We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for June, 2015

‘Seifeddine Rezgui: What motivated a shy student to kill 38 holidaymakers in Tunisia?’

30th June 2015

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Hint: Reading the Koran, and believing it. Ask me a hard one.

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Terrorists ‘Targeting Universities and Scholars’ Says Report

30th June 2015

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Most serious are “at least 485 killings involving members of higher education communities in 18 countries”. Some were completely indiscriminate, as when gunmen affiliated with Somali militant group Al Shabaab forced their way on to the campus of Garissa University College in Kenya, asked students whether they were Muslim or Christian, and shot at least 142, along with three security officers and two university security personnel.

Yet the report also draws attention to a number of far more targeted murders. Muhammad Shakil Auj, “an outspoken and progressive religious scholar” who served as dean of Islamic studies at the University of Karachi, was killed by unidentified attackers. Many others have been “disappeared” or threatened with violence designed to keep them quiet, including Professor Mohammed Dajan of Palestine’s Al-Quds University, “accused of treason for leading a student trip to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in Poland as part of a course in conflict resolution”.

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A College Balks at Hillary Clinton’s Fee, Books Chelsea for $65,000 Instead

30th June 2015

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The Crust takes care of its own.

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ISIS ‘Beheads Two Women in Syria for Sorcery’ in First for Self-Styled Caliphate

30th June 2015

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Just in case you thought that the Greeks were having all the fun.

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Man Called Rod Is Hit by Lightning for a Second Time

29th June 2015

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Dude, take the hint.

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Prof: I Chose Not to Have Children, Because They’d Be White

29th June 2015

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I fully support her decision not to reproduce.

In fact, I’ll contribute financially toward her hysterectomy just to make absolutely sure.

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The Atlantic Slave Trade in Two Minutes

29th June 2015

Slate actually publishes something useful.

Usually, when we say “American slavery” or the “American slave trade,” we mean the American colonies or, later, the United States. But as we discussed in Episode 2 of Slate’s History of American Slavery Academy, relative to the entire slave trade, North America was a bit player. From the trade’s beginning in the 16th century to its conclusion in the 19th, slave merchants brought the vast majority of enslaved Africans to two places: the Caribbean and Brazil. Of the more than 10 million enslaved Africans to eventually reach the Western Hemisphere, just 388,747—less than 4 percent of the total—came to North America. This was dwarfed by the 1.3 million brought to Spanish Central America, the 4 million brought to British, French, Dutch, and Danish holdings in the Caribbean, and the 4.8 million brought to Brazil.

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15 Reasons ‘Marriage Equality’ Is About Neither Marriage Nor Equality

29th June 2015

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Unintended consequences usually come about when we are ignorant or maybe lazy about a course of action. But we usually crash land after following an arc of logic, which in this case has gone largely undiscerned and unaddressed in the public square.

Americans are in a fog about how marriage equality will lead to more central planning and thought policing. This is partly because the media and Hollywood only provide slogans to regurgitate while academics and judges push politically correct speech codes to obey.

Let’s explore the fallout of that arc of faulty logic. Included below are some 15 of the gaping holes in the “marriage equality” reasoning that Americans have not thought through.

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Texas University’s VP of Diversity and Inclusion to Earn More Than Any Governor

29th June 2015

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Here we see the Diversity Scam at its finest: Government makes burdensome regulations that eventually provide cushy jobs for ordinary people who are trying to cope with said burdensome regulations (and institutions desiring some assurance that they won’t be sued under said burdensome regulations). After all, who better to steer people away from the Regulation Rocks than the bureaucrats who were charged with enforcing them in the first place?

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Law Prof: Defeat ISIS By Posting Pictures of Gay Marriage

28th June 2015

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It what may be the silliest expression of triumph at the Supreme Court ruling yesterday legalizing gay marriage across the United States, Rosa Brooks, a law professor at Georgetown University, ponders “Can gay marriage [lacuna] the Islamic State?”

It doesn’t take much to be a law professor these days, apparently. Certainly ideology substitutes for intelligence at a high ratio.

In addition to her post at Georgetown, Brooks is a senior fellow at the New America Foundation, and previously served as a counselor to the U.S. defense undersecretary for policy and as a senior advisor at the U.S. State Department.

My, what a surprise! Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.

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Lindsey Graham: GOP Needs to Drop Anti-Gay Marriage Constitutional Amendment from Platform

28th June 2015

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I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Why is this dipstick pretending to be a Republican? Is he just a masochist?

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Donald Trump: Jeb Bush Sees Me as a Threat

28th June 2015

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Trump has an ego bigger than Ross Perot’s. Jeb Bush, to the extent that he thinks about Donald Trump, more likely sees him not as a threat but as a pothole on the highway of Republican politics.

Can’t say that he’d be wrong.

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Will Dems Apologize?

28th June 2015

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In an open letter to DNC Chairman Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz, Jeffrey Lord provides a readout of the tangled history of the Democratic Party with slavery, segregation, lynching, and the Ku Klux Klan. Lord draws on the Democratic Party platforms of 1840, 1844, 1856 and 1860. He adds that, as the Civil War drew to a close, the Democrats opposed the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment (ending slavery), and proceeded afterwards also to oppose the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments. Lord has more, all in the spirit of the moment; Lord calls on Schultz to apologize on behalf of the party.

Will Obama, the chief functionary of the Democrite party and the government employee who most likes to make apologies on behalf of people who have not authorized him to do so, do the right thing.

I’m thinking: No.

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A Big Week for American Politics

28th June 2015

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First, it is now officially ludicrous to say that the Supreme Court just interprets the law.  The majority in the King v. Burwell decision essentially rewrote the law to give their decision some twisted justification.  Their opinion showed that the desire among six of the Justices for there to be an Obamacare is greater than their desire for our Constitution to work as designed.  As Justice Scalia said in his dissent, even though Congress specifically wrote a law that says subsidies are only for “exchanges established by the state,” “This Court…concludes that this limitation would prevent the rest of the Act from working as well as hoped.  So it rewrites the law.”   This type of judicial activism has been in the works for a while, but for it to have carried the day in such a high-profile, consequential case means no one knows where the limits are anymore. The unelected few assuming this much power is new and dangerous.

And that decision, in turn, gives twisters like John Roberts no leg to stand on when the leftist faction on the Court, with its pet Kennedy, turned around and did the same with the Constitution on ‘gay marriage’.

None of this bodes well for our democracy.  It’s not partisan wrangling that turns people off; it’s the complete dysfunction and hypocrisy combined with deceit and malfeasance that voters have seen becoming routine, like it is all part of a game and no one is held to account. And I do blame the Democrats more for perpetuating this culture of dishonesty and lack of transparency.

As do I, although Republicans are perhaps even more culpable because they know the truth and yet turn from it.

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Greece Runs Out of Other People’s Money

28th June 2015

The Other McCain tells you the truth that you aren’t getting from Voices of the Crust.

In addition to Margaret Thatcher’s famous maxim about socialists eventually running out of other people’s money, there is also Stein’s Law. This was coined by Herb Stein, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers during Richard Nixon’s presidency: “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.” And the problem of the Eurozone’s weaker nations expecting bailouts from their rich neighbors obviously cannot go on forever. So what happens when it stops? We don’t know.

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How the White House Abandoned American Hostages

28th June 2015

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In the last 10 months, the Islamic State has brutally executed four American hostages. As Americans died, their government was powerless to stop the slaying. For while European governments tirelessly toiled to secure the release of European hostages, President Barack Obama’s administration’s passive approach doomed their American cellmates.

The U.S. government’s principal channels with the four families largely consisted of mid-level officials from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the State Department’s Bureau of Consular Affairs. The FBI was useless. Its tasks were alternately to extract information and to comfort the family. It never shared intelligence. One European hostage, who was incarcerated with the Americans and subsequently released, told me he was shocked that the FBI seemed more interested in gathering evidence to prosecute the hostage-takers than it was in locating the Americans. Our lead agent misled me on several occasions, employing convoluted legalisms that would have impressed the greatest Talmudic scholars. His tactics so frustrated the Sotloffs that they finally asked him to address all queries to me. Though Steve is dead, our nightmare with the FBI continues. The bureau still refuses to give the Sotloffs the original letters he smuggled out of prison, claiming it is studying them for clues.

The FBI could have helped most when the Islamic State initiated contact with each of the families. Instead, it relied on hostage training manuals designed for dealing with psychopaths. That was the wrong approach. The hostage-takers did not have fractured egos that needed soothing. This was a pure money racket. Its ringleaders were not driven by ideology and displayed no psychological disorders.

The State Department was no better. When the mother of one of the hostages requested a senior point of contact at the White House, a State Department official rebuked her for going over her head. When Steve’s father asked that I attend a government meeting, a consular official claimed the room was too small. When Steve’s father offered to give up his seat, the official demurred. The decision to prohibit family representatives from government meetings was made at the administration’s highest levels. The White House knew that some representatives, like the one retained by the family of James Foley, one of the four slain hostages, had intelligence and political experience. Banning them allowed the administration to manage expectations and control the tempo of consultations. Indeed, some families were so confused on secure conference calls that they could not identify the government officials on the other end of the line.

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You Are the Someone

28th June 2015

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Two news stories, each from a different side of the Atlantic, talk about the same thing but in different ways. The British Daily Mail has an article headed by a picture showing ISIS gunman Seifeddine Rezgui “with his AK47 – casually passing abandoned inflatables as a group of men keep their distance behind him”. Rezgui isn’t even holding his weapon at the ready.  He knew the men only 10 yards behind him wouldn’t sprint the distance to tackle him.

He is walking with the confidence of a wolf among sheep.

One commenter wondered what Someone was doing while this ‘tragedy’ occurred. “How come there was an alarm raised, carrying that machine gun, it was obvious to the onlookers in the picture. Somebody could have prevented another tragedy in the name of this perverse and ancient religion.”

What did they care? He was just there to kill kufr. They were just there to watch.

The West is filled with millions of people like Alex, all of them waiting for Someone. They are the product of a multi-decade campaign to deliberately empty people of their culture; to actually make them ashamed of it. They were purposely drained of God, country, family like chickens so they could be stuffed with the latest narrative of the progressive meme machine. The Gramscian idea was to produce a blank slate upon which the Marxist narrative could be written.

Too bad for the Gramscians that the Islamists are beating them to the empty sheets of paper.  And they are better at it too.  Maybe the old Bolsheviks could have given ISIS a run for its money, but today’s liberals have declined from their sires.

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California Town Calls for Ban on Space Weapons

27th June 2015

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Good luck with that.

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Hadrian the Robot Bricklayer Can Build a Whole House in Two Days

27th June 2015

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Doing jobs that Americans won’t do….

I wonder whether it speaks Spanish?

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Thought for the Day

27th June 2015

Freeberg nails it yet again.

“Evolution” is still highly prized, as it was generations ago, what’s changed is the emphasis within that. From Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt, or even before then, up until the 1960’s sometime it was: Listen to the old people, because they are keepers of the ideas that are kept. They bear the fruits of eons of painful trial & error, good ideas that are formed by way of process-of-elimination, ideas that we know are right but cannot be formed any other way. The stuff that had to be learned. If you value what is good about evolution, look to the old people because they’re the ones who have it.

Now we still value what is good about evolution, but it is the young people who have it. The only role the old people can play is to try to act like the young people; that, and show us how this “survival of the fittest” thing works, and that’s during their final exit. Clean out the gene pool by eradicating themselves from it. The young people have something of a perceived monopoly on knowledge, theirs is the only knowledge that is worth anything at all.

We’ve lost trust. It used to be, the old people would trust the young people, to renew & carry along the value system that civilization should endure and remain strong. The young people would trust the old people, to intermix a bit of valuable personal experience with the equally valuable legacy-wisdom, to do something besides just repeat mindlessly what they’d been told back when they were the same age. So there would have been this sense of intergenerational trust, going in both directions, and it’s no longer there. We’ve also lost respect. This would start with the obvious realization of “Hooray, I’m all grown-up now, but I’m not the first human being who ever reached adulthood — lots of other ideas have been tried, some of actually worked, and other people have had problems before I had any, so let’s see what came of all that.” That, too, is gone. The loud-crowd, today, always seems to think history began at nine o’clock this morning, and the only purpose for any previously-existing idea is to be dismantled. So some hot new “Beverly Hills 90210? generation can show how cool it is, and of course they do that by carrying out this dismantling.

A civilization that values its older people will always have to value life. Even if it somehow doesn’t want to do this, it will have no other choice once it makes the decision to honor and respect old people, because we’re all headed in that direction. Conversely, a civilization that reserves all of its respect for the young, will have to place a premium value on death, because that’s the only way anybody is going to stay that way for very long. And of course if nothing is valuable besides whatever is cool, and nothing is cool besides what is new, that makes for an awful lot of wreckage and destruction that’s going to have to be done. And it’s going to have to be done by everyone who wants to matter, and all of the time.

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Watch Brazilian Vigilantes Deliver Justice to a Driver Illegally Parked in a Disabled Bay

26th June 2015

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Now that’s comedy.

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Woman Killed on Welsh Beach by Falling Rocks Was ‘Such a Happy Person’

25th June 2015

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Let that be a lesson to us all.

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Michelle Obama’s America: Salt ‘Black Markets’ Arise in School Cafeterias

25th June 2015

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Kids in a school district in Indiana have created a black market in salt packets, which they trade and sell to help mitigate the disgusting taste of the so-called healthy lunches mandated under federal guidelines.

These guidelines were championed by First Lady Michelle Obama. Like so many other clumsy government attempts to make people healthier by forbidding the consumption of things they like, the initiative is a costly failure.

‘Black market’ is a tendentious slur-word for situations in which the pricing and availability of goods are dictated by someone’s political agenda rather than free exchange. They are always a symptom of tyranny.

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Marauding Migrants Brandish Knives at Truckers as 90 Illegals-an-Hour Pulled From Lorries

25th June 2015

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Crowds of young men were filmed using crowbars to break into lorries queuing to get into the Channel port.

The figures show migrants were stowing away in cars and trucks at a rate of 90 an hour.

But the true figure will be considerably higher, as many made it through borders and as far as Bedfordshire before being caught. It has raised fears many more could be on our shores without police knowledge.

Ten migrants were found in the back of a lorry parked in Folkstone, Kent, at about 4.30pm yesterday.

They were sent to Dover Immigration Centre where they are now under their care.

Seven suspected illegal immigrants were arrested at Toddington Services on the M1 in Bedfordshire. One told reporters he had come from Sudan wanting to go to a British university.

With nearly 400 more migrants reaching Calais every week to add to the 4,000 already camping out and waiting for the chance to slip into Britain, truckers leaders called on the French authorities to do more to protect their members.

Good luck with that.

Maybe they ought to build a fence. Look at how well that worked for the U.S. (Oh, wait….)

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VIDEO: Dramatic Moment British Jihadi Dubbed ‘White Beast’ Killed Fighting for al-Shabaab

25th June 2015

Read it. And watch the video, of course.

The wage of sin is death.

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U. Michigan Professor Blames ‘Far Right Wing Jews’ for Charleston Shooting

25th June 2015

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These must be the same ‘right-wing Jews’ who overwhelmingly vote for (and contribute to) Democrite candiates.

The secret side of Barbra Streisand…? Who knew?

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New York Police Investigate Parking Tickets Given to Driver Found Lying Dead in the Car’s Front Seat

25th June 2015

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New York traffic wardens issued two parking tickets to a car whose driver was later found dead in the front seat, it has been reported.

Police have launched an investigation into whether wardens saw the body of 47-year-old Mamadou Barry but failed to report it.

Two parking tickets were found on the car, which was sitting in a zone where vehicles are not allowed to park between 11.30am and 1pm.

And while the first ticket was discovered inside the car and dated 16 June, another was still fixed to the windscreen when police were called, witnesses said.

Not my job, man.

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American Muslims Want Shariah

24th June 2015

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American Muslims, like their co-religionists in Europe, seem to prefer shariah over the law of the land. And a surprising number of them would support the use of violence to impose shariah. These facts run contrary to the “narrative” propagated by the media and our political leaders — according to them, such “radical” views are only held by a Tiny Minority of Extremists.

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Calais Still in Crisis as French Say It’s Not Their Problem

24th June 2015

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Crowds of young men were filmed yesterday using crowbars to break into lorries queuing to get into the Channel port.

French police found 350 migrants hidden in cars and trucks in just four hours.

Tensions continued to flare yesterday, with two truckers clashing with migrants after one tried to break into a stationary lorry.

One migrant was seen to climb on to a lorry’s roof, while two others managed to break into the back of a slow-moving HGV with the help of a third migrant.

Another migrant declared: “I need a better life in England and I will do whatever it takes.”

The UKIP MEP for Wales Nathan Gill, whose Eurostar train was forced to return to Brussels on Tuesday afternoon, said: “These are economic migrants. They have travelled across Europe to get to Calais.

“It is the duty of the French Government and police to deal with this. But the only French police you see are directing traffic. They ignore the migrants walking up and down the road and just let them keep on trying to get through.

LAZY cheese-eating surrender monkeys.

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India’s Illegal Sand Mining Trade Claims Hundreds of Lives And Poses Threat to the Environment

24th June 2015

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Yeah, yeah, I know … but, Jeez — sand?

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ISIS in Syria: Militants Carry Out Threat to Destroy UNESCO-Protected Historical Sites as They Are Forced to Retreat From Palmyra

24th June 2015

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My, what a surprise! Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.

‘UNESCO-protected’? Just how were they ‘protected’? Doesn’t appear to have worked. Much like the rest of the UN kleptocracy.

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Lorry Drivers in Calais Reveal Frustration at Migrant Crisis: ‘We Need Help, They Are Aggressive, They Are Stealing Our Goods’

24th June 2015

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And the government of France does … nothing.

And the government of Britain does … nothing.

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Nigeria: The Islamic Empire Strikes Back

24th June 2015

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The new president (Muhammadu Buhari) has been in charge for 26 days and Boko Haram has responded with attacks killing about 200 people. Buhari’s biggest problem is not Boko Haram but the endemic corruption that led to Boko Haram and lawlessness all over the country. While the people of the northeast see Buhari (a Moslem) as a man who will do more to crush Boko Haram, most Nigerians see Buhari as the cure for corruption. When it comes to battling corruption Buhari is considered the underdog. Not because he does not have position and power, and the support of most Nigerians, but because the corrupt politicians, businessmen and gangsters have lots of money, gunmen and determination to keep their corrupt practices functioning. Based on past experience in Africa, defeating Boko Haram will be easier than making a serious dent in corruption.

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The Kelo Debacle Turns 10

23rd June 2015

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Ten years ago today, the U.S. Supreme Court issued one of the most destructive and appalling decisions of the modern era. In Kelo v. City of New London, a 5-4 majority allowed a local government to bulldoze a working-class neighborhood so that private developers would have a blank slate on which to build a luxury hotel, a conference center, and various other upscale amenities. The city’s goal was to erase that existing community and replace it with a new commercial district that would (hopefully) fill the local coffers with more abundant tax dollars. According to the Supreme Court, this unsavory land grab qualified as a legitimate use of the city’s eminent domain powers because the city “has carefully formulated an economic development plan that it believes will provide appreciable benefits to the community.”

In the wake of the Court’s decision, the final holdouts in New London were given the boot and the bulldozers rolled in, leveling the neighborhood. But then nothing else happened. The redevelopment scheme fell apart and the project died. If you visit New London today, you’ll find that the razed neighborhood still stands empty, a depressing monument to the folly of “expert” government planning.

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Bonfire of the Vulgarians: Middle East Studies in Decline

23rd June 2015

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Earlier this year, a firestorm erupted when Connecticut College philosophy professor Andrew Pessin’s 2014 Facebook comments, in which he compared Hamas in Gaza to a “wild pit bull . . . chained in a cage, regularly making mass efforts to escape,” were deemed “racist” and “dehumanizing” by student activists, colleagues, and administrators alike. Meanwhile, Middle East studies academics regularly emit commentary that is unambiguous in its bigotry, tastelessness, and vulgarity, to nary a peep. Not coincidentally, the vitriol is directed at targets academe finds politically unpopular: Israel, pro-Israel Jews, and anti-Islamists.

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The Further Adventures of David Coleman, the Man We Bet the Country Upon

23rd June 2015

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As I’ve mentioned before, we’re in the weird situation of having pretty much bet the country on a former McKinsey consultant named David Coleman’s vision of education. First, Coleman sold his Common Core K-12 idea to Bill Gates, who has pretty much bought off most potential prestigious dissidents in the field of education. Then the College Board hired Coleman to rewrite the SAT college admission test.

In everything I’ve read about Coleman, I’ve never seen anybody claim he knows much about testing. You don’t have to be a professional psychometrician to have common sense about testing, and Coleman certainly has the raw brainpower to eventually come to grasp the ins and outs. But the education racket has a long history of reformers getting into it on the assumption that everybody who came before them must have been an idiot, then slowly reinventing the wheel before they get depressed and bored.

Putting this much untested power into the hands of one obscure individual with no track record sounds like a bad idea. On the other hand, in an era when honest discussion of the realities of American education is largely forbidden because it’s all about various Gaps, turning control over to a single guy who strikes Bill Gates as smart might be about as good as we can do.

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Skinny Jeans Cause Nerve And Muscle Damage

22nd June 2015

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Well. There you have it.

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Why Are American Schools Slowing Down So Many Bright Children?

22nd June 2015

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It’s called ‘No Child Left Behind’ and socialist rags like the Washington Post love it.

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Business Can Pay to Train Its Own Work Force

22nd June 2015

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But won’t. So they import them from overseas on H-1B visas.

This is how employment is supposed to work. Companies hire broadly educated workers, invest in appropriate training, and reap the profits of a specialized work force.

Increasingly, however, employers have discovered a way to offload the nettlesome cost of worker training. The trick is to relabel it as education, then complain that your prospective employees aren’t getting the right kind.

“Business leaders have doubts that higher-education institutions in the U.S. are graduating students who meet their particular businesses’ needs,” reads the first sentence of a Gallup news release issued last year. Barely a third of executives surveyed for the Lumina Foundation agreed that “higher-education institutions in this country are graduating students with the skills and competences that my business needs.”

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The ‘White Negro’ Hall of Fame Needs a New Wing for Rachel Dolezal

22nd June 2015

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Let’s welcome Rachel Dolezal to the “White Negro” Hall of Fame, a place named in honor of Norman Mailer’s seminal 1957 essay about race identity and the world of hipsters. We’ll do a quick sprint through the exhibits, checking out some musicians, writers, and of course its founding theorist.  As you’ll see, this Hall of Fame is really a labyrinth, and Ms. Dolezal’s unexpected induction could require the place to build her a wing of her own.

And our government is just the one to build it. At your expense, of course.

Surely the most famous credo of ‘White Negro’ yearning belongs to Beat master Jack Kerouac. In On the Road (1957), he wrote, “At lilac evening I walked with every muscle aching among the lights of 27th and Welton in the Denver colored section, wishing I were a Negro, feeling the best the white world had offered was not enough ecstasy for me, not enough life, joy , kicks, darkness, music, not enough night…. I wished I were a Denver Mexican, or even a poor overworked Jap, anything but what I was so drearily, a “white man” disillusioned…. I was only myself… sad strolling in this violet dark, this unbearably sweet night, wishing I could change worlds with the happy, true-hearted, ecstatic Negroes of America….”

Hipsters always want to be something other than what they are. Yoda would’ve spanked every damned one of them.

Baldwin lets on in his 1961 Esquire essay about Mailer, “The Black Boy Looks at the White Boy,” that none of these jazz players regarded Mailer as remotely hip. “They thought he was a real sweet ofay cat, but a little frantic.”

Real black people aren’t fooled by fake black people.

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In Major Victory for Property Rights, SCOTUS Strikes Down USDA Seizure of California Raisins

22nd June 2015

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The good guys win one for once. Yet another stake in the heart of FDR’s corpse.

In a decision issued today in Horne v. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the USDA’s raisin confiscation scheme as an unconstitutional violation of the Fifth Amendment.

“The reserve requirement imposed by the Raisin Committee is a clear physical taking,” observed Chief Justice John Roberts. “Actual raisins are transferred from the growers to the Government. Title to the raisins passes to the Raisin Committee.” That is a textbook example of an uncompensated government taking of private property, Roberts held, and it therefore must fall under the plain text of the Fifth Amendment.

And it also lays bare the defects of ‘diversity’:

Justice Sotomayor filed a solo dissent, in which she sided entirely with the USDA. “The government may condition the ability to offer goods in the market on the giving-up of certain property interests without effecting a per se taking,” Sotomayor asserted.

Thereby proving that she is incompetent to be a Justice of the Supreme Court. The forced ‘giving up of certain property interests’ to the government is the essence of a ‘per se taking’. Apparently a ‘wise Latina’ can’t read plain English.

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Los Angeles Cop Shoots Unarmed Man in the Head After He Waved at Them for Help With a Towel

22nd June 2015

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I recommend that people stay out of Los Angeles. Indeed, stay out of California altogether.

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A Racial Fort Sumter?

22nd June 2015

Jim Goad views the media-storm with a jaundiced eye.

When I heard about last Wednesday’s spree, I thought of the 2010’s Hartford Distributors shooting, wherein Omar Thornton, a black former employee of a beer distribution company, shot eight white former coworkers to death before killing himself. Thornton’s white girlfriend would claim that he’d been taunted with racial epithets while at work, although even the nonwhite employees at the company denied that any such events ever occurred.

As with last week’s Charleston shooting, racial animus appeared to be a motivating factor for Thornton. The main difference is that you’ve likely never heard of Omar Thornton, while you are already painfully aware of Dylann Roof.

That is no coincidence. I’d even suggest it’s by design.

And so — what follows?

I suspect the double standard exists to simultaneously whip up black rage and white resentment. As it is currently configured, our media/government complex focuses almost exclusively on anti-black horror stories—whether real or imagined—while it outright ignores or buries stories about black-on-white violence.

This creates unnecessary resentment on both sides. Blacks get the false impression that they’re being disproportionately murdered by whites—rather than, you know, other blacks. And many whites who’ve been victimized by black violence feel that either no one believes them, no one cares about them, or that everyone feels that they deserved it anyway because of, you know, history and stuff.

How is that anything but a divisive strategy? How can either side win a game with rules like that?

A  very good question; one that Obama, for example, will not answer.

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These Absurd Robots Do Pointless Jobs

22nd June 2015

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Doing the jobs that Americans won’t do. (Probably for good reason.)

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Obama Wonders If Dylann Roof, Who Passed a Background Check, Could Have Been Stopped by a Background Check

22nd June 2015

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Sharp as a tack, that guy. What would we do without him?

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Continued Survival of Humanity Starting to Get Embarrassing for Ehrlich

22nd June 2015

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A professor famous for predicting the imminent demise of the human race at regular intervals since the 1970s has predicted the imminent demise of the human race.

Paul Ehrlich, who is the Bing Professor of Population Studies at the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, says it’s definitely on this time.

Why are people still listening to this ass? You’d think that somebody who’d been wrong so many times would lose his job — and he would, if he had a job in the Real World. Environmentalism, however, is a fantasy-land (much like Second Life, but not as much fun).

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‘Heterosexual Privilege’ Board Displayed in Univ. Of Wisconsin Residence Hall

22nd June 2015

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I am not making this up.

Ogg Hall, home to many first and second-year students, prominently displayed the heterosexual privilege board so that students could read about “benefits automatically derived from being or being perceived as being heterosexual.”

This is news? At least they’re using the term correctly — although, since the majority of people are heterosexual, they might use ‘pubilage’ instead (not that that’s a word….).

Why don’t they just say ‘normal privilege’ and be done with it? Of course there are a lot of ‘privileges’ associated with being normal, primarily because that’s what most people are — indeed, that’s what ‘normal’ is all about.

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Lawfare and Islamic Terrorism

22nd June 2015

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Islamic terrorists have found powerful allies among leftist activists and journalists in the United States and Europe. These groups first appeared in the 1930s providing support for the Soviet Union. Some of these groups later evolved into progressive and pro-Soviet organizations (like the National Lawyers Guild) during the Cold War. They found that lawfare was a highly effective ideological weapon in a country like the United States. When the Cold War ended and the Soviet Union disappeared these organizations, and people like lawyers Michael Ratner and Ramsey Clark, maintained good relations with the remaining communist dictatorships, especially Cuba, and continued their war on America. The basic drill of these groups is right out of the old Soviet playbook. That is, using support for worthy causes like civil rights, clean government and environmentalism as camouflage. This plus an exaggerated sense of righteousness is used to pursue a program that seeks to make their own foreign policy, including counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence policy. This is done using lawfare to enact laws in the United States via the courts rather than the legislature. Often, the only goal is to simply oppose whatever the government position is. The Soviet Union may be dead, but many of its biggest fans are not. Oppose them and you are called a racist, fascist and worse.

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On the Money

22nd June 2015

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Which woman will supplant Hamilton? Treasury Secretary Jack Lew doesn’t know. He wants to hear from the public on the matter.

You can’t blame Lew for not knowing. There isn’t a woman who contributed remotely as much to America as Hamilton did. Indeed, there are only a handful of men who can be said to have done.

This is a classic case of a “set aside.” A spot has been earmarked for a woman. Suitable (we hope) candidate to follow.

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Oppressive Biology

22nd June 2015

The Other McCain is on the case.

Feminist Tumblr attracts strange people with strange ideas, which they feel compelled to share with the world. Megan is 20 years old and her Tumblr profile begins by telling your her Myers Briggs personality type: INTP — introversion, intuition, thinking, perceiving. Why do so many Tumblr feminists list their Myers Briggs type? I don’t know. It’s a thing.


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