We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for August, 2023

Today in Global Warming Hysteria

31st August 2023

Coal miners forced to save for a rainy day by insurance snub (Reuters) Once again the Dirt People have to pay for the fetishes of the Cloud People.

The EPA removes federal protections for most of the country’s wetlands (NPR)

After Supreme Court curtails federal power, Biden administration weakens clean water protections (KSL)

New US rule stops federal protection of many Arizona streams (Tuscon.com) Of course, without Federal protection, all streams will immediately and inevitably become polluted.

New federal water pollution rule draws mixed reaction (Idaho Capital Sun)

Carbon offsets aren’t helping the planet — four ways to fix them (Nature)

What Are Carbon Offsets? Are They a Credible Climate Solution? (Washington Post) The WaPo appears to believe that they are the sole source of news for their readers. (They may be right.)

Junk offsets are feeding wave of greenwashing, study shows (Japan Times) My, what a surprise.

So You Want to Emit Less Gas …Buy a Tree at the Airport (California Globe)

Newsom embraces dirty energy in bid to stave off blackouts (Politico)

Over 1,600 Scientists Sign ‘No Climate Emergency’ Declaration

MSNBC’s Hayes Claims DeSantis is Trying to Make ‘Climate Change’ Worse

“97% Consensus” — What Consensus?

Those Damn Polar Bears Refuse to Die

Martha Stewart Exposes the Ignorance of Climate Alarmists

Indiana lost more than 260 acres of wetlands since rolling back protections (NPR) So private landowners got to use 260 acres more of their land without government interference. Sounds like a win.

Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear

Managed to death: How Canada turned its forests into a carbon bomb

How a mere 12% of Americans eat half the nation’s beef, creating significant health and environmental impacts (Phys.org) I want to be … in that number….

MSNBC Wonders How Much ‘Death And Destruction’ Is Needed For GOP To Ditch Fossil Fuels

Did a Climate Alarmist Law Student Just Kill the Green Movement?


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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

31st August 2023

NYC migrants living in temporary shelters don’t need vaccinations to initially enroll in public school (Fox) More special privileges for ‘migrants’.

NYC schools readying to welcome migrant children (Fox 5 New York)

Flood of asylum-seeking children raises staffing concerns at NYC schools (CBS New York)

NYC scrambles as hundreds more migrant kids enroll in school — just days before classes return (N.Y. Post)

California Democrat frustrated by rising theft admits liberal crime bill was ‘big mistake’ (Fox)

Bay Area official wants to start task force amid rising retail theft (ABC)

San Mateo County supervisor calls for task force amid rising retail theft (KPIX)

San Mateo County official seeks retail theft task force (San Mateo Daily Journal)

Force-Feeding Ideology in Elementary Schools

San Francisco May Lose Lucrative Tech Conference Because of Drugs and Homelessness, Organizer Says

Invent Your Own Gender. Governor Gavin Newsom Encourages Youth With Millions In Taxpayer Support

No matter how much you disdain CNN, it is not enough (Hot Air)

Chicago News Crew Robbed At Gunpoint While Reporting On String Of Robberies

Rise In Crime: Nordstrom Closes Shop In SF, Dollar Store Locks Up Merchandise

A crackdown on ‘woke’ coverage is tearing Atlanta magazine apart (Washington Post)

PBS Laments ‘Backlash’ Against ESG Investing: Ignore Those Lower Returns for Now

We, The Targeted: How Government Weaponizes Surveillance To Silence Its Critics

Meet the Canadian Psychiatrist MSNBC Is Using To Defend School Shutdowns

Drag Queen Principal Reportedly Previously Arrested for Child Porn

Confessions of a Conservative Harvard Graduate

New Deckchair for the Titanic: Ex-BBC, NYT Tapped to Lead Poisonous CNN (NewsBusters)

The Crisis in Liberal Cities: The Tug of War Between Ideals and Realities (The Foundry)

5 Late Night Hosts Combine Forces In Vain Attempt To Produce A Single Funny Joke (Babylon Bee)

Is a Worker Revolt Brewing After Michigan Repeals Its Right-to-Work Law?

From One Unapologetic Media Hoax To The Next


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Today in Witch-Hunt Culture

31st August 2023

Justice Thomas’ Former Law Clerks Rally to His Defense (NewsMax)

Rep. Jordan Slaps ‘Digital Brownshirts’ with Scorching Subpoenas (NewsBusters)

Elitist NYT Columnist Thomas Edsall Snobbishly Whines Small Donors Are ‘Big Problem’ (NewsBusters)

WATCH: Vivek Ramaswamy Flip-Flops on One Issue After Another  Well, no, not really. But they have to do something about him.

Trump advised Tudor Dixon to soften her line on abortion during Michigan governor’s race (Politico)

NBC Howls Over Texas Takeover of Failing Houston School District (NewsBusters)

Fmr CIA Agent Hid Twitter Job After ‘Spies Who Lie’ Letter (NewsMax)

Justice Thomas says he used private jet for security reasons after Dobbs leak (Washington Post)  Probably needed it.

“No Willful Ethics Transgression”: Clarence Thomas Releases Independent Legal Audit In New Financial Disclosure

Democrats Push to Subpoena Jared Kushner’s Saudi-Backed Investment Firm (Rolling Stone)

Proud Boy Joe Biggs Sentenced To 17 Years Over Jan. 6 Plot (Huffington Post) Let’s see … nope, still no jail time for BLM or Antifa rioters.

Ingraham Wants Mitch McConnell to Resign Just So She Can Keep Calling Biden ‘Decrepit’ (Daily Beast) The best in American high-school journalism.

Alice Cooper Dropped From Deal After Trans Comments


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Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic

31st August 2023

‘We Will Not Comply,’ Trump Says of COVID-19 Lockdowns, Mandates (The Foundry)

“Never Going Back”: Governor Refuses To Implement COVID Mask Mandates

CDC Responds To Mask Mandate Claims

Lockdowns and face masks ‘unequivocally’ cut spread of Covid, report finds (The Guardian)

Pentagon: Evidence Suggests COVID Made in Lab


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Today in War

31st August 2023

Two Ukrainian Mi-8 Helicopters Crash, Killing Six: Reports

Ukraine Situation Report: Russia Advancing North Korean Artillery Deal

US warns N Korea against selling weapons to Russia for Ukraine war

US approves first-ever military aid to Taiwan through program typically used for sovereign nations (CNN)

Biden approves military aid to Taiwan under program normally used for sovereign states (NBC News)

US approves military aid for Taiwan under programme for sovereign states (Al Jazeera)

US OKs military aid to Taiwan under program usually reserved for sovereign nations (Associated Press)

“Gang Bosses” Led By US Risk Unleashing “Nuclear War”: Kim Jong Un

NKorea: Conducted Tactical Nuclear Strike Drill

NKorea Claims It Simulated Nuclear Attacks on SKorea

LEADERSHIP: Russian Failures in Ukraine

SUBMARINES: Chinese SSNs and SSBNs Mature

GPS Spoofing – Pioneered in Russia

Lawmakers Press for Classified Briefing on Iran’s Assassination Plots


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Today in BIPOC Privilege

31st August 2023

Hate Radio: Matt Gaetz Protests Baltimore NPR Station Airing Weekly Farrakhan Show

Our Sad Departure From Dr. King’s ‘Dream’ (The Foundry)

Watch: Massive Teen Hordes Swarm Two California Malls – Beatings, Gunfire, Stabbing Ensue

Warnock’s Church Resumes Evictions From Low-Income Apartment Building as It Enriches the Senator (Washington Free Beacon)

Top North Carolina judge faces potential sanctions for talking about racial discrimination (Popular Information)

ADL Joins Sharpton for Crown Heights Pogrom Anniversary

Blacks Also Not Tired of Winning Yet

Racist Law Enforcement in Oakland


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

31st August 2023

Lawrence: Trump co-defendant Eastman lied on television about GA indictment (MSNBC) Nobody who works for MSNBC has any room to complain about people lying on television.

Trump fraudulently inflated his net worth by billions of dollars, New York AG says (Politico)

Donald Trump vows to lock up political enemies if he returns to White House (The Guardian)

Can Trump be barred from Ariz. ballot? Secretary of State Fontes says it’s open question (AZCentral) No, it’s not. It’s just a proglodyte fantasy.

Trump Asks to Dismiss Suit as A.G. Says He Inflated Worth by $2.2 Billion (N.Y. Times)

Georgia Officials Didn’t Follow Ethical, Legal Rules in Trump Indictment (The Foundry)

2 Trump co-defendants ask judge to break apart Georgia election interference case and hold separate trials (CNN)

Trump Posts More than 30 Video Rants in One Day on Truth Social (Daily Beast) My, what a surprise.

Mark Meadows Is a Warning About a Second Trump Term (N.Y. Times)

The Key Players in Trump’s Plot to Upend the Election, Mapped (N.Y. Times) Gotta get the Narrative straight.

Trump Support Grows Amid Legal Woes

Take a load off Fani: The removal issue

Dershowitz: on the left’s lawfare against Trump’s lawyers

Trump asks to sever Georgia election case from co-defendants seeking speedy trial (CNBC)

Trump Isn’t Disqualified From Holding Office Under the 14th Amendment (The Foundry)

Fulton judge says Trump court proceedings will be televised (Atlanta Journal-Constitution) Of course they will. What good’s a show trial without the show?

Report: IT Chief Who Flipped on Trump a Registered Dem


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Today in the Biden-Harris Slow-Motion Train Wreck

31st August 2023

Turbulence: Republicans Demand Records Of Hunter Biden’s AF2 Travel

Poor Americans Skip Meals, Can’t Afford Power Bills, Miss Rent Payments, In Era Of ‘Bidenomics’

FEMA To Blast All Smartphones , TVs, Radios With Mass Alert Test On October 4

What If Biden Backs Out Of The Race?

White House Confirms ISIS-Linked Smuggler Helped Migrants Enter US From Mexico

Fed’s Preferred Inflation Gauge Rises Modestly to 3.3%  Which means it’s really over twice that.

Fed’s Favorite Inflation Indicator Jumps Higher In July, Wage Growth Slowed

Americans are getting wise to Joe Biden’s corruption — despite his media gatekeepers (N.Y. Post)

Victoria Nuland Appeared “Desperate” During Africa Tour As US-Backed Leaders Overthrown

US to Give Automakers, Suppliers $12B to Produce EVs  EVs that are piling up on car dealers’ lots because nobody wants to buy them.

WATCH: Biden Spox Says She Wakes at 4:30 A.M., Preps All Day for (Largely Worthless) Press Briefings (Washington Free Beacon)

Our Homeland Security Chief Rolls Out Red Carpet for Chinese Infiltration (The Foundry)

Violent Criminals Continue to Pose as Migrant Children to Enter US; Congress Must Act Now (The Foundry)

Bidenomics: Five Charts the Media Don’t Want You to See  (NewsBusters)

Ex-CIA Agent Who Signed Propaganda Letter About Hunter Biden Laptop Tried To Conceal Twitter Job

How Bidenomics Wrecked America’s Housing Market (The Foundry)


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Is American Medicine Just a Big Market Failure?

31st August 2023

Read it.

A few years ago, my daughter-in-law, an RN who left nursing for a better-paying administrative job in an expanding hospital conglomerate, almost quit when she was assigned to call doctors listed on a computer printout to tell them that they were spending too much time per patient and that was deemed unacceptably inefficient. Several told her that they were going to quit anyway because it was an intolerable setup.

My first legal job as a law student paralegal was doing document searches at NIH and the Library of Congress for medical malpractice litigators. (The world would not be online for another decade or so). I was hired in part because I had been a clinical lab tech in the Army and had worked nights at a local large hospital lab so I could navigate the material. Aside from a few cases involving really bad docs, it was surprising how much of a liability problem there was in information management and flow: Important things missed with disastrous results.

It seemed (seems?) as if MDs had to be dragged kicking and screaming into a far more integrated team approach in an increasingly complex environment. How do we encourage, liberate, and reward the best performers at every level and yet still make the quality of delivery uniformly better? I have seen firsthand that a change of shift from one set of nurses to a less gifted or less motivated crew is like night and day for service quality (and malpractice risk). The personal touch matters. A lot of medicine appears to remain a matter of intuition, empathy, art, and virtue, not just science. Are mega-corporate environments by nature hostile to that reality?

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Covid Forever

31st August 2023

The American Mind.

Apparently, prescribing Ivermectin for people with Covid was fine all along. Sure, nearly every public authority vehemently denounced Ivermectin, calling it “horse dewormer,” and social media platforms censored people who dared mention it. And sure, they slandered medical experts like Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone and even placed jaundiced filters on pictures of Joe Rogan, who credited Ivermectin for his quick recovery from Covid. But now, after some doctors are suing the FDA for all but banning an effective treatment for the coronavirus, FDA officials have claimed that their aggressive criticisms of the drug were “merely quips.”

When it comes to acknowledging the many blunders of the Covid response, none of this is surprising. Whether they were wrong about social distancing, lockdowns, masking, taking the jab, natural immunity, or finding the origins of the virus, the experts are oddly forgetful now of just how confident and belligerent they were at the time. In other cases, as with “public intellectual” Sam Harris, many leftists still maintain that imposing Covid vaccine mandates was justified because the virus could have been much worse—even though it wasn’t.

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Control Versus Choice

31st August 2023

John Stossel.

COVID-19 cases are up. Hospitalizations climbed 24% last week.

But the media make everything seem scarier than it is. The headline “Up 24%!” comes after dramatic lows in COVID-19 cases. Hospitalizations are still less than half what they were when President Joe Biden said, “The pandemic is over.”

Yet the shallow media keep pounding away: “It may be time to break out the masks,” headlined CNN.

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Thought for the Day

31st August 2023

Hi all, just replying to loop in *@outlook.com and *@yahoo.com.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

30th August 2023

Lawrence: Trump’s lawyer just previewed what Trump will say if found guilty (MSNBC) It’s amazing how many people think they can read Trump’s mind, especially people who have not the slightest chance of knowing what he’s really thinking. (Although it’s not hard to figure out pretty much ‘what Trump will say if found guilty’.)

2 Ga. Defendants Granted Hearing on Federal Court Move

The Jolt: Trump loyalists mount ‘defund’ movement targeting Fulton DA (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

GOP Primary Electorate Sees Trump as More Electable After Georgia Arrest, First Republican Debate (Morning Consult-Pro)

Alan Dershowitz and Mark Judge on the DC Trump trial

Charlie Kirk to DeSantis: Drop Out, Donate to Trump  Dunh dunh DUNHHHH….

Secretaries of state get ready for possible challenges to Trump’s ballot access (NBC News)

‘Coordinated Effort’: House Judiciary Seeks White House, DOJ Communications on Trump Prosecution

UNDETERRED: School Districts Consider Transgender Parental Rights Policies Despite California AG Lawsuit, Board Member Says

DA Willis Seeks to Expedite All 19 Cases in Georgia

N.H. attorney general ‘carefully reviewing’ arguments that could keep Trump off state’s ballot (Politico)

Conservatives Draw Up 1,000-Page Plan to Gut Deep State in Favor of Trump Vision  Good luck with that.

Trump Campaign Releases Video Supercut Of Democrats Disputing Republican Election Victories

Trump Could Clinch the Nomination Before the G.O.P. Knows if He’s a Felon (N.Y. Times) Bias? What bias?

Playbook: The House GOP mulls some impeachment hypocrisy (Politico) Pot, meet kettle.

Is Judge Cannon preparing to kneecap Trump’s Florida documents case? (Public Notice)

How Mark Meadows’ Testimony May Have Just Helped Prosecutors (Daily Beast) They hope, they hope, they hope….

Judge Chutkan Rejects Mysterious ‘Victor Shorkin’ Motion

71% Of Americans Say Trump Can’t Get An Impartial Jury: Survey

Georgia Senate leader seeks ways to sanction ‘tainted’ Willis over Trump charges (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

Viktor Orbán: Only Trump ‘Can Save the Western World’

RNC member: State parties should develop ‘options’ to deny Trump nomination if he’s a convicted felon (Raw Story) There’s always some RINO ready to do the progs’ dirty work for them.

Surprise! MSNBC Shocked as Reporter Zings Trump During DeSantis Hurricane Briefing

Georgia on Our Mind


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Today in the Biden-Harris Slow-Motion Train Wreck

30th August 2023

FEMA Chief to Florida: Treat Hurricane Idalia ‘Seriously’  Oh, thanks for the hint. We were just going to blow it off. (Yet another reminder that government doesn’t hire the sharpest knives in the drawer.)

Emerson Poll: Trump Overtakes Biden; West Run Hurts Dems

Gold Star families slam Biden admin over chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal as Milley vows ‘accountability’ (Fox)

Biden’s secret email life  (The New Neo)

‘Illusion of Access’?: Hunter Biden’s Partner Met With Secretary of State John Kerry

Poll: Less Than Half of NY Dems Want Biden Re-Nominated

Nets Ignore ISIS Sympathizer Smuggling Allies Across Border

Report: DOJ Tells Jim Jordan Subpoenas Not Enforceable

Watch: Gold Star Father Blasts “Asshole” Biden

House Probing Biden’s Alleged Misuse of Air Force Two

Lankford Demands Answers on FBI’s ‘Unconstitutional’ Targeting of ‘Traditional Catholics’

Jim George: Biden Was Bribed and Is a Traitor

Biden Admin Stonewalling Buttigieg’s Jet Travel Records

120 Asylum Seekers Smuggled by ISIS-Linked Group Were Allowed Into US, Biden Admin Admits

Is Joe slated to go? (The New Neo)

Fact Check: Pentagon Spokesman’s False Claim About Sen. Tuberville

A Perfect 10 on the Biden Babble Scale

Biden Comforts Hurricane Victims By Talking About Time The Urinal Splashed Back At Him A Little  (Babylon Bee)


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Today in Witch-Hunt Culture

30th August 2023

Christian official faces second ‘hate speech’ trial over Twitter post quoting the Bible (Fox)

AP Scum Falsely Blame on DeSantis for Inspiring Racist Murders in Jacksonville (NewsBusters)

Ramaswamy’s Likability Drops in Post-Debate Poll (Washington Free Beacon) Not surprising, with the Narrative media hammering him like a tent peg.

Anti-abortion activists who blockaded DC clinic found guilty on all counts

Thomas More Society Vows Appeal in Lauren Handy Conviction

Jordan Peterson Hits Back After Canada Forces Him Into “Coaching Program” Over Controversial Statements

Here They Go Again! Twitter Election Interference Policy Revs Back Up (NewsBusters)

Soros-Funded Group Pressures Big Tech to Silence So-Called ‘Election Disinformation’

WATCH: Hannity Gets Anti-War Vivek to Sound Like a Neocon

‘No Resemblance to Reality’: Former Clarence Thomas Clerks Defend Him After Attacks

Over 100 former clerks of Justice Thomas sign open letter defending his integrity, independence

When I Tell You Nikki Haley Is Pathetic, That’s an Understatement (N.Y. Times) When I tell you Frank Bruni is pathetic, that’s an understatement.

California AG Sues SoCal School District For ‘Outing’ Trans, Pronoun Students To Parents

Recently indicted John Eastman is among those vouching for Clarence Thomas’ integrity (NBC News) The subtle smear.

Twitter allows US political candidates and parties to advertise in policy switch (The Guardian)

ICK: PBS Pundit Says ‘DeSantis at Least Partly Responsible’ For Racist Florida Murders (News Busters) The not-so-subtle smear.

Meta Drops University-Based Fact-Checking Group After Bias Exposed

“The Story Is Always About Guns”: Jacksonville Tragedy Becomes Flashpoint For Anti-Gunners  Never about perpetrators. Gotta focus.

cartoon image

“The Woke Left Has Inherited The Stalinists’ Hatred Of Freedom”, Warns British Columnist

Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio’s sentencing delayed in seditious conspiracy case

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Gushes Over Donald Trump’s Mug Shot On Jesse Watters’ Show (Huffington Post) Trump cooties–check it and see….

PBS Welcomes Dyson to Slam DeSantis for Leading a ‘United States of Amnesia’ on Race

MSNBC Runs Sob Story On Student Kicked Out For Spitting On Chris Rufo

Rudy Giuliani is liable for defaming Georgia election workers, judge rules (Politico)

McConnell Malfunctions: Senate Minority Leader Glitches Hard In Shocking Second Incident

Library That Kicked Out Moms for Liberty Group Suffers Third Bomb Threat (Advocate) They can dish it out, but they can’t take it.

Emulating Trump, Ramaswamy Shows a Penchant for Dispensing With the Facts (N.Y. Times)

Project 2025: that vast right-wing conspiracy  (The New Neo)

Rudy Giuliani Is Going to Have to Pay Damages to the Election Workers He Defamed (Rolling Stone) I wouldn’t count the money yet.

AOC Considers Leaving Social Media Platform X  Don’t let the door hit you in the butt….

Cornel West calls Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez ‘window dressing, at worst’ for Democrats (The Hill)


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Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic

30th August 2023

More fired employees sue Hershey Co. over vaccine mandate: lawsuit (Penn-Live)

26 states see ‘substantial’ spike in COVID hospitalizations, CDC says (The Hill)

What to Know About the New COVID Mini-Wave (New York Magazine)

COVID hospitalizations, deaths up 21% in US (Fox)

Fact Check Team: COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations on the rise (KATU ABC)

How artificial intelligence can transform global health care (Washington Post)

Whistleblower Who Disclosed Myocarditis Spike In Military After COVID Vaccine Rollout Goes Public

First COVID Deaths Were Fully Jabbed, Australian State Records Reveal

CDC Now Refusing New COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports In Its V-Safe Program

“Baltimore Is A Totally Corrupt Hell Hole”: Mystery Surrounds $800 Million Covid Funds For “Learning Loss”

Politicians, scientists spar over alleged NIH coverup using COVID19 origin paper

Why Teamsters Allowed 22,000 Union Jobs To Vanish

Are We Facing Lockdowns 2.0?


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Today in BIPOC Privilege

30th August 2023

Jacksonville shooting brings back dark memories for Buffalo residents As do the BLM riots and Antifa riots for white people. But nobody cares about them.

Former DEI trainer sounds alarm on ‘useless’ trainings: ‘Detrimental… to minorities’ (Fox) This is like whining that you oughtn’t to eat poisonous fish because it’s hard on the fish.

Student Kicked Out Of Classroom For Wearing Gadsden Flag Patch Because It’s “Racist”

The Hidden Racial Bias In K-12 Education

Denver Agrees To Pay Millions to Arrested BLM Protesters

Apple Impact Accelerator 2023 rewards 12 more Black and Brown owned startups

Ex-Morgan Exec Says He Was Fired Because He’s White


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

30th August 2023

What Arctic ice tells us about climate change (Washington Post)  According to the Narrative.

EU fossil fuel burning for electricity fell to lowest on record in 2023, data shows (The Guardian)

Fossil fuels’ share in EU power mix at lowest level since records began -report (Reuters)

EU fossil generation hits record low as demand falls (Ember)

EU’s use of fossil fuels for electricity falls 17% to ‘record low’ in first half of 2023 (Carbon Brief)

Oil Is Going To $300 A Barrel (Forbes)

The strange case of the bird that survived extinction due to its low genetic diversity (El Pais) It’s called a ‘strange case’ because it doesn’t fit the Narrative that BIODIVERSITY IS EVERYTHING OR WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!

Don’t let California override the EPA and hijack national farm policy (The Hill) Nothing is so important as National Policy.

Why it may be time to stop using the polar bear as a symbol of the climate crisis (The Guardian) Perhaps because it’s not working?

Millions Of Brits Told Not To Heat Homes At Night As Part Of ‘Net Zero’ Climate Goals

The Penguins Are OK

Canada Forest Fires Trend Has Gone Down Since 2000, Data Defy Alarmist Claims

Tribal Rangers Smash Burning Man Climate Protest Roadblock

Climate Classroom: “I tend to be very gentle” about Telling Kids they’re Going to Die?

World’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm-Maker Crashes Most On Record After Catastrophic Results

California court dismisses lawsuit over nuclear power plant

Climate change death toll to reach 1B by end of century  And none of them will be missed.

Defense Officials Pushed Climate Plan Amid Afghan Pullout

Navajo Leaders Challenge Chaco Canyon Drilling Ban — Climate Advocates Should Listen

“We Have Turned Away Inventory”: US EV Market Struggles As Cars Pile Up On Dealer Lots


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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

30th August 2023

The salary a single person needs to get by in every U.S. state (CNBC) Four of the top five are blue states, and the fifth is Alaska.

America’s most expensive states revealed: From splashing out $500 a month for groceries to spending $10,000 on a funeral – here is where US citizens pay the most (UK Daily Mail)

Massachusetts ranked as one of most costly U.S. states to live (Boston 25 News)

Most and Least Expensive States for Homeowners (GOBankingRates)

Vanguard joins BlackRock in rejecting more ESG proposals from shareholders (Fox)

NYC migrant shelter neighbor says he’s ‘a prisoner in my own neighborhood,’ after cops install surveillance cameras outside his house (N.Y. Post)

NYC migrant crisis: ‘They’re coming at a rate of 3,000 a week’ (Fox 5 New York)

Furious Staten Island resident vows community will stop migrant shelter in its tracks: ‘This is ground zero’ (Fox)

Lying Gender Ideologues Mutilate Young and Vulnerable (The Foundry)

Grandmother of Sex-Trafficked Teen Files Lawsuit Against School Who Helped it Happen

Facebook Suspends Election Interfering Fact Checker… For Now

News Emmy Numbskulls Honor Dan Rather with ‘Gold Circle’ Award for ‘Persistent Excellence’ (NewsBusters)

Beware the woke therapists – and many of them are woke, especially the young ones  (The New Neo)

Why Founding Fathers ‘Deliberately Made Congress Weak,’ Professor Explains (The Foundry)

Whitmer Administration Used ‘Calculated’ Scheme To Hide Sensitive Email From the Public, Lawsuit Says

Canada, citing potential dangers, warns LGBTQ travelers of US risks (Reuters) Perhaps the U.S. ought to warn heterosexual travelers about Canada risks.

After MRC Pressure, NBC Covers Gold Star Hearing, ABC & CBS Ignore (NewsBusters)

Mystery Swirls Over Batch Of Thousands Of 2020 Voter Registration Forms In Michigan

10 Signs That US Culture Is Being Turned Completely Upside Down

‘Catch And Release’: Suspect in Viral LA Flash Mob Robbery Was Released on Cashless Bail One Day Before Heist

Special session ends in chaos on TN House floor (WKRN Nashville)

Settlement Reached in Mom’s School Trans Case

Virginia School District Launches Transgender ‘Student Rights’ Portal Violating Youngkin’s Parental Rights Policy

Behind the Euphemism of ‘Gender-Affirming Surgery’

Most Church of England priests back gay marriage, survey finds (The Guardian)

Rep. Malliotakis Urges Staten Island Secede Over Migrants

The Newsom Shadow Campaign Emerges from the Shadows?

Not in this backyard (Politico)

Chicago TV Crew Mugged While Reporting on Robberies

Judge Tosses Lawsuit Against Horny Trans Woman in Sorority


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Gendered Language

30th August 2023

The American Mind.

Last month, the Supreme Court declined to review a federal appeals court ruling that would grant certain protections to persons suffering from gender dysphoria under the Americans With Disabilities Act. The decision itself will further entrench “gender identity” as the newest protected category under civil rights law, laying the table for numerous infringements of religious and civil liberties for Americans on the other side of this divide. But there is an even more unsettling and revealing aspect of this case: simply by discussing “transgender persons” as if the term had a stable and meaningful referent, conservative and liberal justices alike revealed that they had accepted a fundamental error in reasoning that threatens to undermine the very heart of American justice and America itself.

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Can Republicans Stop Playing Charlie Brown?

30th August 2023

Steve Sailer.

Can Republican voters ever stop playing Charlie Brown to the Democrats’ Lucy van Pelt?

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Anniversary of a Disaster

30th August 2023

John Hinderaker at Power Line.

We are observing the second anniversary of one of America’s worst foreign policy fiascos, the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. It was on August 26, 2021, when 13 American Marines and at least 170 Afghan civilians were murdered by a Taliban bomber at the Kabul airport. To say that the anniversary has passed quietly is an understatement.

A writer for the Atlantic, Franklin Foer, has an upcoming book on the withdrawal called The Last Politician. An excerpt was made public today, and several media outlets covered it.

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How Demoralization Undercuts Recruitment

30th August 2023

Richard Epstein.

The United States military position is of increasing vulnerability as the Army, Navy, and Air Force all fail to meet their annual recruitment goals. It is no accident, for the situation dates back to the botched withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan in August 2021. It is hard for young men and women to want to join a service that was humiliated by an operation that left thousands of Afghans in the lurch—only to be executed after receiving the Taliban’s worthless promise of amnesty. Acts of this sort have long-term consequences, including precipitating what is now widely acknowledged to be an ongoing recruitment crisis for the military that could jeopardize the status of the all-volunteer force that has been a staple of American policy for fifty years. The shortage is fed by a general loss of confidence in the military by the American public—the number stands at 60 percent, the lowest in over two decades.

There are, as ever, multiple innocent explanations for the shifts in supply and demand, so the now-chronic shortages can be attributed in part to other socioeconomic factors beyond the ability of the military to recruit. The low unemployment rate offers potential recruits an enlarged set of nonmilitary options. A second factor is the apparent increase in parental pressure to attend college before settling on a career, which reduces the supply for military positions. There are additional difficulties on the supply side. High on this list are the declining fitness of potential recruits, who grapple in increasing numbers with obesity, drugs, and criminal records. This effect is then compounded by a reduced willingness to serve. It is possible of course to increase the number of recruits by lowering the standards for enlistment, as is being done, but only at the cost of a likely reduction in the performance levels of the military services. And it is also possible to sweeten the pot for potential recruits by offering them signing bonuses of up to $50,000, which, however necessary, counts as an open admission that all is not well within the system.

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Thought for the Day

30th August 2023

Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis on Tue, 29 Aug 2023

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The Progressive Benefactor Who Makes U.S. Barriers To Foreign Cash Look Like Swiss Cheese

30th August 2023

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The Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss has a profound interest in American politics. Over the years, he has pumped $475 million he has earned manufacturing medical devices into left-wing advocacy groups – $72 million in 2021 alone, according to a new report from the conservative watchdog group, Americans for Public Trust.

According to a biography of Wyss written by a sister, Wyss’ goal is not to bend laws to his business’s advantage but to “[re]interpret the American Constitution in the light of progressive politics.”

Although foreigners are prohibited from donating money directly to political causes, Wyss has donated lavishly to progressive political organizations. The New York Times reported in 2021 that these include the “Center for American Progress and Priorities USA, as well as organizations that ran voter registration and mobilization campaigns to increase Democratic turnout, built media outlets?accused of slanting the news?to favor Democrats, and sought to block Mr. Trump’s nominees, prove he colluded with Russia and push for his impeachment.” Since 2016, some $245 million of his spending on American politics has gone to Arabella Advisors, which controls a vast network of progressive nonprofits which, among other activities, has financed hundreds of smaller groups that campaign for specific issues and candidates. Arabella, which raised $1.6 billion in 2021, was dubbed by The Atlantic “The Massive Progressive Dark-Money Group You’ve Never Heard Of.”

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Why Cash Seizures Backfire On Oklahoma Police

30th August 2023

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Police recruits join the force to help others and fight crime. Research confirms it. But priorities changed when sheriff’s deputies detained Eh Wah in Muskogee County, Oklahoma, and found more than $53,000 in his car.

Law enforcement training kicked in, and the purpose of the traffic stop switched from public safety to raising revenue. The deputies seized the cash and spent the next six hours interrogating Eh Wah, looking for any excuse to justify civil forfeiture, a process that allows the government to take and keep cash, cars and other assets without a criminal conviction.

Oklahoma agencies normally keep quiet about civil forfeiture, which is why the state ranks among the worst in the nation for civil forfeiture transparency. Oklahoma publishes no statewide reports, conducts no regular audits, and tracks only limited metrics.

The silence is strategic. The more people learn about civil forfeiture, the less they like it. But Oklahoma police and prosecutors have voiced opposition in recent weeks to H.R. 1525, the Fifth Amendment Integrity Restoration Act (FAIR), a bill that would reform federal civil forfeiture.

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Gabon Coup: Army Cancels Elections and Seizes Power

30th August 2023

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Army officers have appeared on national television in Gabon to say they have taken power.

They said they were annulling the results of Saturday’s election, in which President Ali Bongo was declared the winner.

The electoral commission said Mr Bongo had won just under two-thirds of the votes in an election the opposition argued was fraudulent.

His overthrow would end his family’s 53-year hold on power in Gabon.

Gabon is one of Africa’s major oil producers, while nearly 90% of the country is covered by forests.

It joined the Commonwealth in June 2022, becoming one of its few members not to have been a British colony.

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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

29th August 2023

Nev. Cop Plows Through Burning Man Protesters’ Blockade

WATCH: Climate Activists Wail as Nevada Cops Flatten Roadblock

FLASHBACK: Hawaii Wildfires Caused by Climate Change, Media Said—Before We Learned the Real Cause

Watch: Climate Commies Blocking Burning Man Taken Down Hard By Tribal Cops

Climate Activists ‘Fearmongering’ With Heat-Related Death Warnings

Oil Group Sues Interior Over Arbitrary Unlawful Restrictions

Monday Mirthiness – Mike Mann’s Hockey Team ‘will keep those papers out somehow’

John Kerry: Climate Deniers “lash out at the truth tellers, and label indisputable evidence as hysteria”

The Wind Industry’s Ignored Consequences: Whales in Peril

Texas Governor Signs Legislation Making It Legal To Make Climate Protestors Dance By Firing Six-Shooters At Their Feet (Babylon Bee)

“10k dead penguin chicks” more animal tragedy porn used to advance global warming agenda

Millions of carbon credits are generated by overestimating forest preservation  Follow the money.

New research finds Late Pleistocene glaciations terminated by Earth’s axis tilt

EPA slashes federally protected waters by more than half after Supreme Court ruling (CNN)

Two Elephants In The ‘Climate Change CO2 Production’ Room

Extinction Rebellion Picked the Wrong Nation

Exxon says world set to fail 2°C global warming cap by 2050

New study finds microplastics infiltrate all systems of body, alter behaviour


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Today in BIPOC Privilege

29th August 2023

Florida Gunman Was Chased from Black College Minutes before Shooting -school President

Dream Lost: CBS Puts on Leftist Columnist to Tout MLK’s ‘Evolution’ to the Hard Left

NYU, Columbia And Other Top Med Schools Face Discrimination Complaints By White, Asian Teens

CNN’s Blackwell Frets Students ‘Robbed of’ Learning Black History

CNN Anchor Rips Ramaswamy for Speaking ‘Trash’ Against ‘Squad’ Member Ayanna Pressley

Denver Settles Suit With Black Lives Matter Protesters  Not arresting them; not jailing them; giving them money.

Parent Slams California School For Holding ‘No Whites Allowed’ Kids Playdate


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

29th August 2023

Yes, Trump Was Seeking Another Recount Or Investigation In Georgia: Jonathan Turley Responds To The Washington Post

Trump Jan. 6 Trial Set for Eve of Super Tuesday

How Trump’s Election Lies Left the Michigan G.O.P. Broken and Battered (N.Y. Times)

NYT’s Bidenomics Shill Paul Krugman Claimed Trump Poses ‘Existential Threat’ to America

“Let’s Kill All the Lawyers”- The REAL Trouble with the Trump Indictment

A shutdown wouldn’t halt Trump’s trials, so Republicans seek to rein in his prosecutors (NBC News)

The Fourteenth Amendment Fantasy (The Atlantic) Even David Frum knows the truth.

The testimony from Trump’s White House chief of staff could change everything (CNN) But probably won’t. But such fantasies are how they get the clicks. Ka-ching!

AJC Poll: 94 Percent See Trump Charges as ‘Political’  Which they quite obviously are.

Donald Trump’s Trial For Election Interference Set To Begin In Time To Interfere With Election (Babylon Bee)

Mark Meadows struggles to distance himself from Trump’s plot (Washington Post) Plot!

Chutzpah! MSNBC’s ‘Collusion Ken’ Accuses Trump Defense Team Of ‘Reality Distortion’


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Today in the Biden-Harris Slow-Motion Train Wreck

29th August 2023

Biden administration knocks New York for issues with migrant influx (Politico)

Burisma’s Devon Archer met with then-Secretary of State Kerry just weeks before Shokin was fired

“Our Industry Is In A Technical Recession” – Dallas Fed Manufacturing Production Hits New Lows As Prices Spike

Biden’s Cringe Whiteboard Presentation Memed Into Oblivion

The Complicated Mess To Restart Student Loan Payments Is On Purpose

DHS Refuses To Disclose Number Of Illegals Let Go After Interacting With Border Agents

The administration’s love letter to unions (The Hill)

Report: Emails Show Weiss, DOJ Conspired to Mislead Congress

US Knew Saudis Were Slaughtering African Migrants At Border But Kept Quiet

Biden’s Terror Funding Killed an Israeli Preschool Teacher

Biden Urges U.S. Government To Fund Vaccine For Virus U.S. Government Funded (Babylon Bee)

National Archives Has 5,400 Biden Emails With Pseudonyms  Tell the truth: Would you want to be known as ‘Joe Biden’?

At $3.82, Gas Prices Take New Inflation Toll

Exclusive: Smuggler with ties to ISIS helped migrants enter US from Mexico, raising alarm bells across government (CNN) Another step in easing Biden out of the top seat.

The Final Days: Joe Biden was determined to get out of Afghanistan—no matter the cost. (The Atlantic) Another step on the road to easing Biden out of the top seat.

CNN Leans on Dem Jeffries to Help Dismiss Hunter Biden Probe Concerns

National Archives Reveals Thousands of Biden Emails Sent Under Fake Names May Be on File

Study: Nothing Is a ‘Bombshell’ When it Comes to Biden  Expect the worst and you’re never disappointed.

McLaughlin Poll: Trump Beats Biden in Electoral Landslide

This Is Your Crisis Too: Dimon Joins NY CEOs In Letter To Biden On Asylum Seekers

Americans Abandon Home Insurance: An Ominous Sign In Era Of ‘Bidenomics’

Biden Alcohol Czar Threatens Americans With Canada-Style Beer Limits of Two Per Week  Did you even know that Biden had a ‘alcohol czar’?

Biden Admin Blames NY for Not Communicating Better With Illegal Immigrants Who Are Overwhelming City  Yeah, that ‘Sanctuary City’ thing was a real mistake.

Report: Watchdog Finds Accounting Firms Paying IRS Agents

Total Federal Debt Spikes $5T Under Biden


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Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

29th August 2023

3 Supreme Court Cases Could Shake Up the Administrative State

Disney Stock Hit 9-Year Low, Anti-Woke Boycott Continues

N.Y. Warns Schools: Don’t Block Enrollment of Migrants

Congress Members Visit Al-Qaeda Held Northwest Syria In 1st Since Infamous McCain Photo

Oregon Voters Want To Repeal Drug Decriminalization, Poll Finds

More Courts Uphold Bans on ‘Gender-Affirming’ Care for Minors. Is Supreme Court Next Stop?

Wis. Supreme Court Chief Accuses Liberals of Staging a ‘Coup’

Mayors Who Cut Police Budgets Get Their Own Security Details

Rising Supermarket Thefts: A Symptom Of Deeper Moral Decline

Half Of Transgender Prison Inmates Convicted Of Sex Crimes: Wisconsin Data

GOP silences ‘Tennessee Three’ Democrat on House floor for day on ‘out of order’ rule; crowd erupts (Associated Press)

George Soros Still Active In EU: Company Backed By Billionaire Takes Control Of Top Polish Daily Paper

‘No One’ Supports Abortion Up Until Birth? Democrats Caught on Tape

Associated Press Coverage of Courts, Climate Bankrolled by Dozens of Left-Wing Foundations

Pope Francis blasts US Catholics for ‘reactionary’ views

Vatican Tries to Walk Back Pope’s Glorifying Russian Imperialism

Time up for Justin Trudeau?

Sorority’s Lawsuit to Oust Trans Sister Dismissed  Now they’re destroying the sorority system. Great work, proglodytes.

AMA Slammed After Paper on Uterus Transplants for Men

Hollywood Stars Fund Radical Environmentalist Groups

‘San Francisco changed dramatically’ – Nordstrom is bailing on a flagship store

NYC Mayor Adams: Gov. Hochul’s Migrant Policy ‘Wrong’  Trouble in paradise?

California Activists File Ballot Initiatives to Counter State’s Transgender Policies

Rock Stars Take on Transgender Agenda

San Francisco Official Out After Pitching ‘Doom Loop’

The Christian home-schooler who made ‘parental rights’ a GOP rallying cry (Washington Post)

NYC’s Crumbling Infrastructure On Full Display As Century-Old Water Line Floods Times Square

Investigatory Powers Act a serious threat to global privacy, says Apple

Canada Warns LGBTQ Travelers to US

Bicyclists Deserve the Right to Free Movement (The Nation) The proglodyte movement to cancel the 20th century flourishes.


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Today in Witch-Hunt Culture

29th August 2023

Pope Draws Criticism for Extolling Russian Imperialist Tsars

California Sues School District That Tells Parents if Kids Are Confused About Their Gender

Neo-Nazis Repeatedly Targeted Jacksonville Before Mass Shooting (Daily Beast) Of course, the Daily Beast considers anybody not on the Left to be a neo-Nazi.

California AG Sues to Keep Schools From Outing Trans Kids

California AG Sues School District to Stop Policy That Informs Parents of Student Gender Transitions

‘Blood on His Hands’: Florida Democrat Blames DeSantis’ Anti-Woke Policies for Jacksonville Shooting

The Limits of Vivek Ramaswamy’s Racist Con Game (The Nation) It’s not enough to be a Person of Color, you must be a Correct Person of Color.

ABC Joins NBC in SMEAR Linking DeSantis Black History Standards to Shooting

MSNBC: DeSantis Stokes Racial Hatred, Just Like George Wallace

NY Times ‘Fact Checker’ Whacks Vivek on Jan. 6 Was ‘Largely Peaceful’ (Never Mind 2020 Riots)

We’re All Suspects in a DNA Lineup, Waiting to be Matched with a Crime

How Vivek Ramaswamy makes money from climate denial (HEATED)

CNN, MSNBC Accuse DeSantis of ‘Fueling And Feeding’ Jacksonville Shooting

Old Clip Shows Vivek Ramaswamy Asking Candidate Question That Now Applies To Self (Huffington Post) It was a good question then, and it is a good question now. They just don’t like the answer.

Conservative Coalition Recruiting for Plan to Dismantle Federal Government (Daily Beast) It’s horseshit, of course, but proglodytes eat it up. Ka-ching!

Gadsden flag now a symbol of hate? (Hot Air) (Colorado School Kicks Out Student for Wearing ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ Flag Patch)

MSNBC Attacks DeSantis For Labeling Racist Shooter a ‘Scumbag’  There’s no pleasing some people.

CNN Remembers Joe The Plumber As The Star Of ‘White Identity Politics’

Kid Suspended For Being In Possession Of History Book With U.S. Flag On Cover (Babylon Bee)

Taibbi: YouTube Demonetizes Montage Of Election-Denying Dems Under “Dangerous Organizations” Policy


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Today in War

29th August 2023

cartoon image

Phase Change  ZMan jerks back the curtain.

Replicator Is DoD’s Big Play To Build Thousands Of Autonomous Weapons In Just Two Years

Ukraine Situation Report: Counteroffensive Pushing South From Robotyne

Ukraine Drones Target Russian Civilians In “Psychological” Terror, With Help From West: The Economist

GAO to Probe Decision to Keep Space Command in Colorado

MURPHY’S LAW: Fatal Reaction to Coups in Africa

AFGHANISTAN: Surviving the Past

Poland and Baltic Countries To Coordinate Border Closures

Afghans who fought in secret CIA-trained force face legal uncertainty in the U.S. (NBC News) The Deep State is perfectly willing to screw our own veterans, why would they care about foreigners?

Pope Francis Angers West By Telling Young Russians ‘Never Forget’ Their Great Heritage

‘Robotyne Has Been Liberated’: Ukraine Says It’s Captured Crucial Village in Push To Split Russian Forces

US announces new Ukraine security package (The Hill)


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Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic

29th August 2023

Recent Mask Mandates Lifted Amid Pushback

German Court Sentences Judge For Ruling Against Government’s Mask Mandates

Where to Find a PCR COVID Test (and Why You Need One)

Watch: Canadian Activists Demanding Return Of Mask Mandates Attack Counter Protester

Republicans demand answers from Garland on Covid relief fraud (NBC News) Good luck with that.

A New COVID ‘Variant’? Ron Paul Warns “They Want Us To Shut Up While They Do It Again”


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Texas National Guard Disbands Intel Unit

29th August 2023

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Four members of the Texas National Guard are being disciplined, and their unit is being disbanded, after whistleblowers alleged they were using the WhatsApp communications platform to infiltrate and monitor illegal migrant and smuggler groups in violation of the organization’s rules against spying operations, according to a joint report by the Texas Tribune and Military Times.

According to the report, six military intelligence officials assigned to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star National Guard deployment at the border turned over the names of four officers who were using WhatsApp to join migrant and smuggler chat groups to solicit assistance in investigating “targets” the unit identified to federal agents from the Department of Homeland Security during a February 2022 meeting.

No good deed goes unpunished.

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Water-Purifying Cup Makes Drinkable Water From Creeks And Streams

29th August 2023

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If, of course, drinking from creeks and streams is what you want to do.

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Understanding the Limits of Innovation

29th August 2023


Thanks to the right demographics and cheap capital, we’ve been living in a period of extreme technological advancement and innovation. As our environment changes and new problems arise, will innovation be able to keep up?

Innovation requires a fairly specific set of circumstances. You need enough people in their 20s and 30s imagining a future and developing the tech, along with a capital-rich environment (since you won’t see any $$$ until you hit the backend of innovation). Our world is changing, and these conditions are no longer present, so we must temper our expectations.

Anything that hasn’t reached operationalization…probably won’t make it. Below are a few industries where transformative innovations are still getting lots of attention, so let’s look at those on a scale from least likely to happen to most likely: modular nuclear reactors, artificial intelligence hardware, space and satellites, biologic drugs, shale, and agriculture.

These technologies and industries will make some of the most significant impacts on the world, but it will be no small feat. There will be hurdles and obstacles along the path to innovation, and every country will have a different outlook, but I would expect the US to be one of the first through the gate on most of this.

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Socialism According to the Socialists

29th August 2023

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As I explained recently, it matters a great deal how we define ‘socialism.’ Our choice of definition makes a measurable difference in terms of what level of government intrusion into our lives that we are willing to accept.

Yet despite the unmistakable difference in outcomes depending on what definition we choose, the right-of-center political movement is surprisingly resistant to changing its mind when it has adopted the wrong definition. I am not going to speculate as to the origins of this resistance, but if it is a fear of being perceived as an intellectual turncoat, it might be worth remembering the following words of wisdom attributed to British economist John Maynard Keynes. When criticized for changing his mind too often, Keynes is said to have replied:

When someone presents me with a better argument than mine, I change my mind. What do you do?

There is, of course, also the possibility that some pundits, analysts, and scholars to the right of center are not too worried about the policy consequences of their writings and sayings. If so, it is very unfortunate: if we do not understand socialism, we also do not understand the policy that promotes socialism. If we cannot see that policy for what it is, we eventually become useful conduits for an ideology the end goal of which is the very antithesis of what both conservatives and libertarians want.

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Thought for the Day

29th August 2023

Out of the mouth of babes….


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Rep. Clyde Signals Appropriations Fight Over Trump Prosecutions

29th August 2023

Roll Call.

The House Appropriations Committee could consider amendments to the fiscal 2024 Commerce-Justice-Science bill next month stripping federal funding from prosecutors who are pursuing charges against former President Donald Trump.

Rep. Andrew Clyde, R-Ga., a member of the House Freedom Caucus who also sits on the Appropriations Committee, announced Monday that he is working on two amendments to offer when the panel takes up the bill in early September.

The Commerce-Justice-Science and Labor-HHS-Education measures are the last two appropriations bills for next year that the full committee has not yet considered; no official schedule for September has been released.

Clyde said he plans to introduce an amendment to prevent taxpayer dollars from being used to prosecute any major presidential candidate prior to the upcoming presidential election, and a second that would prohibit funding for state prosecutions.

“Americans’ hard-earned tax dollars have no place funding the radical Left’s nefarious election interference efforts,” Clyde said in a statement.

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It’s the Accountability, Stupid

29th August 2023

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People who are actual professionals are accountable through licensing or malpractice liability. Physicians, architects, dentists, and civil engineers, for example, are accountable for the quality and fitness of the services they deliver. Plumbers, electricians, auto service techs, and roofers are all subject to implied or express warranties and bond requirements.

In stark contrast, the entirety of federal policy and law enforcement is now the product of increasingly unaccountable people. The operant theory, that elected officials controlling funding and appointments will provide accountability and protect the public interest, is no longer the reality. Civil service protection, the cult of experts, the replacement of shared ethical values with partisanship, and the sheer size of the Leviathan has created a new reality.

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The Liberal Idea of Sin

29th August 2023

Chilton Williamson.

The Western world, once so firmly grounded in Christianity and its Gospels, dogma and teachings, retains in the twenty-first century virtually nothing of them, the almost sole exception being the notion of sin and thus of guilt — not the Christian concept of them, but rather the modern liberal one.

To begin with, the liberal idea of sin is collective; it is also highly selective, being limited to the West in general and the Caucasian race in particular. And it is obsessive, as much so as was the Christian version among the Calvinists of Geneva, or the neurotic anticommunism prevalent among the more single-minded and hysterical outliers on the American right during the 1940s and 1950s. And, precisely as obsession encouraged the members of the John Birch Society to overestimate the danger — real as it was — that the Soviet Union posed to the soi-disant Free World in the post-war era, so too it prevents the United States and Europe from recognizing and confronting the preeminent danger facing the West today, which is the invasion of its wealthiest and most attractive societies by millions of people, carefully referred to by the Western liberals as “migrants,” from what they call “the developing world.”

The problem, of course, is that they are almost exclusively “people of color” from the Third World, and the populations under invasion predominantly “white,” a situation in which “color” morally disarms Western liberals as much, if not more, as poverty has done for many decades. In these circumstances, Western governments ranging in their political identity from left-liberal to conservative-liberal are, in their obsession with race, incapable of viewing the confrontation — Samuel Huntington’s “ clash of civilizations” — in anything other than racialist terms, thus assuring that the “migrants” are classified unofficially as victims of white colonialism deserving entry to the West and respectful acceptance by it, and the natives imagined as populations burdened by historical guilt, which they must be compelled to atone for by welcoming them.

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Watch: Big Government Raids Small-Town Amish Farm

29th August 2023

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Townhall published a documentary on X, formerly known as Twitter, titled “David vs. Goliath: Big Government’s War on an Amish Farmer.” The film shows big government raiding the business of a small-town Amish farmer tucked away in Virginia’s heartland.

Samuel B. Fisher and his family farm, Golden Valley Farms, was raided unannounced in June by the Virginia Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (VDACS) and Cumberland County sheriff’s deputy for selling meat from his 100-acre farm because the meat was not processed in a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) facility.

“They went through everything, house, every building, in the barn. They just raided through everything, put their nose in everything, and wanted to know every detail of everything. They went out back, trying to find all the failure they can find on a farm, which, of course, some of their stuff, which they think is wrong, is just normal stuff on a farm,” Fisher stated.

“I wasn’t on the farm at the time” of the raid that lasted four hours, Fisher added.

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Left Seizes Election Worker Training Organization

29th August 2023

The Foundry.

A nonpartisan organization that trains election workers from across the country is now being run by two liberal voting activists—one who previously worked for the nonprofit that distributed hundreds of millions of dollars of Mark Zuckerberg’s election grants during the 2020 elections. The grants were supposedly to “help” local governments run elections, but most of the money went to election offices in Democrat-run localities.

Meanwhile, most board members of the National Association of Election Officials, commonly known as The Election Center, are current or former elections officials from heavily blue counties.

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5 Months After SVB’s Collapse, SF Fed’s Bank Supervisor ‘Retires’

29th August 2023

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Five months since the epic failure of Silicon Valley Bank – due to “a significant supervisory failure,” according to Dan Tarullo, a former Fed governor who oversaw financial regulation and supervision at the board – the man responsible for that ‘oversight’ at the San Francisco Fed is ‘retiring’.

Azher Abbasi will retire from his role as the head of supervision and credit at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco effective Oct. 31, according to an email from the bank’s spokesperson.

Welcome to the Deep State: Nobody gets fired, nobody goes to jail.

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This Global Gathering Embraces China, Russia in Advancing Communist Agenda

29th August 2023

The Foundry.

You may never have heard of the Foro de São Paulo, since Western media tend to ignore it, but it’s the world’s largest and most impactful Marxist international organization.

The latest São Paulo Forum gathering demonstrated how pro-China and pro-Russia this radical body is, and how it retails its winning blueprint throughout the world.

Rubbing elbows at this summer’s gathering in Brasilia, Brazil’s capital, were members of the Chinese Communist Party, Cuba’s Communist Party, and the Democratic Socialists of America—the party of U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and U.S. Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.; Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.; Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y.; and Cori Bush, D-Mo.



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Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic

28th August 2023

As COVID cases rise, a new variant gives Johns Hopkins virologist pause (WTOP)

Spread of Covid impacting start of classes for some schools across U.S. (NBC)

PD Editorial: With COVID surging, consider a mask sometimes (Santa Rosa Press-Democrat) At last, truth in advertising.

UC Davis Health expert talks COVID summer surge (CBS Sacrament0) Sure, let’s shut down California until the election is over.

Asylum-seekers’ long wait for work permits: ‘It feels terrible, especially because I’m used to working’ (Chicago Sun-Times) You could always go back where you came from, where you don’t need a permit to work.

Why The U.S. Won’t Put Immigrants To Work (CNBC)  Maybe because they’re criminals?

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya: Biden Admin’s Push For Everyone To Get New COVID Vaccine Is ‘Irresponsible’

Republicans In Nine Florida Counties Adopt Resolution Calling For Ban Of COVID Vaccines

China Ends COVID Test Requirement for Incoming Travelers


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Today in Witch-Hunt Culture

28th August 2023

Florida Governor Ron Desantis booed at vigil as hundreds mourn more racist killings (Associated Press) Obviously Ron is responsible for any racist killings in Florida because he’s a Republican and you know what they’re like.

Jacksonville shooting: ‘When we have this kind of divisive rhetoric, this is exactly what happens’ (MSNBC)

‘Fighting evilness’: Jacksonville neighborhood fearful after deadly rampage (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

Another harebrained idea from Kenneth Chesebro (Washington P0st) Jennifer Rubin takes a break from bashing Trump. (Is that allowed?)

NPR’s Extremist-Beat Scribe Ties ‘Rich Men’ Country Song to ‘Anti-Semitic Blood Libel’

Peterson Loses Court Battle, Ordered to Attend ‘Re-education’

Pope Francis Laments ‘Reactionary,’ Politicized US Catholic Church  Americans are not Hip And Trendy like the Europeans.

After Shooting, CNN Anchor Cues NAACP Smear: DeSantis ‘Waged War on Black America’

The Bottomless Cynicism of Tucker Carlson (Mother Jones) Few people have greater excuse.

WashPost Mourns Loss of Aggressive Big Tech Election Interference

Legal Concerns Halt NIH $154 Million “False Information” Program


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

28th August 2023

Weaponized Collusion? Jack Smith’s Team Huddled With Biden White House Before Trump Indictment

Reuters/Ipsos Poll: Trump Lead Increased After Debate

Liberal Projection: “We call that kind of love a cult”: Experts on the latest disturbing poll of Trump supporters (Salon)

Judge Sets Trial Date in March for Trump’s Federal Election Case (N.Y. Times)

Trump vows to appeal after judge sets March 2024 trial date – live (The Guardian)

Fulton County DA’s Anti-Trump ‘Smoking Gun’ Is a Toy Pistol

Republican Accountability Project Launches Six-Figure Ad Campaign Targeting Trump GA Indictment



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