How to Build an Igloo
30th June 2017
Winter will be here before you know it. Be prepared.
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30th June 2017
Winter will be here before you know it. Be prepared.
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30th June 2017
Abdallah Zekri is the director of the Islamophobia Observatory (l’observatoire de l’islamophobie) for an organization called the Collective Against Islamophobia in France (Le Collectif contre l’islamophobie en France, CCIF). CCIF’s observatory is similar to that of the OIC — it monitors and records anything done by the kuffar that Muslims don’t like, and then makes loud complaints about it, taking legal action whenever possible.
He is a prominent public figure among Muslims in France, and reportedly has the ear of the new president, Emmanuel “Toy Boy” Macron.
In the interview below, you’ll hear Mr. Zekri discuss the integration or assimilation of Muslims into French culture, and how much he holds that concept in contempt.
The allegiance of Muslims is the the Ummah, the Dar al-Harb, and not to whatever country they may happen to be residing in.
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on Abdallah Won’t Assimilate!
30th June 2017
The United States Department of Agriculture’s Beef Checkoff Program violates ranchers’ First Amendment rights by subsidizing a private company’s marketing campaign, a Montana judge ruled June 21.
The United States District Court for the District of Montana upheld an injunction forbidding the USDA from subsidizing the Montana Beef Council (MBC) with money from Montana cattlemen, according to court documents.
Yeah, the Federal gubmint just LOVES spending other people’s money.
Individual producers pay a tax on each unit they sell, $1 per head of cattle sold for ranchers. That money is used by the USDA and state organizations fund major industry investments. The USDA claims the checkoff programs can provide a a return as high as 1,800 percent in some cases.
I have never known the government to be short of claims. Actual evidence, howerver ….
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Judge Rules Ranchers Can’t Be Forced to Fund USDA’s ‘Beef: It’s What’s for Dinner’ Ad Campaign
30th June 2017
Women and minorities hardest hit, of course.
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on Phone Screens Are Damaging Our Vision by Making Eyeballs Grow, Expert Says
30th June 2017
Beaten and Nearly Blinded by Culture-Enrichers on the Beach in Lucerne
Man Tries To Drive Car Into Crowd Of Muslims Outside Paris Mosque
Italy’s EU Ambassador Says No To More Migrants And about time, too.
Pentagon: ‘Rookie’ ISIS Fighters Are Accidentally Blowing Themselves Up In Mosul
Israel Gets Blamed For When Palestinian Men Beat Their Wives
Iran Tested a Ballistic Missile by Shooting it at a Star of David Of course they did.
Duterte Orders Troops To Fire On Civilians If It Means They Can Kill More Terrorists
Professors Spin Anti-Semitic Conspiracies at Cal State-Fresno
Paris to Build a ‘Wall’ Around Eiffel Tower as Terrorism Becomes Mundane in Europe
Yazidi Politician Reports ISIS Fed a Starving Prisoner Her Own Baby
Iraqis fight house to house for costly victory in Mosul
Narrative On Killing Of Muslim Girl Crumbles As New Details Emerge Of Alleged Killer
Austrian Defense Minister Warns EU Of The ‘Islamization’ Of The Balkans
Military Discovers The Decapitated Bodies Of Filipino Civilians Butchered By ISIS Militants
Iran Week: Hezbollah’s Environmental Warriors
America and India Tackle Terror, While Canada Plays Identity Politics
ISIS Fighters Return To Europe, Complain About Job Rejections
Terrorism Evolving and on the Rise in Europe, Expert Tells House Panel
North Carolina Wannabe Terrorist Sentenced To Life In Prison
Islamic State counterattacks in retaken parts of Mosul stall Iraq push
ISIS Fighters Ravaging Southern Philippines Turn Hostages Into Sex Slaves Of course. It’s what they do.
‘Get Out or We Will Kill You’: Jewish Students Allege Censorship and Harassment in Campus Lawsuit
Saudi religious police return to streets of Riyadh
ISIS Is Pushing America and the Philippines Back Together
US-backed forces seize new district from Islamic State in Raqqa
Islamic State fighters launch counterattacks in west Mosul neighborhood
Man Freed From Al-Qaida After Five Brutal Years
Jordan To Strike ‘Marry The Rapist’ Law That Allows Offenders To Shirk Penalties
Ramadan Death Toll Tops Out At Nearly 300
ISIS Deploys Young ‘Cubs Of The Caliphate’ To Execute Prisoners
Mosul: Wave of Isis suicide bomb attacks fail to stop Iraqi army’s final assault onto the Old City
Liberal mosque founder vows to keep it open despite Egyptian fatwa and death threats
Reflection on Al Minya’s Bus Attack: How Massacre Leads to Sharia Law
Ohio Government And Local New York Town Websites Hacked By Pro-ISIS Group
CIA Director: Iran Still World’s Top Terror Sponsor Jimmy Carter’s decision to dump the Shah has cost us all dearly.
Istanbul Pride: Turkish riot police fire rubber bullets at LGBT marchers
Saudi Arabia donates $67 million to tackle cholera epidemic in Yemen
ISIS Claims Major Terror Attacks Across Half A Dozen Countries During Ramadan
The secret lives of young IS fighters
Anti-Extremist Muslim Turns ‘Identity Politics’ On its Head, Vows To Sue SPLC
Iranian protesters unveil countdown showing 8,411 days ‘to the destruction of Israel’
Saudi Arabia says it has foiled Ramadan terror plot to blow up Mecca Grand Mosque
Turkey rejects Saudi Arabia and allies’ demands to shut down Qatar air base
Woman assaulted on crowded bus ‘for wearing shorts during Ramadan’
Al Quds Day: Protesters burn flags and chant ‘death to Israel’ at annual rallies held across Iran
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on ISLAMOCOPIA FRIDAY: What’s New in the Religion of Peace
30th June 2017
ZMan turns over a rock.
Maybe it has always been true, but it seems like we live in an age of esoteric language or pseudo-language. Everyone is familiar with the gag of using “undocumented worker” in place of “illegal alien.” Janitors became sanitation engineers and teachers are now educators. It’s a part of how the American Left makes war on our civilization. By destroying the language they destroy the truth. If words no longer have common and concise meanings, then there is no truth, only force.
Progressivism requires change, constant change, change never-ending, and the first thing that always gets changed in any political squabble is the language.
There’s another aspect to this. The Progs create pleasant sounding phrases and neologisms that are packed with danger. It’s a natural outgrowth of the passive-aggressive tactics popular with the Progs. The new word or phrase is not intended to clarify or explain idea, but to warn people that the official truth has been decided and any further debate will be seen as a challenge. As everyone knows, the Left responds to a challenge with violence so the new phrase means “shut up or else.”
As Orwell warned us, those who control our speech eventually control our thoughts; it is part of the attempt to control our thoughts that proglodytes seek to control our speech.
Have a conversation: Whenever you hear someone say they want to have a conversation about something, what they mean is they want to shut down all debate and impose their will with regards to the subject. Having a conversation about marriage led to the end of the homosexual marriage debate in favor of the sodomites. Having a conversation about race means Progs screaming at white people about racism and white privilege. Having a conversation always means sitting through a lecture.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Devil’s Dictionary
30th June 2017
A great idea — if it works, which I’m not convinced it does.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on AR Measure Turns Your Phone Into a Virtual Measuring Tape
30th June 2017
After more than a year of a heated debate, Egypt finally ceded two small Red Sea Islands to Saudi Arabia, giving KSA control over the Straits of Tiran and the Gulf of Aqaba. These waterways separate the Sinai Peninsula from the Arabian mainland and portions of the coastline are owned by Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. Giving ownership of Tiran and Sanafir Islands and control of the gulf and straits to Saudi Arabia is a strategic mistake and a security threat for five reasons.
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on Gulf of Aqaba Treaty: a Saudi Repudiation of the Camp David Accords
29th June 2017
Wouldn’t that be interesting. Leave all the wogs to settle their own problems. What a concept.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on US House Panel Adopts Language to End 2001 War Authorization
29th June 2017
Mohammad Hussain Rashwani is a Syrian “refugee” who came to Germany for a better life. He is a skilled hairstylist, and found employment working for a woman who owns a hair salon in Herzberg. He did so well that he was touted as a model of successful “integration” in Modern Multicultural Germany.
Yesterday there was a little integration glitch: Mohammad was unable to resist emulating his namesake, and slit his employer’s throat.
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on Mohammad Will Style Your Hair — And Slit Your Throat
29th June 2017
I have to admit, being willing to hold down a job and pay for your own stuff sounds pretty white to me, although whether it is a ‘privilege’ is debatable.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on College Claims That Affording Housing Is ‘White Privilege’
29th June 2017
Created in the 1980s, the Federal Communications Commission’s Lifeline program helps low-income people pay for phone and Internet service.
The federal government reimburses telecommunication companies that offer discounts to eligible subscribers through a fund made up of fees collected from consumers’ telephone bills.
Lifeline paid $1.5 billion in subsidies last year to more than 12 million households. But an estimated 36 percent of the program’s subscribers might be ineligible for enrollment, according to the audit.
My, what a surprise. Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on Thousands of Fake or Dead People Enrolled in Government Phone Program, Auditors Say
29th June 2017
Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah tweeted pictures of bacon to PETA Thursday in response to a message the animal rights group sent challenging bacon-eaters to defend their dietary choices.
Posted in Is this a great country, or what? | 1 Comment »
29th June 2017
A British van driver died in a massive crash a week ago after migrants placed tree trunks on the highway to stop motorists in an attempt to get a ride from France into the United Kingdom, Breitbart News reports.
When the van was unable to slow down before the barrier, it caught fire and the driver was killed. Nine Eritrean migrants have been arrested, suspected of planting the wooden blockade, and are now in police custody.
Makes you wonder where the French police are in all this. (And why they’re so desperate to get to Britain — France must be pretty bad. Or maybe the French just don’t play the ‘poor little refugee’ game.)
The presence of migrants has not only hurt truckers financially, but their jobs are becoming increasingly precarious. HGV drivers have cited a newfound “gauntlet of intimidation and fear” of transporting goods to Britain. Migrants armed with baseball bats, iron bars, and even guns have made the French Calais region extremely treacherous.
Does France even have police in this area? Doesn’t sound like it. Maybe Brexit ought to have come several years ago, before the Channel Tunnel was built.
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on British Van Driver Dies After Migrants Block Road
29th June 2017
A woman attending a Planned Parenthood protest Wednesday afternoon on Capitol Hill held a sign signaling to the world how much greater her virtues were than any Republican, or American, supporting the Obamacare repeal effort.
“I don’t know how to convince you to care about others,” the sign read.
Hundreds of protestors marched to express their disdain for Senate Republicans’ bill to repeal major portions of Obamacare. The most consistent complaints of the Senate bill among those in attendance were the 1-year cut to Planned Parenthood funding and the steep cuts to Medicaid.
The obvious response is ‘I don’t know how to convince you to mind your own fucking business and keep your nose out of mine (and your hand out of my pocket).’ But that doesn’t fit conveniently on a sign.
And of course anyone who supports abortion-mill Planned Parenthood has no standing from which to criticize other people about ‘not caring about others’.
Posted in You can't make this stuff up. | 4 Comments »
29th June 2017
The Athenians did it.
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Why Not Have a Randomly Selected Congress?
28th June 2017
The ultimate goal of a lumpectomy is to remove all the cancerous tissue from a person’s breast while saving as much of the healthy tissue as possible. But that’s even harder than it sounds. Without the ability to look at tissue under a microscope, it’s currently impossible to tell whether the area surrounding a tumor contains cancerous cells or not. Surgeons deal with this by taking samples from around the removed tumor, waiting for a pathologist to look at them, and performing additional surgeries if they turn out to be cancerous. This is not only time consuming and expensive, but also extremely stressful for the patient.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on A New Microscope Uses Light to “Cut” Through Tissue Samples and Find Cancer
28th June 2017
I’ll start listening to him when he gives all of his away.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Rich People in America Have Too Much Money, Says Multi-Billionaire Warren Buffett
28th June 2017
Dr. Brian Callister, a doctor in Reno, Nevada, says he had two patients recently who both needed life-saving treatments. “Not palliative care, not hospice, these would have been curative procedures.” One patient, he said, was from California, and the other was from Oregon, which both have passed physician-assisted suicide laws. Instead of offering to pay for their treatments, Callister said the insurance medical directors in both states offered his patients assisted suicide.
Death panels. It’s the only way — to get rid of Californians and Oregonians.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | 1 Comment »
28th June 2017
Italy has threatened to close its ports for foreign ships as the migrant situation in the Mediterranean sea has become “unsustainable.”
More than 77,000 migrants have arrived in Italy so far in 2017, an increase of 14 percent compared to 2016. The government is now accusing the European Union of “looking the other way” instead of offering support.
“Italy has reached saturation point,” an unnamed government source told Reuters. “The idea of blocking humanitarian ships flying foreign flags from returning to Italian ports has been discussed.”
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on Italy Threatens to Close Its Ports as Migrant Situation Spirals Out of Control
28th June 2017
It’s from Harvard so it HAS to be true, right?
Perhaps exposure brings home the reality that poor people are typically that way for a reason, and the reason isn’t that rich people are rich.
Posted in Think about it. | 3 Comments »
28th June 2017
Sure, the hugely popular augmented reality game was getting kids (and adults!) to roam around outside—probably doing more to get kids moving than Michelle Obama ever did—in the hopes of catching and battling their fictional “pocket monsters,” but Milwaukee County officials were worried about how the game’s popularity was affecting parks and other public spaces. Augmented reality games like Pokemon Go require gamers to be in certain physical locations in order to collect pokemon or complete in-game tasks, and public parks became hot spots for the game’s overlaid reality.
Rather than being thrilled to see people of all ages flocking to places like the city’s Lake Park to enjoy a new form of recreation, though, Milwaukee County implemented new rules requiring permits before anyone could engage in “electronic gaming” in parks and other public spaces.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | 1 Comment »
28th June 2017
Every year, almost every industry improves.
We get more choices—usually better choices, for less money.
“But of all the products we make and the services we provide, there’s one that stands out as an exception,” according to the Cato Institute’s Andrew Coulson. “One activity in which excellence doesn’t spawn countless imitators or spread on a massive scale: schooling.”
They fail because they are run by government employees, and government employees screw up everything they touch, and politicize what’s left.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | 1 Comment »
28th June 2017
Given the current trend, customers in Kermit and across the country will be able once again to bring their groceries home in inexpensive bags provided by their merchants. A challenge to the legality of all local bag bans in the state has made its way to the Texas Supreme Court. State legislatures across the country are taking aggressive steps to roll back local bans.
The Ruling Class don’t see any problem dictating to people how they ought to live, or to businesses what services they can provide their customers. They are, after all, the smartest people in the room — certainly smarter than anybody with out an Ivy League degree who lives in Flyover Country.
In May the Minnesota legislature passed a state-wide preemption on bag bans, overturning Minneapolis’s local prohibition. Iowa did the same in April, and over the past year, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Indiana, have all passed restrictions on local governments banning and taxing bags.
Note that the bans are always on the part of (Democrat-run) city administrations, and the defenders of consumer choice are the state legislatures, responding to (dare I say it?) the will of the people at large. Funny it is how Democrats don’t really have all that much affection for democracy.
“These bans were never about bags,” says Rozenski, “they were about litter in the waste stream. Studies are showing negligible impact to litter.”
They were never about litter, either. It was all about controlling the sinners and making them live a life of leftist virtue, in relation to which facts are irrelevant.
Bag banners completely missed the value of the bags in reducing the litter stream, “seeing it from the recycling perspective,”Moreno said. “A lot of people use them for trash bags, lot of people use them to carry their lunch.”
Every store I buy from has containers for people to recycle plastic shopping bags, and my church has a program to do the same. If you buy groceries or go to church, there is every opportunity to conveniently recycle the bags. But, of course, it was never about the bags, only about the Narrative.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Plastic Bag Bans Are in Retreat Across the Country
28th June 2017
Steve Sailer turns over a rock.
What’s the worst college in America in terms of taking in kids from rich families and turning out young adults who, despite all their privileges, still won’t earn very much?
By one way of counting, the biggest loser is Middlebury College in the Vermont ski country, site of the recent Charles Murray riot. The median parents of Middlebury students earned $219,600 per year (in 2015 dollars), while ten to twelve years after college, the children (as 32- to 34-year-olds in 2014) earned $61,800.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Alma Mater Blotter
28th June 2017
ZMan has an interesting take.
One of the themes here is that the American Left is a different thing from the European Left in that it was not born out of the French Revolution. It was born out of the English Civil War and the religious radicalism of the prior century. American Progressives are the spiritual children of the Puritans and Public Protestantism. Their primary motivation is communal salvation. To that end, their focus is on rooting out sin and naming the sinner, rather than the material egalitarianism we associate with the European Left.
Is there anything that we can’t blame on Cromwell?
Posted in Think about it. | 1 Comment »
28th June 2017
Republican Iowa Rep. Steve King found himself accused of using his white privilege last week after he offered statistics that Democratic Louisiana Rep. Cedric Richmond didn’t like.
It all started at a House Judiciary Committee hearing where King brought up the high-crime rates of Central American nations that many immigrants hail from. King called the violence of countries like El Salvador shocking, but then pointed out that some cities in the U.S. have comparable murder rates.
But that talk infuriated Rep. Richmond, who represents parts of New Orleans.
“We just had a conversation about this. We’re going to lose all civility in this committee if he thinks it’s appropriate to compare New Orleans to Guatemala,” Richmond fumed while incorrectly identifying the nation King was speaking of.
Yeah, I can see that citing facts could be construed as ‘acting white’.
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on Democratic Rep: Citing Uncomfortable Data Is White Privilege
28th June 2017
And why not? Everybody else has an advocacy group.
Six American families whose relatives have been killed by illegal immigrants announced Tuesday the formation of a victims’ advocacy group, responding to what they see as indifference among elected officials to the dangers of illegal alien crime.
The members of Advocates for Victims of Illegal Alien Crime (AVIAC) say they are joining together in order to provide a support network for other families and to educate the public on the effects of lax immigration enforcement. The nonprofit organization plans to lobby Congress on a wide range of illegal immigration bills, including measures to punish sanctuary cities and provide funding for President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall.
But they’re all white people, and WhiteLivesDon’tMatter. Diversity is not the most important thing, it’s the only thing.
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | 1 Comment »
27th June 2017
Oil-eating microbes ate most of the oil BP spilled into the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, according to new research by scientists with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
The study discovered and sequenced the DNA of a new type of natural oil-eating bacteria. Knowing how oil-eating bacteria behave will help prevent future oil spills from doing as much damage to the environmental as the BP spill.
So all of the OMG WE’RE DOOMED people are, as usual, full of shit.
Posted in Think about it. | 1 Comment »
27th June 2017
Fairfield University communications professor Audra Nuru says the presidency of Barack Obama only fueled racism in America.
Nuru told the annual diversity and equity conference of the Association of Jesuit Colleges this month that Obama made racist attacks more possible because he was black and because he was subject to criticism, The College Fix reports.
“I’m not saying by any means that Barack Obama incited racism. I’m saying that him being in office, people who were already racist got a platform to address this publicly and reify it,” Nuru said.
The way to stop discrimination by race is to stop discriminating by race. BlackLivesMatter has triggered more racism than the KKK ever dreamed of.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | 1 Comment »
27th June 2017
I think that ought to qualify him for a green card or whatever the Spanish use.
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on Immigrant Child Enters Spain by Hanging Under a Bus for Over 140 Miles
27th June 2017
We know that President Obama had it in for Gen. Michael Flynn. The former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency was a persistent critic of Obama’s feckless policies, especially regarding ISIS. Obama reportedly advised president-elect Trump not to offer Flynn a high level position.
According to this report from Circa, the FBI’s Andrew McCabe also had an ax to grind with Flynn. A few years ago, Robyn Gritz, a supervisory special agent, filed a discrimination/retaliation claim against the FBI. Flynn supported Gritz’s claim. According to Circa, he wrote a letter of support in 2014 on his official Pentagon stationery, backed her in a 2015 public interview, and offered to testify on her behalf. (The FBI opposed allowing Flynn to testify. As I read Circa’s story, it appears that he did not testify.)
Well. So much for that fake news.
Nobody keeps a grudge like a Democrat. Ask any of the Clinton victims.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | 1 Comment »
27th June 2017
California will add glyphosate, the main ingredient in agro-chemical giant Monsanto’s weed spray, to a “list of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer,” the state’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) announced Monday.
The science is all but settled on the issue. The Environmental Protection Agency recently published, then removed a report which claimed glyphosate posed no risk to humans.
California bureaucrats: Science deniers.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on California Becomes First State to List Popular Weed Pesticide as Carcinogen
27th June 2017
Read it. And watch the video.
A video released Tuesday by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas shows a CNN producer speaking candidly about the network’s coverage of President Trump and Russia.
In the hidden camera video, John Bonifield, a supervising producer at CNN Health, talks about how CNN uses the Trump-Russia allegations to boost ratings and how directions to focus on it have come from CNN’s CEO Jeff Zucker.
When asked by the Project Veritas reporter, “But honestly, you think the whole Russia shit is just like, bullshit?” Bonifield replies, “Could be bullshit. I mean, it’s mostly bullshit right now. Like we, don’t have any big giant proof.”
When you catch the new Clerisy with the masks off, it gets very ugly.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Hidden Camera Catches CNN Producer Saying Trump ‘Probably Right’ About Russia ‘Witch Hunt’ [VIDEO]
27th June 2017
Dubbed “the Uber of the skies,” startups like Flytenow and AirPooler aimed to connect pilots whose private flights were not yet filled to passengers eager to reach their destinations without suffering the horrors of commercial air travel. Founded in 2013, the services were a great win-win for both parties: Pilots no longer had to simply eat the cost of empty seats on each trip, and passengers got to enjoy the thrill of small-scale flight for a very affordable price. For the first time, it seemed like consumers would have a real inexpensive alternative to the hell of economy class travel.
That is, until the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) caught wind of all this innovation and decided to quash it once and for all. In a sneaky bid to shut down this kind of arrangement, the FAA decided to expansively interpret its own definition of a “common carriage” operator so that non-commercial small-scale pilots using these services would be legally put on the same level as the big boy commercial flights—with the same expensive regulatory and licensing requirements.
This is why we can’t ever have anything nice.
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on How the FAA Killed Uber for Planes
27th June 2017
It’s nearly incontrovertible that a slow-motion coup d’etat is now taking place. Since November 9, 2016, forces within the U.S. government, media, and partisan opposition have aligned to overthrow the Electoral College winner, Donald Trump.
To achieve this they have undermined the institutions of the Fourth Estate, the bureaucratic apparatus of the U.S. government, and the very nature of a contentious yet affable two-party political system. Unlike the coup d’etat that sees a military or popular figure lead a minority resistance or majority force into power over the legitimate government, this coup d’etat is leaderless and exposes some of the deepest fissures in our system of government. This coup d’etat represents not the rule of one man or even many, but by the multitude of our elites.
There is an old English proverb, ‘He who draws his sword against the king must throw away the scabbard’, and that’s what we’re seeing now.
Posted in Think about it. | 1 Comment »
27th June 2017
How about that government-provided healthcare! Don’t you wish we had a system like that in America?
Unfortunately, the problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.
I guess ‘crowdfunding’ is when you combine charity + social media.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Patients Increasingly Forced to Crowdfund Their Own Wheelchairs as NHS Provision Not Enough, Doctors Warn
27th June 2017
Will the Islamophobia never cease?
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on Eight UAE Princesses Convicted in Belgium Over ‘Inhumane’ Treatment of Servants
27th June 2017
An aspiring model and her cousin were celebrating her 21st birthday when they had acid thrown their faces.
Guess that ethnic group!
Resham Khan was out driving with 37-year-old Jameel Muhktar, when they suffered an unprovoked attack at traffic lights in Beckton, East London.
Unprovoked! What a puzzler!
Posted in Living with Islam. | Comments Off on Aspiring Model and Cousin Suffer Unprovoked Acid Attack at Traffic Lights in East London
27th June 2017
There is nothing new under the sun.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | Comments Off on Chicago’s Dyke March Targets LGBTQ Jews With Old Fashioned Anti-Semitism
27th June 2017
Soon after Imran Awan joined the staff of Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz in 2005, his brothers Abid and Jamal, his wife Hina, and his brother’s wife Natalia all appeared on other members’ payrolls, supposedly as IT administrators. His best friend Rao Abbas landed on the payroll too. Most of them made salaries ordinarily only chiefs of staff earn, but they were rarely seen or heard from in Hill IT circles.
The crew is now the target of a U.S. Capitol Police criminal information security probe with assistance from other law enforcement agencies as needed. Politico reported the “House staffers are accused of stealing equipment from members’ offices without their knowledge and committing serious, potentially illegal, violations on the House IT network.”
Posted in Your tax dollars at work - and play. | Comments Off on House Dems Hired a Fired McDonald’s Worker as Their IT Guy
27th June 2017
In fact, according to statistics compiled by the Washington Post, only about one in four criminal suspects killed by police are black.
The dominant news media just seldomly take the time to highlight the cases of whites or Hispanics being killed. Black Lives Matter more…..when covering police shootings.
Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | Comments Off on Roland Martin Seems Unaware Police Kill More Whites Than Blacks
26th June 2017
As cities and states raise minimum wages to as much as $15 an hour, companies that rely on unskilled labor are cutting labor costs. Of course they are, though those like McDonalds with low-income customers will never tell you why. But businesses don’t spend a dollar when they can spend 50 cents. Employees who contribute less than their pay don’t stay employees for long.
Posted in Think about it. | 2 Comments »
25th June 2017
How about that government-provided healthcare! Don’t you wish America had a system like that?
Posted in Dystopia Watch | 1 Comment »
25th June 2017
Whether it’s the deployment of special forces against ISIS or firing Tomahawk missiles against Bashar al-Assad, regardless of which faction is eliminated or who is removed from their position of power, the likelihood of stabilizing Syria is low. The country has traveled too far down a path that no amount of international goodwill can bring back. “Syria,” as it was previously known, is dead. Investing in an attempt to revive the pre-war status quo of a unitary state is a fool’s errand, which will drain immense resources, drag out the suffering of the people and distract the international community from seeking more achievable goals. The limited capacity of the international community (both resources and will), the conflicting geopolitical interests, and the depth of animosity among people on the ground mean that a strategy premised upon a return to the Syria that once was is bound to fail.
Our argument for the breakup of Syria isn’t a call to revisit the Sykes-Picot Agreement and the subsequent Treaty of Sèvres—in which Western nations mapped out the current Middle East, ignoring what the local people wanted—but rather to recognize that borders are not immutable and are a function of an ever-evolving history, culture and politics. The century-long map of the Middle East, for better or worse, served the region during the interwar period and the subsequent postcolonial transitions, but the internal pressures that had been contained by strongman dictatorships, with the support of various foreign governments, can no longer be held back. Persisting with the status quo in Syria without acknowledging these challenges and realistically considering the likelihood of a sustainable peace will lead to a far worse situation.
Posted in Think about it. | 1 Comment »
25th June 2017
It’s not enough to just be gay, you have to be the right kind of gay.
Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | Comments Off on Chicago LGBT Pride Parade Bans Gay Jews From Marching With Jewish Pride Flag
25th June 2017
A woman in Charleston, South Carolina allegedly ripped a Confederate flag off a man’s truck and backed into him with her car.
The woman stopped her car, got out, and ripped off his Confederate flag “tag.”
As the man was trying to get her license plate number, she hit him with her car.
Obviously she must be a Trump supporter, since only right-wingers indulge in violence.
Posted in Dystopia Watch | 1 Comment »
25th June 2017
Just in case you were wondering. I know I was.
Posted in News You Can Use. | Comments Off on The Palaeogenetics of Cat Dispersal in the Ancient World
25th June 2017
Posted in Think about it. | Comments Off on Plastic Water Bottles Might Have Poisoned Ancient Californians