We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Democratic Theocracy

15th October 2024

ZMan explains it all to you.

Iran has been in the news lately and one of the interesting things about the coverage is Western media rarely talks about the president of Iran. In fact, almost all Iran stories skip the president entirely. This is highly unusual as Western media is conditioned to personify countries that are out of favor. The bad country becomes the ruler of that country and that ruler is always some form of Hitler. The closest they get with Iran is using a picture of the supreme leader in the copy.

One reason for this is Iran is a complicated place and Western media struggles with anything more complicated than the good guys versus bad guys narrative. Despite what most think, Iranian politics has factions and parties, with the winners being picked by the voters at fairly normal elections. Those factions and parties argue about all the usual things, including foreign policy. The current president ran on a platform of improving relations with the rest of the world.

The funny thing about Iran is that it has avoided what has happened with all prior revolutionary societies. They did not have rounds of purges or a great terror in which a strongman consolidated power. There is no cult of personality in the way most communist societies evolved. They are not dogmatically attached to a narrow set of economic policies. Instead, Iran has evolved into the world’s first explicitly democratic theocracy based in its form of Islam.

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Greens Declare War on Growing Your Own Greens

15th October 2024

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Many green extremists seem to take the view that anything humans do, including growing their own veg, is causing existential harm to the planet. What they really hate, some may conclude, are humans themselves. Treble bongs all round.

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Kamala’s Racism

15th October 2024

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When all else failed, Kamala had one argument to fall back on. Race. It was the same argument that she deployed in the 2020 primaries against Joe Biden when she falsely claimed to have been saved from a life of racial segregation by being bused out of Berkeley. Not only did she know that her racebating was a lie, but during the vice presidential search committee interview, she was unapologetic about pulling a racial hoax in the hopes of winning an election.

“She laughed and said, ‘that’s politics.’ She had no remorse,” a committee member recalled.

But there was more to Kamala’s racism than just rhetoric.

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Pro-Palestinian Far-Left Group Calls for Ousting of Meloni Government

15th October 2024

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Creating unrest in Italy is not enough for the communist pro-Palestinian movement that has called for violent acts against Jews and friends of Israel. In their most recent statement, they share their ultimate goal which is to oust the conservative Meloni government and replace it with one that meets their extremist demands.

As Italian daily Il Giornale reports, the far-left Partito dei CARC (Committees to Support the Resistance for Communism) issued a statement on Monday, October 14th, vowing to strengthen their support for the “Palestinian resistance,” while also claiming that “war must also be fought in our country.”

The declaration was made after the government banned two pro-Palestinian rallies due to public security concerns. They were scheduled to take place on October 5th in Rome.

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University Puts Trigger Warning on “Expressions of Christian Faith” in Chaucer

15th October 2024

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A leading UK university has been strongly criticised for putting a trigger warning on Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales advising students that the work contains “expressions of Christian faith.”

Critics say the University of Nottingham is “demeaning education” for warning students that the Medieval collection of stories of pilgrims on their way to Canterbury Cathedral may contain Christianity.

The Mail on Sunday obtained details of the “content notice” through a request made under Freedom of Information laws. The warning, which applies to a modular course called “Chaucer and His Contemporaries,” advises students of violence, mental illness, and “expressions of Christian faith” in the works of Chaucer, along with William Langland, John Gower, and Thomas Hoccleve—all of whom lived in the late 14th and early 15th centuries.

And CrimeThink patters in on little Woke feet….

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Thought for the Day: What Goes Around, Comes Around

15th October 2024

Free Range Comic Strip for October 10, 2024

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Pro-Palestine Protesters Swarm Outside the New York Stock Exchange

14th October 2024

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A group of ‘performative’ pro-Palestinian protesters swarmed the front of the New York Stock Exchange in Lower Manhattan this morning, demanding an end to Israel’s war in Gaza against terror organization Hamas and denouncing war profiteering by US defense firms like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin. These protesters failed to realize that the NYSE is just one giant TV studio, and the real NYSE moved to New Jersey many years ago.

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Blue State Blues: Abraham Lincoln Statue Defaced in Chicago

14th October 2024

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An Abraham Lincoln statue in Chicago’s Lincoln Park was vandalized with red spray paint in the early morning hours of Monday or late Sunday night.

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Lawfare Is Jihad Against Our Country

14th October 2024

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You think the bankers are up to no good? No band of scoundrels has brought more chaos and grief to the life of this republic than the claque that gathers darkly under the banner of “Lawfare.” Its public face is Lawfaremedia.org, run by Benjamin Wittes a Brookings senior fellow, but that gang functions only to lend a false-front of decorum to the operations of its Democratic Party activist lawyer-army led by Field Marshal Marc Elias, architect of the ballot fraud that has caused Americans to lose faith in their elections.

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Chinese Spying Overwhelms Western Governments

14th October 2024

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The scale of China’s espionage activities is at an unprecedented scale, sources told The Wall Street Journal.

China has mobilized security agencies, private companies, and Chinese civilians in its espionage activities with the goal of boosting its economy and undermining rival states, the Journal reported.

Last month, the FBI reported a Chinese firm hacked 260,000 internet-connected devices in the U.S., Britain, France, and other countries. Chinese cargo cranes used at U.S. seaports have embedded technology that could allow China to control them, according to a congressional probe.

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Routine Dental X-Rays Are Not Backed by Evidence—Experts Want It to Stop

14th October 2024

Ars Technica.

Has your dentist ever told you that it’s recommended to get routine dental X-rays every year? My (former) dentist’s office did this year—in writing, even. And they claimed that the recommendation came from the American Dental Association.

It’s a common refrain from dentists, but it’s false. The American Dental Association does not recommend annual routine X-rays. And this is not new; it’s been that way for well over a decade.

The association’s guidelines from 2012 recommended that adults who don’t have an increased risk of dental caries (myself included) need only bitewing X-rays of the back teeth every two to three years. Even people with a higher risk of caries can go as long as 18 months between bitewings. The guidelines also note that X-rays should not be preemptively used to look for problems: “Radiographic screening for the purpose of detecting disease before clinical examination should not be performed,” the guidelines read. In other words, dentists are supposed to examine your teeth before they take any X-rays.

Which my dentist always does.


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A Mental Disease Called Islam

14th October 2024

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I reported last night on an Iranian culture-enricher named Hassan A.N., who brought a gun to a cinema in the German city of Krefeld and attempted to set fire to the place, but was shot before he could succeed.

More details have emerged about the mischievous youngster: he has an extensive criminal record, has used multiple false identities, and has been arrested and released numerous times, despite his record of violent crimes.

Also: the police are certain that his acts do not constitute “terrorism”, because… wait for it… he is mentally ill.

I never saw that one coming.

As long as Islam exists, ‘jihadis’ will be a problem. It’s been that way for 1400 years, and there is no indication that it will change. Whether our Ruling Class will continue prating how ‘peaceful’ Muslims are while ignoring the mass murder, or whether they will wake up and decide to do something about it, is an exercise left for the reader.

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Google Backs New Nuclear Plants to Power AI

14th October 2024

Wall Street Journal.

Startup Kairos Power plans to build small reactors to help supply electricity to the tech company’s data centers, in a first-of-its-kind deal in the U.S.

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The Economics of Free Lunch

14th October 2024

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When Kathy Alexander started managing a lunch program at a Vermont school with 200 children in the late 1990s, she was shocked by how much the cafeteria felt like a business.

Her staff spent significant amounts of time on paperwork to track students’ incomes and collected money from kids at a cash register. They faced grueling decisions over whether they should raise prices and calculated the debts of families who barely missed out on eligibility for discounted meals yet struggled to pay the full price.

“Within a year I said to myself, ‘This is insane.’ What is happening? Why do I have to run this business in this school?” Alexander says.

Decades later, the model for Alexander, who’s now the director of the food service cooperative in the Mt. Abraham United School District, has changed. Vermont is one of eight states providing universal free meals to public K-12 students rather than charging different price points based on income. In lieu of onerous administrative work, Alexander’s staff spends more time brainstorming how to maximize federal dollars to support the program and trying out new recipes for pulled pork flatbread with pineapple sauce and Vietnamese rice bowls.

She wants universal free lunch to “sweep the country.”

I’m sure she does. She wants the whole country to become dependent on government-provided benefits — overseen by educrats such as herself.

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3 out of 4 Failed – The Result of DEI Policies

14th October 2024

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It’s not just in America that things are going crazy.

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Thought for the Day

14th October 2024

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Quotation of the Day

14th October 2024

Edmund Burke: “The effect of liberty to individuals is that they may do what they please; we ought to see what it will please them to do; before we risk congratulations.”

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Chinese Type 09IIIB Nuclear Powered Attack Submarine Surfaces in Clearest Image Yet

14th October 2024

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A new image circulating on Chinese social media and subsequently on “X” (formerly Twitter) revealed more details on the new Type 09IIIB nuclear-powered attack submarine (SSN) produced at Chinese shipyard Bohai in Huludao for the Chinese Navy (PLAN). The image shows the new submarine underway, presumably taken from a boat or coastal location nearby. It is only the second ground-based photo of the new generation SSN, with previous imagery being exclusively satellite-sourced.

The new photo shows a very streamlined design, notably improved from earlier Type 09III-variants. Armament including the much speculated upon VLS remains obscured by inherent nature of perspective, submarine design and low fidelity of the image.

UPDATE: China’s Great Submarine Sinking: What We Know and Why It Matters

UPDATE: Submerged nuclear submarine of China: Testimony of its another failure (IANS Analysis)


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Man Says He Has Been ‘Left to Rot’ After COVID Vaccine

14th October 2024

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On 15 December 2021 Larry Lowe’s life changed.
He was 54, rarely ill, fit, healthy and running 10km most days – until he got the Pfizer Covid booster.
Within days he developed numbness in the right side of his face and started experiencing pain.
“I had lost all the feeling in my face, teeth, nose, tongue, eye, that whole side of my head,” he said.
These symptoms have spread through his body and intensified over the years, with doctors across the UK saying the vaccine is to blame.
Pfizer said patient safety was paramount and it took reports of adverse reactions very seriously.
It said hundreds of millions of doses had been administered globally “and the benefit-risk profile of the vaccine remains positive for all authorised indications and age groups”.
Mr Lowe said that while he was not opposed to vaccines, his life had been destroyed.

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From Snout to Tail, a 3,000-Year History of Jews and the Pig

13th October 2024

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In 2021, the Orthodox Union declined to put its kosher certification on Impossible Pork, even though similarly vegan “Impossible” foods — its burger, its chicken nuggets — carried the OU seal of approval.

“The Impossible Pork, we didn’t give an ‘OU’ to it, not because it wasn’t kosher per se,” said Rabbi Menachem Genack, the CEO of the Orthodox Union’s kosher division, told JTA at the time. “It may indeed be completely [kosher] in terms of its ingredients: If it’s completely plant-derived, it’s kosher. Just in terms of sensitivities to the consumer … it didn’t get it.”

It’s a delicate phrase, “sensitivities to the consumer,” that hints at a long and fraught history explored in Jordan D. Rosenblum’s new book, “Forbidden: A 3,000-Year History of Jews and the Pig.” The “consumer” of course is the Jew, and those “sensitivities” are the result of a history that turned the pig not just into the ne plus ultra of the taboo, or treyf, in Judaism, but, as the symbol of what Jews do and don’t do, an inadvertent marker of Judaism itself.

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Eating Less Can Lead to a Longer Life: Massive Study in Mice Shows Why

13th October 2024

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Cutting calorie intake can lead to a leaner body — and a longer life, an effect often chalked up to the weight loss and metabolic changes caused by consuming less food. Now, one of the biggest studies1 of dietary restrictions ever conducted in laboratory animals challenges the conventional wisdom about how dietary restriction boosts longevity.

The study, involving nearly 1,000 mice fed low-calorie diets or subjected to regular bouts of fasting, found that such regimens do indeed cause weight loss and related metabolic changes. But other factors — including immune health, genetics and physiological indicators of resiliency — seem to better explain the link between cutting calories and increased lifespan.

“The metabolic changes are important,” says Gary Churchill, a mouse geneticist at the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine, who co-led the study. “But they don’t lead to lifespan extension.”


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Home Libraries Will Save Civilization

13th October 2024

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Multiple recent stories offered more signs of what I consider to be an unfolding civilizational decline. First, a student in Hartford, CT, who had attended local public schools from age six, graduated from high school without knowing how to read or write. At all. She had used speech-to-text software to write her papers. After graduating on the honor roll, she is now enrolled at the University of Connecticut. She is also suing her former school district for educational neglect.

I have previously written about how overstuffed with books and bookcases my family’s home is. In the midst of the (il)literacy crisis unfolding around us, I would like to propose an old-fashioned response: Home libraries will save civilization. Why? Because a home overcrowded with books sets the tone for how its inhabitants spend their time at home. Bored? Read a book. Want something to do for fun? Read a book. Have friends over? Read a book together. Relaxed family night at home? Start a read-aloud.


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Subtle Anomalies

13th October 2024


Has anyone else noticed strange things happening? Odd things that seem out of place? Like more incidents of weird dopey driving or seeing more ambulances or fire trucks in the neighborhood? I have. But I don’t know if it is just due to my paranoia.

In preparation for this article, I did a Yandex search for: “Is personality and cognitive function affected by the Covid vaccine?”

I was astounded by the pages of related articles, some of the titles include:

“Scientists have confirmed that mRNA vaccinations ‘drastically alter’ the personalities of recipients due to extensive damage they do to the small capillaries in the brain,”

“Do the Covid vaccines affect your ability to think?” “We now have proof the Covid vaccines damage cognition,”

“Personality changes in vaxxed people,” and “Covid injections continue to provoke cognitive decline.

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Bonus Thought for the Day

13th October 2024

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Ohio Gov. DeWine Pressured on PBS to Dump Trump Over ‘Dangerous Lies’ on Haitian Migrants

13th October 2024

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PBS is determined to squeeze every bit of anti-Trump animus out of a moderate Republican as they can in the weeks before the election, as demonstrated in Friday’s installment (the show airs on PBS after CNN International).

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Blue State Blues: “California officials cite Elon Musk’s politics in rejecting SpaceX launches”

13th October 2024

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The California Coastal Commission on Thursday rejected the Air Force’s plan to give SpaceX permission to launch up to 50 rockets a year from Vandenberg Air Force Base in Santa Barbara County.

“Elon Musk is hopping about the country, spewing and tweeting political falsehoods and attacking FEMA while claiming his desire to help the hurricane victims with free Starlink access to the internet,” Commissioner Gretchen Newsom said at the meeting in San Diego.

The agency’s commissioners, appointed by the governor and legislative leaders, voted 6-4 to reject the Air Force’s plan over concerns that all SpaceX launches would be considered military activity, shielding the company from having to acquire its own permits, even if military payloads aren’t being carried.

Newsom (no relation to the Governor so far as I can tell) is one of those tiresome people who go directly from college into government employment and NGO ‘policy’ positions. Woke is their brand.

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Blue State Blues: UCLA Professor Says He’s Homeless Due to Low Pay

13th October 2024

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His salary was $70,000 and his rent $2500 a month. That’s 43% of his salary, which is high for housing cost but, hey, it’s California. He want to live in Westwood and commute to school. I recommend he also wish for a pony, while he’s at it.

Considering what is being taught in California schools these days, I’d say he’s probably being paid what he’s worth.

If you can’t afford to live on what you make, it’s time to move. It’s not as if he were a Professor of Grievance Studies who can’t get a real job outside of the Left Coast.


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Changing Views Toward mRNA Based Covid Vaccines in the Scientific Literature: 2020 – 2024

13th October 2024

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Before the global Covid-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, mRNA based vaccines had never been administered to the public outside of a single clinical trial that was not completed at the time. However, within the space of 9 months these experimental vaccines were administered to millions through an emergency use authorization (EUA).

The early scientific literature was biased, so as not to report SAEs, due to social and political concerns and overwhelming corporate greed. Only in the last year have scientists been able to publish articles that acknowledge a high number of SAEs linked to mRNA based vaccines. This should act as a warning that science should be completely objective when evaluating health risks, but can often be influenced by social and economic considerations.

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The Tony Soprano Sandwich

13th October 2024

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Gabagool, provalone, and vinegar peppers.

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Thought for the Day

13th October 2024

The distinctive 'UCLA comma' and 'Michigan comma' are a long string of commas at the start and end of the sentence respectively.

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Secret Tomb Found Under ‘Indiana Jones’ Filming Location in Petra

13th October 2024


Probably not the grave of Christopher Columbus. But you never know.

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Gravity Can Exist Without Mass and Dark Matter Could Be Myth, Says Study

13th October 2024

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According to Lieu, the gravity needed to hold some galaxies or clusters together might come from “shell-like topological defects.”

Topological defects are unique compact structures in space that have a high density of matter.

Such defects likely first occurred in the early universe during phase transition — an event during which matter throughout the universe goes through a major physical change.

This stuff makes my brain hurt, but I’m glad somebody is doing it.

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On the Waterfront, the Sequel

13th October 2024

Wall Street Journal.

One myth exposed by the strike is that unions need more economic and political power because they help the working man. The union behind this strike, the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA), helps some workers at the expense of countless others.

Start with the astounding fact that there were 50,000 or so ILA strikers but only 25,000 or so port jobs. That’s right, only about half of the union’s members are obliged to show up to work each day. The rest sit at home collecting “container royalties” negotiated in previous ILA contracts intended to protect against job losses that result from innovation.

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Delete This Message

13th October 2024

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was in 2015. The book fetched gushing reviews, admiring interviews in prestigious media, won eminent literary prizes, and almost instantly landed on high school and college required reading lists all over the country.

The book’s rapturous reception, as I can’t be the first to note, rather undermined its central assertion that white Americans are natural-born racists and that the United States is and always has been rooted in white supremacy. A nation so constituted would have ignored Coates’s book, or suppressed it. I wondered at the time if he was made uncomfortable by all the praise or if he secretly hoped America’s cultural arbiters would denounce him and demand that bookstores and libraries remove his book from their shelves.

Evidently I was onto something. In The Message, the 49-year-old’s third memoir, Coates recalls hearing about a high school teacher named Mary Wood in Chapin, S.C., who had been sharply criticized by parents for having her students read Coates’s Between the World and Me. Plainly he had been waiting for such a moment: He recounts traveling to Chapin in order to attend the school board meeting in which Wood’s case would receive a hearing. At a previous meeting of this school board, parents had lined up to demand her firing, some claiming that her assignment violated a state budget proviso forbidding Critical Race Theory.

At the meeting, Coates no doubt hoped to witness a string of fat Southern ignoramuses denouncing his book. In the event, he’s obliged to say, all the speakers expressed support for the embattled teacher and her use of Between the World and Me. “No one, not a single speaker, stood up to support the book’s banning,” he writes. He explains this oddity by noting that “school board meetings, and local politics, are small affairs, easily dominated by an organized faction, and that night the faction was Mary’s.” Uh-huh.

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Former Harvard Pres Claudine Gay Receives ‘Leadership and Courage’ Award Despite Controversy-Plagued Tenure

13th October 2024

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Being a black lesbian is all the achievement you need.

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Secret Documents Show Hamas Tried to Persuade Iran to Join Its Oct. 7 Attack

13th October 2024

New York Times.

Imagine how much more peaceful the world would be if the Religion of Peace didn’t exist.

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Feds Find Million in Cash While Investigating Staffing Firm Supplying Haitians to Charleroi, PA Food Factory

13th October 2024

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Feds Find Million In Cash While Investigating Staffing Firm Supplying Haitians To Charleroi, PA Food Factory
A mysterious staffing firm operating a complex van transportation network supplying low-cost Haitian labor to a Charleroi, PA-based company that operates multiple food packing plants in the area has been at the center of a federal investigation.

On Friday, local media outlet Action News revealed that federal investigators had been investigating staffing firm Prosperity Services, which supplies cheap migrant labor to Fourth Street Foods in Charleroi.

Hey, we all keep a million or so around, just in case of emergencies.

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National Geographic Finds Century-Old Everest Climber’s Foot

13th October 2024

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A team of National Geographic mountaineers has uncovered what is believed to be the partial remains of Andrew “Sandy” Irvine, a British climber who disappeared during a 1924 expedition to summit Mount Everest.

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Call For a Caliphate in Hamburg

13th October 2024

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Culture-enrichers in Hamburg who adhere to the Religion of Peace have proclaimed that Kalifat ist die Lösung, “Caliphate is the solution”. But is it the Endlösung — the Final Solution?

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Mocro Mafia Boss Busted in Paris

13th October 2024

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A “Dutch” criminal, the alleged ringleader of a meth-trafficking network, has been arrested in Paris. Like so many culture-enriching suspects in Europe, the alleged mastermind has a one-letter surname. The mischievous youth allegedly has Moroccan nationality.

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Setting the World Alight for Allah

13th October 2024

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An Iranian culture-enricher stormed a cinema in the city of Krefeld in North Rhine-Westphalia carrying a gun and a Molotov cocktail. After he attempted to burn down the cinema, police officers shot and wounded him. Authorities concluded that terrorism was not a factor in the incident, and are perplexed about what the youngster’s motive might have been.

Imagine how peaceful the world would be if the Religion of Peace didn’t exist.

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Man Pretending to Be Straight Pretends to Hunt

13th October 2024

Babylon Bee.

Satire — read quickly before it comes true.

I doubt that anybody would mistake Tim Walz for a hunter.

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The Doomed Voyage of Pepsi’s Soviet Navy

13th October 2024

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Most of what happens among countries concerns something far simpler and more direct: business. International business executives and their attendant lawyers, accountants, and fixers handle the complexities of cross-border trade and investment, but such complex deals still chase a simple goal: making money.

There’s no mystique in that ambition, which may explain why it’s written about far less often than the deals of politicians and diplomats. Yet it is the Donald Kendalls, not the Henry Kissingers, who steer much of international relations. The constant pressure business executives exert as they dig for profit can wear away at even the supposedly rock-solid foundations of national policy. If the quest for profit proves compatible with official objectives, so much the better; if not, then executives will try to manufacture opportunities to pursue their narrow interests.

These pressures manifest in unexpected ways.

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WVU Research Shows Smartwatch And Clinical Testing Measures Differ

13th October 2024

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Wearables operate with photoplethysmography, or PPG, a technology that shines a light into the skin and produces a reflection of the blood moving just below the finger or wrist to record heart rate. In a hospital, an electrocardiography — ECG or EKG — machine measures the heart’s electrical activity through electrodes placed on the body.

“You’re looking at two things, one is blood flow and the other is the electrical signal of the heart,” Tenan said.

Clinicians and medical scientists are interested in heart rate variability because it’s a biomarker for a patient’s general system health. Tenan said even if people don’t pay particular attention to the measure on their wearable, it still plays a part in their overall wellness picture indicated on the device.

“A lot of these devices will give something called a readiness score or a sleep score and one of the primary components of these is the heart rate variability measure,” he explained. “People look at these scores to see how they’re doing overall, whether their fitness has improved, that sort of thing. But, if a composite is full of a measure that’s biased, how accurate is it going to be?”

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Washington’s ‘Forgotten Giant’ Volcano Stirs: Surge in Quakes Prompts Increased Monitoring

13th October 2024

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Six unusual earthquakes shook Mount Adams in September, but it’s too soon to speculate about a potential eruption.

I suspect that this is God telling you to stay away from the Left Coast.

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Christopher Columbus’ Remains Found After 500 Years as DNA Analysis Ends Mystery

13th October 2024

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Just in case you were wondering. I know I was.

UPDATE: Columbus Was a Sephardic Jew from Western Europe, Study Finds


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Navy Just Reloaded a Vertical Launch System for the First Time While Underway At Sea

13th October 2024

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The inability to do this so far has been a major factor in the Navy’s unreadiness to participate in a major military conflict, for which they have been heavily criticized by knowledgeable people.

One of the largest concerns regarding the U.S. Navy’s ability to persist in a peer conflict in the vast Pacific is the ability to keep its prized major surface combatants — destroyers, cruisers and soon frigates — stocked with weapons. The conflict with the Houthis in and around the Red Sea has only underscored the need to figure out how to reload vertical launch systems (VLS) without coming into port. If an Iranian-backed rebel group can make a big dent in American warships’ weapons stocks, China would be exponentially worse. You can read all about this glaring issue in our previous feature here. But now, the Navy has just demonstrated its fast-tracked possible solution to this pressing issue.

USS Chosin (CG-65), a Ticonderoga class cruiser, came alongside Military Sealift Command’s dry cargo ship USNS Washington Chambers (T-AKE 11) and transferred an empty VLS weapon container to the cruiser while sailing off the southern California coast on October 11th.

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How the Biden/Harris Admin Helped Iran Get to the Brink of a Nuclear Bomb

12th October 2024

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And Obama before that.

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Blue State Blues: Watch: Mob Loots Freight Train of Flat Screen TVs in Lawless Chicago

12th October 2024

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As it turns out, when you have a far-left mayor in a city that has been under Democratic control since 1931, within a state dominated by radical progressives for decades, criminals become emboldened and live out their lives as if every day was a scene from the ‘Grand Theft Auto’ video game.

Unmentioned, but easily visible in the videos, the fact that the looters were People of Color.


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2024 Geothermal Update

12th October 2024

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Most developments over the last year have come from one company, Fervo, the enhanced geothermal startup. There have been improvements and derisking in reservoir creation and drilling. The latest project in Utah, Cape Station, could grow to produce hundreds of megawatts of electricity. The company is reducing costs and solving most issues, though questions about fluid loss remain.

Last year, I wrote about closed loop systems and Eavor several times due to the start of their Germany project and signing several sales contracts. The company has been quiet about progress, so no updates there.

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