We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for June, 2019

Today in Global Warming Hysteria

30th June 2019

There’s a Huge Ecological Problem About to Hit Us, And Nobody Knows What Will Happen

Russia plans to tow a nuclear power station to the Arctic. Critics dub it a ‘floating Chernobyl’

Claim: Russia will be Ruined by the Clean Energy Transition

30 Year Anniversary of the UN 1989 “10 years to save the world” Climate Warning

Europe has had five 500-year summers in 15 years

Forbes: Climate Leaders Believe Faith Rather than Action will Achieve Green Salvation


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Today in Trump Derangment Syndrome

30th June 2019

ABC, NBC Declare Trump’s DMZ Meeting With Kim to Be Just a Photo Op  As if Democrats don’t do the same, all the time. The difference is, Trump is beating them at their own game, and that burns.

Ocasio-Cortez Questions Ivanka Trump’s Qualifications, Twitter Users Question Hers

Telemundo: Dems Will ‘Best Represent Latinos’ Against Trump


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Melvil Dewey’s Name Stripped From Top Librarian Award

30th June 2019

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The American Library Association will rename the Melvil Dewey medal in recognition of their co-founder’s racial discrimination and sexual impropriety

The Revolution continues to devour its children.

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Manhattan Chick-Fil-A Vandalized During Pride Event

30th June 2019

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Funny how all the ‘hate’ seems to be coming from the Left these days.

Some people need to learn that, when you push the envelope, eventually the envelope pushes back.

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What Happens When the Peanut Gallery Thinks They Ought to Be Players

30th June 2019

Trump: Okay – pawn to king four.

Bernie and his Clown Car Colleagues: You idiot! You fool! What are you doing playing around with pawns! We need to take the king and win the game! Who put a moron like you in charge?


Dogs bark, but the caravan moves on … thank God.

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Question of the Day

30th June 2019

Scott Adams asks: “Would you visit a city whose police force allows domestic terrorists to walk down the street with masks on? Is that a city you want to visit? Not me! Portland is dead to me!”

Can’t say he’s wrong. But one of these days ‘antifa’ is going to go up against a group that is just as willing to indulge in violence as they are, and they’re not going to be ready for it; there will be bodies in the streets, and they’ll mostly be wearing black.

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Planned Parenthood Honors Its Favorite Reporters (and Comedian) for Fake News

30th June 2019

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Katie Yoder at Townhall notes few people are reporting that Planned Parenthood handed out their annual Media Excellence Awards last week. They used to be called “Maggie Awards,” after their founder Margaret Sanger. They proclaimed “We are so thankful for their fearless and honest reporting about what is at risk when people are denied one of their most fundamental human rights — their access to health care.”

Translation: they honor “fearless and honest” advocacy of the Planned Parenthood position and the libertine Left. But some of these don’t award “excellence” — they award fake news in defense of Planned Parenthood.

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Bernie Explains How He ‘Won Both Debates’

30th June 2019

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And if you believe that one, he’ll tell you another one.

All socialists are delusional, Bernie is just more entertaining than most.

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How Bazelons Raise More Bazelons

30th June 2019

Steve Sailer.

I’ve long noticed the peculiar fanaticism of the Bazelon legal dynasty to hatch ideas that raise the crime rate and get more black men murdered by other black men. There was David Bazelon, the most important judge in the country not on the Supreme Court during the Warren Court years. He was chief judge of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington and often conspired with the Supreme Court’s svengali William Brennan to tee up cases for the Warren Court to help more than double the murder rate in America from 1964-1975. Among many other bad ideas, Judge Bazelon came up with the Temporary Insanity defense.

And there are his granddaughters Emily and Lara Bazelon, both beavering away to bring back the bad old days of high crime rates.

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Startup Packs All 16GB of Wikipedia Onto DNA Strands to Demonstrate New Storage Tech

30th June 2019

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Biological molecules will last a lot longer than the latest computer storage technology, Catalog believes.

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Thought for the Day

30th June 2019

Pearls Before Swine Comic Strip for June 26, 2019
In which respect we have a very poor balance of trade.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

29th June 2019

Trump Is Planning Another Tax Cut for the 1%—Without Congress’s Approval

MSNBC’s Jackson Admits Dems Giving Healthcare to Illegals a Gift for Trump

Comedy Central: ICE Steals, Terrorizes Immigrant Kids  This is comedy?

Hypocrisy At The Border: Trump Villified For Obama’s Immigration Policy


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

29th June 2019

Surprising Summer Chill Baffles Global Warming Alarmists

A conversation with John Christy, for Association des climato-réalistes

Confessions of an eco-Glastoneer: how sustainable is it to be a green festival-goer?  When environmentalist pick up their trash after themselves, then I will take them seriously.

Contrary to Global Warming Predictions, Great Lakes Water Levels Now at Record Highs

France’s new ‘hottest recorded temperature ever’ is in question – guess where it was measured?

Mission Creep for Bioethicists


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Corona’s New Stackable Cans Would Eliminate the Need for Plastic Six-Pack Rings

29th June 2019

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I really hate those plastic thingies.

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The Man Who’s Going to Save Your Neighborhood Grocery Store

29th June 2019

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I don’t buy it, but best of luck to him.

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Was There a Civilization On Earth Before Humans?

29th June 2019

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We’re used to imagining extinct civilizations in terms of the sunken statues and subterranean ruins. These kinds of artifacts of previous societies are fine if you’re only interested in timescales of a few thousands of years. But once you roll the clock back to tens of millions or hundreds of millions of years, things get more complicated.

When it comes to direct evidence of an industrial civilization—things like cities, factories, and roads—the geologic record doesn’t go back past what’s called the Quaternary period 2.6 million years ago. For example, the oldest large-scale stretch of ancient surface lies in the Negev Desert. It’s “just” 1.8 million years old—older surfaces are mostly visible in cross section via something like a cliff face or rock cuts. Go back much farther than the Quaternary and everything has been turned over and crushed to dust.

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Their Smirking Smugness

29th June 2019

Freeberg is fed up.

The whole point of the book I’m writing is that I, like millions of others, want to see liberalism go away but of course that arouses a question — what parts of it? Not the people themselves. If I wanted actual people to go away then I’d be a liberal myself, and I’m not. I can’t be one because I don’t hate people that much.

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Italy Arrests Captain of Migrant NGO Ship After Illegal Docking

29th June 2019

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Captain Carola Rackete, 31, docked just before 2 a.m. – ramming a border-control vessel trying to stop them in the process. Rackete was arrested on charges of “resisting a war ship,” which carries a penalty of up to 10 years in prison.

Proglodyte NGOs are accustomed to getting away with breaking any law that displeases them, because First World governments are a bunch of pansy-asses.

I’m looking forward to Greenpeace swarming some oil rig and getting their butts blown away.

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Chick-Fil-A Employee Jumps Through Drive-Thru Window, Saves Choking Boy

29th June 2019

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Let’s see one of your pierced and tatted Starbucks baristas do that.

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Thought for the Day

29th June 2019

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About Kamala Harris and Busing

29th June 2019

John Hinderaker at Power Line takes a peek behind the Narrative.

Given the demography and geography of Berkeley at the time–she was 10 years old in 1974–it seems highly unlikely that Harris, the daughter of two PhDs, one from India and one from Jamaica, was bused into a white school so she could escape the ghetto and mix with the children of educated parents.

But that isn’t what strikes me most forcibly about this story. A Democratic presidential contender lied about her background for political gain? The horror! Or, rather, take a number. At least Harris hasn’t claimed to be a member of an Indian tribe.

Hey, being a fake victim worked well for Obama.

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Democrat Debates

29th June 2019

Audacious Epigone has a view.

The night was clearly Kamala’s. “As the only black person on stage, I would like to speak on the issue of race.” And then she tossed and gored Biden, who, being a pale white male, had no way to counter.

Scott Adams predicted over a year ago that the modern Democrat party has no room for a nominee who is pale or male. So Kemala Harris will get the magic ticket.

I wonder whether she will try for a twofer by picking Fauxcahontas as her VP candidate? This could get entertaining.

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The Great Transformation: Robots Will Displace 20 Million Jobs by 2030

29th June 2019

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A new report by Oxford Economics says accelerating technological advances in automation, engineering, energy storage, artificial intelligence, and machine learning have the potential to reshape the world in the 2020s through 2030. The collision of these forces could trigger economic disruption far greater than what was seen in the early 20th century.

I’m willing to wager that those won’t be jobs in China or Mexico.

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29th June 2019

Steve Sailer.

The appropriate term for the 7 billion people who haven’t yet gone through the formality of moving to the United States is “Pre-American-Americans.”


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Florida City Pays $462,000 in Ransom After Second Cyberattack Cripples City’s Infrastructure

29th June 2019

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Cyber-criminals have struck for the second week in a row, this time on a small Florida city called Lake City, according to the WSJ. The city has agreed to pay ransom to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars after a ransomware attack crippled its systems.

Perhaps this will motivate communities to PAY ATTENTION to basic security.

But I’m betting not. A profit opportunity for the Dark Web.

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Kamala Harris Is an Oligarch’s Wet Dream

29th June 2019

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Harris is everything the US empire’s unelected power establishment wants in a politician: charismatic, commanding, and completely unprincipled. In that sense she’s like Obama, only better.

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Hawaii: Land of the Half-Blood Princes

28th June 2019

Steve Sailer.

One of my themes in my 2008 reader’s guide to Barack Obama’s memoir, America’s Half-Blood Prince: Obama’s ‘Story of Race and Inheritance’ was that growing up of mixed race in post-war Hawaii was radically different than in most of the rest of the U.S. At Punahou Prep, Obama was “just another mixed kid.” He had to strenuously re-invent himself as black to succeed in politics.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

28th June 2019

Sanders: Trump Is A ‘Pathological Liar, And A Racist’ Who ‘Lied To The American People’  How do the MSM put it? Oh, yeah: ‘Without Evidence’.

Gillibrand Says Trump’s Worst Crime Is Destroying Our Moral Fiber By Doing Exactly What Obama, Bush, Clinton Did  The swine.

Dems Attack Trump Seven Times Before First Commercial During Second Debate

Kamala Harris Says Donald Trump Is The ‘Greatest National Security Threat’ To The US

Buttigieg Says We Have No Clue Which Foreign Power Trump Will Anger By 2020  One of many areas in which Mayor Pete appears not to have a clue.

Biden: President Trump Has ‘Ripped’ Soul Out of America  ‘Soul’ being Identity Politics, apparently.

Gillibrand Says Trump Is ‘Hellbent’ On Starting A War With Iran  I guess that’s why he called off the air strikes. Pretty crafty.

Jimmy Carter Says Trump Is An Illegitimate President, ‘Didn’t Actually Win’ The 2016 Election  Carter’s senility is now public.

Unhinged ‘View’ Attacks Christie: ‘Kids Are Dead!’ ‘How the Hell Could You Have Ever Supported [Trump]?’

Kamala Harris Says Trump Admin Is Committing ‘Human Rights Abuses’ While Visiting Detention Facility

Colbert Compares Republicans to KKK, Praises Kamala Harris  Of course he does.

CNN’s Stelter To Write Hate Book on ‘Unprecedented’ Merging of Trump and Fox News

MSNBC Loves Jimmy Carter Saying Trump Is Not a Legitimately Elected President  Of course they do.

Blatant Election Rigging: Twitter Wants To Make Sure We Never Have Another President Like Trump

Cuomo, Lemon Trash ‘Xenophobia’ Espoused By ‘Demagogue’ Trump  How do they put it? Oh, yeah: Without Evidence.


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

28th June 2019

Friday Funny – how climate change really affects you

Coal Subsidies and Jake Tapper’s Climate Emergency Meltdown… Lions and Tigers and Bears!!!

Hickenlooper: ‘Socialism Is Not The Solution’ To Climate Change

“Is there not a single climate scientist out there who will call this out as improper?”

Florida’s Climate Crisis and Sea Level Rise Non Sequitur

Nobel Prize Winner William Nordhaus vs. the IPCC on Climate Change


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Flibe Energy: Nuclear Power for the Rest of Us

28th June 2019

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Take whatever action you feel is appropriate.

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The Burkini Wars

28th June 2019

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Several years ago France passed a law against wearing the hijab in public. This was a rearguard action by what remains of French culture in a society that has already been heavily Islamized, and is at least 15% Muslim. Needless to say, the Muslim population of France considers the new law an outrage, and is taking active steps to thwart it.

There are more Muslims in France than there are black people in the U.S. Think about that.

The first video talks about the fact that these acts are provocations — elements of the “soft jihad” that weaponize aspects of kuffar culture, in this case the strong taboo against “discrimination” — to demoralize and weaken civil society among non-Muslims.

Sound familiar? Repeat after me: Black Lives Matter.

The second video features a former (or lapsed) Muslim who explains in no uncertain terms what all these burkini capers mean in terms of the 1400-year-old war waged by Islam against the infidels. No one is a fiercer defender of women’s rights than a woman who has managed to escape the stranglehold of sharia.

I don’t have a lot of confidence that Americans, who can barely remember things that happened since they reached puberty, to pay attention to a war that has been going on for 1400 years.

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Person of Interest in Utah Missing College Student Case Asked Contractor to Build Him a Secret Soundproofed Room With Hooks on the Walls

28th June 2019

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I’ve always wanted one of those.

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Newly Consecrated Gay Bishop Declares God Is a Woman

28th June 2019

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The Episcopalian church has fully transformed into a proglodyte costume party instead of a church.


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Jake Tapper Grills AOC: ‘Did You Call Them Concentration Camps’ ‘When Obama Was President?’

28th June 2019

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Tapper has gone off the reservation.

Prepare for him to be hurled into the void.

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Sanders and Gillibrand Open to New Federally Mandated Busing Policies

28th June 2019

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Ah, jeez, that old chestnut? Haven’t they done enough damage to our public schools?

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Thought for the Day

28th June 2019

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Ocasio-Cortez Furious Senate Killed House Bill That She Opposed

28th June 2019

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And they call Trump impulsive.

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ISLAMOCOPIA FRIDAY: What’s New in the Religion of Peace

28th June 2019

Inside the Muslim Brotherhood

ISIS in Nicaragua

Palestinian Leaders Say No Thanks To Kushner’s Middle East Economy-Boosting Plan  We don’t want prosperity; we want dead Jews.

Jihadi Jack feels ‘guilty’ for his parents’ conviction

UN Israeli Ambassador Says Palestine’s Refusal To Surrender For Peace Deal Is About ‘Destroying Israel’  Well, duh.

Religious Freedom Week: The Persecution of Copts in Egypt

Pakistanis Boycott Proctor & Gamble After Feminist Detergent Ad Insults Islam 

Germany Can’t Locate Scores Of ISIS Fighters Who May Have Slipped Back Into The Country

London Police Hunting “Burka Wearing” Men Filmed In Acid Attack

Culture-Enrichers Battle Each Other in Ceuta

ISIS Supporter “Umm Nutella” Faces Life In Prison After Violating Deal With Feds

UN Demands Western Countries Take Back Imprisoned ISIS Terrorists

Video: American MB Supporters Make Morsi’s Memorial About Israel

Syrian Refugee Planned to Attack a Pittsburgh Church

Pennsylvania Officials Join Bigoted CAIR for “Islamophobia” Events

Police officer killed as double suicide blasts rock Tunisia capital

Libyan government forces take strategic town in battle for Tripoli

Revealed: Boko Haram’s child army

US Woman Who Recruited For ISIS To Serve 18 Months Of Sentence

Britain has ‘by far the highest rate of returning jihadi fighters in Europe’


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Hollywood Ready to Elect Kamala Harris as President

28th June 2019

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This matches Scott Adams’ prediction that Harris will be the nominee, based on demographics.

He says that the only problem is that she’s boring. Well, that didn’t stop Biden.

UPDATE: Coronation: MSNBC Post-Debate Crew Goes CRAZY for ‘Brave,’ ‘Powerful’ Kamala Harris

UPDATE: Trevor Noah Mercilessly Mocks Joe Biden While Praising Kamala  Almost-black people must stick together.


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Landscape Water Features Rotting in the Rockies

28th June 2019

Steve Sailer.

For years I’ve been having fun with the media’s Crops Rotting in the Fields trope, where growers’ PR firms fill in whatever crop is in over-abundance this year — pears, brussel sprouts, kumquats, whatever — and announce that due to the Illegal Immigrant Shortage Crisis, the Crops Are Rotting in the Fields. This seems to trigger an atavistic Oh No, We’re All Gonna Starve! emotion in reporters.

Yet here is a classic version of that article, but not even concerning food. Instead, the crisis is that rich people in Vail aren’t getting their landscape water features updated as soon or as cheaply as they’d like.

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Compare and Contrast

28th June 2019

Bloomberg: White House Considers Capital Gains Tax Break That Would Benefit Wealthy

Name a ‘capital gains tax break’ that would NOT ‘benefit wealthy’. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

An honest headline, one for a NEWS organization, would have been ‘White House Considers Capital Gains Tax Break’. But that’s not the important part, for Bloomberg; the important part is the ‘Benefit Wealth’. They have to stick that in there so you’ll know that the White House is Contemplating Evil. The fact is that any ‘tax break’ is going to ‘benefit wealthy’, because wealthy people are the ones who are paying most of the taxes.

CNN: Trump considers bypassing Congress to cut capital gains tax on wealthy, report says

This is even more dishonest. They might as well have used the headline ‘The Latest Evil Thing Trump Is Going To Do’. The focus here is not on benefiting the wealthy, although that notion gets a drive-by, but what a low-live MF that Trump is.

Any cut in the capital gains tax won’t just benefit the wealthy, but anybody who pays capital gains, including Aunt Minnie in Kenosha who is depending on withdrawals from her IRA in order to fund her retirement. Certainly wealthy people will get a disproportionate benefit, but that’s because wealthy people have more money to invest — and they do invest it; they don’t just stick it in a cupboard somewhere — and so they pay most of the capital gains taxes.

But, again, the focus is on Trump, and any stick they can find to beat him with (even if they have to build it out of distortions) will do.

This sort of crap is why people rate ‘journalists’ below even Congress in trustworthiness.

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Too Many Antioxidants Can Give You Cancer, and Other Facts About the Misunderstood Molecules

27th June 2019

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Everything good is bad for you.

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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

27th June 2019

Non Sequitur Comic Strip for June 27, 2019

Jay Inslee Says He Can Save Miami From Climate Change By Ending The Filibuster  Well. That was easy.

How Cold Air Caused a Heatwave

The Water Future of Earth’s ‘Third Pole’

Where the Democratic candidates stand on climate policy

Return to Earth

Activists Ding MSNBC’s Debate Moderators For Devoting A Few Minutes To Climate Change

Democrats Dodged An Important Question: Who Pays For Trillion-Dollar Climate Change Plans?

The Democratic Debates Will Be About Climate—Disguised as Other Issues

Bat-Killing Wind Turbines Outfitted with Systems to Stop Carnage


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Bubonic Plague In LA: California On The Verge Of Becoming A Third World State

27th June 2019

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My, what a surprise.

Open your doors to the Turd World, and the Turd World will bring the party to you.

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The Weirdest Things We Learned This Week: Two Sleeps Are Better Than One

27th June 2019

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For the past few months, I’ve been waking up at nearly the exact same time every night: 2 a.m. Conversing with friends, I learned that plenty of people have experienced this same issue. But when I turned to the medical literature, I found something even more bizarre: Apparently, prior to the 18th Century, us humans used to split our night’s rest into two phases. One started shortly after dusk and ended at midnight, and we followed it with another that began at 2 a.m. and ended just after daybreak.

If you are following the timing, that left about two hours free in the middle of the night. By analyzing books, medical and court documents, and other texts from the time, historians have surmised that people indeed slept in two phases, and spent the middle bit of the night essentially having a blast. They socialized, read, drank, and some even worked. At least some scholars said it was the ideal time to have sex if you wanted to conceive. It seemed like a great time to be alive—and awake.

My experience has been that 2:00 a.m. is just about the time the data warehouse load breaks and somebody from the NOC calls you to fix it. Do production sjupport for ten years and, yes, you will wake up at 2:00 a.m. whether you need it or not.

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White-On-White Hate

27th June 2019

Steve Sailer goes a-fisking.

This essay in the Washington Post by its Pulitzer-winning art critic is a good illustration of how the immigration policy conventional wisdom is increasingly motivated by blatant white-on-white hate, with massive degrees of projection about who is Othering whom


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Pelosi Folds: Confirms House Will “Reluctantly” Pass Trump’s Emergency Border Bill

27th June 2019

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But you have to bear in mind that Trump has accomplished ABSOLUTELY NOTHING during his term in office.

Just remember that.

Absolutely nothing.

UPDATE: House Passes Bipartisan Border Supplemental Spending Bill

‘To these aged eyes, boy, that’s what winning looks like!’ — Henry II, The Lion in Winter

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Police Labor Union: De Blasio’s Public Remarks on Race Contributed to Assassination of Three Officers

27th June 2019

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My, what a surprise.

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ICE Arrests 52 Illegal Immigrants in Four-Day Operation in Texas, 35 Had Criminal Records

27th June 2019

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Hardly enough to bother with … if you ask a Democrat.


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“It’s A Scary Picture”: Midwest Farming Turmoil Being Compared To 2008 Housing Crisis

27th June 2019

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The government spends billions of dollars on paying farmers not to grow crops, and to buy up their crops in order to support the prices. The reason this happens is because farmers are one of the most politically powerful lobbies in Washington, augmented by the dimwits who think that there is some sort of cultural icon value in ‘saving the family farm’, which is like ‘saving the buggy whip shops’. Most of this money eventually winds up in the hands of the agricultural conglomerates eventually, and they’re laughing all the way to the bank.

Google ‘Schumpeter creative destruction’ and read.

I suggest that this is God telling the agricultural industry — because, now, it is an industry — to get with the modern world.

As with an earthquake, all that such domestic protectionism accomplishes is to make the change, when it comes, more violent and destructive than it otherwise would have been. The longer it is delayed, the worse the result will be.

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