Archive for August, 2018
31st August 2018
NY Mag: ‘Trump Is a Snob Who Secretly Despises His Own Supporters’ More psychic journalism.
Juan Williams: Donald Trump Is the ‘Snowflake President’
The walls are closing in. And Trump’s lawyers know it. “I hope, I hope, I hope….”
State Department Refutes WaPo Story- Passports To Citizens Denied More Under Obama Than Trump Once again, what the Media present as a Special Outrageous Evil Trump Trick is actually a longstanding practice under The Magic Negro.
Trump administration ‘denying passports to US citizens living near Mexico border’ No, it’s not ‘the Trump administration’, it’s ‘the government’. Nobody bitched about it under Obama.
Eminem wages war on Trump and rival rappers in surprise Kamikaze album I’m sure Trump will notice.
Trump allies raise alarm over expected impeachment as president’s legal team shrinks “I hope, I hope, I hope….”
Head Of ACLU Argues Trump Admin. Passport Denials Are ‘The Latest In A Series Of Inhumane Acts’ Funny, they never complained when the Obama administration did this stuff.
WaPo Reporter Implies Trump Supporters Are Not Rooted In Reality Yet he’s still President. That’s pretty real.
Fact Check: Trump Administration Challenges Washington Post Hispanic Passport Story
Karl Rove Rips Into Trump For Considering DOJ Probe Of Hillary Clinton To the extent that a manatee can ‘rip into’ anyone, I suppose.
Trump’s presidency has imploded – in less than two years This guy lives on a weird and interesting planet.
The sordid reality of the Trump presidency Apparently one can make good money by writing ‘Eeuuww! Trump!’ for certain publications. Nice to know if I ever need to go back to work again.
ABC/WaPo Poll: Trump Disapproval Rating Hits 60 Percent Certainly among viewers of ABC and readers of the Washington Post.
Trump ‘Disapproval’: Poor Polling Used (Again) To Manipulate Americans Ahead Of Elections Wow, that’s news.
Rubio Criticized Trump For The Way He Handled McCain’s Death I guess Marco wants to be The New McCain.
Eminem Tries, Once Again, To Get Trump’s Attention With ‘Kamikaze’ Album Release That trick never works.
NBC News “Reporter” Jonathan Allen Now Pulitzer Prize Favorite After Publishing Lyrics of “Brown Sugar” by the Rolling Stones (To Suggest Trump Is Racist)
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
31st August 2018
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I know I shouldn’t laugh, but I just find this terribly funny.
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on People Fill Eco-Friendly Public Urinals With Concrete to Protest Sexism in France
31st August 2018
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A group of feminists in Germany is calling for a ban on the wearing of hijab by minor girls. These women not only identify forced veiling as a form of child abuse, but also as the sexualization of a child: in an Islamic context, a veiled child is implicitly identified as a nubile female, one who would therefore be sexually available to men in appropriate circumstances.
Feminist Islamophobes? Don’t tell Keith Ellison.
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on Civil War on the Left: No Hijab for Underage Girls!
31st August 2018
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And who runs cities?
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Thousands of Foreign Nationals Registered to Vote in Just 13 Cities, Study Finds
31st August 2018
James Delingpole speaks for the rest of us.
The world of social science is overwhelmingly left-wing: so heavily agenda-driven, so rife with confirmation bias and skewed methodology that almost inevitably its studies will show conservatives as blinkered and dim, and lefties as open-minded and clever regardless of the evidence.
Lest you think this is my own bias showing, another recent study confirmed it: a survey of 479 sociology professors found that only 4 per cent identified as conservative or libertarian, while 83 per cent identified as liberal or left-radical. In another survey — of psychologists this time — only 6 per cent identified as ‘conservative overall’.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on It’s Not Science I Don’t Trust – It’s the Scientists
31st August 2018
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Central America
- In 2015, Mexico received a total of $332,311,612
- In 2015, Cuba received a total of $5,773,135
- In 2015, Dominican Republic received a total of $110,772,135
- In 2015, El Salvador received a total of $331,663,625
- In 2015, Haiti received a total of $501,740,781
- In 2015, Honduras received a total of $133,740,542
- In 2015, Nicaragua received a total of $41,175,429
- In 2015, Guatemala received a total of $137,905,792
- In 2015, Bolivia received a total of $56,613,604
- In 2015, Venezuela received a total of $9,222,146
- In 2015, Colombia received a total of $841,125,363
- In 2015 alone, Mexico received a total of $332,311,612. That would go a long way to building the wall.
- In 2015, South Africa received a total of $515,575,677
- In 2015, Zambia received a total of $672,901,484
- In 2015, Kenya received a total of $891,665,410
- In 2015, Chad received a total of $108,734,323
- In 2015, Liberia received a total of $766,059,938
- In 2015, Ghana received a total of $297,547,338
- In 2015, Egypt received a total of $1,525,466,191
- In 2015, Nigeria received a total of $592,349,645
- In 2015, Cameroon received a total of $147,447,851
- In 2015, Central African Republic received a total of $83,580,684
- In 2015, Congo received a total of $467,482,859
- In 2015, Ivory Coast received a total of $111,990,418
- In 2015, Ethiopia received a total of $808,825,584
- In 2015, Ghana received a total of $297,547,338
- In 2016, Malawi received a total of $309,263,128
- In 2015, Mali received a total of $207,014,489
- In 2015, Mozambique received a total of $338,892,986
- In 2015, Mozambique received a total of $124,777,826
- In 2015, Rwanda received a total of $246,770,599
- In 2015, Senegal received a total of $116,719,982
- In 2015, Sierra Leone received a total of $200,550,659
- In 2015, Somalia received a total of $255,105,905
- In 2015, South Sudan received a total of $838,589,050
- In 2015, Benin received a total of $113,195,610
- In 2015, Sudan received a total of $147,833,033
- In 2015, Swaziland received a total of $46,122,312
- In 2015, Tanzania received a total of $591,591,821
- In 2015, Tunisia received a total of $122,903,292
- In 2015, Uganda received a total of $591,480,559
- In 2015, Zimbabwe received a total of $190,121,244
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on America’s Absurd Overseas Spending
31st August 2018
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Whaddaya know, the E.U. may actually be good for something.
Of course, this is the Guardian, so you’ll want to confirm that from a reliable source.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on EU to Recommend That Member States Abolish Daylight Saving Time
31st August 2018
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One of the problem with having a hipster millennial culture at work is that eventually hipster millennial politics intrudes into business decisions. And then (I suspect) you die.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Mutiny at the Big Five Is Part of the Future of Work
31st August 2018
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Today’s entertainment.
Posted in Is this a great country, or what? | Comments Off on Shut Up, Wesley: Ceaselessly Annoying Social Justice Warrior and Manchild Wil Wheaton Banned From LEFTWING Social Media Site
31st August 2018
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Threatening law enforcement personnel ought to be grounds for expulsion from Congress.
The sponges we’ve got there would never think of it, of course.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Arizona Democratic Congressman Threatens ICE Agents Carrying Out Deportation: ‘You Will Not Be Safe’
31st August 2018
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I wouldn’t marry anybody who would do that. But I suppose women have different standards.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Man Proposes to Girlfriend by Writing on Side of Cow
31st August 2018
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Yeah, that whole standards thing is a real problem.
Funny, I don’t see how paying ignorant people to teach your kids gives you anything but ignorant kids. And maybe a rich teachers’ union.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Florida Faces Increasing Teacher Shortage After Thousands of Teachers Were Fired for Failing State Exams
31st August 2018
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Of course it does. The American flag is just so fifteen minutes ago.
Never mind that planting the American flag was the whole point of the program….
UPDATE: Chuck Yeager Shames Hollywood For Inaccurate Portrayal Of Neil Armstrong
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Neil Armstrong Movie Leaves Out the American Flag Planting
31st August 2018
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
31st August 2018
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Which is all that the U.N. is really good for.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on India and Pakistan Engage in War of Words at UN Over Kashmir
31st August 2018
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The continental catastrophe that has engulfed Africa may go down in history as the greatest politically motivated human calamity of all time. Hundreds of millions of poverty-stricken people are getting poorer while an ever-diminishing, tiny elite get richer and richer. Central authority in most countries is dissipating, legal strictures introduced by the colonial administrations have disintegrated, and the rule of “might of right” is back. Countries in the traditional sense of the word are ceasing to exist as borders are eviscerated by tribal allegiances trumping national identities. Warlords and tyrannical traditional leaders have assumed control over vast swathes of sub-Saharan Africa, and they rule ruthlessly. The world rarely and barely gets a glimpse of the blood-soaked barbarities routinely visited upon a multitude of wretchedly poor and defenseless people, and when they do, they respond with little other than the muttering of meaningless platitudes. The damage being done to the environment through overpopulation, “slash and burn” agriculture, and uncontrolled logging—along with the decimation of wildlife—is sickening, but the “Global Warmists” are silent on this and the “bunny-hugging” so-called “environmentalists” do little other than wring their soft wet hands.
The problem with the European occupation of Africa is that they sorted out the most intelligent of the native people, fostered them in European schools and cultural institutions, and sent them back to their native lands without doing anything to supplant the tribal viewpoints that they entertained. You can give a machine gun to a barbarian, but that merely makes him a more effective barbarian.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Africa Destroyed: Poster Child for Liberalism
31st August 2018
Dutch Politician Cancels Muhammad Cartoon Contest After Threats, Protests
CNN: New Mexico Jihadi Cultists Were Just Some Plucky Underdogs Tryin’ to Live Off the Grid
From Iran, With Love: 3,500 Dead Americans
China Is Treating Islam Like a Mental Illness
Boko Haram: Who are the Nigerian jihadist insurgents and how are they funded?
The Knife of Peace Comes to Frankfurt
Israeli soldier filmed killing wounded Palestinian attacker says he ‘has no regrets’ Babylonian Talmud: “If someone comes to kill you, rise up and kill him first.”
American Soldier Who Pledged Allegiance To ISIS Pleads Guilty To Attempting To Provide Terror Group Support
German police ‘leaked details of migrant stabbing suspect to far-right group’
Janbaz Tarin: Police offer £5,000 reward for man suspected of murdering ex-partner and her mother in Solihull
Muhammad cartoon contest: Hundreds expected to march in Pakistan against Netherlands competition
ALGERIA: Another Preventive Presidential Purge
Lesbos, Chios, and Samos Are Full Up
The Resistance Takes to the Streets of Chemnitz
Israeli army demolishes family home of Palestinian teen attacker
Right-wing mobs creating ‘civil war’ in Germany after second night of violence in Chemnitz
Chemnitz: Several injured as far-right ‘vigilantes’ clash with anti-fascists after fatal stabbing in German city
Malaysian court postpones lesbian couple’s caning punishment for ‘technical reasons’
The Knife of Peace Comes to Chemnitz
‘Phases of a Terrorist Attack’ – Title Of A Document Found In New Mexico Terrorist Compound
‘Extremist Muslim’ Compound Suspects Were Allegedly Planning An Attack On Hospital, Media Yawn
German far-right rally after knife killing sparks mob violence Of course they’re ‘far-right’; what else could they be?
Murder in German city leads to far-right demonstrators calling for more protestors on streets And of course they assigned a writer named Shahab Khan to make sure that the proper political spin was put on the story.
The Knife of Peace Comes to Trappes
Routine police beatings and perpetual squalor push refugees in Lesbos to ‘absolute breaking point’, warns report Well, they could always go back.
Uppsala Has Fallen
Head of Isis in Afghanistan killed, say government officials About as much use as killing one cockroach.
German Police Get Their Daily Dose of Cultural Enrichment
Yazidi refugees flee Isil captors in Iraq – only to find them walking free in Germany
Texas Man Sentenced To 40 Years Imprisonment For Setting Fire To Church And Framing Muslims I’m surprised we don’t see more of this.
The Knife of Peace Comes to Düsseldorf
The Tragic Transformation Of Sweden
‘Fake gay’: Iraqi man denied asylum in Austria because he was ‘too girlish’
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on ISLAMOCOPIA FRIDAY: What’s New in the Religion of Peace
31st August 2018
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And about time, too. There is no reason for U.S. taxpayers to subsidize wa-Benzi programs designed to prolong ‘Palestinian’ victimhood so that transnational bureaucrats can feel good about themselves and enemies of Israel have some empowering poster children.
There are a sufficient number of oil-wealthy Arab nations that could support their ‘Palestianian brethren’ if it weren’t the fact that they are more politically valuable as rhetorical sticks with which to beat the West.
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on Trump Administration to End U.S. Funding to U.N. Program for Palestinian Refugees
31st August 2018
Steve Sailer sees the New York Times as a target-rich environment.
The argument is that white people shouldn’t be alarmed by all the articles in, say, the New York Times about how white people are finally going to get what’s coming to them once they are no longer a majority of the voters because, you see, people of mixed descent will voluntarily give up identifying as non-white in order to cash in on that sweet, sweet White Privilege.
The reality is that there is no such thing as White Privilege and no Fashionable Minority Victim is going to loosen his or her clutch on Monetizing While Black to join the ranks of the despised.
I did a search for terms including “affirmative action,” “racial preferences,” and “quotas,” but they never seemed to come up.
Of course not. That would be the ThoughtCrime of Noticing.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Edsall: “Who’s Afraid of a White Minority?”
31st August 2018
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They say that like it was a bad thing.
Critics say a new book by the controversial German writer and politician Thilo Sarrazin could further embolden the far right and fuel an upsurge in neo-Nazi violence.
Called Hostile Takeover: How Islam Obstructs Progress and Threatens Society, it warns that Muslims will be the majority group in Germany within two or three generations and calls for an immediate end to immigration. The birth rates among Muslim immigrants are “demographic dynamite”, Mr Sarrazin writes.
A former member of the Berlin city government and of the Bundesbank’s board, Mr Sarrazin said at the book launch in Berlin that Islam was not a religion of peace “but a violent ideology cloaked as a religion”.
This is one of those Voice of the Crust specials that works to pre-emptively discredit a book of Inconvenient Truth and justify burying it out of sight of the buying public. ‘Nothing to see here, move along, move along’ is the cry, as passersby are encouraged to avert their eyes to the ThoughtCrime in process.
The fact that anybody who reads the newspapers or listens to the news on radio or TV knows perfectly well that Islam is not a religion of peace but a violent ideology cloaked as a religion is apparently too outré a thought to be allowed out in public.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | 2 Comments »
31st August 2018
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Indonesia continues to cope with violence caused by religious and ethnic disputes which have both resisted permanent solution. Islamic conservatism and radicalism are largely under control but Islamic terrorist groups still survive. Ethnic unrest and separatism are a more serious problem. This is mainly about Papua (the western half of New Guinea, the fourth largest island in the world) , and bitter memories of losing nearby East Timor to a separatist uprising that, after more than 20 years of unrest, resulted in East Timor becoming independent. Indonesia is trying to avoid a similar fate for Papua. There have long been periodic outbreaks of ethnic violence in Papua, but now it is getting worse. Papua was long seen as less of a problem, and a more distant one, than Islamic terrorism.
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on Potential Hot Spots: Unresolved Indonesian Insurrections
31st August 2018
Steve Sailer exercises his fisking muscles.
Okay … I’m going to trim most of the Economist’s Deep Think verbiage about the Omarosa Crisis of last week or maybe the week before. Has anybody noticed how much Omarosa resembles in real life the stereotypical mid-level manager Litigious Black Lady that she plays so convincingly on TV? But that’s about all the interest I can generate in Omarosa.
Actually, fisking a Voice of the Crust like The Economist isn’t all that hard, but it’s a useful exercise to keep your yourself in trim.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Economist: “What is racism now?”
31st August 2018
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An increasingly common occurrence.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Driver Who Allegedly Killed Oregon Couple in DUI Crash Is Illegal Alien, ICE Says
31st August 2018
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Reihan Salam is one of National Review’s stable of Washington Generals, and this story illustrates their favorite modus operandi.
- Proglodytes come up with some stupid new way for government to give money to its dependent class.
- Soi-disant ‘conservative’ writers latch onto it as an excuse to construct a ‘coherent alternative’, which is always a variant on ‘We can run this better than you’ instead of ‘No, we don’t need that at all’.
- Said ‘constructive alternative’ is ignored by the Ruling Class, and Yet Another Government Entitlement is born, people being left with the impression that a Serious Discussion has been had, and ‘conservatives’ pat themselves on the back for having given it the Old College Try.
Nobody has the courage to say ‘It’s a fantasy. Wake up and pay for your own goddamned medical care.’
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on ‘Medicare for All’ Is a Fantasy
30th August 2018
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Good luck with that.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on China Must Release Uighur Muslims From Alleged Re-Education Camps ‘Immediately’, UN says
30th August 2018
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A San Francisco financier with a blue-blood Manhattan pedigree (Buckley, Exeter, Yale), Steyer has the tycoon’s habit of smiling broadly after he finishes speaking. As we spoke, Steyer kept returning to a point he makes often in public: that the Democratic Party is undergoing a profound generational change, and that he wanted to use his influence to help spur it along. I asked Steyer which politicians he believed represented this change, and he said, “Andrew Gillum.”
A billionaire backs a socialist. What does he know that you don’t?
The matter of how a poor young person might make it in a society arranged for the wealthy is one of Gillum’s main themes.
But Gillum had also recognized that the big money in the Democratic Party—Steyer’s money, George Soros’s money—is now on the left, not the center.
Guess he doesn’t spend much time thinking about why wealthy people are backing him. But I suppose sock puppets don’t have much time for thought.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Andrew Gillum and the Extent of the Progressive Revolution
30th August 2018
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In short, support for racial preferences is falling among Asian Americans, and this decline has been driven largely by plummeting support among Chinese Americans,,,,
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on New Voters, New Politics
30th August 2018
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
30th August 2018
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I guess he’s down with the homies in the ‘hood.
He looks about as black as Cory Booker. I guess that means he has to try harder.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Minnesota House Candidate Uses N-Word to Describe Himself in Campaign Ad
30th August 2018
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St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner delivered an “exclusion list” to the city police department on Tuesday. On that list were the names of 28 police officers — and Gardner says that she will no longer consider cases brought to her office by any of those on the list.
The technical term for this is ‘dereliction of duty’.
While Gardner’s office has given no official reason for the case review or the exclusion list, many of her critics fear that the move could be political.
Oh, ya think?
In 2017, protests broke out after Gardner failed to get a conviction against former police officer Jason Stockley for the shooting death of Anthony Lamar Smith. Stockley has since filed a lawsuit against former circuit attorney Jennifer Joyce — who filed charges on her way out the door and left the prosecution in Gardner’s hands — for defamation and malicious prosecution.
That sure sounds ‘political’ to me.
Kim Gardner is ‘St Louis’ first black Circuit Attorney‘

I smell a little bit of racial politics going on there. Of course, if she were white and the policemen black, newspapers across the country would be screaming RACISM! for the next ten years.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on St. Louis Prosecutor Refuses to Take on Cases From 28 Police Officers — She Made a List
30th August 2018
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A reminder that the U.N. is a hotbed of Political Correctness, not free speech.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on UN Warns Facebook to Block Hate Speech in Myanmar or It Could Be Dragged Into International War Crimes Trials for Genocide
30th August 2018
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Gotta love Australians.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Chelsea Manning Facing Australia Entry Ban After ‘Failing Character Test’
30th August 2018
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I’ll bet you didn’t know that.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Goats Are Attracted to People Who Smile at Them
30th August 2018
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The Center for Equal Opportunity is releasing today a study discussing still more evidence that Harvard University is discriminating against Asian-American students in its undergraduate admissions. CEO released another study earlier this year discussing other evidence that both Harvard and MIT — but not Caltech — engage in such discrimination. Both studies can be found on CEO’s website.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on ‘Harvard Investigates Harvard’: More Evidence of Its Discrimination
30th August 2018
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Another Random Person of Color whose job it is to seek out new ways to be offended.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on MSNBC Contributor Adds ‘Performed Well’ to List of Offensive Phrases
30th August 2018
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I am not making this up.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) wants to build a memorial on a Maine highway for thousands of lobsters who never made it to a dinner plate after an August accident saw the lobsters fall out of the back of a truck and die on the roadside.
These people never progressed emotionally past about 14 years old.
I wonder whether we could convince them that they’re all really transgender. I’d chip in for the surgery.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Maine Will Erect Memorial to Lobsters If PETA Has Its Way
30th August 2018
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The current craze for surgically mutilating troubled high school girls (Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria) can be looked at another way: as a really slick exercise in negative eugenics. Being nuts is fairly heritable: I have no doubt that many of these girls’ mothers were cutting themselves ( while listening to grunge) back in the 90s. If you remove their ovaries, these girls aren’t going to have descendants: end of story.
Think of it as evolution in action.
You might think it would be difficult to induce parents to have their daughters spayed, but apparently you can convince bien-pensant liberals of absolutely anything, as long as it’s false. Gotta keep up with the Jim Joneses. They even pay for it!
It would be immoral for us to do it to them, but we’re not responsible if they do it to themselves.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Nits Make Lice
30th August 2018
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It’s now widely acknowledged that the Inuit subsistence diet is quite balanced. As biochemist and Arctic nutrition expert Harold Draper told Discover magazine, there are no essential foods, only essential nutrients. Vitamin A and D, so easily available from milk, vegetables, and sunlight, can also be obtained from oils within sea mammals (particularly livers) and fish. And fresh meats and fish, prepared raw, contain trace amounts of vitamin C, a fact that Stefansson was the first Westerner to realize. It only takes a little to prevent scurvy.
Something to bear in mind the next time you’re exploring the Arctic, which I’m sure almost all of you intend to do at some point.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on The Arctic Explorer Who Pushed an All-Meat Diet
30th August 2018
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
30th August 2018
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Perhaps the Chinese are right. Perhaps Islam is a mental illness.
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on “Smarter Bombs”: Understanding the World of Women Palestinian Bombers
30th August 2018
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John McCain, team captain for the Washington Generals.
The fact that the guy who beat him was invited to his funeral, and his running mate was excluded, tells you everything you need to know about that back-stabbing asshole.
Benedict Arnold was a hero, too, until he demonstrated that he wasn’t.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Sarah Palin, Loyal Running Mate, Excluded From John McCain’s Funeral
30th August 2018
Ace of Spade is fed up.
Remember: If you hear the dog whistle, then you’re the dog.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Everything Is Racist When a Democrat Wants to Win an Election or Argument
30th August 2018
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A compendium of silly ‘I’m offended!’ stories.
You can’t make this stuff up.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Everyone’s Offended
30th August 2018
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I am not making this up.
Posted in Is this a great country, or what? | Comments Off on KFC Is Promising $11,000 to the First Baby Named After Colonel Sanders and Born on His Birthday.
30th August 2018
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If you can call an eternal series of ‘You’re a poopy-head!’ ‘No, you’re a poopy-head!’ a debate — Democrats doing to each other what they always do to Republicans.
Bring popcorn.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on ‘Stop interrupting.’ ‘Stop lying.’ For 60 Minutes, Andrew Cuomo Debates Cynthia Nixon
29th August 2018
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Hey, tenure doesn’t grow on trees, you know.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Olive Oil Could Be Better Than Viagra, Scientists Suggest
29th August 2018
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I wouldn’t eat an avocado for any amount of money.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on University Researchers Across the Country Want to Pay You $300 to Eat Avocados
29th August 2018
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on All Charges Dropped Against Three Suspects in New Mexico ‘Jihadi’ Case
29th August 2018
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If they’re delusional enough to believe that politics is a science, then who know what other strange ideas they have?
But this is just another tramp on the proglodyte March Through the Institutions; those inclined to ThoughtCrime must be stuffed down the MemoryHole.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on 118 Political Scientists Want the American Political Science Association to Rescind An Award for Condoleezza Rice
29th August 2018
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Remember: If you hear the dog whistle, then you’re the dog.
Who says there isn’t any opportunity in America for black people? The DemLegHump Media will pay handsomely for black people to wear suits and be on the lookout for ways to be offended.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on MSNBC Guest: Ron DeSantis ‘Might as Well Have Just Said the N-Word’