Archive for September, 2017
30th September 2017
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Stereotypes exist because of reasons; they don’t just fall out of the sky like snowflakes.
Of course a stereotype doesn’t tell you anything factual about particular individuals — it tells you likelihoods and probabilities about groups. But if you meet an individual you don’t know from a group with which you don’t have a lot of contact, you have to play the odds for your own safety’s sake … and the odds are that betting according to the stereotype is the safe play.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Stereotype Accuracy Is One of The Largest and Most Replicable Effects in All of Social Psychology
30th September 2017
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Of course. The search for heretics and sinners never sleeps. How long before they suggest burning at the stake?
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Berkeley Antifa Are Targeting, Intimidating and Stalking College Republicans
30th September 2017
CNN’s Brian Stelter: Trump Tweets On Puerto Rico Are ‘Racist Dog Whistle’ [VIDEO] Remember, if you hear the ‘dog whistle’, you’re the dog. As Scott Adams says, ‘Does it make any sense that these hidden messages can be received only by racists and leftist journalists? What does that say about the journalists?’
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
30th September 2017
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Yeah, let’s just RUSH RIGHT OVER and help these people….
Why is Puerto Rico even our problem? Every other two-bit island in the Caribbean is independent; LET THEM GO.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on San Juan Mayor Praised Convicted FALN Terrorist
30th September 2017
Posted in Think about it. | 1 Comment »
30th September 2017
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More flavour-dense than its slender counterpart, millionaire’s bacon is typically half an inch thick and is slow-cooked for several hours.
“The taste is succulent, sweet and spicy with many different spices going in. It’s very complex,” said Hoyul Steven Choi, co-owner of Sweet Maple, a popular brunch spot in San Francisco that is renowned for its take on the elevated candied bacon dish.
He explained to the San Francisco Gate that the thick pieces of pork are covered in sugar and cayenne pepper before being left in the oven to cook for a few hours at a low temperature.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on ‘Millionaire’s Bacon’ Could Change the Face of the Fry-up Forever
30th September 2017
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Note that Poland has had none of the terrorist attacks that have plagued Britain, France, and the Scandinavian countries.
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on Polish Deputy Foreign Minister: Poland Will Not Accept Refugees From Muslim Countries
29th September 2017
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The LG K7i, launched by the South Korean firm at the India Mobile Congress this week, is embedded with technology that it says will keep mosquitoes away.
It emits ultrasonic waves from a mesh grid on the back of the phone. The waves should repel the pests and are “absolutely safe and harmless for humans,” the company said.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on New LG Smartphone Keeps Mosquitoes Away
29th September 2017
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Somebody who thinks about race all the time is a racist, almost by definition.
But black people can’t be racist, of course.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | 1 Comment »
29th September 2017
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
29th September 2017
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Imagine my disappointment.
Won’t any of these liars keep their promises?
Posted in Dystopia Watch | 1 Comment »
29th September 2017
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My, what a surprise. Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Kaepernick Foundation Gave $25K to Group Honoring Cop-Killer
29th September 2017
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I missed the section of the Constitution that says that the government has to pay for abortions.
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on ACLU Sues Maine Because It Won’t Pay for Abortions
29th September 2017
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Yet Another Corrupt Democrat Politician. (yawn)
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on AP Tries to Pretend Convicted, Resigned Paterson, NJ Mayor Isn’t a Dem
29th September 2017
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I can see the majority, but where’s the leader?
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Another GOP Leader Calls for McConnell to Step Down
29th September 2017
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Gay and transgender activists in Tallahassee, Florida are really mad because the taxpayer-funded local school district reassigned a fifth-grade teacher after she told the little kids in her classroom to address her with the title “Mx.” and refer to her using the third-person plural pronouns “they,” “them” and “their.”
The teacher, Chloe Bressack, pulled her transgender pronoun stunt at Tallahassee’s Canopy Oaks Elementary School earlier this school year.
Bressack, who identifies as gender neutral, sent a note home to parents saying that she expected their fifth-grade children to address her as “Mx. Bressack” and to use plural pronouns when discussing her singular self.
The backlash from parents was intense.
School district officials responded to the outpouring of parental complaints by hastily removing Bressack from her fifth-grade classroom and transferring her to the school district’s adult basic education program.
I’m sure the adults in the basic education program will admire and applaud her commitment to ‘diversity’.
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on Gay Activists Are Furious Because Teacher Can’t Tell Fifth Graders to Use Gender-Neutral Pronouns
29th September 2017
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
29th September 2017
Muslims in China say they are being told to hand over Qurans or face ‘harsh punishments’
Mass arrests of LGBT people in Azerbaijan condemned by human rights groups
Top university accepts Islamic Society’s gender-segregated event was ‘unlawful’
Denmark Deploys Soldiers To Border, Potential Terror Targets
Maxime Lépante: “The Mortal Danger That Islam Represents for All Non-Muslims”
Recording Of Suspected ISIS Leader Urges Attacks On Media Centers Sounds like a plan.
Culture-Enriching Sexual Abuse on a Swedish Bus — But the Driver Doesn’t Want to Know
Erdogan Admits Using Jailed American Pastor As Bargaining Chip Against US
Boston’s New Islamic Seminary Is Radicalizing The Next Generation Of Clerics
Why Can’t We Talk About Muslim Supremacism?
Mehmet Aksoy: British filmmaker reportedly killed by Isis militants in Syria
Saudi Spokeswoman Defends Oppressive Culture For Women [VIDEO]
Self-Styled ‘Progressive’ U.S. Muslim Groups Are Homophobic and Racist That’s because Islam is homophobic and racist. It’s also totalitarian and oppressive, as anyone who can read can find out.
CAIR Chief Among American Islamists Eulogizing Brotherhood Leader
Why Moderate Muslims Will Never Condemn Islamic Terrorism Because it’s plainly required by their religion.
France Lets Man Who Was On Terror Watch List Become Police Officer
Taliban Fires Missiles At Mattis
Here’s What Saudi Women Still Can’t Do Even After Driving Ban Is Lifted
Street Prayer in Paris: Kill Them All — No Exceptions!
A Mosque-Burning in Örebro
Saudi Arabia Allows Women To Drive, Backs Down On Long-Standing Ban
Turkey Accuses US, Germany of Arms Embargo
Coptic Christians Flee Police After Muslims Riot Over Their Social Media Post
Denmark’s immigration minister uses cartoon of Prophet Mohammad as iPad background
British Isis fighter linked to Manchester attacker revealed as part of same cell as Jihadi John
Kurds Threatened With Starvation For Independence Vote
ISIS Is Growing In Pakistan My, what a surprise.
Palestinian Gunman Kills Three Israelis At Checkpoint Near Jerusalem
Kurdistan referendum: Erdogan says Iraqi Kurds risk ‘ethnic war’ and threatens military response to vote
Israel shooting: Palestinian kills three at Jewish settlement near occupied West Bank
Turkey’s President Erdogan threatens to invade Iraq and cut off oil pipeline after Kurds vote for independence
More than half British people support racial profiling of Muslims and Arabs for security reasons, survey reveals The people of Britain are sensible, even as their leaders are not.
Muslim surgeon who volunteered to treat Manchester bomb victims stabbed in neck outside mosque in ‘hate crime’ Probably by another Muslim … wanna bet?
MSNBC Leaves Out Tennessee Shooter’s Nationality
Bin Laden Heir Breathes New Destructive Energy Into Al Qaeda
Tourists Could Suffer Under New Sex Crime Law Pushed By Islamic Group
Tennessee Church Shooting Suspect Is A Sudanese Bodybuilder
Stratford ‘acid attack’: Eight people injured near shopping centre in east London
Mother And Daughter Who Opposed Bashar Assad Regime Killed In Turkey
Sushma Swaraj: Swaraj slams Pakistan at UN; asks why India turns produces engineers, doctors, and they jihadis | India News – Times of India
French Soldier From Anti-ISIS Coalition Killed In Combat
Protesters against Turkey’s president Erdogan again beaten up on US soil
Marriott refuses to cancel conference booking by anti-Muslim hate group ACT is not, of course, a ‘hate group’ except in the eyes of hate groups like the SPLC.
Imam who told children martyrdom was ‘greater success’ than school convicted of supporting Isis
Terror-Linked Charity Islamic Relief Escapes Ban on Receiving Your Tax Dollars
Honor Killing in Vienna
Eternal Sunshine of the Jihad-Free Mind
Kexit: How Kurdish Independence Could Reshape the Middle East
Saudi textbook recalled due to photo of Yoda next to King Faisal –
Stop Shopping Until You Drop — Or Until A Terrorist Drops You
Afraid of their waning power once Isis is defeated, the Kurds are calling for independence from Iraq
Teenager Raped on the Street in Munich
Ahmed Hassan Charged With Attempted Murder After London Attack
Why Some Imams Oppose the LGBTQ-Islamist Partnership
Parsons Green attack: 18-year-old Ahmed Hassan charged with terror bombing on Tube train
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on ISLAMOCOPIA FRIDAY: What’s New in the Religion of Peace
29th September 2017
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Trump is undoubtedly to blame.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on The Mysterious Radio Stations Broadcasting Secret Messages
29th September 2017
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Sounds to me as if Trump won this one.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Green Bay Packers and Chicago Bears Stand, Link Arms and Refuse to Kneel in Protest Amid Donald Trump Criticism
28th September 2017
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Yeah, we all know what a misogynist Jackie Chan is. And don’t get me started on Bruce Lee.
Soon the dictionary will have the entry ‘Feminist: See Deranged‘.
Posted in You can't make this stuff up. | Comments Off on Feminist Author Says Teaching Women Self-Defense Has Racist Roots
28th September 2017
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Acting ICE Director Tom Homan noted the importance of the operation in keeping American’s safe from criminal illegal aliens sheltered in “sanctuary” cities and states.
“Sanctuary jurisdictions that do not honor detainers or allow us access to jails and prisons are shielding criminal aliens from immigration enforcement and creating a magnet for illegal immigration,” Homan said. “ICE’s goal is to build cooperative, respectful relationships with our law enforcement partners to help prevent dangerous criminal aliens from being released back onto the streets. Non-cooperation policies severely undermine that effort at the expense of public safety.”
Guess posing and posturing doesn’t really work on people with actual badges and guns.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on ICE Arrests Nearly 500 Illegal Aliens In Sanctuary Cities
28th September 2017
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It’s not enough to be black, you have to be the right kind of black.
Posted in You can't make this stuff up. | Comments Off on Black Student Group Complains Ivy League School Is Letting In Too Many African Students
28th September 2017
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Must have been Trump’s fault.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Volunteers Beaten, Raped, Shot While Delivering Aid After Mexican Earthquakes
28th September 2017
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I’d be a ‘slave’ like that for a million a year and a Super Bowl ring.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Samantha Bee Compares Millionaire Athletes to Slaves ‘Working on a Field’
28th September 2017
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I must have missed the part of the Constitution that says a Democrat shill TV talking head can demand ‘guarantees’ from the White House.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Stephanopoulos Demands WH ‘Guarantee’ That Trump, Wealthy, Won’t Benefit From His Tax Plan
28th September 2017
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
28th September 2017
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Conservative students at Southern Illinois University were informed by police that their “free speech ball” was “freaking out” leftist students on campus, who complained about its presence on campus.
In a video obtained by Campus Reform, conservative student activists from Turning Point USA, the Leadership Institute and Young Americans for Liberty can be seen speaking to police officers. The students were welcoming other students to write messages on the beach ball to exercise their First Amendment rights.
Campus police stopped the students from doing so, informing them that the school received numerous reports from students who were “scared” by the ball. The police told them that they were not operating in a public space. “This is not considered like a public place. Right now, we’re going to have to put the ball away,” said an officer, adding that the ball was “freaking a lot of people out.”
Posted in You can't make this stuff up. | Comments Off on Progressive Students ‘Freaked Out’ by Beach Ball at Southern Illinois University
28th September 2017
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The FBI released its official crime tally for 2016 today, and the data flies in the face of the rhetoric that professional athletes rehearsed in revived Black Lives Matter protests over the weekend. Nearly 900 additional blacks were killed in 2016 compared with 2015, bringing the black homicide-victim total to 7,881. Those 7,881 “black bodies,” in the parlance of Ta-Nehisi Coates, are 1,305 more than the number of white victims (which in this case includes most Hispanics) for the same period, though blacks are only 13 percent of the nation’s population. The increase in black homicide deaths last year comes on top of a previous 900-victim increase between 2014 and 2015.
Who is killing these black victims? Not whites, and not the police, but other blacks.
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on Hard Data, Hollow Protests
28th September 2017
What is being proposed in Congress is not a ‘tax cut’, because they are being very careful that every supposed cut is ‘paid for’, i.e. no matter what happens the government will get as much money (or more) as before.
That is not a ‘cut’.
What we’re seeing is a re-arrangement of how people are taxed, with some getting a bit of a break and the rest getting more broke.
Democrats, of course, no matter what happens, will characterize it as ‘a giveaway to the rich’, as if allowing someone to keep more of his own money, rather than giving it to the government, is the government somehow ‘giving’ him money. The reason for this is that Democrats, like all socialists, believe that anything you supposedly own is available for government to take and spend (or waste) as it wills — it actually belongs to the government, and you’re just allowed to keep it until they need it. Preferably earning them a return on it.
So whenever you hear the term ‘tax cut’ just translate it into your own mind as ‘tax re-arrangement’, which will allow you to interpret it properly, by looking at who wins and who loses in the re-arrangement.
As Lenin famously said, ‘Who? Whom?’ (Who is doing what to whom?) is the question to ask.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on “Tax Cut”
28th September 2017
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‘Hepeating’ is the latest word to enter the feminist lexicon. Following the introduction of eye-rolling gendered terms like “manspreading” and “manflu,” the word “hepeating” has been made popular thanks to social media and countless progressive websites embracing the newly defined term.
The Leftist search for heretics and sinner proceeds apace, even when they have to make it up.
Hepeating is supposedly what happens when a woman comes up with a good idea or suggestion and pitches it at the workplace, where she’s subsequently ignored by her colleagues. But, when a male colleague repeats her words and gets a positive response, he is credited for her proposal.
Never seen that happen, during twenty-five years in IT. Never heard any woman complain about it.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on ‘Hepeating’ Is the Latest Word to Enter the Feminist Lexicon
28th September 2017
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
28th September 2017
Learn it, live it, love it.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on The Punctuation Guide
28th September 2017
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Let that be a lesson to us all. Don’t do stupid shit.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Eye Tattoo Leaves 24-year-old Model Partially Blind
28th September 2017
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As I point out below, the latest Chicago surge in murders began in January 2016, immediately after or coinciding with four BLM-driven triumphs of liberalism over the Chicago Police Department from late November 2015 to early January 2016.
But Chicago is murky compared to Baltimore, where the current high rate of homicides can be dated to April 27, 2015, the day of the BLM riot over Freddie Gray’s death. This may be the single most clear-cut case in the history of social science.
The ironic feature of this phenomenon is that most of the dead people appear to be black.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Well, There’s Your Problem Right There, Baltimore
27th September 2017
MSNBC Host: Trump Sounds Like He’s Running ‘His Own Three-Ring Circus I guess MSNBC is the Clown Car.
Donald Trump is a ‘racist KKK and Nazi sympathiser’, says Labour MP For which, of course, there is absolutely no evidence, except the stuff they make up.
ABC Finally Spends Significant Time on Puerto Rico, Uses it to Slam Trump
Calling Trump’s remarks on NFL anthem protesters racist is what drives people to him
Hillary Clinton peddles fake news about Trump and Puerto Rico
Gumbel Thanks Trump’s ‘Racist’ ‘Childish’ Comments for ‘Energizing’ Athletes
Morning Joe’s Mika Mocks Trump, Compares Him To Homer Simpson Except that he’s still President, and she’s just a chattering bimbo on TV.
Did Donald Trump just threaten to commit genocide? Well, no, but it makes a great clickbait headline.
MSNBC Guest Compares Trump To A Murderer With A ‘Killing Finger’ Where do they find these deranged ‘guests’? (Oh — he’s the editor of Talking Points Memo — that explains a lot.)
Seth Meyers Blasts Trump For Being The ‘Last Responder’ To Puerto Rico Which he wasn’t, of course; the administration responded to Maria just as quickly as Harvey. But to the media, if it didn’t happen on Twitter it didn’t happen.
MSNBC, HuffPost: ‘Neanderthal’ Trump Wants Black Players to Suffer I’d put up with a lot for a million dollars a year.
Elijah Cummings: ‘God Would Not Be Pleased’ With Trump’s Puerto Rico Response As if race-pimp Cummings would know.
CNN Contributor Spreads Fake Picture Of LeBron Giving Trump The Finger Although, considering LeBron, it’s entirely believable.
Democrat to push for vote on Trump’s impeachment over his attack on NFL protesters These people live in a little world all their own….
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
27th September 2017
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An Army recruit starts off with a salary under $20,000. Thousands of active duty military personnel are on food stamps. Millions of veterans rely on them to feed their families and themselves.
That’s how we treat the best of us. Here’s how we treat the worst of us.
An NFL rookie’s minimum salary is $465,000. And the majority of NFL players are usually bankrupt a few years after retirement because they blew through most of their money. Dozens of NFL players are arrested every year on charges ranging from murder to rape to animal abuse.
2017 was a banner year for the NFL with three times as many arrests as last year.
Along with the usual drunk driving and disorderly conduct arrests, there were 7 arrests for assault/battery, 6 for drugs and 5 for domestic violence.
I have no interest in football so I don’t have a dog in this particular fight, except to point out that it is impossible to distinguish between a football player and a prison inmate by sight unless he’swearing his uniform. That ought to disturb the football fans.
It’s no wonder that so many of the NFL’s millionaire scumbags are eager to join Colin Kaepernick’s protests against the justice system by degrading our anthem.
It’s because they’re criminals.
And it’s no wonder that the NFL stands behind its thugs. If a team can shrug at abusing women, what’s a little anti-American tantrum by a prize property that makes them millions of dollars?
The only question is why are the rest of us subsidizing it?
A good question.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on End the NFL
27th September 2017
Did you know that Democrat Senator Menendez from Ohio is on trial?
Anybody in the media covering it? Anybody? Bueller? Bueller?
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Menendez Trial
27th September 2017
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on Brawl Breaks Out Inside Berkeley’s ‘Empathy Tent’
27th September 2017
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My, what a surprise.
The disadvantage of a parliamentary system of government is that a party that wants to raise taxes can do so in one day with no problems (although probably a lot of whining by the opposition). There is no prolonged negotiation as happens in the U.S.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Report: More Than 80 Percent Of Middle Class Paying Higher Taxes Under Trudeau
27th September 2017
Freeberg lays out some inconvenient truth.
The term “peaceful protest” is way overused lately. If you’re blocking me on my way to work or some other errand, your protest is not peaceful because you’re interfering in the activities of other people who have nothing to do with the subject of your protest, people who’ve done nothing to you. There is a myth floating around that this is a necessary ingredient, that the protester’s job is to see to it people are forced to pay attention, deprived of the option to ignore. That’s false. Force is force. Initiating force is not peaceful.
Preach it, brother.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on On Protesting
27th September 2017
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
27th September 2017
Steve Sailer points out some inconvenient truth.
Some National Football League players are supporting Black Lives Matter—the anti-police, pro-rioter, anti-white, pro-Establishment movement—by boycotting the national anthem before games. The president was widely denounced for tweeting his disapproval of them.
On Monday, however, the FBI released 2016 crime statistics showing that homicides were up an extraordinary 20 percent nationally during the last two years of the Obama administration, when the former president was pushing his BLM agenda. The spike in murders tended to be concentrated in cities where BLM enjoyed its greatest triumphs, such as Baltimore and Chicago.
In other words, the ironically entitled Black Lives Matter has gotten several thousand additional blacks murdered by other blacks since Ferguson.
An amazing achievement. Take a bow (or a knee), BLM.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Tackling Race
26th September 2017
Black Congresswoman Kneels During House Floor Speech, Accuses Trump Of Racism It is often said that politics is show-business for ugly people, and here’s proof.
Steven Colbert on Donald Trump NFL comments: ‘Kneeling has everything to do with race – just like your presidency’ Trump’s presidency, of course, has absolutely nothing to do with race, other than in the fever dreams of the Left. Remember: If you hear the ‘dog whistle’, then you’re the dog.
Kingsman 2 director reveals the Donald Trump jokes cut from the film
MSNBC Analyst: Trump Basically Shouted The N-Word Which, of course, he didn’t — they have to make stuff up because it never happened.
Hillary Says She’s ‘Not Sure’ Trump Knows Puerto Ricans Are American Citizens That tells you more about Hillary than it does about Trump.
Media Uses Devastation In Puerto Rico As Political Football To Attack Trump When they’re not worrying about the NFL, which is more important.
MSNBC: Trump’s a ‘Racist,’ Almost ‘Shouting at a Rally the N-Word’
Does Donald Trump even know that he’s responsible for Puerto Rico? Except that he’s not ‘responsible’ for Puerto Rico; we are a Republic, not a monarchy.
Hillary Clinton says it is ‘quite telling’ Trump is attacking black athletes and not white supremacists Quite telling about the racial monomania of Hillary. Trump has ‘attacked white supremacists’, and ‘white supremacists’ aren’t causing the current controversy.
Lena Dunham Compares Trump To Dylann Roof She’d better be careful; two can play that game.
Trump is the political equivalent of a fatberg, says Naomi Klein And Naomi Klein is the political equivalent of a pussy hat.
Congressional Black Caucus Member Wants To Impeach Trump Over His ‘Sons Of B*tches’ Comments And they accuse Trump of being a spoiled child….
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
26th September 2017
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Russians are just very strange people. I mean, who has a pet poisonous snake?
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Man Commits Livestreamed Suicide by Snake After Wife Leaves Him
26th September 2017
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No, they don’t care about Puerto Ricans because they are effectively foreigners — different language and culture. They’d feel the same about Filipinos, and did back when the Philippines were a U.S. dependency.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on ‘View:’ Do Americans Not Care About Puerto Ricans Because They’re ‘Brown?’
26th September 2017
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Many Americans are said to be turning against higher education. They may just be sick of an expensive and dysfunctional model that’s outlived its usefulness.
Used to be that a college degree indicated an acquaintance with the liberal arts and sometimes advanced scientific training. Nowadays all it indicates is what used to be considered a high-school level of education, and in a lot of areas (‘gender studies’ etc.) not even that, merely partisan indoctrination.
If I had a child, I would be hesitant to recommend going to college. There are so many resources for independent study available, and so many fields (e.g. IT) where a ‘college education’ isn’t really the necessary credential that it is assumed to be.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on College Isn’t Higher Education and May No Longer Be the Best Way to Deliver the Goods
26th September 2017
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Let that be a lesson to us all.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Snake Handler Found Dead Next to His Escaped Pet Python Was Strangled
26th September 2017
Victor Davis Hanson boils it down.
Outside the NFL toady bubble, most of America, to the extent it still watches, now sees Sunday afternoon pop demonstrations as increasingly a farce, played out among players who appear neither exploited nor as exemplary model sportsmen, but rather as overpaid and pampered. Given the NFL’s enormous overhead, even a 10–20 percent reduction in attendance and viewing could send financial tsunamis throughout the league.
Nor do the protesting players come across as informed, brave social-justice warriors on the barricades of dissent, but as mostly unable to explain to their fans precisely why and how they are mistreated or why America is a flawed society that does not deserve momentary iconic respect each week. If players were concerned about violence and injustice, why not collect a voluntary 10 percent contribution from the league’s multimillionaire players and use it to fund programs that address systematic and lethal violence in inner-city communities such as Baltimore or Chicago? And if ethics and values are the players’ issues, why over the last decade has there been an increase in player off-field violence and arrests, often marked by well-publicized violence against women?
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on The NFL House of Cards
26th September 2017
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Networks Cover NFL Protests More Than Puerto Rico Crisis