Archive for October, 2024
31st October 2024
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
31st October 2024
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Los Angeles County has sued beverage makers PepsiCo and Coca-Cola, accusing them of polluting the most populous U.S. county with plastic bottles and misleading the public about the environmental impact and recyclability of their containers.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on LA County Sues PepsiCo, Coca-Cola Over Plastic
31st October 2024
Posted in You can't make this stuff up. | Comments Off on Bonus Thought for the Day
31st October 2024
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Something you won’t find through the search engine on YouTube.
That’s all they can do, since Rogan is already ‘demonetized’ for not being Woke enough.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Joe Rogan Interviews J.D. Vance
31st October 2024
Babylon Bee.
Satire — read quickly before it comes true.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Kids At Tim Walz’s Door Disappointed As He Fills Candy Bags With Tampons
31st October 2024
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Just another New Yawk minute.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Blue State Blues: Bloody Night in Brooklyn and Bronx With NYPD Reporting 5 People Killed, Newborn Found Dead
31st October 2024
Are you an aspiring oligarch, dictator or autocrat? Do you want to wield power whilst maintaining a façade of popular support and democratic mandate? Do you want to make your proles believe they have a choice?
Well then, welcome to the first of our “How to…” series. A selection of articles dedicated to teaching aspiring authoritarians how to hide tyranny behind a reassuring mask of freedom.
Here we’ll go into the finer points of how it’s possible to have “elections” that mean almost nothing.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on How to…Rig Your Rigged Elections
31st October 2024
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Elections have become not merely choices of policy change but referenda on the full-scale, top-to-bottom destruction of America’s form of government and way of life.
Democratic Party candidates in the 2024 election have proposed policies that would radically, and irrevocably, alter America’s constitutional order. Liberal candidates have endorsed plans that would fundamentally transform all three branches of government, assure permanent left-wing power, and effect the domination of American politics by a polarized ideological minority.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on 3 Ways the Left Plans to Stack Every Branch of Government
31st October 2024
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Inquiring minds want to know. Maybe.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on What happened to the Soviet Nuclear Arctic Land Train?
31st October 2024

Sounds like a plan.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
31st October 2024
Freeberg says the quiet part out loud.
Kamala Harris could still emerge victorious in this thing, but she’s not doing quite as well as she’d like, I think. There’s no one single misstep to point to for the bulk of the blame. I perceive that the American public is belatedly catching on to what’s long been obvious to just some of us: Liberalism is not about solving problems, or even about making anything better. It is rainbow-chasing and complaining. It is just like a rainbow in fact. Most coherent, definable and relatable when distant, losing any semblance of structure upon the observer’s approach.
Every single issue follows the same pattern. The liberal agitator states the case for reform, and it isn’t tiny-step reform, it requires societal overhaul: Oppressors are oppressing victims. The victim’s situation is this, and that, and this and that, and such and such and so and so. “And we think that’s wrong!!!” Stating this case, they capture all they want to capture. Hearts, minds, votes, emotions. And then there’s some kind of incursion, involving some combination of force and guile. The movement becomes an actual movement, with the good guys making good-guy movement into bad-guy territory. Like the Trojan horse into the city’s gates. Activists, and their sympathizers, go to where the problem is, where the slope-foreheads occupy, those undesirables who have yet to be enlightened.
And then…?
Confront the problem-people. And…?
Convert them? Isolate them? Banish them? Obliterate them? What are we doing now?
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on They Chase Their Rainbows
31st October 2024
Power Line.
The Democrats are pushing all the chips into the middle of the table. With Kamala Harris calling us Nazis and fascists, and Joe Biden calling us garbage, they aren’t planning any sort of unity-fest if they win. While Donald Trump is laying out a positive vision for his second term, one that will benefit all Americans who aren’t financially tied to the status quo, the Democrats are preparing to go scorched earth.
After all, if you are in power and your country is infected with Nazis, fascists and garbage people, what should they expect? We will see a crackdown the likes of which our country has never experienced, with near-total control over the means of communication and lawfare that, this time, won’t only be directed at figures like Trump and Steve Bannon, who was just released from a federal prison. I think the Democrats plan on casting a much wider net to punish “Nazis” and “fascists,” with no one to protest except us garbage people, whom they intend to silence, one way or another. If the Democrats can get to 51%, they will try to cement themselves in power for a long time to come.
So which vision is going to come true? The positive, or the dystopian? Many Trump supporters are feeling exultant, as the tide has been running, if only weakly, in his direction. The RealClearPolitics average betting odds now stand at 64%/35% in Trump’s favor. But if the polls are a guide, Trump’s momentum has slowed somewhat. The most recent surveys have him tied in Michigan, either tied, down one or up three in North Carolina, tied or up one in Wisconsin, tied (twice) or up three in Pennsylvania, and so on. The polls are telling us the election is too close to call, and I don’t think there is any reason to believe they are–all!–somehow undercounting Republican voters. That certainly isn’t what happened in 2022.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Signs and Portents
31st October 2024
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She dropped out of all her studies without a degree. Moreover, she’s an anti-car activist who travels by bicycle. She has neither industrial management experience, financial expertise nor an inkling of automotive engineering. That folks, is one of the top executives at VW. No joke!
Posted in You can't make this stuff up. | Comments Off on Don’t Feel Sorry for VW… Liberal Arts College Dropout, Anti-Auto-Activist on Supervisory Board!
31st October 2024
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The twin pillars of Woke ‘journalism’ appear to be Envy and Prurience.
‘Secret’? Can’t be much of a secret if three Jimmy Olsens found out about it.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Nosy NYTimes Journos Uncover Elon Musk’s Secret Luxury Compound in Austin
31st October 2024
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Trump spends his days in a target-rich environment.
Posted in Is this a great country, or what? | Comments Off on Trump Rides in Garbage Truck in Effort to Seize on Biden Comment
31st October 2024
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On Tuesday, the sitting president called half the country “garbage.” While it’s hard to grasp historical significance as it unfolds, this moment will likely be analyzed and debated for decades. The comment reflects more than just a slip of the tongue—it reveals the deep contempt the Democratic Party holds for ordinary Americans, evident in their rhetoric, policies, and methods.
As a first-term legislator under Tim Walz in Minnesota, I’ve witnessed firsthand how a narrow Democratic majority has forced through the most radical agenda imaginable. This includes some of the most extreme abortion provisions globally, an energy mandate that bans 80% of current production without a viable replacement, and business policies driving companies out of the state. Worse, billions of taxpayer dollars are wasted on initiatives meant to create favorable election soundbites—such as offering free school lunches to wealthy families just to say, “We’re feeding kids.”
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | Comments Off on Biden’s “Garbage” Insult and the Power of Noticing: A Turning Point in Politics
31st October 2024
New York Post.
My, what a surprise. Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Facebook Execs Suppressed Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal to Curry Favor With Biden-Harris Admin: Bombshell Report
31st October 2024
Half of Gen Z voters — and 1 in 4 U.S. voters overall — have lied to people close to them about who they’re voting for, according to the latest Axios Vibes survey by The Harris Poll.
Ever wonder why polls seem wrong more often than not? This could be it.
(Savor the irony of depending on a polling organization to find out why most polls suck.)
Posted in You can't make this stuff up. | Comments Off on America’s Youngest Voters Become Major Election Liars
31st October 2024
In March, Sarah Carr—a professor of journalism and contributor to the Washington Post, the Atlantic, and Slate—published an essay in the Hechinger Report titled, “How Flawed IQ Tests Prevent Kids from Getting Help in School.” Reliance on IQ tests in many US schools, she wrote, “is now slowly starting to ebb after decades of research showing their potential for racial and class bias, among other issues. IQ scores can also change significantly over time and have proven particularly unreliable for young children.”
In August, the Atlantic published an essay by staff writer Ali Breland titled, “The Far Right Is Becoming Obsessed with Race and IQ,” which fretted that “right-wing gatekeepers are shrouding [their] bigotry in a cloak of objectivity and pseudoscientific justification.” That essay was approvingly linked by a contributor to the Free Press the following month in an essay titled, “Pseudo-Scholars and the Rise of the Barbarian Right.” Three days after the Atlantic essay appeared, Lithub ran an essay titled, “On the Dark History and Ongoing Ableist Legacy of the IQ Test.”
These are just a few recent examples of the tendentious journalism about IQ that routinely appears in mainstream news outlets otherwise dedicated to scientific rigour and accuracy. Reporting and commentary like this would lead any reasonable citizen to conclude that intelligence tests are biased and that the study of IQ is pseudoscientific. Conversely, there is very little reporting on the field’s strong research base or its efforts to improve the health of people with low IQs, accelerate treatment for children with learning disabilities, and understand the link between the brain and behaviour. Consequently, there is a mismatch between the work and findings of intelligence researchers and the portrayal of their field in the popular media.
Most ‘journalists’ are progressives, including those purported to be ‘scientists’. They hate the notion that one person can even possibly be inherently ‘better’ in any area than another; which is rooted in the Woke delusion that everybody is just as good as everybody else, everybody is just as capable as everybody else, and if differences arise they arise because somebody is being oppressed or somehow being deliberately cheated.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Why Is Most Journalism About IQ So Bad?
31st October 2024
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Three billion years ago, life on Earth was simple. Single-celled organisms ruled, and there wasn’t much to them. They were what we now call prokaryotic cells, which include modern-day bacteria and archaea, essentially sacks of loose molecular parts. They swirled together in shallow, primordial brews or near deep-sea ocean vents, where they extracted energy from the environment and reproduced by dividing one cell into two daughter cells. Then, one day, that wilderness of simple cells cooked up something more complex: the ancestor of all plants, animals and fungi alive today, a cell type known to us as the eukaryote.
The eukaryote’s debut transformed the planet. Today, all complex multicellular life — indeed, all life that any of us regularly see — is made of eukaryotic cells. No one knows for sure how that first eukaryote arose, but biologists believe that it took at least a billion years of interactions between bacterial and archaeal cells for it to finally come into being.
“Eukaryotes are this bananas chimera of bacteria and archaea,” said Leigh Anne Riedman (opens a new tab), a paleontologist who studies early life at the University of California, Santa Barbara. “We are still trying to sort out exactly how it happened and who was involved.”
And God said, ‘Hey, I’m standing right here.”
The eukaryotes invented organization, if we use the literal definition of “organize”: to be furnished with organs. Inside a eukaryotic cell are self-contained, membrane-bound bundles that perform special functions, called organelles. All eukaryotic cells — animal, plant, fungus or protist — have a nucleus that encloses and protects DNA. Nearly all of them have mitochondria, which produce energy to fuel biochemical reactions. (Any eukaryotic lineages that lack mitochondria used to have them and then lost them sometime in evolutionary history.) And across the evolutionary tree, different eukaryotes have evolved or procured additional organelles that assemble proteins, store water, turn sunlight into energy, digest biomolecules, get rid of waste, and more. If prokaryotes are a loose pile of papers on the floor, eukaryotes are a sophisticated filing system that binds pages into packets and labels them.
And all of this just sort of happened, you know?
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Meet the Eukaryote, the First Cell to Get Organized
31st October 2024
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FOR A MACHINE THAT’S designed to replicate a star, the world’s newest stellarator is a surprisingly humble-looking apparatus. The kitchen-table-size contraption sits atop stacks of bricks in a cinder-block room at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) in Princeton, N.J., its parts hand-labeled in marker.
The PPPL team invented this nuclear-fusion reactor, completed last year, using mainly off-the-shelf components. Its core is a glass vacuum chamber surrounded by a 3D-printed nylon shell that anchors 9,920 meticulously placed permanent rare-earth magnets. Sixteen copper-coil electromagnets resembling giant slices of pineapple wrap around the shell crosswise.
The arrangement of magnets forms the defining feature of a stellarator: an entirely external magnetic field that directs charged particles along a spiral path to confine a superheated plasma. Within this enigmatic fourth state of matter, atoms that have been stripped of their electrons collide, their nuclei fusing and releasing energy in the same process that powers the sun and other stars. Researchers hope to capture this energy and use it to produce clean, zero-carbon electricity.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Nuclear Fusion’s New Idea: An Off-the-Shelf Stellarator
30th October 2024
Orion Taraban:
The finish line you can see is not the real finish line. In the vast majority of cases, you will need to continue past this point for some time before bringing a project to completion. The reason for this is simple: most plans do not survive their own execution. Before starting out, you likely did not know to plan for certain circumstances that arose in the implementation of your vision. Unknown unknowns are an unavoidable feature of any endeavor.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Quotation of the Day
30th October 2024
Early in Christopher Nolan’s The Prestige, a magician performs a trick with a small bird which disappears in a cage flattened on the table. A small boy in the audience starts to cry, distraught that the bird was killed. The magician approaches him and finishes the trick, gently producing a living bird out of his hand — but the boy is not convinced, insisting that this must be another bird, the dead bird’s brother. After the show, we see the magician alone, putting a bird squashed into the trash where many other dead birds lie. The boy was right. The trick could not be performed without violence and death, but it relies for its effectiveness upon concealing the squalid, broken residue of what has been sacrificed, disposing of it where no one who matters will see. Therein resides the basic premise of a dialectical notion of progress: when a new higher stage arrives, there must be a squashed bird somewhere.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on The Squashed Birds of Progress
30th October 2024
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The following list of culture-enriching incidents was drawn from items in this month’s news feed. I searched the database using various keywords, and found these links to attacks with knives, machetes, bombs, hand grenades, and possibly even shovels and rakes and other implements of destruction. And also culture-enriching rapes.
There are still a couple of days left in October, so a complete list would probably be a little longer than this.
I only used news stories that either specified the ethnicities of the perpetrators or included names that gave the game away. But there were two exceptions: Marseille and machetes.
I made the reasonable assumption that when someone in Marseille stabs somebody else fifty times and then burns him to death, the perpetrator without a doubt “has a migration background.”
And as far as machetes go, the number of people who are not culture-enrichers and who attack others in the street with machetes (most of those probably really kebab knives) is vanishingly small, possibly zero, and may safely be disregarded.
Imagine how peaceful the world would be if the Religion of Peace didn’t exist.
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on A Cornucopia of October Cultural Enrichment
30th October 2024
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After cheering the “brave” resignations of LA Times employees, it was expected that faux Republican Jen Rubin would follow suit when the Washington Post also failed to endorse Kamala Harris.
Guess not.
My theory is that precisely because she is so principled, she is merely delaying her resignation to achieve maximum effect. And then it’s Take that Jeff Bezos!
A reported 200,000 readers have cancelled their WaPo subscriptions in protest even though there has not been even a hint of an editorial shift in favor of balanced, more objective coverage or something equally terrifying and fascistic. Does anyone believe that there is any employee, editor, reporter or opinion writer at the WaPo who is openly to the right of Trotsky or Whoopi Goldberg?
Those cancellations could be a loss of maybe $30 million per year on top of the $77 million annual deficit Bezos is currently paying out of pocket to fund these ingrates. And some have even vowed to stop using!
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Jen Rubin Resignation Watch: Day Four
30th October 2024
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day: Woke Edition
30th October 2024
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ZMan discusses current politics in the “Coffee and a Mike” podcast.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Age of Trump
30th October 2024
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Ever since the possibility of North Korea assisting Russia in its war effort emerged in the Summer of 2022, quantifying exactly what that would look like and its downstream effects have been challenging. Now, as indications point to North Korean troops wading into the direct fighting, one aspect of this major geopolitical shift beyond how it impacts Ukraine couldn’t be more clear — North Korea getting real-world combat experience on a modern battlefield alongside a well-versed ally is a very unwelcome development for South Korea and the United States.
The experience aspect of North Korea’s involvement in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is one we have stressed repeatedly, but it’s often overlooked, with the focus being more on the immediate impact an influx of troops could have for the Kremlin’s cause. This is understandable as Russia has experienced heavy losses and Ukraine has as well. Any major infusion of able bodies into the fighting from an external source could erode either side’s ability to compete on the battlefield.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on North Korea Gaining Modern Combat Experience Fighting Ukraine Is a Big Problem
29th October 2024
Puerto Ricans in must-win Pennsylvania say Trump rally joke won’t be forgotten (BBC)
Trump’s Puerto Rico fallout is ‘spreading like wildfire’ in Pennsylvania (Politico)
Trump’s offensive Madison Square Garden rally triggers fears of an overshadowed message and fallout with Puerto Rican voters (CNN)
Anger grows over racist remarks about Puerto Ricans at Trump rally (The Guardian) Since when is ‘Puerto Rican’ a race?
Michelle Obama’s Brutal Takedown of Trump’s Mental State Shames Media (The New Republic)
Michelle Obama blasts Trump for ‘gross incompetence’ at Harris’s Michigan rally (The Guardian) Like being called ugly by a frog.
Michelle Obama’s message to men was a perfect rebuttal to Tucker Carlson (MSNBC) Uh, yeah, sure.
Trump rally comedian workshopped racist Puerto Rico line at NYC comedy club the night before (NBC News)
Trump advisers propose bypassing FBI background checks for appointees (The Guardian)
USA Today the Latest to Offer Up Excuse for Lack of Presidential Endorsement (Josh Fiallo/The Daily Beast)
Harris Aides Hopeful That Casting Trump as a Fascist Could Shift Election (New York Times)
The Smearing of Kamala Harris (Anita Hill/New York Times)
‘Floating pile of garbage’ comments follow Trump to his rally tomorrow (Holly Otterbein/Politico) Which TRUMP never said. But that doesn’t matter.
NAACP poll: Trump’s support among young Black men decreasing (Brakkton Booker/Politico)
Trump: ‘I’m not a Nazi. I’m the opposite of a Nazi’ (Meridith McGraw/Politico)
‘Nobody Gets a Pass!’ Mika Goes on Wild Anti-Trump Rant on ‘The View’
Elon Musk’s America PAC uses crude, sexist attack against Harris in new ad (Brittany Gibson/Politico)
Archbishop of San Juan says Trump needs to ‘personally’ apologize (Mia McCarthy/Politico) For something he didn’t say, that everyone present knows was a joke.
Five ways a Trump presidency would be disastrous for the climate (Oliver Milman/The Guardian)
Regime Media Bask in Hope MSG Fallout Hurts Trump With Puerto Ricans in Pennsylvania
Kamala Supporter Outlines ‘Survival Guide’ If Trump Wins
How Trump Goes to Prison (Jeff Wise/New York Magazine)
The obscene and absurd in MAGA Square Garden (Public Notice)
The most misogynistic ad in the history of politics (Judd Legum/Popular Information)
Playbook: Trump faces a P.R. disaster (Politico)
Joe Rogan Addresses YouTube Censorship Concerns, Says Harris Interview Still Possible
Trump Betrayed America. My Fellow Republicans Must Put Country Above Party. (J. Michael Luttig/New York Times)
That Revolting Rally Was a Sign of Weakness (Jamelle Bouie/New York Times)
George W. Bush’s Daughter Barbara Breaks Silence on Election to Campaign for Kamala Harris (Exclusive) (Daniel S. Levine/People)
How Trump’s Business Could Create New Conflicts If He Is Re-Elected (New York Times)
‘Racist, sexist, crude’: Media outlets use strong language to describe Trump rally (Tom Jones/Poynter) But they’d do that anyway.
Puerto Rico’s G.O.P. Chairman Demands Apology From Trump for Comic’s Remarks (Neil Vigdor/New York Times) He is supposed to feel obliged to apologize for what someone else said. Welcome to the Cancel Culture.
Elon Musk’s “illegal” past doesn’t feel like hypocrisy to MAGA – Trump’s hate rally in NYC shows why (Amanda Marcotte/Salon) Amanda Marcotte is a walking hate crime.
A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for school shootings and measles (Nilay Patel/The Verge)
Don’t Fall For Trump’s Makeover. He’s an Anti-Muslim Bigot. (Will Saletan/The Bulwark) As opposed to a pro-Muslim bigot, like will Saletan. Of the two, I know which one I’d pick.
The Memo: Trump campaign struggles to contain Puerto Rico October surprise (Niall Stanage/The Hill)
How Trump Is Using Truth Social to Concoct and Spread Conspiracy Theories (New York Times)
Poop artist strikes again with neo-Nazi tiki torch statue for Trump (Joe Heim/Washington Post)
Trump claims to ABC’s Scott he didn’t hear comedian’s Puerto Rico comment, doesn’t denounce it (ABC News)
Cooper, Stelter Impute Ill Motive to Bezos’ WashPost Endorsement Call, Suggest Compliance Ahead of Impending Autocracy
Whoopi Goldberg: Trump Will Break Up Interracial Marriages, Deport The Non-White Person
Trump identifies a scapegoat in case he loses (Sophia Cai/Axios)
Trump and his allies insist he’s ‘not a Nazi’ (Rebecca Shabad/NBC News) And Harris and her allies insist that he is. Who to believe?
State Department Alerts Congress: Iranian Spy Teams Are Attempting To Assassinate Former Trump Officials
The stage is set for post-election tumult if Trump loses (Philip Bump/Washington Post)
Liberal Media Have Collective Amnesia About Their 2016 Election Denial
Facebook Is Auto-Generating Militia Group Pages as Extremists Continue to Organize in Plain Sight (Tess Owen/Wired)
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
29th October 2024
Babylon Bee.
Satire — read quickly before it comes true.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Cast of ‘The View’ All Getting Rabies Shots After Being Bitten by Whoopi Goldberg
29th October 2024
Babylon Bee.
Satire — read quickly before it comes true.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on California Man Arrested For Showing I.D. To Vote
29th October 2024
The American Mind.
If Donald Trump wins the presidency for a second time, the number of things he could potentially focus on will vastly exceed the amount of time available. During a presidential term that will mark the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence—and hence of the United States of America—one obvious priority should be to ensure a spirited celebration of our glorious Founding, not a woke grievance session focused on claims of “systemic racism.” But beyond that, Trump will have to pick and choose among various competing priorities.
Of course, the primary responsibility of any president—and one that has often been neglected of late—is to execute the laws as written. The first line of Article II of the Constitution, after all, vests the president with the executive power. Simply fulfilling this basic constitutional requirement would reap huge dividends for the American citizenry, especially on the issue of immigration. Our current border crisis has been fueled—and deliberately so—by the Biden Administration’s refusal to enforce federal immigration laws (specifically its failure to enforce the legal requirement that those seeking asylum be detained until their claims can be adjudicated).
Beyond faithfully enforcing the law (backed by a competent legal team that believes in that mission), Trump should quickly undo all of the damaging executive orders that President Biden has issued. Executive orders are supposed to be guidance to executive branch personnel about how to enforce the law. Biden’s orders and proclamations, however, have often veered into quasi-lawmaking, such as his kingly mask and vaccine decrees and his edict that student loan debt should be transferred from borrowers to taxpayers as a whole.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Personnel is Policy
29th October 2024
A teenager accused of murdering three young girls in a knife attack in northern England in July has been further charged with a terrorism offence and the production of deadly poison ricin, police and prosecutors said on Tuesday.
Axel Rudakubana, 18, is accused of killing the three young girls aged between six and nine at a Taylor Swift dance event in Southport, murders which shocked the nation and provoked days of rioting across the country.
Police said the incident was still not being treated as terrorist related but said after searches of his home, Rudakubana had now been charged with two further offences: production of a deadly biological toxin, ricin, and the possession of an al Qaeda training manual.
Here’s a picture of ‘UK teen’ Axel Rudakubana:

UPDATE: The Al Qaeda Manual and Ricin — Motive Unknown
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29th October 2024
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Those in power talk about inflation as if it’s a natural occurrence.
They’d have you believe that there’s no more sense in blaming government leaders for a bout of inflation than in blaming them for rainy weather on the weekend. This is nonsense.
The White House and Congress deserve to be blamed for inflation, because the amount of money the federal government spends determines the amount of money that the Federal Reserve creates, and that in turn determines how much inflation occurs.
The more money there is, the more inflation there will be.
When private individuals create money, they may face imprisonment for the crime of counterfeiting. Private counterfeiting is recognized as a form of theft: Counterfeit bills that are accepted and put into circulation increase the money supply and cause everyone’s dollars to be worth a little less.
When the government and the Federal Reserve expand the money supply, it has the same inflationary effect, only on a much larger scale and without the risk of imprisonment.
Posted in The War on Causality--Life in the No-Agency Shit-Happens World | Comments Off on Inflation: The Most Dishonest Tax
29th October 2024
ZMan is not afraid to raise the hard questions.
For over a century, since Woodrow Wilson, America has been on a mission to heal the world. The ruling class has asked, often demanded, that the people put aside their regional and local concerns for the good of one great cause after another. It has become so ingrained in ruling class thinking that they seem incapable to thinking about the state of the country.
Strip away the panic, the hysteria and the outlandish claims and the coming election is about whether we care more about the fate of Mongolian transgender lesbians or the fentanyl epidemic in Appalachia. Do we care more about the abstract concept of climate change or addressing the slow collapse of our infrastructure? What counts for more as an American? The health of your neighbors or the plight of migrants? Will we sacrifice everything in a vain attempt to save the world?
All these questions stem from a growing doubt in this sense of American identity that has been with us since Gettysburg. Americans are increasingly wondering not only if the cost of saving the world is worth the effort, but if it makes any sense at all for us to stand astride the world, balances in our hand. Maybe the people who demand we do this do not have the right to judge the world. Maybe these people lack the moral standing to stand in judgement over us as well.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on A New American Identity
29th October 2024
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New York Times reporters Shane Goldmacher, Maggie Haberman, and Michael Gold were on the scene for the purported Trump hate-fest held at Madison Square Garden on Sunday. The resulting story featured what political polling guru (and Kamala Harris supporter) Nate Silver in his newsletter called “the sort of headline” the paper’s “liberal critics” have “been pining for”: “A Closing Carnival of Grievances, Misogyny and Racism.”
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on New York Times: Trump MSG Rally a ‘Racist Display of the Dark Energy’ of MAGA
29th October 2024
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Batman is a hero for stopping the criminals threatening the people of Gotham City. Daniel Penny is on trial for stopping a criminal threatening the people of New York City. It doesn’t get much more backward than this.
Spiderman faced this problem all the time.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on In Daniel Penny Case, NYC Has Put Batman on Trial
29th October 2024
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
29th October 2024
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A 23-year-old woman has been arrested after she posted on social media about having gotten away with ripping down Greek flags at a New Jersey restaurant that she believed were Israeli.
The incident at Efi’s Gyro in Montclair, New Jersey, occurred March 11, but it wasn’t until Amber Matthews posted the video to TikTok on Oct. 15 that police were able to identify her. She was arrested on Tuesday and charged with bias intimidation and harassment.
In the video, Matthews, who went by the name “Ambamelia” on her now-removed TikTok account, can be heard berating employees about the “genocide” in Gaza. She posted the video with the text “The time I mistakenly thought the flag for Greek was for Israel and took the restaurants flag down OMG.”
You’d think the big cross on the flag would have been a clue, but I guess the ignorance of her generation passes all previous records.
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29th October 2024
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Iran is likely still tallying the costs of the Israeli airstrikes launched on Saturday in retaliation for Tehran’s massive October 1 missile barrage on Israel. Among the targets that Israel appears to have gone after are Iran’s prized Russian-made S-300 air defense systems, according to U.S. and Israeli officials. Putting the Iranian S-300s out of action leaves the door open to follow-up strikes by Israel, including larger-scale direct attacks. As we noted on Saturday, this serves as both a contingent opportunity for the Israel Defense Forces and a deterrent against a response from Iran.
Among the critical Iranian military infrastructure destroyed on Saturday were its three surviving S-300 long-range surface-to-air missile systems. This is the assessment of unnamed U.S. and Israeli officials speaking to the Wall Street Journal. Iran’s only other S-300 system was already hit by Israel earlier this year.
Told ya so.
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28th October 2024
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Chicago Police have charged a man with attempted murder after he allegedly shot an Orthodox Jew walking to synagogue on Saturday morning.
The victim, a 39-year-old man whose identity has not been released, was walking to Congregation K.I.N.S. in Chicago’s West Rogers Park neighborhood when a man approached from behind and fired multiple shots, striking the victim’s shoulder.
Police say the man, Sidi Mohamed Abdallahi, then exchanged fire with law enforcement after police and paramedics arrived on the scene. Police shot Abdallahi, who was taken to a local hospital in critical condition. The victim was released from the hospital Saturday afternoon.
Imagine how peaceful the world would be if the Religion of Peace didn’t exist.
UPDATE: Chicago Police Don’t Charge Suspect With Hate Crime After He Shot Jewish Man and Reportedly Yelled ‘Allahu Akbar’
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on Orthodox Jew Shot on Way to Chicago Synagogue; Man Charged With Attempted Murder
28th October 2024
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And read the comments — people are getting sick & tired of YouTube hiding and throttling content that doesn’t agree with their Woke agenda.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Joe Rogan Experience #2219 – Donald Trump
28th October 2024
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HEN ELIZABETH FOX moved from Athabasca to the central Alberta hamlet of Elnora in 2013, finding a family doctor close to home was a breeze. “I was pregnant,” she says, “so they’ll all take you.”
But seven or eight years later, Fox’s clinic emailed her to say she was being de-rostered—removed from her doctor’s list of patients—and would have to find a new doctor. The doctor didn’t come in very much, and they needed her for other patients.
“Don’t you just shift your patients around?” Fox recalls asking. They didn’t, and it was up to her to find someone new. With three kids and a declining number of doctors accepting new patients, that proved easier said than done. Her family joined the 650,000 other Albertans who, according to the Alberta Medical Association, lack access to regular primary care.
Unspoken assumption: Canada has mandatory government-paid-for health care. Hence the talk of government mucking about with the fees. In effect, everybody in Canada is on Medicare.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Your Doctor Won’t See You Now—or Ever Again
28th October 2024
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David French has offered a deeply pathetic NeverTrump manifesto just in time for the election. It rehashes French’s ongoing themes of (a) his morality superiority (b) the irrelevance or nonexistence of perfidy on the left and (c) the betrayal of all Republicans and evangelicals who do not think exactly as he does. Nothing you did not already know about the Gospel of St. David. I read it so you don’t have to. You’re welcome.
Posted in Full Frontal Stupidity | Comments Off on David French’s Nod Seals Kamala Win
28th October 2024
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I can’t stop watching this.
Posted in Is this a great country, or what? | Comments Off on The Lord of the Rings – The Fellowship of the Rednecks (Official Music Video)
28th October 2024
Posted in Is this a great country, or what? | Comments Off on Explaining America’s Nine Nations
28th October 2024

It makes as much sense as any answer I’ve ever gotten from a teacher in school.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
28th October 2024
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If, of course, that’s what you want to do.
Why is there almost nothing on the left hand side of the USA? Water scarcity!
We’re missing 300 million Americans. We’re missing 30 global cities west of 100 degrees longitude. We should do something about it!
The western US is a parched opportunity to create millions of acres of prime land for the next billion Americans to live on. Only one ingredient is missing – water.
Posted in Think about it. | 2 Comments »
28th October 2024
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
28th October 2024
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Rail transit officials in California’s Bay Area have been ordered to pay more than $7 million to transit workers who were fired because they refused to get a COVID-19 vaccine years ago.
On Oct. 23, a federal jury in the U.S District Court for the Northern District of California sided with six former San Francisco Bay Area Regional Transit (BART) workers who had refused to get the vaccine for religious purposes.
BART was ordered to pay the group more than $7.8 million, with each individual receiving between $1.2 million and $1.5 million, the Pacific Justice Institute, which represented the transit workers in the trial, said in a statement on Oct. 24. The institute, a law firm representing the six former employees since 2022, said the eight-person jury deliberated for two days this week before returning the verdict that awarded the employees the compensation.
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