Nicholas Kristof, Voice of the Crust, pushes the Narrative.
So let me push back at what I see as smug white delusion.
Never mind that this entire article is ‘smug white delusion’, as demonstrated by ‘progressives’ in the media.
• The net worth of the average black household in the United States is $6,314, compared with $110,500 for the average white household, according to 2011 census data. The gap has worsened in the last decade, and the United States now has a greater wealth gap by race than South Africa did during apartheid. (Whites in America on average own almost 18 times as much as blacks; in South Africa in 1970, the ratio was about 15 times.)
Perhaps that’s because white people tend to work and black people tend to live off of government benefits. It’s not as if there’s some government agency out there (much as people like Kristof might wish for it) assigning people incomes and not giving black people Their Fair Share.
• The black-white income gap is roughly 40 percent greater today than it was in 1967.
Welcome to the War on Poverty, which (as with most government programs) merely makes things worse. All done by the sort of people that Nicholas Kristof votes for — many of which are white people, true, but their deficiency is not in their melanin level but in their politics.
• A black boy born today in the United States has a life expectancy five years shorter than that of a white boy.
That’s because black boys (and men) tend to shoot other black boys more often than white boys shoot other white boys. Why is that? You won’t find out by reading the writings of Nicholas Kristof, much less this one.
• Black students are significantly less likely to attend schools offering advanced math and science courses than white students. They are three times as likely to be suspended and expelled, setting them up for educational failure.
That’s because black people are on average less intelligent than white people, a fact that is well documented however much it is ignored by whites, like Kristof, who ‘just don’t get it’. That doesn’t tell you anything about individual black people, of course, but it does indicate how blacks as a group will do compared to whites as a group, which is what we’re talking about here. This isn’t rocket science; it just takes the ability to notice certain facts, an ability in which people like Nicholas Kristof are notoriously deficient.
• Because of the catastrophic experiment in mass incarceration, black men in their 20s without a high school diploma are more likely to be incarcerated today than employed, according to a study from the National Bureau of Economic Research. Nearly 70 percent of middle-aged black men who never graduated from high school have been imprisoned.
Don’t you just love that term ‘experiment in mass incarceration’, with its suggestion that police are wandering around just picking up black men at random and sticking them in prison? The prospect that these people might have actually, you know, committed a crime or something never appears on the radar. Another area in which Nicholas Kristof ‘just doesn’t get it’.
All these constitute not a black problem or a white problem, but an American problem. When so much talent is underemployed and overincarcerated, the entire country suffers.
And when people who are paid to write for national publications can get away with pushing these absurd fantasies, the entire world suffers. But they’ll never notice, because they live in a world of rainbows and unicorns in which wishing makes it so, reality never intrudes, and facts are whatever you read in the New York Times.