We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for September, 2018

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

30th September 2018

Grassley Refers False Kavanaugh Allegation For Criminal Investigation  It won’t go anywhere, but at least Grassley is proving to be not quite as useless as the typical Republican Senator.

NBC Cuts Feed As ‘SNL’ Credits Roll And Kanye Delivers Pro-Trump Speech  Not even a Magic Negro is allowed to contradict The Narrative.

Chuck Grassley Sends Blistering Letter To Bernie Sanders Over Demands For FBI Investigation Into Kavanaugh  Ooooh! A Blistering Letter. No doubt Bernie will feel that one.

Waters Sees Right-Wing Conspiracy In Reports Her Office Leaked Info On GOP Senators  Would that it were so.

Cotton: Feinstein Will Be Investigated For Leak Of Ford Letter


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Aquarius Migrants – and a Dog – Land in Malta After Long Wait at Sea

30th September 2018

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We’re escaping one step ahead of the secret police! Oh, and don’t forget the dog.

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Man ‘Stabbed in Face’ on London Underground Central Line Train Near Mile End

30th September 2018

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Welcome to Londonistan. Be careful not to step in the diversity.

People of Color behaving badly! What are the odds?

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Grateful Dead Bassist Phil Lesh Donates $10,000 to Campaign Supporting Christine Blasey Ford

30th September 2018

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Why is this considered news? Does it surprise you? Does it surprise anybody?

It does reinforce the notion that all you need for a Big Payday is to make an unsupported accusation against somebody prominent who is to the right of Bernie Sanders. This will not end well.

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Thought for the Day

30th September 2018

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UK: Mentally Ill Held Without Charge for Lack of NHS Beds

30th September 2018

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How about that GREAT government-provided health care? Don’t you wish we had a system like that in the U.S.?

Feel the Bern….

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World’s First Fully Automated Indoor Farm Is Being Built in Ohio

30th September 2018

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What will the Coastal Crust do when they can’t dismiss people from Flyover Country as ‘rednecks’ any more?

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Hard Science Nobels Finally Kowtow to Demand for Diversity

29th September 2018

Steve Sailer shares the news.

As I’ve been noting since 2005, the three hard science Nobel Prizes have long been resistant to the Demand for Diversity because, well, they are the immensely prestigious Nobel Prizes and so they don’t have to play that way. But all good things must come to an end.

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What Is the Business Model of Palo Alto University?

29th September 2018

Steve Sailer takes a peek at ‘Doctor” Ford’s background.

No standardized tests are required and no average test scores are published. It has two campuses, plus arrangements with various Silicon Valley community colleges to use their facilities, plus an online presence. Tuition was $21k in 2015, about half of a typical 4-year private college. Main majors are Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Social Action and Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Psychology, depending on whether you want to work for a government or NGO agency or a corporation.

Finishing school for would-be Crustian drones is my guess.

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A Lucrative Incentive to Lie About Judge Kavanaugh

29th September 2018

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People have a massive incentive to make explosive, unfounded allegations against conservative judges nominated to the Supreme Court. Doing so can get them millions of dollars in book and movie deals from Hollywood or the publishing industry, both of which lean far to the left. Over a million dollars has already been raised for Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford through GoFundMe accounts. Anita Hill, who accused Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in 1991 of saying sexually offensive things to her, received a “million-dollar advance” from publishers as a result.

This fact is well-known to journalists, who draw readers and advertising revenue by publicizing scurrilous allegations. But some liberal or “Never Trump” columnists pretend otherwise, to mislead their readers. They peddle the false claim that accusers have nothing to gain and everything to lose, by making allegations against people like Kavanaugh.

Follow the money.

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Mexico’s Drug Cartels Are Moving Into the Gasoline Industry

29th September 2018

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We need a wall.

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Senate Judiciary Members Receive Extra Security Following Increased Threats

29th September 2018

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The Party of Mob Rule is feeling its oats.

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Hundreds of Academics at Top UK Universities Accused of Bullying

29th September 2018

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Why should American snowflakes have all the fun (and get all the money)?

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

29th September 2018

Sexual assault victims are reliving their trauma, ‘triggered’ by Brett Kavanaugh’s hearing


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Thought for the Day

29th September 2018

Frazz Comic Strip for September 26, 2018

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Why the Brett Kavanaugh Smear?

29th September 2018

John Hinderaker unloads.

I think that Judge Kavanaugh’s pristine reputation is one reason why the Democrats have unleashed against him a smear campaign unparalleled in American history. This is the message they are trying to send: If we can do this to the Boy Scout Brett Kavanaugh, we can do it to anyone. Are you thinking of serving in a Republican administration? Or accepting an appointment to the federal judiciary from a Republican president? Think twice, and then think again.

Because our smear machine will reach back to middle school if necessary. If we can’t find any dirt on you, we will manufacture some. There is no depth to which we will not stoop, and your honesty, integrity and spotless reputation are no match for our control over the media and our determination to dredge up ridiculous allegations against anyone who stands in our way.

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Anti-White-Male Kavanaugh Hatefest May Close Midterm Enthusiasm Gap—and Get GOP Senators On the Trump Train

29th September 2018

John Derbyshire unloads.

Nothing matters to these people but power: not our institutions, not our laws and customs, not out history, not our Constitution, not truth or falsehood, not science or reason, not decency or respect, only Lenin’s who-whom—whose boot is stomping on whose face? They are determined that it shall be their boot, our face; and in their view, every means is legitimate to bring that about.

The U.S. Senate was a last bastion of constitutional collegiality, even into the Trump era. In April last year three Democratic Senators voted to confirm Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. I wouldn’t bet on that happening this time around. We are now firmly in an era of smash-mouth politics, of Leninist who-whom.

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Why Vertical Farming Isn’t a Miracle Solution to Food Security

28th September 2018

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Vertical farming is great for growing lots of food in a small space, but productivity comes at a cost: high energy use.

The same reason ‘renewable’ power sources don’t beat coal and oil.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

28th September 2018

Joy Behar On Kavanaugh Hearing: Republicans ‘Worried That All White People Are Going To Lose All Their Power’  I find it difficult to believe that Joy Behar knows anything about what ‘white people’ think.

Protesters Fight Against Kavanaugh’s Confirmation Process With … Sandwiches?  You have to wonder what these people think they’re accomplishing. I suspect that they know they’re not accomplishing anything but just want to do something for the sake of doing something so that they can feel good about themselves for doing something even if it’s pointless.

And Now, a Week of Full-On Terrorism Against Republicans

Trump Bashing Leads To Walk Out At Wanda Sykes Show: ‘I Paid For A Comedy Show, Not For A Political Venue’


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The Cedar Avenue “Gas Explosion” Revisited

28th September 2018

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The incident occurred in a mostly Somali neighborhood known as “Little Mogadishu”, which is centered around Cedar Avenue near the University of Minnesota Law School. Early that morning a massive explosion blew out the windows on the second floor at 514 S. Cedar Avenue, above the Otanga Grocery. An intense fire that followed the explosion eventually consumed the interior of the three-story structure.

The building had been inhabited by Somali Muslims, the businesses there had been patronized by Somali Muslims, and it was next door to a mosque. After having seen photos and videos of numerous gas explosions, it was obvious to me that this was no gas explosion. For the first 24 hours the Minneapolis fire chief said the cause of the explosion was unknown. However, the next morning, as soon as the FBI arrived at the scene, the story changed: the explosion was caused by a natural gas leak. Despite the fact that there had been no investigation of the site, despite the insistence by the gas company that there had been no leaks whatsoever in the area, a “gas leak” was the fire chief’s story, and he stuck to it doggedly. And as soon as the fire was fully extinguished and the last body had been removed from the scene, the city ordered the remains of the building to be demolished, before any forensic investigation of the site could be undertaken.

The whole thing smelled fishy back then, and it still smells fishy. We still don’t have any official report on what really happened. However, thanks to the patient efforts of Judicial Watch, we know a lot more than we did in January 2014.

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Police in Georgia Are on the Lookout for a Hotel ‘Breakfast Bandit’

28th September 2018

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The sanctity of the complimentary breakfast buffet, a privilege only afforded to hotel guests, is being threatened by a thief on the loose in Dalton, Georgia. The so-called “breakfast bandit” has been spotted helping himself to the spreads at multiple local hotels, Thrillist reports—and police fear he’s still hungry.

I’m surprised that this isn’t more widespread.

On the other hand, my memories of hotel breakfast buffets are not the sort that would justify a stop. But that’s me.

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Democrats Refuse to Vote, Walk Out of Judiciary Meeting on Kavanaugh Because It’s ‘So Unfair’

28th September 2018

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I wonder if we could persuade them to do that in the Senate. It would make things a lot quieter.

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Highest Minimum Wage in the US Will Hit a Whopping $19 an Hour

28th September 2018

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And the exodus from New York state will accelerate.


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Anti-Kavanaugh Protesters March From Capitol to Supreme Court

28th September 2018

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And they feel REALLY GOOD about themselves. The money from George Soros doesn’t hurt, either.

I think we need to get Merrick Garland out there and punch him in the mouth just to even things up.

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Jesuit Magazine Drops Kavanaugh, Says His Nomination Must Be ‘Withdrawn’

28th September 2018

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I’m glad I’m not Roman Catholic any more. This sort of thing is embarrassing.

Judge Kavanaugh, there’s plenty of room for you in Orthodoxy.

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Thought for the Day

28th September 2018

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ISLAMOCOPIA FRIDAY: What’s New in the Religion of Peace

28th September 2018

Tara Fares death: Iraqi model and Instagram star shot dead in Baghdad

Muslim Refugees Perpetrate a New Kristallnacht

Dutch police foil ‘major terror plot’ in raids

Dutch Police Arrest 7 Men Who Were Preparing For A Major Attack

Police Arrest the First Islamic Terrorist in the Czech Republic

Pakistan urges China to ease pressure on Uighur Muslims amid warnings by right groups  Oh, as if that’s going to happen. What part of ‘Communist dictatorship’ do these people not understand?

Iran military parade attacked by gunmen in Ahvaz

Gunmen kill 24 Iranian revolutionary guard in an attack on military parade

Gunmen kill 24 at high-profile military parade in brazen Iran attack

British pharmacist suspected of fighting for Islamic State detained by Kurdish forces in Syria

Terrorists being released from UK prisons could ‘slip through the net’ and attack, government warned

French Muslim rapper cancels Bataclan shows after far-right protests  There is no ‘right’, only ‘far-right’; there is no ‘far-left’, nor even any ‘left’.

Michael Stürzenberger Enrages Muslims by Filming Their Street Prayers in Munich

Teenage boy stabbed in minibus outside mosque after three men smash through windows in unprovoked attack

Iran mourns terror attack victims, as confusion swirls over Isis’s claim of responsibility

Second Swiss Region Votes To Ban The Burqa

Bodyguard’s Nadia shows the danger of underestimating female jihadis

Second Swiss Canton to Ban the Burqa

IPT Exclusive: Linda Sarsour’s Blood Libel

Human Rights Watch Accuses Al Houthis of Hostage-Taking and Torture

Maldives art installation demolished for being anti-Islamic

Polio guard shot dead in Pakistan on first day of new vaccination drive

How British prisons became a breeding ground for Islamist extremism  Much like American prisons.

New Information About the Danforth Shooting in Toronto

Woman dies after Moroccan navy shoots at migrant boat in the Mediterranean

Strangers on a Tram

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Sarah Hyland Shares Her Story of Being Sexually Assaulted by High School Friend

28th September 2018

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These days, nobody is anybody unless she was assaulted in high school.

And, of course, nobody will know you’re the victim (and get the appropriate Victim Pokemon Points) unless you ‘share your story’.

I have to confess that I was never sexually assaulted in high school, no doubt due to the fact that I didn’t got to parties full of drunks. Boy, if only I knew what an opportunity I was passing up….

(Oh, would somebody remind me who Sarah Hyland is?)

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Anti-White Menism as the Cliche of Hacks

28th September 2018

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Hip & trendy people are lining up like re-educatees at a Soviet labor Camp.

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Ford Admits She Flies Often After Citing Fear of Flying to Delay Hearing

28th September 2018

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In English: She lied.

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People Are Fed Up With Sen. Chuck Grassley Interrupting Women in Senate Hearing

28th September 2018

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By ‘people’ of course is meant ‘staff at the Huffington Post’.

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Katie Hopkins to the OSCE: NGO Rescue Boats Are Part of the Business Model of the Trafficker

27th September 2018

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The ‘rescue’ boats operate to a known schedule and work known ‘search’ points. All traffickers have to do is get them offshore and drop them at the collection point, like delivering a package to UPS, and the ‘humanitarians’ do the rest.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

27th September 2018

The Democrats’ Descent Into Madness Continues

CNN And The Hill Spread Retracted Sexual Assault Claim — Without Mentioning It Was Retracted

Michael Avenatti challenges Trump to compare their Penn school records  Good ol’ Trump, sucking the air out of that news cycle.

Brett Kavanaugh faces new sexual misconduct allegations as two men claim they assaulted Dr Ford ahead of her testimony  No, I’m Spartacus!

White House Reporter Major Garrett on the ‘Thrills’ of Covering Trump

Blumenthal Says Brett Kavanaugh’s Past Drinking Habits Are All ‘Fair Game’  People actually voted for this moron.

Chris Matthews Falsely Claims Trump Paid Off Female Accusers

Toobin: Republicans Want Kavanaugh Because They Want ‘Gay People To Be Not Allowed To Shop Everywhere’  As if Toobin knew anything about what Republicans want.

Mazie Hirono’s Campaign Calls Kavanaugh Allegation Fundraiser Email Sent During Hearing An ‘Error’  Sure, I believe that.

Senator Wattles: Since We’ve Struck Out On All Other Claims, We’re Now Going to Claim Your “Temperament” Is Faulty Because You Got Angry Over False Gang-Rape Charges  Scraaaaaaape that barrel.


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The Cartel Next Door

27th September 2018

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Mexico is, in practical terms, a ‘failed state’. We need a wall.

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Gamers Ditch Total War: Rome 2 After Female Generals Appear

27th September 2018

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Understandable. There were no female Roman generals.

Gamers are boycotting a historical video game amid anger after it added more female characters to “please feminists”.

Total War: Rome 2, a strategy game based in 272 BC, recently introduced more female leaders from history including Egyptian pharaoh Cleopatra and Teuta, queen of the Ardiaei tribe in Illyria.

The update, which has seen as many as 15 percent of all military generals that appear in the game now female, with the exception of Rome, Carthage and Greek states, has caused uproar among customers who claim they are re-writing the history of ancient nations including Rome, Athens, Carthage, Pontus, the Britannic Icenii tribe, the Germanic Suebi tribe, the Seleucids.

One customer was banned from the game’s official forum by a Total War employee after he left a negative review describing the change as “plain silly”.  Ella McConnell, who is paid by the game makers to moderate the forum sparked fury after issuing the ban and responding to the offending post: “Total War games are historically authentic, not historically accurate – if having female units upsets you that much you can either [modify] them out or just not play”.

SJWs ruin everything they touch.

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Ruled Sticky Tape

27th September 2018

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Incredibly useful stuff.

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British Charity Runner Mistaken for Mexican Drug Runner by Border Guards

27th September 2018

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An understandable mistake.

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Thought for the Day

27th September 2018

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The ‘Real You’ Is a Myth

27th September 2018

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Especially if you’re on Facebook.

We all want other people to “get us” and appreciate us for who we really are. In striving to achieve such relationships, we typically assume that there is a “real me”. But how do we actually know who we are? It may seem simple – we are a product of our life experiences, which we can be easily accessed through our memories of the past.

This is true only for people whose primary self-image is derived from how they are evaluated by other people. Tattoos and piercings and odd hair colors and strange clothing is the metastasized form of that.

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Facebook Using Phone Numbers From Two Factor Authentication for Ad Targeting

27th September 2018

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My, what a surprise. And you wondered why ‘Zuck you!’ was a thing.

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Democrat Blood Lust Has Energised Republicans Ahead of the Midterms

27th September 2018

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Another woman accuses Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct. A third says she was at multiple parties in the Eighties where women, including herself, were drugged and gang raped by the Supreme Court nominee and his friends. But she kept going back. And never complained until two days before an important Senate vote. And, coincidentally, Christine Blasey Ford’s attorney was her attorney in a sexual harassment suit 10 years ago.

And we’re supposed to believe all this.

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The BBC Formally Bans Climate Skeptics

27th September 2018

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Bias? Ain’t no bias here, boss — it’s SCIENCE.

The BBC has long been touted as ‘the voice of the British establishment’. If true, we now see that the Long March Through The Institutions has succeeded over here to the point where the mask can be dropped from part of the proglodyte agenda.

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No More Mr. White Guy

27th September 2018

Ann Coulter documents the Democrat obsession with White Men.

As the Supreme Court confirmation hearing resumes this week for Judge Brett Kavanaugh, it’s clear that the Republicans are simply too white to get the job done. I suggest the Republicans sign up some outside help, the way baseball teams make late-season acquisitions of pitchers and designated hitters for the playoffs.

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How Can You… As a Woman?

27th September 2018

Bethany Mandel leaves the reservation.

In the wake of the Brett Kavanaugh allegations conservative women have heard a great deal of the following:


Well, the simple, half-joking answer is: I’ve met a lot of women in my time. But here’s the real one: I’m a woman, but that doesn’t make me part of some feminist club, because the part of my value more than my womanhood is that I am the mother of sons and I am the wife of the greatest man I’ve ever known. If allegations of this nature were made against the men in my life, here is what I would expect and demand of the public: take into account their character prior to these accusations, and evaluate the credibility of the accusations and the accuser.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

26th September 2018

‘People actually laughed at a president’: At U.N. speech, Trump suffers the fate he always feared  More psychic journalism. ‘Look! We know what the President fears, and this was it!’ Horseshit. He didn’t look all that afraid to me.

World leaders stumble upon a potent response to Trump’s claims: Laughter  Uh, guys? Trump gets laughs every time he does a rally. It’s intentional. Guess you need to get out more.

Media Say United Nations Were Laughing At Trump During Assembly — Nikki Haley Calls Fake News

Trump claims he ‘meant to be laughed at’ by world leaders at UN General Assembly

A Supreme Court Case Could Liberate Trump to Pardon His Associates  Which, of course, he has shown no signs of doing. But he might! After all, who knows what The New Hitler might do! Pretty scary!

Judge Napolitano Says Kavanaugh Hearings Are Not About The ‘Truth Or Reality,’ But About ‘Who Is More Believable’ On TV

Jennifer Rubin Spreads Fake News About GOP’s Kavanaugh Hearing Prosecutor  Apparently Jennifer Rubin is alleged to be conservative. Who knew?

‘Our bad’: BBC accused of fake news after it misheard Donald Trump declare war  Hey, it’s a natural mistake — after all, he is The New Hitler.

Kavanaugh Accuser’s Attorneys Decline Requests To Give Committee Evidence Or Statements

Kavanaugh Lawyer: Why Did Accuser Continue To Attend Alleged Gang Rape Parties?  Good point.

Female High School Friend of Kavanaugh Says Latest Allegation ‘False,’ ‘Absurd’

Joy Behar Compares Trump To ‘King Kong’ — Says She’s Worried About What ‘He’s Going To Do Next’  As has been the case since the 2016 campaign. She needs to MoveOn.

Senator Wants Federal Court to Block Kavanaugh’s Confirmation  Uh, I don’t think it works that way. (This is what comes of electing politicians who’ve never ever had a real job.)

CNN Commentator: Kavanaugh Has To ‘Speak Out’ On Behalf Of Accusers  Uh, I think he already did. Maybe she wasn’t listening, since he didn’t use the word ‘patriarchy’.

Reporter Asked Trump About His Own Daughters And Sexual Assault Reporting The point is that Trump’s daughters don’t make shit up for political reasons.


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Tiny Robot Caterpillar Designed to Walk Through Body Delivering Drugs

26th September 2018

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Don’t know about you, but this creeps me out.

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Why Race Matters

26th September 2018

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In the left’s view, it is racist to believe that (a) there are races, (b) they differ in their genetic inheritance (which is much the same thing), and (c) the distribution of intelligence (vis-a-vis other races) is a manifestation of genetic inheritance (and therefore of race) is a racist. Which leads me to ask this: If there is no such thing as race, how can there be racism and racists?

If you can pick out, from a crowd, who’s the victim of racism, then race exists. It’s just that simple.

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Seal Slaps Kayaker Across the Face With an Octopus

26th September 2018

Watch it.

Tell the truth:We’ve all wanted to do that.

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The Twitter CEO Is Now Dating a Famous Supermodel. Check Out Her Photos.

26th September 2018

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Hey, the money was just sitting there.

I wonder whether anybody has done a serious study of how much excess rich-boy cash is soaked up and taken out of the economy by ‘supermodels’. (Nobody seems to be a just plain model any more. Kind of like ‘far-right’ that way.) Seems as if there ought to be a PhD thesis or two in there somewhere.

Posted in Is this a great country, or what? | 1 Comment »

Does the Turkish Intelligence Agency Plan to Abduct Turkish Dissidents From the US?

26th September 2018

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If so, do they take requests? I’m sure I have the list here somewhere….

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