We have seen the future, and it sucks.

We’re Arguing About the A-Word Again

6th September 2021

Freeberg nails it, as he always does.

It’s like the 1980’s all over again. Everywhere, I see people offering their opinions about abortion, and a lot of these opinions consist of nothing more than a showy cranky statement that some certain set of other people shouldn’t have opinions. Of course that’s a dishonest way to present a non-argument argument. What they’re really trying to say is “We want this other set of people to have a license to kill, but we know if we argued it that way we’d lose, so we’re going to argue about not arguing about it.”

They think children are liabilities and not assets. You’ll notice our whole society is built around this idea now. “Who’s going to take care of him or her?” “How are you going to afford child support for three kids?” “Oh you are collecting child support from him, aren’t you?” “Better keep her happy fella, she’s a Fertile Myrtle and that would be one expensive divorce.” “He has special needs, how are you going to get him the help that he needs?” Etc….it used to be, the poorer the farmer, the more kids he would have to have. Children were assets, even if you were heartless, and if you had a heart they were a blessing. We don’t look at it like that anymore because, let’s be honest, we can’t. Liabilities aren’t blessings.

And in large part that’s true. Everyone is surprised that the population growth rates are crashing around the First World and chattering with nerves because those in the Turd World are the same as they’ve always been without any appreciation of the reality on the ground. In the history of the world up until Bill Gates, children were an asset – it took some time and effort to get them to a useful size, but once you did they pitched in and raised the entire family’s standard of living (at least the ones that survived). That is no longer the case. Hence, children have gone from being a Useful Thing to being a luxury, one that people are increasingly being unwilling t0 pay for. (The reason the illegitimacy rate is so high in the Diverse Part of Town is that being an unwed mother is the magic ticket allowing a teenage girl to escape the parental straightjacket and get off on her own, subsidized by Uncle Sam.)

So abortion is just the end of the spectrum that spans School Debt Forgiveness and I Don’t Have To Pay My Rent Because COVID and Free Health Care From Obama.

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