30th November 2022
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Today in Progressive Totalitarianism
30th November 2022
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Global Warming Hysteria
30th November 2022
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Today in the Biden-Harris Slow-Motion Train Wreck
30th November 2022
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic
30th November 2022
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on Today in BIPOC Privilege
30th November 2022
Posted in The Hunt for Heretics and Sinners | Comments Off on Today in Witch-Hunt Culture
30th November 2022
Posted in The Hunt for Heretics and Sinners | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
30th November 2022
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A Japanese scientist named Masanori Fukushima, a professor emeritus at Kyoto University, recently caused a major controversy when he appeared on television and upbraided the country’s medical establishment for its dishonesty and negligence concerning the experimental mRNA treatment intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus. He particularly excoriated them for ignoring the evidence of serious adverse side effects, including death, from the vax.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on “Completely Ignoring Science and Medicine”
30th November 2022
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A suicide prevention net on San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge that is already years behind schedule will cost about $400 million, more than double its original price, because of problems sparked by the government agency that manages the span, the lead contractors allege.
The allegations filed Monday in state court by Shimmick Construction Co. and Danny’s Construction Co. say that changes to and flaws in the government’s net design and the lack of transparency about the deterioration of the bridge’s maintenance platforms have raised the construction price from $142 million to at least $398 million.
“We were alarmed to discover the District concealed significant information during the proposal phase of the Project, including extensive deterioration in certain areas of the bridge,” Shimmick said in a statement.
Government: Why We Can’t Have Nice Things.
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30th November 2022
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I worked in ‘open offices’ a lot in tech, and hated every minute of it. In an ‘open office’, you are in involuntary participant in everybody else’s conversation. If you are doing intellectual work (like, say, programming or data modeling), concentration is impossible. Productivity falls through the floor. The money management saves is obvious; the loss of productivity is not; and so we all wind up living in a Dilbert cartoon.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on I Asked What it Would Take to Get Gen Z Back to the Office: “Private Offices, Man. Microsoft Gives Them to Everybody”
30th November 2022
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I understand that once you are worth a billion dollars you get a certificate that can be traded in for a hot blonde chick. Unfortunately for feminists and other proglodytes, the certificates are issued by the hot blonde chicks themselves.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Who Is Killing The Crypto Millionaires?
30th November 2022
In these willfully ignorant times, the powers that be seem, in their haste to be politically correct, to forget that America fought its bloodiest war to end human bondage. Almost three-quarters of a million men died, yet the Civil War is being refought with fact-purging propaganda that makes cartoon villains of great American soldiers, while one group of citizens is robbed of their heritage in order to please another.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Woke Joke
30th November 2022
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The affair of the reception of the migrant boat Ocean Viking continues to rebound and appears more and more like a management disaster on the part of the French government—unfortunately, highly predictable. It is epigrammatic of all the dysfunctions of immigrant reception policy, both at the national and European levels.
The boat docked on Friday, November 10th, in the military port of Toulon. The procedure for receiving refugees was then set in motion, and the French authorities quickly lost control of the situation, with one scandal following another. The controversy first arose over the conditions under which the migrants were received—either too favourable or too undignified, depending on the criticism from one side of the political spectrum or the other.
But the main problem involved the actual processing of the asylum applications. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, while attempting to use the occasion to demonstrate governmental firmness on illegal immigration, produced the opposite results. The judicial institutions did not follow the watchword. After having been initially refused entry to the territory, 123 adults out of the 189 placed in the ‘waiting zone’—the reception centre especially set up for the occasion on the Giens peninsula—were released. The courts were unable to rule on their case due to the lack of sufficient magistrates. Lack of time and procedural flaws are among the reasons for the defective ‘firmness’ displayed in high places.
UPDATE: Ivorian-Italian MP Soumahoro Accused of Mistreatment of Migrants
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30th November 2022
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Following the victory of the Moroccan football team against Belgium at the World Cup, groups of young migrant men have taken to the streets in Belgium and the Netherlands to celebrate their victory. Already prior to the match, the atmosphere was heated—illegal fireworks were launched, some of which injured a journalist in the face. But the celebrations following the surprise victory quickly turned into riots, when shops, cars, and even policemen were attacked by the mob.
The rioting migrants, mostly Belgian Moroccans, but also other migrants from Africa, left behind a trail of destruction, demolishing entire streets in Brussels, flipping over cars, and starting fires. The police called on citizens to avoid certain parts of Brussels and closed off metro stations before engaging the mob with riot police. Videos of the riots, which more resembled a civil war than the celebration of a football game, spread on Twitter like wildfire.
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on Migrants Riot After Morocco Beats Belgium at World Cup
30th November 2022
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
29th November 2022
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on Today in BIPOC Privilege
29th November 2022
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Today in Progressive Totalitarianism
29th November 2022
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic
29th November 2022
Posted in The Hunt for Heretics and Sinners | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
29th November 2022
Posted in The Hunt for Heretics and Sinners | Comments Off on Today in Witch-Hunt Culture
29th November 2022
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on Today in BIPOC Privilege
29th November 2022
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Global Warming Hysteria
29th November 2022
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Today in the Biden-Harris Slow-Motion Train Wreck
29th November 2022
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But it was the very serious journalists at the Bezos Post who delivered the death blow, gravely noting that Musk’s affinity for Diet Coke puts him in league with the beverage’s other “unsavory acolytes, including former president Donald Trump and Harvey Weinstein.”
I’m sure Hitler would have drunk Diet Coke if it had been available to him. After all he was a vegetarian, and you know what fascist assholes vegetarians all are.
Posted in You can't make this stuff up. | Comments Off on FACT CHECK: Do History’s Greatest Monsters All Drink Diet Coke?
29th November 2022
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Let me tell you a story, dear reader. It is about a land — a quasi-dictatorial kingdom no less — where locals huddle round trashcan fires on the streets of the great metropolis, gnawing on legs of mutton and cavorting in swamps. Once there was good government, but a plebiscite some years ago brought with it autocracy, plague and a nation “falling apart at the seams.”
Which land could this be? Why it can only Cockburn’s ancestral homeland, the dear old United Kingdom, as seen through the eyes of the average New York Times subscriber. For years now Cockburn has been chronicling the Brit-bashing excesses of America’s least reliable news source. Whether it’s peddling dubious clickbait about the vaccine regime or comparing everything to Brexit, there are few articles that the NYT won’t run to please its audience of superior left-leaning Americans and self-flagellating Brits.
And now the NYT has done it again, running two extremely questionable articles in the space of two weeks. The first concerned a young man called Ademola Adedeji. According to the Times, Adedeji was “swept up” in a “murder-conspiracy case with no murder.” The young black man, the paper gasped, “never attacked anyone or owned a weapon.” British policing, the NYT implied, was to blame, given how its “war on gangs disproportionately targets young Black men.” Unfortunately, conspiracy to murder is still bad — even if the person involved doesn’t manage to commit a murder. That’s probably why it is a crime on both sides of the Atlantic.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on The New York Times Does It Again
29th November 2022
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
29th November 2022
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A Jordanian national with three deportation orders who had been known to authorities under 13 identities has been arrested for allegedly raping a woman in the emergency room at a Parisian hospital late last month.
The alleged sexual assault, which took place on the night of October 27th to the 28th at the Cochin hospital in Paris, saw the 22-year-old Jordanian man, who was patient at the medical facility, sexually assault and rape a 34-year-old female patient who had been admitted to the emergency department following a traumatic brain injury, Le Figaro reports.
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on France: Jordanian National With 3 Deportation Orders Arrested for Hospital Rape
29th November 2022
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Exactly why anyone would want Kamala Harris is something of a mystery. She didn’t marry until she was just shy of her fiftieth birthday. It is, of course, barbarically sexist to comment on a successful woman’s romantic life (just ask Gladys), but in Harris’s case it’s relevant. She got her start in politics at the tender age of twenty-nine when her romantic partner at the time, the sixty-year-old speaker of the California state legislature, appointed her to a high-pay, low-work sinecure on the California Medical Assistance Commission. Nothing to see here; move along. Down with the Patriarchy.
Simply put: no one likes Kamala Harris. No one even feels bad for not liking her. Her boss doesn’t like her; her aides don’t like her; even her Irish terrier doesn’t like her. Harris featured it (no one knows the sex) in a single 2018 Facebook post for National Puppy Day, calling the one-year-old her “office dog”, which implies that she never actually took it home. Now presumably five years old (and hopefully still alive), the dog was never seen or heard from again.
This unpopular but well-connected puppy-hater from San Francisco is the candidate whom the Democratic Party has anointed to “make history” as the first female President of the United States. Yes, President. Not only will Harris make history as the first female President; she will make double-history as the first female President of Colour.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on They Aimed to Make History. They Got Kamala Harris
29th November 2022
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Well, isn’t that what you do?
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on Watch: Moroccan Fans Celebrate World Cup Win by Rioting in European Cities
29th November 2022
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A reader recently sent me an email pointing out that many ex-convicts commit new crimes with the intent of being sent back to prison. They actually feel more comfortable in prison than they do in the outside world.
This phenomenon shouldn’t surprise us. In prison, the state takes care of prisoners and, by and large, keeps them safe. It provides their food, healthcare, and clothing. In some prisons, prisoners are even given a paying job. Much of the time, prisoners are free to lie around, relaxing in their cells or watching television. Sometimes prisoners are even provided a formal education. And the best part is that all of this is free.
In other words, with prison the state provides you with security. In the minds of some convicts, that’s a lot better than freedom. When the state casts convicts out of prison, they become responsible for themselves and their well-being. That’s not easy. They need money to buy food, housing, a car, and other things. That means finding and keeping a job. Moreover, outside prison they are faced with an array of choices on a daily basis, which contributes to their anxiety. Better to trade liberty for security.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Wallowing In Welfare-Warfare State Prison
28th November 2022
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With 50 spray nozzles and a sophisticated computer system, tractors out in California’s central valley are towing artificially-intelligent robots behind them that look set to launch a fourth revolution in agriculture.
Passing over a field they can specifically target individual weeds and crops at a rate of 20 per second, before blasting them with either de-weeder or fertilizer within a millimeter of accuracy.
Verdant Robotics’ SprayBox robot can identify and treat 500,000 plants per hour while using 95% less chemical weedkiller.
Eventually we will have completely automated farms; companies are already developing small smart tools that are suitable for little acreage and affordable for those whose initials arend ADM.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Sharp-Shooting Farm Robot Can Treat 500,000 Plants Per Hour With 95% Decrease in Chemical Sprays
28th November 2022
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A new study reveals that ceramics can be made to bend like metal. This finding could lead to lighter, more efficient engines.
Two words: Body armor.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on Chinese Scientists Have Managed To Create A Strong, Flexible Ceramic
28th November 2022
The Guardian.
These ‘warped visions’ were all well and good when devoted to the proglodyte cause. It’s no secret–and no surprise–that ‘tech bros’ and their girlfriends are Woke and Democrat to the core. You’d think, by the tone of all of these bash-the-tech articles, that they were uniformly Republicans.
Posted in The Hunt for Heretics and Sinners | Comments Off on The gods of Silicon Valley are falling to earth. So are their warped visions for society
28th November 2022
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Today in the Biden-Harris Slow-Motion Train Wreck
28th November 2022
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic
28th November 2022
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on Today in BIPOC Privilege
28th November 2022
Posted in The Hunt for Heretics and Sinners | Comments Off on Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
28th November 2022
Posted in The Hunt for Heretics and Sinners | Comments Off on Today in Witch-Hunt Culture
28th November 2022
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Today in Global Warming Hysteria
28th November 2022
Manchin’s side deal on brink as GOP seeks his 2024 ouster (The Hill)
Portland store shuts down, posts blistering note on front door slamming rampant crime: ‘city is in peril’ (Fox) (After 15 Break-Ins, A Portland Business Finally Calls It Quits)
Handgun owners carrying daily in US doubled in 4 years; self-protection cited as main reason: study (Fox)
Six million Americans carried guns daily in 2019, twice as many as in 2015 (The Guardian) Gee, I wonder why.
Conservative states are blocking trans medical care. Families are fleeing. (Politico) Good riddance.
Free food for all? Absolutely. In this age of abundance, it should be a human right (L.A. Times)
CNN Analyst Says Free Speech Is ‘Nonsense’
IRS Warns Americans To Report Annual PayPal, Venmo Transactions Exceeding $600 Per Year An excellent reason to stop using PayPal and Venmo.
Sen. Murphy: Defund Police Who Refuse to Enforce Gun Laws
Blank Sheets of Paper Become Symbol of Defiance in China Protests That’s all you get under a Communist regime.
The Media’s Deranged Hysteria Over Elon Musk’s Promised Restoration of Free Speech Glenn Greenwald.
Cambridge Dean Goes Full Woke, Claims Jesus Could Have Been Transgender “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” Gal. 3:28.
“Hitlering Along” to the World Cup
Russian State Duma Passes Law Banning All Forms of LGBT Propaganda
Barcelona: Foreign Nationals Account for Over 75% of Arrests in First Half of 2022
Germany: Left-Globalist Interior Minster to Naturalize 2 Million Migrants
Too fast, too furious: Dangerous street takeovers stymie police, anger neighbors
Brooklyn Democratic Machine Appoints Little Pakistan Residents to Party Posts Without Their Knowledge
Despite Being Election Deniers, These Democrats Romped to Reelection and Stomped Their Opponents
Elon Musk Claims Apple Has ‘Mostly Stopped’ Offering Ads on Twitter and Is Making Moderation Demands
Twitter Bans Multiple Antifa Accounts After Threats And Attempts To Burn Down Tesla Dealerships But of course only Republicans engage in political violence.
Over Half of Top Medical Schools Teach Critical Race Theory
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Today in Progressive Totalitarianism
28th November 2022
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When former President Trump, Gov. DeSantis, and Senator Ted Cruz, among others, endorsed rolling back the power of bureaucrats and their administrative state, Democrats panicked.
Senator Dianne Feinstein and Hillary’s former running mate, Senator Tim Kaine, introduced a countermeasure which they called, “Preventing a Patronage System Act” according to Kaine, to “protect the merit-based hiring system for our federal workforce”.
Media editorialists claimed that making it easier to get rid of federal employees would bring back patronage or the spoils system. The problem is that patronage never left.
We have spent generations living under a permanent patronage system. The spoils system, as bad as it was, kept one party from permanently packing its supporters into the government. Removing it just meant that the Democrats have permanently packed the federal bureaucracy.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on The Bureaucracy’s Democrat Majority Made America a One-Party Government
28th November 2022
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Since around 2013, wealthy Chinese nationals have shifted away from traditional birth tourism, whereby a pregnant Chinese woman comes to the United States with the intention of having her baby born here. Instead, they have increasingly relied on American surrogates to bear their children.
Hire an American breeder to cook your kid. Bada-boom bada-bing, your Chinese kid is an American citizen. Such a deal.
Producing a child in the United States has many perks. At birth, children gain and maintain full U.S. citizenship, birth certificates and social security numbers, access to education, and a path for their biological parents to receive a green card when the child turns 21. Some agencies promote themselves as a “cheaper alternative than an EB-5 visa,” which costs $500,000 plus scads of time and paperwork.
With birth tourism, a pregnant woman must obtain a visa, travel to the U.S. to give birth, and find an agency to house and help secure the necessary paperwork before returning to China. The process can take months.
Now, however, a Chinese couple or individual can simply work with a U.S. based agency to send their reproductive material (sperm, egg, or embryo) to an IVF lab and implant it in a hired surrogate to produce a viable pregnancy. All without ever leaving China.
And if you hire a black woman, it can probably claim BIPOC Privilege as well. (‘Here’s a picture of my mom and a certificate from the hospital where I was born.’) Is this a great country or what?
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on California’s New Handmaid’s Tale
28th November 2022
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Specifically, white Toyota Land Cruisers.
That white Land Cruiser you saw on the news last night? Chances are it came through here. The back of shot cars seen in every report from war zones and aid programmes to disaster relief and third world development projects? At one time they probably called this home. Around 650 vehicles – more specifically 650 white Toyotas – leave here every month destined for global hotspots. Welcome to Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings (TGS), the world’s most remarkable car dealership.
“We don’t really think of them as cars,” TGS co-chief executive Jonathan Gourlay tells me. “We’re just giving our customers a tool that does a job, whether that’s feeding children or delivering medicines.” You might think, like me, that the 70 Series Land Cruiser is utterly cool and want one very badly, but cool plays no role here – this is transport at its most fundamental. Simplicity, capability and reliability overrule everything. “If you look back 25 years, there were a few players in this market,” Gourlay continues. “There was Land Rover, there was Nissan and Mitsubishi, but gradually they’ve focused on building what I’d call ‘first world’ vehicles for Europe and North America. But Toyota still builds a 4.2-litre non-turbo diesel. You can’t register a new one in Europe because of its emissions, but it doesn’t go wrong and any mechanic can fix it in the field because there’s no electronics around it. You don’t need diagnostic tools, you just need to know how an engine works.”
I’d be more interested in white Toyota pickups, the ones that appear in the news every night loaded with Turd World anti-aircraft guns.

Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Inside the Factory That Only Builds White Toyotas
28th November 2022
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I wonder whether these are the same ‘right-wing zionists’ who condemned Donald Trump.
Wherever you go,
Whatever you do,
A Muslim waits there
To try to kill you.
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on “Rightwing Zionists” Tainted “Our” Elections, Islamist Group’s Antisemitic Report Says
28th November 2022
ZMan discusses some inconvenient truth.
Given the current trajectory, it is reasonable to think that in the not too distant future some alien race will be digging through the rubble of humanity trying to figure out what happened to this strange species. Just as modern archeologists dig through ruins of ancient societies, trying to figure out what happened, those aliens will be doing the same with earth. They will dig through whatever is left, things like buildings, tools and cemeteries, piecing together the story of man.
The thing they will not find among the decaying buildings, rusting vehicles and collapsed bridges will be piles of human rights. They will not open a door of some oddly preserved building and find a bunch of skeletons who had found shelter along with their sacred human rights. In fact, they will probably find no trace of human rights or any discussion of the concept. Given that most of our knowledge is now digital, these sorts of things will be impossible to detect.
The main reason for this is human rights do not exist. They are a thing that humans invented late in the history of mankind. People say that human rights are real and point to various authorities to support the claim, but rights are not real things. They exist only as a figment of our imagination, like the concept of lust. No other species has this concept so it is possible the aliens will not understand it either. It will be as alien to them as our entirely made up concept of human rights.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Survival of Rights
28th November 2022
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This is why people want their own cars rather than rely on ‘public transportation’.
Anything with ‘public’ in front of it means a single point of failure if some labor union or other proglodyte group get a hair up their butts about something.
UPDATE: 400 Groups Urge Congress to Block Rail Strike
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Million Passengers Stranded As Austrian Rail Strike Begins
28th November 2022
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Thought for the Day
28th November 2022
Check it out.
A bunch of current cartoonists celebrate the creator of PEANUTS.
Posted in Is this a great country, or what? | Comments Off on Cartoonist Tribute to Charles Schulz on His Birthday
28th November 2022
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As I commented previously, the political figure secretly most disappointed that the GOP red wave didn’t occur in the mid-term is Gavin Newsom. If a red wave had taken out Michigan’s Wretched Witmer, Minnesota’s Tim Walz, Colorado’s Jared Polis, or New York’s Kathy Hochul, Newsom could point to his landslide re-election in California as evidence that he’s the strongest person to run for president in 2024 in place of the decrepit Joe Biden, not to mention Kamala Harris, who Newsom privately despises by all accounts. But with Biden getting a new lease on life, and some early buzz about Witmer and Polis as a possible candidates, Newsom has lost ground as a presumptive front-runner.
Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | Comments Off on Gruesome Newsom Watch