan is not optimistic.

This is a novel problem for Americans. If you are a white person in a place like Seattle, what are your options? If you abide by the law, you have your property destroyed and possibly your life threatened. People are being shot in their cars now as they try to go about their business. Gun sales are booming, but the people buying the guns imagine themselves defending their life and property within a system of laws. What happens when they realize there is no system of laws?

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Thought for the Day

28th July 2020

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