The Code That Controls Your Money
6th November 2021
COBOL is a coding language older than Weird Al Yankovic. The people who know how to use it are often just as old. It underpins the entire financial system. And it can’t be removed. How a computer language controls the financial life of the world.
November 7th, 2021 at 02:59
OMG! Cobol? That’s like hearing that Aramaic is the language of choice for Congress. (Well, we know the real language there is $$$.) What about all those other languages I used to punch out on card decks? Fortran, Basic, PL1 (and PL/M) I seem to recall some less popular languages, like Snobol and WatFor (a version of Fortran). Maybe all the crap I learned back nearly half a century ago could pay off!
OK. Reality check. I’m more likely to get a payoff from that Nigerian prince.
November 7th, 2021 at 06:17
Hey, Nigerian princes have legacy code to maintain too, you know.