Archive for January, 2019
31st January 2019
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A Chinese young adult fiction writer has canceled the release of her highly anticipated debut novel after attacks from an online mob accusing her of lacing her fantasy book with “anti-blackness.”
Amélie Wen Zhao is a young up-and-coming author whose first novel, Blood Heir, was set to be released this summer.
Set in the fantasy “Cyrilian Empire” where slavery exists based on possession of magical powers rather than skin color, the book was meant to critique the “epidemic of indentured labor and human trafficking” in Asia today.
The fantasy work was slated to be released in June, but after a sudden deluge of criticism from reviewers and Twitter users, Zhao announced in a Wednesday statement “to the book community” that she would cancel the book altogether.
“I want to start by saying that I have the utmost respect for your voices, and I’m listening. I am grateful to those who have raised questions around representation, coding, and themes in my book,” Zhao wrote.
‘Please don’t hurt me! Please don’t hurt me!’
UPDATE: Learning to Love Big Brother
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31st January 2019
The Other McCain is not afraid to ask the easy questions.
Question: How many racist, homophobic menaces wander around the upscale Streeterville neighborhood of liberal Chicago at 2 a.m. carrying rope and bleach, yelling about “MAGA country?”
During a Polar Vortex.
Question: How many racist, homophobic menaces have ever heard of “Empire,” could recognize Jussie Smollett, or know or care anything about his sexuality?
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on You Haters! Stop Questioning Gay Actor’s Claim of ‘MAGA’ Hate Crime in Chicago
31st January 2019
David Reich pushes back against proglodyte hate-mongering.
As you know, in the fact-checking process I was sent more than 100 statements of which a very high proportion (more than half) were incorrect. For example, as I mentioned to you in my letter of January 7, 20 of 49 statements presented to me for review on January 2 were incorrect, and 27 of the 36 statements presented to me for review on January 5 were incorrect. The high rate of errors was concerning as it suggested that the narrative based on them might not be supported by a solid set of facts. While a substantial number of these incorrect statements were removed through your fact-checking process, some errors got through, and I am therefore now requesting formal corrections of the following 5 errors that meaningfully affect the article, so it is important to set the record straight on them. (I have also identified additional errors, but those are for the most part smaller, so I am not requesting corrections in those cases.)
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Five Corrections to The New York Times
31st January 2019
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“Fox & Friends” shared footage of migrants moving closer to the U.S. southern border Thursday, reporting the latest caravan numbers nearly 3,000.
Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins was embedded on the scene in Mexico City and said the group of migrants plans to use buses provided by Mexico City’s government to reach the U.S.
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31st January 2019
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At the very least, it will agitate all of the people who really really need agitation.
At the very least, that will be entertaining.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Is China’s Plan to Use a Nuclear Bomb Detonator to Release Shale Gas in Earthquake-Prone Sichuan Crazy or Brilliant?
31st January 2019
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
31st January 2019
Steve Sailer looks at political speciation.
For example, Lake Shasta in far northern California is the largest reservoir of the vast California aqueduct system. As the population of California grows and droughts seem more common, the idea of expanding the lake’s capacity by raising the 602? tall dam’s height by an additional 20 feet has been considered since the last century.
The Trump Administration is pretty positive about the plan, which has led to one salamander species suddenly being redefined as three salamander species. That might seem strange, but actually this kind of thing is a common occurrence whenever anybody wants to do anything with a dam, going back to the invention of the snail darter species in the 1970s.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Socially Constructing Species
31st January 2019
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“Weathered.” “Despite the severe disruptions.” Really? What disruptions were those? Did they consider that a brief respite from a small portion of government heavy-handedness may have been irrelevant to job growth, or even a positive factor? Evidently not.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Amazingly, Economy Didn’t Care About “Shutdown”
30th January 2019
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I hope they demanded asylum.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Activists Jump California Governor’s Mansion Wall In Sombreros, Ponchos — Get Arrested
30th January 2019

Matthews Insists Mueller Has a ‘Mandate’ to Find Collusion Because That’s His Job! Well, not exactly.
Susan Collins Is ‘Not Prepared’ To Endorse Trump For 2020 I doubt that Trump is prepared to endorse Collins at any time.
Sen Blumenthal Cites Corsi’s Unverified Claim As Evidence That Trump Campaign ‘Coordinated’ With WikiLeaks Proof? We don’t need no stinkin’ proof!
NYT: Homophobic racist Trump supporters try to lynch gay black TV star in downtown Chicago During a Polar Vortex. Sure, I believe that.
Jussie Smollett’s Trump Derangement Syndrome
Democrats Pick Unpopular Loser to Give Party Reply to Trump’s SOTU Speech
Black players from American football team refused to attend Trump’s fast-food banquet in protest at his ‘racism and divisive politics’
The death penalty is a brutal relic – Britain must seize today’s chance to make that clear to Donald Trump
Lemon, Cuomo Mock Trump For Tweet On Global ‘Waming’ Laugh while you can, monkey boys.
State of the Union: Women to deliver powerful feminist message to Trump by wearing white Hey, we all wish we were white.
Frantic Climate Scientist Response to President Trump’s Latest Troll Tweet
Chris Christie Explains How Trump ‘Blew It’ With Government Shutdown And everybody knows that Chris Christie is smarter at politics than Trump.
Morning Joe Wishin’ and Hopin’ for Nasty Congressional Republican Break from Trump
Maduro Says Trump Wants To Assassinate Him I wouldn’t be surprised. Hell, I want to assassinate him.
Model Admits She Made Up Russian Collusion Story About Trump To Get Out Of Jail
Trump Didn’t ‘Cave’ on the Wall. He’s Advancing in Another Direction. As he does.
CNN Segment Tries To Paint Border Crisis As Hollywood Fiction They should be for it, then, right?
Trump orders ‘several thousand’ more troops to US-Mexico border, costing taxpayers over $600m They had to include the amount so that you wouldn’t mistake this for an actual news piece.
Morning Joe Wonders ‘What Vladimir Putin Has On Trump’ In order to trigger all those Russian sanctions? Whatever it is, it isn’t very effective.
Nellie Ohr Researched Trump’s Kids For Fusion GPS
Is Donald Trump losing even more allies? We hope we hope we hope….
‘Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt’ Fantasy: Trump Has Heart Attack and He’s Going to Hell
Venezuela crisis: Maduro accuses Trump of hiring Colombian mafia to assassinate him That would be clever. I would vote for such a man.
Hollywood Quick to Blame Trump Supporters for Alleged Hate Crime Against Liberal Actor Too good to check.
Co-Founder Of Satanic Temple Lives In Mortal Terror Of Pence Much the best thing I’ve ever heard about Pence.
Daily Beast Endorses Satanic Temple Leader’s Smear of Trump, Pence Democrats: Party of Satan. Pass it on.
Trump administration ‘wrecking ball’ approach to science threatens public health and environment, report warns The assumption here, of course, is that if the government doesn’t pay for science then science will not get done.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
30th January 2019
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Hey, people vote there. Do they vote in Somalia? Not that I’ve ever heard.
I laugh out loud when Islam is called a ‘religion of peace’.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Rep. Omar: ‘I Almost Chuckle’ When Israel Is Called ‘A Democracy’
30th January 2019
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I smell another Hate Hoax aborning.
UPDATE: I Didn’t See This One Coming
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Cops: No Video of Attack on ‘Empire’ Actor Jussie Smollett
30th January 2019
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I would encourage all Google employees not to engage in family formation. And for God’s sake avoid having children.
Posted in You can't make this stuff up. | Comments Off on Google Employees Call Term ‘Family’ ‘Deeply Homophobic’
30th January 2019
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Hey, the heat’s gotta go somewhere, right?
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Media Ties Record-Breaking Cold to Global Warming
30th January 2019
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In a new study published in Nature Scientific Reports, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Engineering and Applied Science, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and the University of Cambridge have done just that. They have built a sheet of nickel with nanoscale pores that make it as strong as titanium but four to five times lighter.
The empty space of the pores, and the self-assembly process in which they’re made, make the porous metal akin to a natural material, such as wood.
And just as the porosity of wood grain serves the biological function of transporting energy, the empty space in the researchers’ “metallic wood” could be infused with other materials. Infusing the scaffolding with anode and cathode materials would enable this metallic wood to serve double duty: a plane wing or prosthetic leg that’s also a battery.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on ‘Metallic Wood’ Has the Strength of Titanium and the Density of Water
30th January 2019
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Justin Bieber Just Came Out With a Clothing Line. But There’s Just One Problem
30th January 2019
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Attempting to squeeze their way in front of the glaring spotlight that is the Super Bowl this weekend will be numerous social justice protesters. The Nation magazine reports that in Atlanta this weekend, the points of protest will surround racial inequalities, voter suppression and income inequality in Georgia.
There will also be calls for boycotting the NFL for, as The Nation’s Dave Zirin says, brazen collusion against quarterback and anti-police-brutality campaigner Colin Kaepernick.
The discredited Southern Poverty Law Center, along with the Atlanta NAACP, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and the Georgia Alliance for Social Justice will protest. So will the Alliance for Black Lives, an organization that “fights the three evils of society: racism, poverty, and militarism.” This is becoming the norm.
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on Nation Magazine Uses Super Bowl to Complain about Racial Inequality
30th January 2019
Victor Davis Hanson is not optimistic.
The old Democratic party championed the working classes, wanted secure borders to protect middle-class union wage earners, and focused generous federal entitlement help on the citizen poor. Civil rights were defined as equality of opportunity for all.
That party is long dead. An updated Hubert Humphrey or even Bill Clinton would not recognize any of the present “Democrats.”
Even the old wing of elite liberals is mostly long gone, with its talk of legal immigration only, opposition to censorship, pro-Israel foreign policy, let-it-hang-out Sixties indulgence, and free speech.
It was superseded by grim progressives who are not so much interested in a square, new, or fair deal for the middle classes, as an entirely different deal that redefines everything from the Bill of Rights and the very way we elect presidents and senators to an embrace of identity politics as its first principle.
I don’t so much mind the country going to the dogs as I mind it going to the jackals.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on The Progressive Race to the Bottom
30th January 2019
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Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) may shed more than $40 billion worth of power purchase agreements after the California utility was driven into bankruptcy by liabilities for sparking deadly wildfires, The Wall Street Journal reports.
PG&E wants the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in San Francisco to rule whether the company must honor $42 billion worth of contracts with about 350 different energy suppliers, mostly solar and wind plants.
The court’s decision could have a major impact on California’s renewable energy industry and power makeup. Many green energy suppliers only do business with PG&E, California’s largest utility. Shedding those contracts would likely drive those companies under and cripple California’s ability to meet energy goals set by the state government.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | 1 Comment »
30th January 2019
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29th January 2019
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When I was a kid, everyone knew the unofficial motto of the U.S. Postal Service, which was inscribed on the principal New York City post office: “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” I think it was true, once, too. But not any more: Wednesday mail delivery canceled:
The U.S. Postal Service announced late Tuesday afternoon that deliveries and other services in Minnesota and several other states will be suspended Wednesday in the wake of a deep freeze unmatched for nearly a quarter-century.
The National Weather Service is forecasting a high of minus-17 in the Twin Cities on Wednesday, with windchills tumbling to the minus-50s.
So I won’t get any mail tomorrow. I will, however, be in my office, like most private sector workers.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | 3 Comments »
29th January 2019
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Nike sparked outrage with the release of a new shoe bearing a logo that resembles Allah, which Muslims claim is a slight against Islam.
A Nike spokesman claimed that the logo on the Air Max 270 is merely a stylized version of the Air Max trademark. Saiqa Noreen, who launched an online petition demanding a recall of the shoe, contends that the logo is in fact the Arabic script for Allah and therefore an insult to Islam. The petition has garnered more than 10,000 signatures.
“It is outrageous and appalling of Nike to allow the name of God on a shoe. This is disrespectful and extremely offensive to Muslim’s and insulting to Islam,” Noreen wrote in the petition.
Just when you thought that the Grievance Machine had exhausted itself, it surprises you.
I doubt that anybody at Nike, except perhaps some affirmative-action hires who happen to be Muslim, would know how to write ‘Allah’s name’ if their life depended on it. These people are certifiably insane.
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on Thousands Rage Over Nike Shoe With Allah-Like Logo, Claim It’s Offensive to Muslims
29th January 2019
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President Donald Trump has often noted that America’s rich and powerful choose to live behind large walls for protection, much like the wall he is trying to build across the U.S.-Mexico border.
Nowhere has that thesis proven truer than in the posh neighborhoods of Los Angeles and Hollywood. The homes of the rich and famous, peppered throughout the area, are often gated and feature high walls that protect the homes from outsiders.
But what about the viscerally anti-Trump celebrities that reside in Hollywood and hate the idea of Trump’s border wall? Do these moguls, sports and film celebrities really live behind walls? The Daily Caller set out to find the truth in a series called “Walls Across America.”
UPDATE: Tucker Carlson Calls Out Celebrity Hypocrisy On Border Wall
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Walls Across America: Celebrity Edition
29th January 2019

Want to know which Democrats can actually beat Trump? We don’t have to guess. Yeah, sure, we told you Hillary, and that was wrong, but forget that — this time we’re sure.
Patricia Arquette Explains Why She Thanked Mueller At SAG Awards: We Don’t Want ‘Russian Interference In Our Elections’ I’m curious as to what she think’s Mueller is doing to prevent that.
Proof That Media ‘Fact Checking’ Is First and Foremost Trump-Checking ‘Media fact-checking’ doesn’t check on the Media’s facts, heaven forbid! It’s the Media’s job to check everybody else’s facts! That’s plain as the nose on your face.
Hannity Sends Message To ‘My Conservative Friends That Are Mad At’ Trump Over Shutdown
Trump aide John Bolton reveals notepad reading ‘5,000 troops to Colombia’, as US announces fresh Venezuela sanctions Trump’s training Bolton to troll the ‘media’.
Trump fundamentally confuses climate change link with extreme cold weather: ‘Global Warming? Please come back fast, we need you!’ No, he’s making a joke, which this humor-impaired journalist failed to recognize.
Brennan brays again
Trump Responds To ‘Jaw-Dropping’ Tell-All Book By Former Staffer ‘Who is this guy?’ Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Stephen Colbert Calls Trump The Very ‘Definition Of Insanity’ For Trying To Secure The Border I must have missed hearing where Colbert got his medical degree. My bad.
Morning Joe Begrudgingly Admits Trump Can Be A ‘Likable Guy’ Aliens have kidnapped Joe Scarborough.
UN judge quits The Hague and condemns ‘shocking’ interference by Trump administration
WashPost’s Weigel Gets In Hot Water for Calling Trump Voters ‘Rubes’ in Podcast3
#NeverTrump Journo Leaves Twitter For 30 Days To Get A Hold Of Himself And there’s a lot there to get ahold of.
Most Americans will ‘definitely not’ vote for Trump in 2020, new poll indicates A poll by the Washington Post and ABC News. Remember them? They were among the people who told us it would be Hillary in a landslide.
Stacey Abrams will deliver Democratic response to Trump’s State of the Union address This loser is the best they can do?
Without Any Confirmation, MSNBC Promotes Claim Chicago Attackers Wore MAGA Hats
The Trump presidency is taking its toll…on the once fresh faces of CNN anchors
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
29th January 2019
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Scientists from University College Cork (UCC) have discovered that pterosaurs had four kinds of feathers, shifting the origin of feathers back by 70 million years
I’ll bet you didn’t know that.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Study of Flying Reptile Sheds Light on Origin of Feathers
29th January 2019
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Unfortunately, toxicity in radical communities is not a bug. It is a feature. The ideology and norms of radicalism have evolved to produce toxic, paranoid, depressed subjects. What follows is a picture of what happens in communities that are passionately, sincerely, radically woke, as seen from the perspective of an apostate.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Sad Radicals
29th January 2019
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This is why I always tip in cash.
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29th January 2019
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I must confess to not having given all that much attention to my pelvic floor.
Perhaps that was a mistake.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on How to Work Out Your Pelvic Floor (and Why Everyone Should)
29th January 2019
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Fools and their money are soon parted.
Political leaders in a college town in central Texas won wide praise from former Vice President Al Gore and the larger Green Movement when they decided to go “100 percent renewable” seven years ago. Now, however, they are on the defensive over electricity costs that have their residents paying more than $1,000 per household in higher electricity charges over the last four years.
The combination of being a college town and within 30 miles of the blue pustule Austin apparently overcame their Republicanism.
In short order, Ross was elevated to celebrity status, appearing in scores of articles and videos, both at home and abroad. Al Gore made it a point to feature the Texas Republican mayor at renewable energy conferences as well. Ross was even featured in one of Gore’s documentaries.
Politicians have a hard time resisting fame at their constituents’ expense. I’m sure that comes as a surprise to you.
Yes, there are fools even in Texas.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Epic Fail of Renewables Causes Texas Town to Have $1200 Per Year Higher Power Bills
29th January 2019
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Washington, D.C. Antifa leader Joseph “Jose” Alcoff, also known as “Chepe,” was arrested and charged with multiple felonies in Philadelphia on Jan. 10 in connection to the Antifa mob attack against two Marines in November.
Alcoff faces 17 charges, including multiple counts of aggravated assault, ethnic intimidation, conspiracy and terroristic threats, and one count of robbery while inflicting serious bodily injury.
Sometimes the Brown Shirts lose.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on DC AntiFa Leader Charged With ‘Ethnic Intimidation’ Related to Attack on Marines
29th January 2019
Ace of Spades dishes the dirt.
Actually this was evident before, not that Arbiter of Truth and “The National Hall-Monitor” (as I think Instapundit calls it) CNN noticed.
But now an government ethics commission officially rules he took bribes gifts, and finds that there’s probable cause of a crime.
Possibly as a result, CNN has offered him a job as a ‘political commenter’.
“And I say to you: Make unto you friends of the mammon of iniquity; that when you shall fail, they may receive you into everlasting dwellings.”
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Defeated Florida Gubernatorial Hopeful Andrew Gillum Found to Have Accepted Bribes Gifts From Lobbyists, Contradicting His Campaign-Season Claims
29th January 2019
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One must have peace in order to pee.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Super Bowl Ad for Michelob Ultra’s Organic Beer Will Bring a Moment of Calm to the Big Game
29th January 2019
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Congresswoman #BitterBeerFace has her eyes on your wallet and her fingers are itching.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Maxine Waters Promises More Big Government in Her Financial Services Agenda
29th January 2019
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Well, that’s good to know. I was worried, there, for a minute.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Climate Change: Planet-Warming Power of Cattle Urine Can Be Avoided by Restoring Farmland, Study Finds
29th January 2019
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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has infuriated colleagues by aligning with a progressive outside group that’s threatening to primary entrenched Democrats. Now some of those lawmakers are turning the tables on her and are discussing recruiting a primary challenger to run against the social media sensation.
At least one House Democrat has been privately urging members of the New York delegation to recruit a local politician from the Bronx or Queens to challenge Ocasio-Cortez.
From Congress to Saturday Night Live seems a very short step for some people….
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Some Dems Float Idea of Primary Challenge for Ocasio-Cortez
29th January 2019
More good news.
Traditionally, Appalachia is thought of as coal country. Coal created steady jobs, many of them dangerous, to the people who lived here and kept the heat and lights on for most of the country for generations.
But new production methods, such as hydraulic fracking and horizontal drilling, have changed the regional energy picture and now allow extraction of vast amounts of natural gas from the region’s shale formations. Many sons and daughters of coal miners, and former miners themselves, are finding safer, well-paying energy jobs in the shale industry.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Appalachia’s Approaching Energy Boom
29th January 2019
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If only they’d spent more money on keeping their infrastructure maintained instead of chasing green dreams.
And California becomes even more unaffordable. Well, it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of socialists.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on ‘Clean Energy Leader’ PG&E Filing Bankruptcy – Rejects Investor Bailout – Massive Rate Hike Looms
29th January 2019
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As it was meant to do. Bolton is a fast learner from Trump.
Aficionados of Terry Pratchett’s DiskWorld will recognize the velvet touch of Lord Vetinari.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on John Bolton’s Notepad Raises Eyebrows Across South America
29th January 2019
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Don’t think of it as selling out; think of it as buying in.
Never was an American politician more aptly named.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Flake Rules Out 2020 Run, Joins CBS News
29th January 2019
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Debby Witt, a kindred soul.
Posted in Is this a great country, or what? | Comments Off on It’s W.C. Fields’ Birthday
29th January 2019
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But you have to bear in mind that Trump has accomplished ABSOLUTELY NOTHING during his term in office.
Just remember that.
Absolutely nothing.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Trump Just Secured Another Major Trade Victory
29th January 2019
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Left? Lefter? Leftist? In the quest to see which candidate can be the most liberal, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren called for an “ultra-millionaire tax” to force the wealthy to fork over more to the government.
Her proposal is not a tax on income, but rather on individuals’ assets. If implemented, anyone with more than $50 million in assets (including property) would face a 2 percent annual wealth tax, higher if they have more than $1 billion in assets. Liberal media promoted and defended it, or turned to liberal economists who would.
I believe that this proposal justifies anybody with taxable wealth shooting Warren, as you would any other armed robber who attempted to steal from you.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Media Claim Warren’s ‘Popular,’ ‘Mainstream’ Wealth Tax Could ‘Save America’
29th January 2019
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Uh, because that’s where the money is?
Welcome to hustle culture. It is obsessed with striving, relentlessly positive, devoid of humor, and — once you notice it — impossible to escape. “Rise and Grind” is both the theme of a Nike ad campaign and the title of a book by a “Shark Tank” shark. New media upstarts like the Hustle, which produces a popular business newsletter and conference series, and One37pm, a content company created by the patron saint of hustling, Gary Vaynerchuk, glorify ambition not as a means to an end, but as a lifestyle.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Why Are Young People Pretending to Love Work?
29th January 2019
ZMan is delightfully dyspeptic today.
Empathy is essential to a high-trust society. It allows people to cooperate, rather than spend their time defending themselves from others in society. Empathy allows people to engage with others, trusting that the other side is acting in good faith and not trying to cheat the other party. It makes it possible to engage in things like charity and social improvement. When you can put yourself in the mind of a person outside your kin-group, share their feelings about things, cooperative society is possible.
It’s why liars and cheaters can never be tolerated. Their actions put the trust of society into question, which means their lack of empathy costs everyone. In some respects, the lack of empathy is worse than the crime itself. A man who kills another man in a dispute, but feels remorse, can be rehabilitated. A man who steals from another man and is unable to understand why it is wrong or celebrates his act, can never be rehabilitated and can never be a part of society. He can never be trusted, because he lacks empathy.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Rugged Individual Sociopaths
29th January 2019

Serve thee the Lord all of thy days … and nights….
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
29th January 2019
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Referring to the current system as “cruel” and “inhumane,” Harris argued that health care should no longer be thought of as a privilege but “it should be understood to be a right.”
“It is inhumane to make people go through a system where they cannot literally receive the benefit of what medical science can offer because some insurance company has decided it doesn’t meet their bottom line in terms of their profit motivation,” Harris said. “That is inhumane.”
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Kamala Harris Advocates Wiping Out the Private Insurance Market: ‘Let’s Eliminate All Of That. Let’s Move On’
29th January 2019
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Vaccines Can Prevent Diseases That Aren’t Targeted, Researchers Say
29th January 2019
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I know how eagerly we all were waiting.
Posted in You can't make this stuff up. | 1 Comment »
29th January 2019
Joel Kotkin has the bad news.
If Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti runs for president, he will no doubt point to the high-rises that have transformed downtown L.A. into something of a hipster haven. He could also point to fevered dense development, both planned and already in process, spreading across the Los Angeles basin, particularly near transit stops, as well as an increasingly notable art scene.
Yet for all the changes in the city, have things improved for most Angelenos? Sadly, the answer is no. For all the speculative capital pouring into the city from China and elsewhere, the L.A. area suffers the highest levels of crowding, the greatest levels of poverty, the least affordable housing, the lowest homeownership rates and the second-largest concentration of homeless in the nation.
In many ways this reflects national trends, where, despite gentrification efforts, the number of poor districts in cities has continued to rise. And there are signs, in the most recent census numbers, that the “back to the city” trend has slowed considerably, including among millennials.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Gentrification Is Failing in Los Angeles
29th January 2019
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Both sides can play the ‘resistance’ game.
(Do you ever ask yourself what The Guardian is guarding? I’d like to know.)
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on The Sheriffs Resisting Washington’s New Gun Laws: ‘I’m not going to enforce that’