Archive for the 'Democrats: Party of Fear–Party of Hate–Party of Death' Category
28th March 2025
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The Democratic Party nurtures Communist revolutionaries like 36-year-old Paul Kim, who was arrested this week after shooting and firebombing a Tesla collision center in Las Vegas, Nevada.
But you knew that.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
27th March 2025
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Conservatives tend to support freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to buy whatever light bulbs make you happy, and so on. Leftism tends to be based more on centralized control systems, and is more comfortable with censorship and government involvement in things like light bulbs and gas stoves. Political violence is a feature of the left, presumably because you sometimes need violence to get someone to do something that they normally wouldn’t do. Conservatives don’t need violence to get people to do whatever they want. Which is why it’s so hard to imagine JD Vance looking like Elizabeth Warren in this picture.
But it occurs to me that there may be another reason for the anger and violence on the left. Leftists believe that they are the smart ones, and the virtuous ones. And then they look at places that apply leftism, which are typically horrifying. The 20th century was a nightmare for them, as leftist leaders like Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Castro, et al. caused so much suffering and destruction. American cities have been governed by Democrat governors for decades, and are nearly without exception spiraling into dystopian hell-holes. People are leaving Democrat states and moving to Republican states en masse. If leftism is so smart and so virtuous, why does it consistently lead to such suffering and destruction? Why do people run away from it? If leftism is so smart and so virtuous, shouldn’t it work? At least sometimes?
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
27th March 2025
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A Texas man who previously pleaded guilty to domestic violence is suspected of attacking three Tesla vehicles in a 4-wheeler ramming spree to protest Tesla CEO Elon Musk.
Texarkana, Texas police charged 33-year-old Demarqeyun Marquize Cox on Wednesday with allegedly ramming an ATV-style vehicle into a Tesla car and believe he did the same to two others, according to statements from the city’s police department. Cox allegedly wrote “Elon” on the other two vehicles he attacked, reflecting a nationwide trend of protests, arson and vandalism against the Trump administration adviser’s company.
I guess we don’t have to wonder at his ‘ethnicity’.
County records show Cox pleaded guilty to assault causing bodily injury in a domestic violence case in 2014. A judge gave him deferred probation and dismissed the case in 2015.
Your tax dollars at work … sort of.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
27th March 2025
Per Scott Adams:
“Did I coin ‘Dramacrats’? No, I did not. I stole that from a DM that I got, where somebody DMed it to me. But I love it. The Dramacrats. It puts it in perspective, ’cause I really do think that the Democrats are largely a theatrical production. And I mean that literally, in the sense that they are acting about how mad they are, they are acting about how much anything that they are talking about matters, and that’s all they have.”
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
26th March 2025
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California’s decline has grown so stark that even steadfast Democratic allies can no longer deny the truth: the state’s extreme left-wing policies have plunged it into chaos.
Aaron Levie, founder and CEO of Box, has joined the chorus of voices condemning the Democratic Party’s mismanagement of California, asserting that the party’s entire political apparatus demands a complete overhaul. Levie, who endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris in the 2024 presidential election, made the pointed remarks during an interview with co-founder and former Lattice CEO, Jack Altman.
“We live in California. It should be like the greatest place on Earth on every dimension. How do you beat this weather? You’ve completely created the atmosphere of every major tech company,” Levie explained. You have Stanford, Berkeley, Caltech. You have institutions and all the venture capital. You’re sitting on this incredible asset and then literally you can’t make it affordable to live here. That’s just insane.”
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
25th March 2025
Anyone who keeps an eye on US political discourse these days will be familiar with the epithet TDS, or Trump Derangement Syndrome, a term routinely used to describe the irrationality of President Donald Trump’s critics. The term frequently crops up in editorial writing, comment threads, social-media debates, and ordinary conversation: “Clearly suffering from TDS”; “Another victim of TDS”; “Typical TDS symptoms,” and so on. The implication is that the critic in question is afflicted by a pathology that makes objective analysis of Trump and his policies impossible.
The origins of the TDS accusation date back to what now seem like the placid years of the George W. Bush presidency. In a scathing 2003 article about Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean for the Washington Post, conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer wrote: “A plague is abroad in the land. Bush Derangement Syndrome: the acute onset of paranoia in reaction to the policies, the presidency—nay—the very existence of George W. Bush.” This virus, Krauthammer continued, “is spreading. It is, of course, epidemic in New York’s Upper West Side and the tonier parts of Los Angeles, where the very sight of the president … caused dozens of cases of apoplexy in otherwise healthy adults.”
Bush, of course, was widely (and wildly) vilified in those days. A cottage industry of books, articles, and punditry condemned his invasion of Iraq, his stewardship of the US economy, his response to the flooding of New Orleans, his deference to Machiavellian subordinates like Vice President Dick Cheney and Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and his shadowy ties to American and Saudi oil interests. Popular documentaries included Michael Moore’s 2004 polemic Fahrenheit 9/11 and even a 2006 “mockumentary” titled Death of a President, about Bush’s fictionalised assassination. By the end of his second term, a Gallup poll found that Bush’s approval rating had slumped to a lowly 25 percent. Bush Derangement Syndrome, it seemed, was highly contagious.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
25th March 2025
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Revolutionaries at the Soros-funded nonprofit Indivisible are scrambling to delete webpages after their cover was blown ahead of a planned color revolution targeting Elon Musk and President Trump. The rogue nonprofit is part of the same network that backed the BLM color revolution several years ago, which unleashed widespread chaos and destruction across the country. Indivisible’s mobilization call comes amid a surge in domestic terrorism, as far-left activists have firebombed Tesla vehicles, supercharging stations, and showrooms.
Natalie Winters, the co-host of Steve Bannon’s ‘War Room: Battleground’, wrote on X, “The wife of former U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves, who led the prosecution of 1,500+ Jan6ers, is on the Board of Indivisible. This Soros-backed group is the leading organizer of anti-Trump protests and violent Tesla acts. Deleted webpages reveal this connection.”
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
25th March 2025
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Hordes of lunatics at an AOC/Bernie Sanders rally were recorded threatening violence and calling for President Trump to be tortured and murdered.
One attendee wielding a sign depicting Trump’s severed head was asked “are you calling for for his death?” and responded “I am yes, I believe it’s time the people straight cut his fucking head off.”
Another blathered about hanging Trump by his ankles from a lamppost until dead, stating “the only good fascist is a dead fascist.”
Another attendee stated that violence “is the only thing they’re going to listen to now,” adding that “I feel like we’ve done the rallies… if (violence) is what we need to do then that’s what we need to do.”
What a surprise.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
24th March 2025
Victor Davis Hanson.
While the media and the new Democrat Party grow hysterical over the Trump counter-revolution, they are missing some of the most revolutionary and insidious changes in American society of the last century.
Much has been written about the collapse of the old orthodox Democratic Party, along with the growing irrelevance and dysfunction of the legacy media, elite universities, and state and federal agencies. But their growing unattractiveness is all related and was not just the result of top-down development.
Rather, current Democrat Party radicalism, street theater, and violence were merely reflections of its own preexisting cultural antipathy toward the middle class. The party is now a pyramidal coalition of the very wealthy and professional classes comprising the capstone, resting atop a vast, expanding bottom of the subsidized and working poor, strapped pensioners and retirees, angry indebted students, 30s-something urban wannabees, impoverished immigrants—including perhaps 30 million here illegally—and, increasingly, trapped residents of a dystopian big-city America.
The collapse of the blue-state/blue-city model and those who work within and promote it reflects the radical environmentalism of the college-educated, as well as an array of high taxes, high crime, endless government regulations, housing shortages, massive homelessness, illegal immigration, critical-legal-theory prosecutors, ethnic and racial chauvinism, defund-the-police city councils, and, most importantly, chronic budget deficits and vast, unfunded pension liabilities and obligations.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
24th March 2025
Axios, a Voice of the Crust.
Top Democrats tell us their party is in its deepest hole in nearly 50 years — and they fear things could actually get worse.
If even the Narrative Media are worried, you know it’s bad.
UPDATE: Liberal group warns Democratic leaders over their strategy against Trump (Politico)
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
23rd March 2025
The Foundry.
The Left couldn’t defeat President Donald Trump at the ballot box. Now, their only hope seems to be defeating him at the courthouse.
More than 130 cases have been filed against the Trump administration since Trump’s return to office just two months ago. With the help of activist federal judges, the Left’s large-scale lawfare operation has caused some setbacks for the administration, which helps explain why its ire has been focused on these lower court judges’ use of temporary restraining orders.
Nevertheless, as the administration prepares for another active week in court defending the president’s powers and the president’s efforts to shrink the size of government and end DEI, it is not without its own court victories.
As of late, the Trump administration has earned favorable rulings regarding the dismissal of federal officers, employees, and contractors—part of Trump’s effort to “drain the swamp.”
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
23rd March 2025
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The Tesla-focused blog Not a Tesla App reported that following last week’s Q1 2025 All-Hands Meeting, Tesla quietly updated the Cybertruck’s webpage to include a new Sentry Mode feature that plays loud music as a deterrent against unhinged individuals—particularly Democrats—attempting to damage the vehicles.
The new feature appeared on the lower half of Cybertruck’s About page. The text reveals Sentry Mode will soon be able to play loud music when it’s triggered:
Enable Sentry Mode to monitor your unattended vehicle or trailer, and automatically activate the alarm, increase the touchscreen brightness, and play music at max volume if a threat is detected.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
23rd March 2025
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Failed 2024 Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz was forced to embarrassingly walk back his unhinged comments about rooting for the death of Tesla Motors after realizing that more than a million Minnesota residents held shares of Elon Musk’s technology company through their state-run retirement accounts.
Burn the heretics! Unless the government, upon which all politically correct people depend, own their stock….
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
20th March 2025
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If you tuned into CNN and/or MSNBC on Thursday morning, the message was clear based on their coverage of supposed “anger” at congressional Republicans over the Trump agenda and Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) and hits from the left at Democratic town halls: Blue wave incoming!
Nevermind these protests at GOP town halls — including one Wednesday night they were warm and fuzzy inside over out in Wyoming for Congresswoman Harriet Hageman (R) — have been stacked with the bluest of blue partisans and organized by far-left groups, including some with ties to George Soros.’
Porglodytes always go with mob rule off the bat. From lynching black people then to shouting down white people now, a mob is always a Democrat signature.
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20th March 2025
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And to clarify, that headline ran on OUR planet Earth. Not on an alternate dimension or some MCU-ish multiverse version of Earth, where all the bad guys have goatees. To paraphrase “Seinfeld,” that headline is 100% real — and it’s spectacular!
Tim Walz made the startling declaration on the podcast of the equally manly Gavin Newsom, the well-coifed governor of California.
The alleged masculinity of Tim Walz is such a black hole that normal people are afraid of getting too near and being sucked in.
And, of course, MAGA is the New Nigger.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
20th March 2025
John Hinderaker at Power Line.
Chuck Schumer went on The View, apparently in search of friendly interlocutors. He preached the Democrats’ old-time religion:
“We are united in going after Trump, and showing the American people that he is making the middle class pay for the tax cuts on the rich. …
“He wants to use that money for tax cuts for the billionaires. The Republican Party is a different kettle of fish than it used to be, and that’s why we’re fighting them so hard,” Schumer continued. “They are controlled by a small group of wealthy, greedy people, and you know what their attitude is? ‘I made my money all by myself. How dare your government take my money from me? I don’t want to pay taxes.’”
Never mind that most billionaires (most who are active in politics, anyway) are Democrats. The Democratic Party is rolling in dough, mostly because they are the party of the rich. And, billionaires aside, the Democrats’ best demographic is voters who earn more than $200,000.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
19th March 2025
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Musk contended that Biden had turned down his offer to rescue them back in September, fearing a disaster prior to the election.
Musk used to be a hero to the left, and Teslas were the virtue-signaling wave of the future. Once he threw in his lot with Trump, he became an enemy.
Democrats hate easily, and are quick to concoct lies to justify it.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
19th March 2025
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The pardon authority is the president’s alone and cannot be delegated, according to a legal analysis by The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project.
The watchdog group—which first conducted an analysis of former President Joe Biden’s White House use of autopen—released a memo late Monday night on the matter, bringing the numerous acts of clemency into question.
“Every leftist who shrieked, whined, and moaned about defending democracy is a complete hypocrite if they are not outraged by the antidemocratic action on the scale of presidential actions enacted by people who were never elected to anything,” Oversight Project Executive Director Mike Howell told The Daily Signal Tuesday.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
17th March 2025
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Despite all the leftist and mainstream media wailing and gnashing of teeth about the new administration, fresh polling from two major mainstream news outlets paints a truly bleak picture for Democrats and a relatively rosy one for President Trump.
In the most striking read on the pulse of America, the Democratic Party’s favorability rating has collapsed by a whopping 20 percentage points in just four years, and now stands at just 29%, according to CNN. That’s the lowest in the history of CNN’s poll, which goes back to 1992. NBC News had a similar reading: 27% positive against 55% negative. “In more than 30 years of this poll, we’ve never seen either party hit a number this low, in terms of negatives,” said NBC’s Steve Kornacki.
There are still, of course, a solid core of zombies that will vote Democrat until they die … and often after.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
17th March 2025
ZMan channels Nietsche.
Over the weekend there was a poll released that said only seven percent of Americans have a high opinion of the Democratic Party. It also said that the party is enjoying its lowest approval rating ever recorded. The events of last week suggest that the party is a disorganized mess at the moment. This is due in large part to the fact that what we call the left has collapsed into chaos. They no longer can explain what they oppose, much less what they claim to offer.
This is due to the transformation of the left over the last thirty years into a grab bag of conspiracy theories and grievances. The American left has always been a conspiracy theory, of sorts, owing to its roots in American Protestantism, but it had a positive agenda through most of the twentieth century. The long list of things it opposed stood in the way of the things it desired. Over the last thirty years, those desires have largely faded, leaving just a list of enemies.
The most obvious example is the antifascist conspiracy theory that was dominant with self-identified leftists for the last decade. The fact that there are no fascists in this age has been used as an opportunity to create them. The same thing happened with conspiracy theories around race. Instead of Hitler hiding behind every bush, it is men in white hoods ready to pounce. The dominant subcultures of the left over the last few decades are all conspiracy theories of some sort.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
17th March 2025
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AI & Crypto Czar David Sacks says that this immature display, widely derided by conservatives, provides a revealing glimpse into the Left’s underlying mindset – exposing their belief that they alone should control American taxpayer funds, in opposition to the Trump administration’s clear mandate to eliminate financial waste and abuse across the federal government.
“I was at the State of the Union and up in the balcony. I was looking down at the Democrats holding up these silly little signs and the sign that I saw the most was one that said ‘Musk Steals,’” Sacks began in his Saturday evening interview with Fox News’s Lara Trump. “I really thought about that.
How is Elon stealing? He’s returning money to the Treasury. Then it hit me, they actually have come to believe that this taxpayer money is theirs and by returning it to the Treasury, Elon is stealing from them. That’s my best explanation of why they’re in such hysterical state about this.”
Yup. Got it in one.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
16th March 2025
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After years of breathtaking incompetence and failure under Joe Biden, Donald Trump decided once again to put his very comfortable private life on hold and embark on an unprecedented rescue mission to save America. And as President Trump campaigned for re-election, he was hounded by four bogus indictments from weaponized prosecutors seeking to jail him, as his political enemies simultaneously tried to bankrupt him and remove him from the ballot.
Democrat politicians, the biased liberal media, activist judge, and deep pocketed leftist think tanks relished in throwing everything they could muster at the man. Then, the American people got involved and made it clear who makes the decisions in our constitutional republic.
On Nov. 5 voters rejected the vile actions of the radical left and propelled Trump back to the White House with a clear mandate to govern. Trump’s amazing, against all odds victory created hope for America’s future just when we needed it most.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
16th March 2025
CNN, a Voice of the Crust.
Gee, I wonder why.
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14th March 2025
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In less than two months, President Donald Trump has signed more than 80 executive orders, reshaping federal government policy and administration of the executive branch on a range of issues including immigration, national security and defense, gender, education, and government efficiency.
Predictably, the Left is trying to use the courts to fight this political battle, seeking out judges who they believe will step in and block Trump’s executive orders, in some cases almost before the ink of his signature is even dry.
If it needs to be said, the legislative and executive branches must comply with the Constitution when they exercise their powers, and judges are sometimes asked to decide whether they have.
But the judiciary is subject to the same Constitution, which limits judicial power to deciding “cases” and “controversies,” that is, to settling legal disputes between specific parties. These legal challenges to Trump’s executive orders are trying to go far beyond those limits.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
14th March 2025
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The ashes of the most destructive fire in Los Angeles history have settled, but a new wildfire is burning through the ranks of the elected and unelected officials who let the disaster happen.
In a truly historic event in which all sorts of glass ceilings were no doubt broken, the first black female mayor of Los Angeles fired the first lesbian fire chief for not warning her that there would be heavy winds before she set off on a trip to Africa that she had promised she wouldn’t go on.
Former Fire Chief Kristin Crowley, a paramedic like the other two lesbians also named Kirsten running the LAFD, appealed to the Los Angeles City Council leading to a historic diversity face-off between an incompetent black woman and an incompetent white lesbian.
You can’t make this shit up.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
14th March 2025
Axios, a Voice of the Crust.
House Democrats erupted into apoplexy Thursday night after Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said he would support Republicans’ stopgap government funding measure.
Why it matters: House Democrats feel like they “walked the plank,” in the words of one member. They voted almost unanimously against the measure, only to watch Senate Democrats seemingly give it the green light.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
14th March 2025
The Washington Poop, a Voice of the Crust.
Dozens of business owners and executives flocked to the Maryland State House in Annapolis on Wednesday to oppose a proposal to tax business services that Democratic lawmakers say could help close a budget gap that is more than $3 billion.
The representatives of small and large businesses alike argued that a 2.5 percent tax on business-to-business services proposed as an alternative to Gov. Wes Moore’s plan to overhaul the state tax system as a way to raise more revenue would eat into their profit margins, raise operational costs, and potentially shutter some companies while driving others out of the state.
“This would be a big gut punch,” said Juliana Buonanno, CEO and founder of a Baltimore-based company called TechSlice that develops software for medical device companies.
The wonderful thing about the U.S. Federal system is that if one state decides to to stupid shit one can just move one’s business to another state, while states compete for business by being more business-friendly. We see this in action as businesses (and people) flow from places like New York and California to places like Texas and Florida.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
13th March 2025
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On Day One of his presidency, Trump signed an executive order to terminate “diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) discrimination in the federal workforce and in federal contracting and spending.”
For Seattle Children’s Hospital to continue receiving hundreds of millions in federal funding for research, grants, and more, it was required to end to its DEI-focused programs.
But some of the slashes to DEI were in name only, according to a current employee, who asked to remain anonymous for job security. The hospital scrubbed some mentions of DEI from its website and changed the titles of DEI-personnel, but many of the programs remain.
The CEO of the children’s hospital, Dr. Jeff Sperring, told the organization at a town hall meeting on Feb. 26 that Seattle Children’s will be revamping its naming conventions in order to comply with the executive orders and not get targeted, according to the employee.
Employees live in fear of being accused of racism, sexism, or the like if they fail to adhere to the hospital’s strict standards of political correctness, the employee said.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
13th March 2025
The Hill, a Voice of the Crust.
A federal judge ruled Wednesday that President Trump’s firing of the head of a board that resolves disputes between federal employees and the government was unlawful.
U.S. District Judge Sparkle Sooknanan’s ruling in favor of Susan Grundmann, the Democratic-appointed chair of the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA), is the latest to push back on Trump’s efforts to consolidate control over independent agencies in an expanded view of presidential power.
“Sparkle Sooknanan”? You can’t make this shit up. Needless to say, she is a Woman of Color, appointed by Joe Biden during his Senility Phase, and approved by the Senate on a straight party-line vote.
Per Wikipedia:
From 2014 to 2021, Sooknanan worked in private practice at Jones Day, becoming a partner at the firm in 2020. Sooknanan resigned from Jones Day in January 2021. Before her resignation, The New York Times reported that she denounced the firm’s work in Pennsylvania on behalf of the Trump administration, saying that one lawsuit “was brought for no other reason than to deprive poor people of the right to vote.” In her 2024 confirmation hearing before the U.S. Senate, Sooknanan denied saying this, stating “Those were not my words. I do not know who provided that quote to the reporter.”
And there you have Democrat D.C. in a nutshell.
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13th March 2025
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Less than two weeks after Maine Rep. Laurel Libby, R-Auburn, posted the photo on Facebook, the Maine House of Representatives voted 75-70 to censure her for posting the photo of the minor, meaning she can no longer speak or vote in the Legislature until she apologizes.
The post included photos of the male athlete from both a boys pole vault competition a couple of years ago and the girls pole vault championship this year. “Two years ago, John tied for 5th place in boys pole vault,” Libby said in the post. “Tonight, ‘Katie’ won 1st place in the girls Maine State Class B Championship.”
Libby told The Daily Signal she will not apologize for the post. She filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Maine Speaker of the House Ryan Fecteau, a Democrat, for the censure, claiming it violates her First Amendment right of free speech as well as her equal protection rights and the guarantee clause of Article IV of the Constitution, which protects the basic rights of political participation within state governments.
“I have the constitutional right to speak out, and my constituents have the right to full representation in the Maine House,” Libby said in a statement shared with The Daily Signal. “Biological males have no place in girls sports. Our girls have every right, under federal law, to fair competition in sports. We will not let them be erased by the Democrat majority advancing a woke progressive agenda.”
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12th March 2025
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Democrat governors have a “resistance” playbook created for them that includes draft executive orders to defy the administration’s immigration policies as well as instructions on deploying the National Guard.
The Governors Action Alliance, a Democrat organization that founded the group Governors Safeguarding Democracy, provided such guidance to the staffs of Democrat governors across the country after the election of President Donald Trump.
The 126 pages of the playbook—including emails, talking points, and a “Firewalling for Freedom – Template Gubernatorial Executive Order”—were obtained in a public records request from the office of Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro by the private nonprofit watchdog group Government Accountability and Oversight, and shared wth The Daily Signal.
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11th March 2025
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Fireworks erupted during a House Foreign Relations Subcommittee meeting when Chairman Keith Self (R-TX) deliberately misgendered Representative Sarah McBride (D-DE), the first transgender congresswoman, referring to her as the “Gentleman from Delaware.” In response, McBride shot back, addressing Self as “Madam Chair.” The exchange sparked immediate protests from Democrats, with ranking minority member Bill Keating (D-MA) demanding, “Have you no decency?” Tensions escalated, and after continued objections, Self abruptly adjourned the hearing.
Keith Self is my Congessman, and doing a fine job.
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11th March 2025
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Maine’s Democratic Gov. Janet Mills is facing a recall effort from critics of her transgender policies, but the citizen-led campaign is unlikely to result in her being removed from office.
An online recall petition calling for the removal of the first-term Democrat has gathered nearly 30,000 signatures since it was posted last week. The petitioner, Melissa Moulton, said she is “deeply disappointed” in Mills’ policies and the governor’s pushback on President Donald Trump’s efforts to prohibit transgender males from competing in women’s sports.
“I believe strongly that her policies are not in alignment with the wishes and values of the majority of Mainers,” Moulton wrote in the petition. “The feeling of disconnect between the populace and leadership is palpable and widespread.”
The recall effort comes as Mills battles the Trump administration over claims that the state is violating federal anti-discrimination laws for allowing transgender student athletes to compete in women’s sports.
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7th March 2025
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An illegal immigrant who served as deputy communications director for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) has fled the United States for Colombia, saying he finally has “freedom of movement.”
Diego de la Vega, who arrived in the United States from Ecuador at age seven and overstayed his visitor’s visa, began working for Ocasio-Cortez in October 2022, according to his LinkedIn. Last December, de la Vega left the United States and relocated to Bogotá with his wife, another illegal immigrant, the Substack “Migrant Insider” reported.
Ocasio-Cortez praised her former aide on Wednesday, saying he was “amazing” and that “we love him.”
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7th March 2025
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On Tuesday night, President Donald Trump stood in the House of Representatives and introduced DJ Daniel, a 13-year-old boy battling brain cancer who desperately wants to be a police officer. His local police department made DJ an honorary officer. Last year, a video went viral of people ridiculing DJ for proudly wearing his uniform. He went viral for the second time on Tuesday night when Democrats refused to applaud him for his struggle with cancer.
At the not-quite State of the Union, President Trump heralded DJ’s valiant fight against cancer and made him an honorary member of the United States Secret Service. On Wednesday, DJ got to roam the White House, and reporters videoed him hugging President Trump in the Oval Office. On Tuesday night, Democrats could not muster the normalcy or decency to just clap for the kid.
On MSNBC, the rich, white, neurotic women who hold the Democratic Party captive let loose. Nichole Wallace openly hoped DJ would not grow up to be like the police officers who committed suicide after Jan. 6, 2021. Rachael Maddow called it “disgusting” that Trump would invite DJ to the ceremony. On CBS, Stephen Colbert blasted the Democrats for failing to do anything significant to protest Trump even as Americans watched Congressman Al Green get dragged out of the House Chambers. Democrats held up signs and dressed in bubblegum pink. All that was missing in the Democrats’ circus was a flaming trapeze. They resorted to a metaphorical flaming bag of poop in their conduct.
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6th March 2025
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Oversight Committee chairman James Comer found himself having to yell over extremist Democratic Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley Wednesday in the House as she attempted to kick up a fuss and get media attention.
Comer denied her request for unanimous consent to enter articles into the congressional record, including one from 2018 claiming that American citizens commit more murder and rape than immigrants.
Pressley announced that she was submitting the articles “as a survivor of sexual violence myself,” going on to scream that it was her procedural right to enter the articles.
“Okay, this trend that you’re all trying to get thrown out of committees so you can get on MSNBC is gonna end,” Comer interjected, asserting “We’re not gonna put up with it.”
Pressley attempted to continue reading the article, screeching at Comer “You do not get to dictate how I recite the articles for the record.”
“No, no,” Comer shouted over her, explaining “It is [Democratic Virginia Rep. Suhas] Subramanyam’s time. No, you know the process of unanimous consent, you’re not recognized.”
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
6th March 2025
Read it.
ActBlue, the Democrat online fundraising organization that Republican lawmakers have targeted as a money-laundering operation, faces internal chaos after the recent departures of at least seven senior officials, The New York Times reported.
Further, a lawyer at the firm accused ActBlue executives of a retaliation campaign, according to the Times report Wednesday.
It’s unclear what prompted the departures, which began on Feb. 21, according to the report.
The gravy train is stopping. Wise passengers get off when that happens.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
6th March 2025
Politico, a Voice of the Crust.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a pioneer for LGBTQ+ rights who decades ago upset leaders in his own party when he defied state law and issued marriage licenses to same-sex couples, suggested Democrats were in the wrong in allowing transgender athletes to participate in female college and youth sports.
“I think it’s an issue of fairness, I completely agree with you on that. It is an issue of fairness — it’s deeply unfair,” Newsom said in his debut podcast episode of “This is Gavin Newsom.” “I am not wrestling with the fairness issue. I totally agree with you.”
Newsom’s comments on the issue roiling political debates nationwide came in a conversation with influential MAGA-world figure Charlie Kirk, the campus culture warrior who leads the organization Turning Point USA and is a close ally of President Donald Trump and his son, Donald Trump Jr.
You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
6th March 2025
The Washington Poop, a Voice of the Crust.
Tano Tijerina spent a decade as the Democratic chief executive of Webb County here in South Texas. But when he was honored recently by the local chapter of the country’s oldest Hispanic civil rights organization, it was as a converted Republican touting a second Trump administration.
“Sometimes we need to break things down to build them up,” Tijerina declared to enthusiastic applause.
Democrats’ hold over Texas border counties is waning, with rising stars like Tijerina switching parties and GOP candidates flipping traditionally blue seats. Political experts credit the resurgence of Donald Trump, as well as a huge influx of campaign dollars, and foresee a lasting shift that could have major implications in coming years.
“The Republicans have a great opportunity,” Tijerina said in late February. “There’s a lot of people like myself that are changing parties. You can change our minds.”
They don’t care about labels–they just want the money. The danger to Republicans is that they will bring their socialist ways into nominally Republican government. We have an oversuply of RINOs as it is.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
6th March 2025
Politico, a Voice of the Crust.
Voters still have a sour view of Democrats six weeks after President Donald Trump and Republicans swept into Washington with control of all branches of the federal government, according to a new poll.
A plurality of voters — 40 percent — said the Democratic Party doesn’t have any strategy whatsoever for responding to Trump, according to the survey by the liberal firm Blueprint that was shared first with POLITICO. Another 24 percent said Democrats have a game plan, but it’s a bad one.
A paltry 10 percent said that the party has a solid technique for dealing with Trump. And that’s coming from a Democratic outfit’s survey.
Gee, I wonder why.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
5th March 2025
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Like the Mafia, the Deep State does not suffer competition.
California lawmakers have introduced a bill to ban private firefighters, like those who saved many buildings in the Palisades and Eaton fires, from using public hydrants, saying firefighting is a “public good.”
Assemblyman Isaac Bryan, D-Los Angeles, introduced Assembly Bill 1075 with the support of the California Professional Firefighters Union, which claims private firefighters are not trained or equipped as well.
“They don’t train to the same standards,” said California Professional Firefighters Union President Brian Rice to Politico regarding the bill. “They’re not equipped like we are. They’re not professionals like we are.”
An assertion for which neither evidence nor argument is presented. I suspect that ‘private firefighers are former public firefighters who are working in the private sector because the pay is better, much like military contractors, all of whom are experienced veterans. Nobody would hire a military contractor who didn’t have military training and experience, and no ‘private firefighters’ would hire somebody who didn’t have the relevant training and experience. This is just another Statist lie: “Government employees good, everybody else bad.”
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
5th March 2025
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Has anyone ever told you to lighten up and be more genuine? The best way to connect with people is to be yourself.
Perhaps, instead of constantly railing about how President Donald Trump is “Hitler,” for example, you could enjoy a bite to eat at a local restaurant.
Rather than hoisting a rainbow flag and marching for the cause of letting men invade women’s spaces, you could go get a drink and watch the big game.
Instead of repeating the same tired talking points about how driving cars is going to bring about this ever-elusive Armageddon of climate change, you could go to church and learn that there’s nothing new under the sun.
This isn’t just good advice for life. It’s salient political strategy for a Democratic Party that seems to live on an entirely different planet from commonsense Americans.
UPDATE: Democrats File Articles Of Impeachment Against Little Black Boy With Cancer (Babylon Bee)
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
5th March 2025
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AstroTurf and rent-a-mobs were always a Democrat specialty.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
5th March 2025
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Let’s hope that some day these people graduate from high school and get a job.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
4th March 2025
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On Tuesday, X user ‘Western Lensman’ posted a video of 22 Democrat Senators releasing identical propaganda videos in response to claims by President Trump, prompting conservatives to ask who was behind the astroturf’d campaign.
When people began asking questions, Elon Musk offered to ‘buy a Cybertruck for anyone [who] can provide proof of who wrote this particular piece of propaganda.”
Which X user and deep-dive researcher @CodeMonkeyZ quickly uncovered as – Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ)….
Incentives work.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »
4th March 2025
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The more juvenile they act, the more support Trump has for stomping on them.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »