We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for April, 2023

Engineers Develop Water Filtration That Permanently Removes “Forever Chemicals”

30th April 2023

Read it.

As they do.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

30th April 2023

Prosecutors in Jan. 6 Case Step up Inquiry Into Trump Fund-Raising (N.Y. Times)

He blew the whistle on Trump’s Truth Social. Now he works at Starbucks. (Washington Post)

How the Trump Years Weakened the Media (Politico)

Rape Case Places Trump in Legal Jeopardy. Politically, He’s Thriving. (N.Y. Times)

MSNBC Legal Analyst: It’s a ‘Disservice’ to Cross-Examine Trump Rape Accuser



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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

30th April 2023

Anheuser-Busch hires ex-GOP aides to lobby as Bud Light’s Dylan Mulvaney controversy drags on (Fox) Ka-ching!

‘You can’t undo what’s happened’: Bud Light trying to repair damage after Mulvaney ad (Sky News Australia)

No, NYC gov’t doesn’t need more money — it already has too much! (N.Y. Post)

NYC Public Advocate Jumaane Williams pushes back on Mayor Adams’ remarks on NYPD overtime (N.Y. Daily News)

Federal judge blocks Illinois assault weapons ban (The Hill)

Senator Patty Murray says it’s impossible to keep the economy growing without affordable, well-paid childcare (Insider) She’s not going to pay for it, of course; YOU are.

Marijuana Job Lands Oregon Secretary of State in Trouble

Democrats reconstruct blue wall in lead-up to 2024 (The Hill)

North Carolina’s SCOTUS reverses previous rulings on redistricting and restores some voting safeguards

California Teachers Sue School District Over Transgender Policy Allegedly Forcing Them To Lie To Parents

Democrat Cities Have Biggest Homicide Rate Problem, Study Finds

NBC’s Todd Claims Scientific Research Proves There’s More Than Two Genders

The Great American Opt-Out: A Matter Of Willingness, Willfulness, And Will


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

30th April 2023

Deadly Heat Threatens the Well-Being of 1 Billion People in India (Wired)

An Ominous Heating Event Is Unfolding in the Oceans (Wired)

Barren lands show impact of Spain’s record-breaking heat (CNN)

Ohio lawmaker on the fight to put abortion rights on the ballot (MSNBC)

Eco-Terrorist ‘Pipeline’ Bombs at Box Office

“No Bricks, No Glass, No Cement” – What Net Zero 2050 Demands According to Government-Funded Report

Irony: German Bundestag Admits Conversion To Heat Pump Systems For Its Own Buildings Not Possible!

XR Founder Moans About His Carrots


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Today in BIPOC Privilege

30th April 2023

Spain is 1st Black woman to lead South Carolina Democrats South Carolina, of course, has a black Republican Senator, Tim Scott. Good to see the Democrats catching up.

‘Equity’ And The Race To The Bottom

“Falsification Of History”: Egypt Goes Ballistic On Netflix Over Cleopatra’s Race

Mexican National Slaughters Five Neighbors, NYT and WP Run Photos of White Men Standing Around

Mexico’s Not Sending Their Best


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Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic

30th April 2023

Masks Had No Effect On COVID Cases Among Children: Study

“Something Clearly Went Wrong” – Fauci & Friends Desperately Try To ‘Close The Book’ On COVID

Pfizer Donated Thousands to Groups Who Lobbied for Vax Mandates

California Doctor Faces $290 Million In COVID-19-Related Fraud Charges  Free government money! Let’s go!


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Today in Witch-Hunt Culture

30th April 2023

sdBar that kicked out customers after Bud Light controversy makes desperate plea to win back business (Fox)

Whiney restaurant owner stops serving Bud Light because of Dylan Mulvaney partnership (LGBTQNation)

George Santos, Instead of Shrinking From the Spotlight, Steps Into It (N.Y. Times)

Media VILIFIED GOP Budget-Cutters During 2011 Debt Fight

The North Carolina Supreme Court Signs Off on a Political Gerrymander (Civil Discource With Joyce Vance) By Republicans, of course; she would have no problem with a Democrat gerrymander.

Joe Rogan: Fox Should Just Pay off Carlson

MSNBC Pans Alito On Assassination Threats: ‘Some Kind Of Headline’

The Kyrsten Sinema Theory Of American Politics (The Atlantic) The Narrative media are full of people who think they can read minds, like the dimwits at the Rolling Stone who are convinced that they know what Republicans are thinking.

Top Fox Hosts Are Telling Friends They Could Be the Next to Go (Rolling Stone)

CNN Hits ‘Very Ideological’ GOP, Biden From The Left On Transgenderism

CNN Host Shockingly Blasts Teachers Union Boss Over School Closure Lies

On attacking any Republican candidate

Dismantling the Supreme Court’s ‘misdirection’ about its own ethics (CNN)

This Is What the Right-Wing Takeover of a Progressive College Looks Like (N.Y. Times) I guess Michelle Goldberg doesn’t think that the Left-Win takeover of a non-progressive college is worth writing about.

AOC Is Wrong – Deplatforming Never Works  What a cheeky little totalitarian she is.

PBS Aids Trans Legislator Zooey Zephyr’s ‘Blood on Your Hands’ and ‘Eradication’ Smears

Republicans ramp up attacks on transgender people, in statehouses and on the campaign trail (CNN) Apparently transgender people’s attacks on Republicans aren’t worth writing about.


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Today in the Biden-Harris Slow-Motion Train Wreck

30th April 2023

Hunter Biden’s twisted attempts to keep his little girl from using his name are now in a new realm (Fox)

As Biden Runs Again, Black Voters’ Frustration Bubbles (N.Y.Times) What are they going to do? Vote for a Republican?

VP Kamala Harris becomes Republicans’ go-to target after Biden launches 2024 reelection bid (USA Today)

Blinken Draws Fire Over Afghanistan Blame Game, ‘Stonewalling’

Defaulting on the national debt is much closer than anyone realizes (Washington Post) Well, if Democrats keep spending money they don’t have….

Biden Authorizes Southern Border Deployment Of Reservist Troops  Never mind what disruption it brings to their lives.

Inflation Still Too High? Let Them Eat EVs

‘Modern-Day Slave Traders’: Hawley Demands Probe Into 85,000 ‘Lost’ Migrant Children

Dead Migrants, Dead Americans: Pro-Border Security Rally Highlights Scourge of Cartels and Fentanyl

Texas Border City Struggles With Large Arrival of Migrants

Over 10,000 FBI Agents Can Access Data From Secretive Surveillance Program: Inspectors General

Sen. Ernst on Military EV Push: ‘You Don’t Fight a War That Way’

Former DNI Ratcliffe: Impeach Blinken Over Laptop Scheme

Biden Administration Hiring 360 Armed IRS Agents Ready to Use ‘Deadly Force’


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Party of the Rich

30th April 2023

John Hinderaker at Power Line.

My organization’s polling consistently shows that there are many more Minnesotans who describe themselves as conservative than who say they are liberal. But rich, out-of-state leftists and public sector unions have figured out that they can buy Minnesota on the cheap. My understanding is that they invest only around $50 million per cycle–a derisory figure. But it is enough to out-spend what Republicans can muster by at least three to one.

So, if you wonder how seemingly normal people like most of Minnesota’s voters can elect officials who drive the state into a far-left ditch, the answer is simple: the far Left buys Minnesota, at a bargain price. I think the same holds true for a number of other states, where left-wing money simply swamps the resources that much-poorer conservatives can muster. This is a basic fact of life in 21st century America: the Democrats are the party of the rich, and that is working well for them.

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The Old School Reformer’s Case for Privatizing Education

30th April 2023

Read it.

Yglesias mourns the loss of the old consensus. He recognizes the shortcomings of public education as it currently exists, but wants to go back to the reasonable reforms that were being tried out during the Obama administration. In contrast, this essay argues that arguments made for supporting moderate reforms over privatization are weak. This isn’t that hard of a case to make to conservatives, who believe in markets and hate public education already. Yet I would go a step further, and argue that working towards privatization makes sense from a moderate and center-left perspective as well, especially for the kinds of people who still pine for Obama-era reforms and think they weren’t tried hard enough. If you believe in private enterprise at all — if you think, for example, things like restaurants and office supply stores are better left to the market — the arguments for keeping education outside of government control are stronger than in most other areas of life.

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The Tucker Carlson Backlash and the Fox Conundrum

30th April 2023


And speaking of Newsmax? The network has not been shy in reporting its 8 p.m. audience nearly doubled Monday, reaching 531,000 viewers, based on Nielsen figures. The following night, the number rose to an average 562,000 viewers, a five-fold increase from the previous week.

By contrast, the Tucker hour’s ratings at Fox plummeted, from 2.59 million on Monday (when his departure was formally announced) to 1.7 million on Tuesday and 1.3 million on Wednesday.

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Thought for the Day

30th April 2023

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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

29th April 2023

ABC News cuts Robert F. Kennedy Jr. vaccine remarks out of interview (N.Y. Post)

ABC News admits to cutting down RFK Jr.’s vaccine claims: ‘Used our editorial judgement’ (Fox) In other words, censorship, straight up.

ABC News edits RFK Jr. interview to exclude ‘false claims about the COVID-19 vaccines’ (The Hill)

Justice Alito says he has a ‘pretty good idea’ who leaked the draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade but doesn’t have the proof to name them publicly (Insider)

Moms Aren’t Waiting — We’re Taking Action on Assault Weapons In States Across the Country (Katie Couric Media)

Nationwide Support For Assault Weapons Ban Slides, New Poll Finds 

Trans Mascot Dylan Mulvaney Says It Should Be Illegal To Misgender People

New ‘Ultra Right’ Beer Expected To See $1 Million In Sales As Backlash Against Bud Light Trans Partnership Continues

Montana latest to ban gender-affirming care for trans minors (Associated Press)

Montana Lawmaker Suggests She’d Rather Her Daughter Die by Suicide Than Transition (Daily Beast) A fate worse than death.

‘Harm Reduction’: California Democrats Kill Legislation to Crack Down on Fentanyl Dealers

Colorado governor signs four gun bills into law in a historic change to the state’s firearm regulations (Colorado Sun) Colorado’s transition to a blue state is complete.

LGBTQ Group Pushes Bud Light to Stand With Trans Community

Federal Judge Blocks Illinois Gun Control Law

How America’s Middle Class Is Shrinking

Chicago’s Criminal Irresponsibility

NPR Touts Correspondents Dinner Comedian Roy Wood: He Wants Laughs AND Reparations


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Today in War

29th April 2023

Russia Mounts First Large-Scale Air Raids On Ukraine In Nearly 2 Months

Sudan War Rages Despite Truce Pledges

House Republicans Plan to Stop New Iran Nuclear Deal

US Sends “Shadowy Unit” Of Atomic Experts To Wire Ukraine With Nuke-Blast-Detecting Sensors

Quiet US Seizure Of Iranian Crude Prompted Iran’s Capture Of Houston-Destined Tanker

Doug Casey On The US Government Declaring War On Mexican Drug Cartels

Is China Winning, Part Two: “How Do You Stop A Superpower”

Unease In Israel As US Depletes Reserve Stockpiles To Fuel Ukraine War

EU Reaches Ukraine Grain Deal With Eastern European Member States

“We Simply Don’t Have The Ammo” – Polish General Says Can No Longer Supply Ukraine, Warns Russia Has Resources To Continue War


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Today in Witch-Hunt Culture

29th April 2023

Frost calls out GOP silence on Greene’s ‘not a mother’ attack (The Hill) MTG is right–a stepmother is not a ‘mother’ but a ‘father’s wife’, unless she has children of her own or legally adopts her husband’s children.

All 9 Supreme Court justices push back on oversight: ‘Raises more questions,’ Senate chair says (ABC News)

Chief Justice John Roberts’ Wife Made Over $10 Million As Legal Consultant, Report Says (Forbes) I guess only Democrat spouses are allowed to have jobs or make money.

Ag Commissioner Sid Miller Doubles Down On Transphobic Dress Code (Texas Observer) I bet you didn’t know that a dress code could be ‘transphobic’.

Taxpayer-Funded Lies: Amanpour Buoys TN Dems Crying Racism

Yale Law School Accepted a Donation for Clarence Thomas’s Portrait. Five Years Later, the Painting Is Nowhere To Be Seen.

Source: Abby Grossberg told me she ‘loved’ working for Tucker Carlson

The Fragility of the Caste-Oppression Hypothesis

Exploded SpaceX rocket devastated a town and a wildlife reserve


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Today in the Biden-Harris Slow-Motion Train Wreck

29th April 2023

Ex-CIA Moscow station chief reveals why he refused to sign Hunter Biden laptop ‘disinfo’ letter (N.Y. Post)

Ex-CIA Moscow chief refused to sign Hunter laptop letter: ‘No evidence’ Putin involved (Fox)

Border Patrol releases plan for migrant surge as Title 42 end nears, 40K amass feet away (N.Y. Post)

How Biden’s New Communications Director Made His Millions (The Lever)

Chinese hackers outnumber FBI cyber staff 50 to 1, bureau director says (CNBC) They’re spending all their time on ‘terrorist’ Republican parents.

WATCH: Joe Biden’s Senior Moment of the Week (Vol. 40)

Hunter Biden’s Ex-Mistress Wants to Know Who’s Paying His ‘Stable of American Super Lawyers’ (Washington Free Beacon)

Biden’s New Hampshire mess (Politico)

Biden Forgets He Went To Ireland, Tacitly Disowns Grandchild-Via-Stripper

Biden DOJ: Kids have A Constitutional Right To Puberty Blockers

Kamala’s Affair – Sleeping Her Way To The Top

The Age Issue: Biden Vs. Reagan


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

29th April 2023

Trump Accuser Admits to Sexually Harassing Roger Ailes (NewsMax) In pari delictu.


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

29th April 2023

What an ominous surge in ocean temperatures means for the planet (Washington Post)

Portland breaks daily temperature record and the day isn’t over yet (The Oregonian)

April heat wave a reminder that AC is becoming necessary in the Pacific Northwest (Fox 12 Oregon)

New York Governor Announces Progress in Push To Ban Natural Gas in New Buildings Time to leave.

New York on Verge of Being First State to Ban Natural Gas  Time to leave.

George Monbiot on Eco-terrorism: “I back saboteurs … but I won’t blow up a pipeline”  Well, that’s something, I guess….

Ocean Warming Study So Distressing, Some Scientists Didn’t Want to Talk About It

Chinese Import Fraud Could Shatter Europe’s Biodiesel Dreams


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Thought for the Day

29th April 2023

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The Muslim Brotherhood in France, Part 8

29th April 2023

Gates of Vienna.

A French researcher is under death threats for publishing a paper on the Muslim Brotherhood in France.

Wherever you go,
Whatever you do,
A Muslim waits there
To try to kill you.

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Winners and Losers in the House-Passed Debt Ceiling Bill

29th April 2023

Read it.

significant victory for House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

McCarthy managed to corral just enough votes to secure a slim 217-215 majority in favor of the deficit-reducing bill.

The Congressional Budget Office estimated Monday that the legislation would reduce the budget deficit by $4.8 trillion over 10 years. The House passed some modest amendments to the bill Tuesday night.

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Today in Witch-Hunt Culture

28th April 2023

Think Manchin has coal connections? Meet his rival. (Politico)

The Online Racists Stealing Military Secrets (Rolling Stone) People like Edward Snowdon and ‘Chelsea’ Manning?

MSNBC Says It’s Racist for State Police to Enforce Law in Jackson, MS

Federal appeals court upholds several voter restrictions enacted by Florida Republicans (CNN)

Texas AG Paxton Backs Christian Baker in Third Lawsuit

What’s really behind Republicans’ mounting transphobia? (Robert Reich) How would he know? Can he read minds?

German Domestic Spy Agency Labels AfD Youth Org As “Extreme Right”, Enabling Mass Surveillance Of All Members

Senior EU Official Issues Warning to Twitter over Moderation Failings

The Polite Disdain of John Roberts Finds a Target (N.Y. Times) More accurately, perhaps: The Polite Disdain for John Roberts Finds a Target.

DeSantis and Florida GOP look to upend public record laws as they attempt to shield his travel and other records ahead of likely White House bid (CNN)

Accused Pentagon leaker’s violent rhetoric raises fresh questions about top secret vetting process (CNN)

A new Senate bill would curb Trump’s worst judges (Vox) All Trump! All the time!

GOP uses state capitol protests to redefine ‘insurrection’ (Associated Press) Hey, if the Left can redefine ‘woman’, then anything goes.

Ron DeSantis in Guantánamo: how questions about his past haunt the Florida governor (The Guardian) They may haunt writers for The Guardian but I doubt that they haunt DeSantis at all.

No, You Absolutely Do Not Have to Hand It to Tucker Carlson (The Nation) The chief virtue of Tucker Carlson is that he drives all of the proglodyte ankle-biters insane.

Fox News Ratings Collapse by 50% as Newsmax Soars

Scarborough Outraged Childless Bachelor Sen. Lindsey Graham Speaks Against Abortion


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

28th April 2023

Trump’s Rape Trial


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Today in the BIden-Harris Slow-Motion Train Wreck

28th April 2023

Trapped Americans In Sudan “Shocked & Disgusted” – Left By Biden To Fend For Themselves

Biden DHS Chief Admits The End of Title 42 Will ‘Strain’ Immigration System

WATCH: KJP Pathetically Insists to WH Press Biden Wasn’t Given a Pre-Screened Question

Biden Challengers Issue Warning To Democrats If Biden Becomes Nominee

Republican Bill Would Slam Brakes on Biden’s Student Loan Agenda

Only One Question Remains As Susan Rice, Biden’s Shadow President, Leaves The White House

RFK Jr. on running against Biden: ‘I just disagree fundamentally with him’ (The Hill)

Doug Watt: The La Christiada Has Crossed the Border

The Times Says Senility Is A-OK

Biden’s ‘Freedom’ Platform of Grooming and Killing Kids

Kamala Harris must keep walking a tightrope for Biden’s reelection bid (Washington Post) Not sounding like a drunk would be a good start.

Biden Already Semi-Retired, Analysis of His Schedule Finds

WATCH: Trump Imitates Biden Getting Lost on Stage

Hunter Biden’s Ex-Mistress Wants to Know Who’s Paying His ‘Stable of American Super Lawyers’  The Big Guy, I shouldn’t wonder.

Biden Commutes Sentences of 31 Drug Convicts  All of whom vote Democrat. \

Biden Unable To Participate In Democratic Debates Due To Looming Screenwriters Strike (Babylon Bee)

Veterans Blast Biden for Pattern of Leaving Troops Behind

IRS Hiring Hundreds of Armed Agents


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Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic

28th April 2023

New York Post blasts Randi Weingarten, Anthony Fauci for dodging ‘responsibility’ on school closures

Randi Weingarten ruined kids’ lives — but she refuses to apologize for not following the science (N.Y. Post)

Randi Weingarten’s unchecked CDC access harmed our kids’ education. America needs accountability (Fox) Sorry–they’re too busy going after Clarence Thomas.

CDC Officials Make False Statements About Possible COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects

Does the “Arcturus” COVID variant cause pink eye? What to know about the new strain (CBS News)

Jennings LAYS Into Weingarten on CNN for Pandemic School Closings  The mask slips.

Nine COVID Vaccinations Per Citizen? Time for Contract Revisions

WATCH: No, Randi Weingarten Wasn’t Fighting To Open Schools

US Officials Reject Compensation For People Diagnosed With COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries

The Fauci zigzag

WATCH: Covid “vaccines” and all-cause mortality


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

28th April 2023

‘Endless record heat’ in Asia as highest April temperatures recorded (The Guardian)

Glass or plastic: which is better for the environment? (BBC)

New Covid-19 booster recommendations roll out in Vermont (VTDigger)

CDC eases COVID vaccination rule on international travelers as expiration looms (CBS News)

German Climate Idiots Use New Type Of Glue Requiring Jackhammer To Break Free

Tom Patterson: Climate Change Alarmism Not Supported by the Facts

DOE vs. Gas Cooking: A Review of Critical Comments

PNG Officials Charged with Skimming $2 million of Climate Aid Money

An Ominous Heating Event Is Unfolding in the Oceans (WIRED ‘Science’)

FACT CHECK: Climate Activists Who Smeared Paint on Priceless Sculpture Insist ‘We Are Adults’  But apparently acting like adults is beyond them.


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Today in BIPOC Privilege

28th April 2023

Emmett Till’s Victim Dies Before She Can be Lynched

Black Women Intellectuals Don’t Seem All That Intellectual

Carolyn Bryant Donham Dies at 88; Her Words Doomed Emmett Till (N.Y. Times) I guess MeToo and BelieveTheWoman doesn’t apply to white people.

Congress to reconsider RAP Act that would limit using lyrics as court evidence (Washington Examiner) Just because I said ‘Smack my bitch up’ didn’t mean I was gonna, you know, smack my bitch up! That’s crazy!

The Black Lottery

Did Post-2008 Speed Traps Contribute to White People Supporting Black Lives Matter?


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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

28th April 2023

Eric Adams wants FEMA to ban cities from busing migrants to NYC — as 1,300 arrive this week alone (N.Y. Post)

Bar loses customers after warning patrons it will ‘not tolerate intolerance’ among guests about Bud Light (Fox)

1 in 4 high school students identifies as LGBTQ (The Hill) According to the CDC–and who believes them any more?

Vice Undergoes Layoffs, Ends Key Show

INDOMITABLE: Trans legislator stands strong as GOP colleagues try to push her out (Washington Press)

Montana Legislature Votes To Remove Trans Lawmaker From House Floor For Rest Of 2023

WATCH: WFB Reporter Explains How Walmart Pushed Schools To Go Woke

4 Takeaways as House Looks to Restore Confidence in Elections

Networks Yawn At Anemic 1st Quarter GDP Report, Obsess Over Weather

Florida’s book-ban frenzy targets Nora Roberts, and she’s not happy (Washington Post) Let’s be clear–these books aren’t ‘banned’, they’re merely removed from SCHOOL libraries. Any kid who wants to read it can take a library card down to the local public library and check it out. (My local library has all of Nora Ephron’s stuff.)

Unreleased Report Finds Faults in Amnesty International’s Criticism of Ukraine (N.Y. Times)

Planned Parenthood Slaughtered 374,000 Babies While Raking in Record Public Funding in FY2022

‘Gender-Affirming’ Doctor Killed in Trans-Pushing ‘Law & Order’ Episode

CNN Asks If Debating Transgenderism Is Like Debating Murder

Taibbi: America, The Single-Opinion Cult

Kids under 13 would be barred from social media under bipartisan Senate bill (NPR) How on earth do they expect to be able to enforce this? I’m astonished that any Republicans would sign on to this; do they have the proglodyte “pass a law, change the world” delusion?

TikTok Users Whine After Auto-Filter ‘Misgenders’ Them

The View: A Braindead ‘Drooling’ Biden Better ‘Than Any Republican’

Eleven Minutes Of Media Falsehoods, Just On One Subject, Just On One Station

New IRS Migration Data: NY, CA, & IL Are The Big Losers Of People And Wealth; FL & TX The Big Winners


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U.S. Rep. Angie Craig drops college requirement for staffers

28th April 2023

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The Democratic representative from Minnesota says she may be the first member of Congress to end a bachelor’s degree requirement for all staffers.

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Game of Thrones

28th April 2023

Steve Graham.

A wise man knows a good toilet is an important investment.

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For Top Luxury Brands, AI is the Backbone of White-Glove Service

28th April 2023

The Observer.

Consider how technology is used at The Boca Raton, a double five-star (Forbes-rated) Michael Dell-owned property and one of the largest luxury resorts in South Florida to deliver recognition and personalized service. According to President and CEO Daniel Hostettler—who was headhunted by Dell’s partnership (MSD Partners) to take on the daunting task of helming the enormous, 950-room property—recognition must rest on a solid technological backbone, or it’s simply not going to happen at scale.

Hostettler’s property uses facial recognition and opt-in technology on guests’ phones. Soon, The Boca Raton will deploy location-based beacons: as guests approach one of the property’s restaurants, the host will be prompted with the guest’s name and other unique information, including whether they’re a first-time or a returning guest—allowing the host to offer a greeting of either, “Welcome, Mr. Solomon,” or “Welcome back, Mr. Solomon.”

Perhaps this seems like a small thing, but, as Hostettler puts it, luxury needs to be “achingly personal and personable; extraordinary, personalized service is truly our unique selling proposition.”

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Gynocracy Rising

28th April 2023

The American Mind.

There was a time, not that long ago, when First Amendment rights were relatively stable and well-understood in America. Those days are long gone. Consider our country’s college campuses, where free speech is dying the most brutal of deaths.

Why is this occurring? Who is to blame? From looking at recent data on this question, it seems that women are the main culprits.

According to a recent report by researchers at the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), as the number of women entering higher education continues to climb, levels of free speech on college campuses experience an apparently commensurate decline. On the issue of balancing free speech and hate speech, striking demographic differences emerge, with significantly more female than male faculty favoring protections against hate speech, “even if this restricts speech not intended to be hateful (19 percent of females, 8 percent of males), as well as restricting speech only where words are intended to be hateful (38 percent of females, 29 percent of males).” It is interesting to note that “significantly more male than female faculty supported restricting speech only where words are certain to incite violence (62 percent of males, 42 percent of females).”

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Thought for the Day

28th April 2023

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All the (Open) World’s a Stage: How the Video Game Fallout Became a Backdrop for Live Shakespeare Shows

28th April 2023

The Guardian.

One crisp spring evening, the Wasteland Theatre Company gathered to rehearse Romeo and Juliet. Jonathan “Bram” Thomas was playing Romeo. A self-confessed Shakespeare geek, he’d graduated with a BA in theatre, and this wasn’t his first time playing one half of the star-crossed lovers. But it was the first time a mutant scorpion the size of a Jeep had rampaged on to his stage.

Panicking, the show’s crew rained bullets down on its blackened shell, but not before Juliet fell to its sting. A poison death, certainly – just not one the Bard ever dreamed of writing.

“It’s just one of those things,” Bram shrugs, with the breezy nonchalance of an actor who is now used to these kinds of hiccups. You come to expect them when you’re performing inside a video game.


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Upward Farms Throws in Towel Ten Years After Founding Vertical-Farming Business

28th April 2023

Just Food.

The company started out in 2013 as Edenworks before transitioning to Seed & Roe and then Upward Farms. Employing aquaponics technology to cultivate microgreens such as kale and mustard, the controlled-environment agriculture business was supplying Whole Foods Market in the New York City area.

Getting off the ground with a farm in Brooklyn, in 2020 Upward Farms revealed a new growing facility in the same borough. At the time, the company said it had just received $15m in fresh funding, including from Wyoming-based venture-capital investor Prime Movers Lab, taking financing to $20m.

“It is with a heavy heart that we are announcing that Upward Farms is closing its Brooklyn headquarters farm and will cease to operate in the vertical-farming sector,” founders Jason Green, Ben Silverman and Matthew La Rosa wrote on the opening page of their website.

“We found that vertical farming is almost infinitely complex – as we tackled challenges, new ones emerged.”

As with most groovy-granola save-the-climate schemes, vertical farming just isn’t sufficiently cost-effective yet. I believe that it will be, eventually, when the technology advances far enough; even steam engines had to wait for the practical end of things to catch up.

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AMLO Sides With the Cartels

28th April 2023

The Spectator.

Mexico’s president, the increasingly authoritarian and erratic leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador, aka AMLO, visited Veracruz this past Friday to commemorate the 1914 American occupation of that city. In his remarks was a startling declaration: the Mexican state and military, under his leadership, will defend Mexico’s criminal cartels from the Americans.

“There is talk in the United States,” said AMLO, “of intervening and confronting organized crime, drug traffickers, treating them as terrorists and that for this reason they will come to ‘help’ us, to ‘support’ us to confront organized crime… we do not accept any intervention… if they did, it will not be only the sailors and soldiers who will defend Mexico, all Mexicans will defend Mexico.”

The remarks, shocking in themselves, went mostly unnoticed by US media, and unaddressed by a US State Department whose bureaucracy has been so friendly to AMLO — against the interests of its own countrymen — that even the New York Times runs stories on the American ambassador’s intimate relationship with the Mexican autocrat. This blind eye on the part of both American media and government is a mistake — because AMLO’s remarks in Veracruz were neither a one-off nor a misstatement. They are part of a pattern in which the Mexican state under this president has openly moved to end Mexico’s generational experiment in democratic liberalization, and toward a sort of cooperative symbiosis with its own narco cartels. Mexico is trading the uncertainty of a free society for a return to the old days of Mexican autocracy and stage-managed politics, underpinned by truly staggering corruption and an overt alliance with some of the most violent and terroristic organizations, not just in Mexico or this hemisphere, but the world.

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Today in BIPOC Privilege

27th April 2023

News From Zimbabwe, U.S.A.

Al Sharpton Demands Details on Don Lemon’s Firing by CNN

Maxing Out The Race Card


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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

27th April 2023

NeverTrumper Jennifer Rubin Exposes Her Own Hypocrisy in Anti-GOP Spending Cut Rant

Randi Weingarten ruined kids’ lives — but she refuses to apologize for not following the science (N.Y. Post)

House Republicans grill teachers union chief on pandemic school closures (The Hill)

Biden’s staff asked teacher’s union for school reopening advice before even taking office: Weingarten (N.Y. Post)

Bud Light sales are falling, but distributors say they’re sticking by the brand (CNN)

How Bud Light made its true feelings about Dylan Mulvaney depressingly clear (MSNBC)

Ultra Right Beer Sales Soar as Bud Light Plummets (NewsMax)

Florida Republicans Pass Bill To Weaken Public-Sector Unions, Send It To DeSantis (Huffington Post)

San Francisco Target Places Entire Aisles Behind Security Glass Amid Shoplifting Crisis 

Vermont School District To Remove Terms “Male” And “Female” From Sex Ed Curriculum

Undercover Investigation Reveals Pro-Trans Doctors ‘Cashing In’ On Lifelong Patients

D.C. police chief Robert Contee is retiring, mayor says (Washington Post)

Democrats Float Bill To Allow LGBTQ Migrants To Walk Into US Unrestricted

NPR Uses Sob Stories, ‘Slash’ Fiction to Keep $31 Trillion Debt Train Rolling

Elizabeth Warren Wants The Police At Your Door In 2024 If You Have A Crypto-Wallet

Whoopi: ‘God Was Really Clear’ Transitioning Kids Is OKAY With Him

EXCLUSIVE: Villanova Students Required to Read Graphic Trans Sex Scene Between Minors, Student Says


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Today in the Biden-Harris Slow-Motion Train Wreck

27th April 2023

Biden aide gaffe leads to campaign clarification (BBC)

Big money donors rally behind Biden as he launches his reelection bid (CNBC) Democrats–Party of the Rich.

Arizona hospital near border preparing for Title 42’s end, possible migrant surge (Fox)

Biden energy secretary doubles down on electrifying US military’s vehicle fleet by 2030: ‘We can get there’ (Fox)

Biden Cabinet Nominee Rejection Would Be 10th Ever

Justice Department Challenges Tennessee Law that Bans Critical, Medically Necessary Care for Transgender Youth (DoJ)

Biden ‘Cheat Sheet’ Contains Reporter’s Question (NewsMax)

Nets Uninterested in Biden Getting Caught With Journo’s Question in Advance

Where Did All The Biden Illegal Immigrants Go? Hard-Up Sanctuary Cities Are Only Part Of The Answer

PBS Stands for President Biden’s Servants

4 GOP Reps Voted Against Debt Ceiling Increase

‘Not Normal’: Biden Turns White House Into Housing Option for Extended Family

The Biden-Press Alliance

Biden’s New EPA Rule May Double Power Bills  Not for those of us who have solar power panels. (I guess that’s the point….)

The Tiny, Tight-Lipped Circle of Aides Guiding Biden 2024 (N.Y. Times) When they pull on the strings, you can see his mouth move.

CBS, Wood Hype ‘Bigger Responsibility’ Of Going After Conservatives At WHCD

Photo Shows Biden Cheat Sheet With Reporter’s Full Question Given In Advance

Why Biden may have to forfeit the first contest in his re-election bid to Marianne Williamson or RFK Jr. (NBC News)

Trafalgar Poll: Most Back Texas Border Patrol Creation  When the government doesn’t do its job, it’s up to the people themselves.

Why Are the Media Playing Along With Biden’s Make-Believe Presidency?  (The Other McCain)

CNN’s Sappy Saenz Laments GOP ‘Seized’ on Biden’s Card with Press Question in Advance

Volunteers Scramble to Help Teen Migrants in NYC

‘The China Way’: Biden Campaign Co-Chair Lavished Praise on China in Interview with CCP Propaganda Outlet

Biden Spends Taxpayer Funds To Address Burning Question: Is the Construction Industry Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive?

Biden Justice Department Sues Tennessee Over Ban on Transgender Procedures for Minors 

GOP book bans a big part of the story Biden’s campaign wants to tell (Politico) Like most Biden stories, it’s a lie. Books aren’t being ‘banned’, merely removed from school libraries when they promote perversion, socialism, and anti-white racism. Schools don’t have the power to ‘ban’ books; anybody who wants to read them merely has to go to Amazon. (School Allows Reading of LGBT Book to Second Graders Despite State Law Requiring Parental Consent ) for example.

White House denies Biden received questions in advance at press conference (The Hill) Who are you going to believe, me or your lyin’ eyes?

WATCH: Joe Biden Proudly Lists All His Grandkids, Except Hunter Biden’s Love Child

The ‘Su Tax’: California Businesses Are Still Paying for Biden Nominee Julie Su’s $31B Mistake

FACT CHECK: Joe Biden Said Republicans Are ‘Banning Books’ Like ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’

Biden’s pre-written questions present a crisis of confidence


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

27th April 2023

Judge rebukes Trump for ‘entirely inappropriate’ post before E Jean Carroll testimony (The Guardian)

Jury Has Likely Decided Trump’s Fate in Rape Case Already (Daily Beast) Admitting the truth: That Trump can’t get a fair trial in New York.

Is Trump Inevitable? Some in the GOP Are Starting To Wonder (Politico) Spreading the Narrative FUD.

Trump is racking up GOP endorsements, even amid criminal jeopardy (Washington Post)

Trump lawyers offer detailed defense to Mar-a-Lago case (Washington Post)


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Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic

27th April 2023

Randi Weingarten’s unchecked CDC access harmed our kids’ education. America needs accountability (Fox)

Is the new Covid-19 booster for you? Our medical analyst explains (CNN)

Stay ahead of COVID whenever you can (Star-Tribune)

COVID-19 vaccine appears more effective if received around midday (MedicalXPress)

Fauci Admits Orwellian Mandates Fueled Anti-Vax Sentiment

4 Highlights From Teachers Union Head Randi Weingarten’s Testimony on School Lockdowns

Fauci retcons the pandemic in laughable NYT interview

Another Lockdown Authoritarian Tries To Weasel Out Of Responsibility For Role During Pandemic

TWITTER FILES: WHO Stealth-Edited Vaccine Info To Help Twitter Censor Tucker Carlson


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

27th April 2023

Record ocean temperatures put Earth in ‘uncharted territory’, say scientists (The Guardian)

Senate votes to revoke tougher EPA emissions regulation for trucks (CNN)

Environmental ‘Bootleggers And Baptists’ Fleeced Pennsylvania Consumers

Green Fuels To Become Mandatory in 2025

Climate protesters paint case housing Degas ballerina sculpture in D.C.  All they’re doing is pissing people off; they’re not helping their cause one bit. (Of course, it’s not about actually accomplishing anything, but about the warm & fuzzy virtue-signaling feelz….)

WATCH: Climate Activist Who Shut Down Highway Admits She Wants To Ruin Your Life

Dr Richard Lindzen exposes climate change as a politicised power play motivated by malice and profit


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Today in Witch-Hunt Culture

27th April 2023

Seth Meyers Says Fox’s ‘Revenge’ File on Tucker Carlson an HR Problem (Rolling Stone)

Top Russian official reacts to Tucker Carlson leaving Fox (CNN) Why intrude this? Because they want to insinuate some connection between Tucker and Russia that doesn’t exist.

Florida Restaurant Owner Says Bud Light Campaign Caused ‘Hell on Earth’ (Newsweek)

Clarence Thomas Billionaire Benefactor Harlan Crow Bought Citizenship in Island Tax Haven (The Intercept) The Goldberg Group joins the prog witch-hunt.

Senators seek answers as Clarence Thomas’ ethics mess intensifies (MSNBC)

On Eve of Trial, Discovery of Carlson Texts Set Off Crisis Atop Fox (N.Y. Times)

Nets Endorse Trans MT Rep. Saying Opposing Transgenderism Means You Support Suicides

Nobody Sold Out Harder Than Tucker Carlson (Daily Beast)

Disney’s lawsuit will show what DeSantis’ war on LGBTQ+ allies is really about (L.A. Times) According to the Narrative, that is.

Airman Accused of Leak Has History of Racist and Violent Remarks, Filing Says (N.Y. Times) A filing! That proves it!

Confirmed: ex-Tucker Carlson producer suing Tucker Carlson has never met Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson and the revenge of the neocons

‘A new generation is rising up’: Young Dems stand up to GOP extremism (MSNBC) But not to Democrat extremism, of course.

The Real Tucker Carlson (The American Prospect) They can’t call him a fascist with a straight face, so instead he’s a ‘neofascist’.

Ex-US Army Psyops Expert: Fox News Fired Carlson To Maintain “Semi Lobotomized Quasi Retarded Population”

Inside a private portal from GOP campaigns to local news sites (Washington Post) No mention, of course, of the fact that the Narrative media are the full-time propaganda arm of the Democrat party.

Clarence Thomas is Winning His War on Transparency (The Atlantic) An admission that the Democrat witch-hunt is losing steam rapidly.

WashPost Columnist Urges People To Harass Republicans At The Grocery Store, Church

Trump and Tucker Carlson were codependent. Their Venn diagram was one angry white circle (The Guardian) The chief virtue of Tucker Carlson is that he makes all the right people insanely angry.

It’s Personal: Google Suppresses MRC’s Free Speech America Website in Search Results


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For the Children

27th April 2023

Read it.

For the children is an expression frequently invoked in the past by a number of Democrat politicians, but based on their actions, it seems a very empty proposition. Then there are those who have no clue at all what a commitment to children and family means, such as in the case of Keith Olbermann. Here again, I will quote Megyn Kelly for illustration of my point:

Even Keith Olbermann was saying similar things, comparing Tucker to a nazi. He also, for good measure, decided to tweet about me because I said Tucker is going to be better off without Fox, and he said something to the effect of “You got fired from Fox and NBC, what would you know about it?”

So first of all, you mistake the circumstances of my departure from NBC, sir. That’s all I’m allowed to say about it. And as for Fox, there were widely reported facts that I was offered $100 million to stay there, but the record is very clear that I left voluntarily because I wanted to raise my family.

Something you don’t know anything about because no one would marry you, and you have no children. You have a cold, lonely life in which you’ve become a bitter, bitter man. Something I wouldn’t know anything about because my life is joyful and I’ve managed to raise my own children, and someday, I hope you have that pleasure, but I don’t have high hopes of that happening.

Yeah, I can’t see anybody willing to marry Keith Olbermann either.

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Rock Creek Parkway 3/15/23

27th April 2023

Steve Sailer.

On March 15, 2023, two guys were out drinking in Washington D.C. They did the right thing and called a Lyft driver in an Accord for a ride home.

A few minutes later, though, all three were dead, when a Lexus SUV with 44 outstanding tickets totaling $17,000 in upaid fines fleeing a police stop crossed over onto their side of Rock Creek Parkway.

Police are there for a reason.

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Trump’s Good Idea

27th April 2023

Steven Hayward at Power Line.

Trump doesn’t seem to have the same clear central focus for his agenda and campaign messaging so far, partly because he can’t seem to decide whether to attack Biden and Democrats more than his GOP rivals, despite his clear front-runner status.

But one of his good ideas that is front and center is civil service reform, aimed at bringing the administrative state back inside the Constitution. Our permanent government rules us without our consent, and undermines popular government. That’s on purpose. Although Reagan made this point well, even he never spoke the plain truth about it: our administrative state and its ever-swelling bureaucracies are the partisan governing instrument of the Democratic Party. Time to say so, and do something about it.

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Equal Justice Under the Law?

27th April 2023

The American Mind.

Many J6 protestors have been sentenced to lengthy jail terms without evidence that they engaged in violence. The “QAnon shaman” Jacob Chansley, for example, was sentenced to four years imprisonment for obstructing an official proceeding, though it was subsequently reported that he had been escorted to the Senate floor by Capitol police. Another protestor, Kevin Seefried, got three years for marching into the Capitol carrying a Confederate flag (less than the seven-year sentence prosecutors had requested).

There is room for debate about whether the sentences meted out to these nonviolent protestors were merited. On the one hand, any attempt to overturn a lawful election outcome constitutes a threat to the preservation of our constitutional order and must be met with penalties sufficiently severe to deter such actions by others in the future. On the other hand, violent criminals (especially in states with “decarceration” policies like New York) often get off with much lighter penalties—or sometimes no punishment at all.

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Tucker Carlson’s Enemies Won’t Be Laughing When They See What He Does Next

27th April 2023

Washington Examiner.

The news that Tucker Carlson, Fox News’s highest-rated prime-time host, abruptly left the network sent shockwaves throughout the media world on Monday. The ladies of ABC’s The View, were, of course, delirious over the development. The left-leaning website The New Republic found the news “hilarious” and wrote, “It turns out the Fox News host wasn’t nearly as bulletproof as he thought he was.”

But they weren’t the only ones to hop aboard the schadenfreude train. They were quickly joined by conservative anti-Trumpers and former Fox News contributors Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes.

Jonah Goldberg is turning into a great disappointment. He isn’t as much of a whore for the Establishment as Bill Kristol or David French, but he is a disappointment.

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Thought for the Day

27th April 2023

Infographic: Anti-CRT Measures Adopted by 28 U.S. States | Statista

Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | 2 Comments »

How Not to Revitalize Downtown

27th April 2023

The Antiplanner.

The city of Portland announced yesterday that it received a $2 million federal grant to get it to ban gasoline (and, presumably, Diesel) delivery vehicles in a sixteen-block area of downtown Portland. That means all supplies to offices in that area will have to be transferred from petroleum-powered vehicles to electric vehicles before they enter the zone, thus driving up costs.

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