We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for December, 2019

Horowitz Report Is Damning for the FBI and Unsettling for the Rest of Us

10th December 2019

Jonathan Turley.

Despite this shockingly damning report, much of the media is reporting only that Horowitz did not find it unreasonable to start the investigation, and ignoring a litany of false representations and falsifications of evidence to keep the secret investigation going. Nothing was found to support any of those allegations, and special counsel Robert Mueller also confirmed there was no support for collusion and conspiracy allegations repeated continuously for two years by many experts and members of Congress.

In other words, when the Titanic set sail, there was no reason for it not to. Then there was that fateful iceberg. Like the crew of the Titanic, the FBI knew investigative icebergs floated around its Russia investigation, but not only did it not reduce speed, it actively suppressed the countervailing reports. Despite the many conflicts to its FISA application and renewals, the FBI leadership, including McCabe, plowed ahead into the darkness.

Turley is a Democrat and a Professor of Law at Georgetown.

UPDATE: Turley Takes Down Media Trying to Spin ‘Damning’ IG Report

UPDATE: Jonathan Turley Says Even His Wife And Dog Got Threats After Impeachment Testimony


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UK: ‘My son’s cancer diagnosis was hard enough – the cost of a three-hour round trip to hospital was hell’

10th December 2019

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How about that GREAT government-provided health care? Don’t you wish we had a system like that in the U.S.?

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Thought for the Day

10th December 2019

Frazz Comic Strip for December 10, 2019

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Contrary to Conventional Wisdom, US Farmers Are Having Their Best Year Since 2013

9th December 2019

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As Commodore Research managing director Jeffrey Landsberg writes, US farm income in 2019 is on pace for the highest income seen in six Years. This, Landsberg continues, “is very significant as US farmers are not faring nearly as poorly as many pundits and media outlets continue to state. As a result, US farmers collectively have not been in any real uproar and are not jeopardizing Trump’s re-election chances.”

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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

9th December 2019

Ryrkaypiy ‘over-run’ by >50 polar bears is probably due to more Chukchi Sea bears

Miss Universe Says ‘The Planet Is Dying’ After Epic Steve Harvey Eye Roll

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #389

A Geological Perspective on Sea Level Rise Acceleration  I’ll believe it when Malibu is under water.

Mega-Rich Environmentalists Respond To Questions About Their Use Of Private Jets

L A Times supports mandated relocation of coastal properties based on climate alarmist flawed sea level rise claims

The antidote to @GretaThunberg – Naomi Seibt – former climate alarmist turned climate skeptic

Fix earth’s climate crisis instead of dreaming of other planets

Vulnerable Nations Call for Ecocide to Be Recognized as an International Crime  For which, of course, they hope to be handsomely compensated by The Usual Suspects.

Art Basel Climate Change Installation Accused Of Being Bad For The Environment

The Great Recycling Con


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

9th December 2019

Linda Ronstadt’s delicious takedown of Mike Pompeo  CNN, your local high school news source.

‘A Method To The Madness’: Historian Doug Wead Describes Trump As A ‘Great Leader’

What To Expect During Nadler’s Monday Impeachment ‘Trial’

Impeachment Charade, Faculty Lounge Edition

Exposing The False Statements Made In The Trump-Impeachment Hearings

Impeach Trump Because of…Slavery?

Geraldo Rivera Snaps Over CNN’s Attack On Fox News: ‘F*ck You And F*ck Russia’

Marianne Williamson Completely Fabricates A Trump Pardon Of Charles Manson

Jerry Nadler’s Opening Statement Interrupted By Infowars Host Owen Shroyer Screaming ‘Trump Is Innocent!’  Wonder how they’ll handle getting their own tactics shoved in their faces.

Scarborough Virtually Admits: I Aim to Destroy Trump Cause He Mocked Mika  Actually, I think he mocked the both of you.

EXASPERATED: Journalists Fear Dems May Have Blown Impeachment

Donald Trump could abuse power again if he is not impeached, Democrats claim  My net worth has increased 20% since Trump became President. If that’s ‘abuse’, I’d like some more, please.

IG Report Confirms Brennan Lied Through His Teeth About Steele Dossier  Not really news but a useful reminder. Prediction: Nobody will get fired, nobody will go to jail.

Star Democrat “Witness” Says That Trump Should Be Impeached Because His 8-Year-Old Son Thinks Trump Is a “Bad Person,” Then Jumps from the Witness Seat to the Prosecutor’s Table and Starts Interrogating Republican Witnesses


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What Did the U.S. Get for $2 Trillion in Afghanistan?

9th December 2019

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All told, the cost of nearly 18 years of war in Afghanistan will amount to more than $2 trillion. Was the money well spent?

There is little to show for it. The Taliban control much of the country. Afghanistan remains one of the world’s largest sources of refugees and migrants. More than 2,400 American soldiers and more than 38,000 Afghan civilians have died.

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Record Number of African Migrants at U.S.-Mexico Border

9th December 2019

Steve Sailer.

Makes you wonder how they get from Africa to Mexico. It’s not as if they could walk.

I smell the fetid stench of progressive NGOs.

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Illinois Exodus Alert: Why Chicago Skyscrapers & Your Home Are Worth Less

9th December 2019

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Just waiting for Chicago to go the way of Detroit.

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Miley Cyrus Shows Off New ‘Freedom’ Tattoo Amid Divorce From Liam Hemsworth

9th December 2019

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Liam Hemsworth, whom I’ve never heard of and cannot be bothered to look up, must have a Forrest Gump-level IQ. What rational adult would marry Miley Cyrus?

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Cardi B Talks Trump and Bernie Sanders: ‘It’s Almost Like a Fan Base, What Trump Has’

9th December 2019

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No shit.

Obama started it as The Magic Negro. Nobody cared about his policies; they were just there for the music.

As Scott Adams often says, Trump found money lying on the table and just scooped it up. If the people want a show, well, ‘hey, kids, let’s put on a show’. Mickey Rooney should have been alive to see this day.

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Get High, Fix Race Relations in the People’s Republic of Evanston

9th December 2019

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The last thing Evanston, Il needs is more drugs. The Cook County city bordering Chicago has already become notorious for its link to the Windy City’s drug trade with multi-million dollar busts and a former detective indicted last year for allegedly leaving the department for the DEA to work on behalf of the La Organizacion de Narcotraficantes Unidos or the United Drug-Traffickers Organization.

Violent crime was up 20% last year. Evanston’s population has declined at twice the rate as Chicago’s. The decline was most pronounced among Evanston’s black population. African-Americans, who made up 22.5% of the population in 2000, fell to 16.9% in 2017. But Evanston’s City Council found a solution.

Get high and fix race relations at the same time.


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The Jewish Dilemma

9th December 2019

Joel Kotkin.

When Britain’s Jews go to the polls next week, they do so at an uncomfortable moment. For the first time in at least a half century, their community—roughly 330,000 citizens—has become a major, if unwelcome, political issue. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is a long-standing ally of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its terrorist proxies Hamas and Hezbollah, and a fierce opponent of Israel’s right to exist, so the prospect of him becoming Prime Minister has made Jews nervous. As the New York Times suggests, British Jews are “Labourites practically by birth,” but many of them are likely to vote Conservative this time around.

Es iz schwer tzu sein a yid.

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Transferism, Not Socialism, Is the Drug Americans Are Hooked On

9th December 2019

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Complicating matters, socialism exists entirely as a response to capitalism, as has been the case from the time Marx first put pen to paper. And as if that weren’t enough, the very usage of the terms “capitalism” and “socialism” has evolved past the point of clear meaning.

Everybody is Humpty-Dumpty: Words mean what you want them to mean, no more, no less.

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Trump Is Right: American Toilets, Faucets, and Showers Are Terrible

9th December 2019

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I know a man – a proxy for tens of millions – who came from a foreign country, threw down $500 per night at a New York hotel, and was astonished to find himself plunging the toilet within the hour of checking in. Not surprising. Not unusual. American toilets don’t work right. This is why there are plungers next to every toilet.

This didn’t use to be the case. In the day’s past, plungers were for technicians in the emergency. Now they are part of everyday life. It’s nuts.

Mine all have. For good reason.

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On Brooks on Socialism and Capitalism: The Libertarian Take

9th December 2019

Don Boudreaux.

David Brooks’s recent criticism of socialism and applause for capitalism contains much that is good. Indeed, much of it is very good (if not original to Brooks)…

Yet reading Brooks’s essay left me somewhat less than satisfied.

I know the feeling.

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Someone Replaced the $100,000 Banana With ‘Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself’

9th December 2019

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People just have no respect for the avant-garde any more….

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Thought for the Day

9th December 2019

Speed Bump Comic Strip for December 07, 2019

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How Often You Hold Your Baby Actually Affects Their DNA, Study Finds

9th December 2019

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Let that be a lesson to us all.

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Free Counter-Terrorism Training Offered Online by Police to All Britons in Run-Up to Christmas

9th December 2019

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Welcome to Londonistan. Be careful not to step in the diversity.

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The Middle Class Rebellion

9th December 2019

Joel Kotkin.

Whether in Europe, East Asia or the Americas, this new middle-class rebellion may be seen as what one Marxist publication called “a strike against the rising cost of living.”

Although the leftists identify this more with protests against things like subway fare hikes, in the latest uprising the key has been those things, notably energy and housing prices, which threaten to “proletarianize” the living standards of the not long ago decently comfortable.

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Daily Beast: Tom Steyer Is Running a Donor Scam

9th December 2019

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The purpose of their Saturday article by David De La Fuente was to shame the Democrats into including “candidates of color’ at their next presidential debate but a big take away from the story was that it basically described Steyer as a scam artist.

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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

8th December 2019

Climate Change: What Does Science Really Say? – YouTube

German farmers set bonfires across the country in protest at being ‘ignored’ in climate drive

Activist junk science breeds bad policy

Survey: Aussie Voters Put the Economy and Healthcare Ahead of Climate Change


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Blue State Blues: How California’s Government Plans to Make Wildfires Even Worse

8th December 2019

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The problem with putting government in charge of things is that when they screw up, things go more bad more quickly, and it takes longer to fix it; nobody gets fired and nobody goes to jail. The Animas River disaster in Colorado, caused by the government agency in charge of preventing such things, is a good example of that.

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What’s Good and Bad about Automation

8th December 2019

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The headline is a lie; the author doesn’t know as much as he thinks he does about what is “good” and “bad” about automation, merely what he has been taught about what might be good or bad about automation. Articles like this make me itch.

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Tesla On Autopilot Slams Into Connecticut Police Cruiser On I-95

8th December 2019

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Hammer tech.

Could We See Justin Hammer Return to the MCU Soon?

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Thought for the Day

8th December 2019

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CNBC’s Jim Cramer: November Jobs Report Has ‘Best Number I’ve Ever Seen in My Life!’

8th December 2019

Read  it.

Not that you’d know it from the Drive-By Media.

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Bernie Sanders Wants to Spend $150 Billion to Provide High Speed Internet as ‘A Basic Human Right’

8th December 2019

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Presumably he wants to provide everybody with computers as well, since Internet service is rather useless eithout one.

He’s just full of ideas for spending other people’s money, isn’t he?

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

7th December 2019

Adam Schiff: This Phone Record Proves that the OMB Called Rudy Giuliani. That Is All the Proof We Need That He Was Lobbying to Deny Ukraine Aid. OMB: That’s… That’s not our phone number, dude Adam Schiff: … Adam Schiff: But Russia

Reflections Thread: Please Share Your Sad Stories About How Trump Destroyed the Economy and Blew Up the Planet and Killed You

Rudy Giuliani just blew up Trump’s “no quid pro quo” talking point in impeachment debate  Vox.

What?! Trevor Noah Tells Anti-Trump Actor: ‘Many Performers Keep Politics to Themselves’  If so, I haven’t noticed.

Impeachment Proving a Cash Cow For the President


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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

7th December 2019

Here’s What Happens When A Stoner Crashes A Climate Protest

Climate Protesters Burn Oil By Holding Up Traffic In D.C.

Climate Models Have Not Improved in 50 Years

2019 the Third Least-Chilly in the Satellite Temperature Record

Climate change: Oceans running out of oxygen as temperatures rise  BBC. Women and minorities hardest hit.

“Bewildered” Climate Scientists: Aussie Politicians are Still Not Listening Gee, I wonder what the reason for that might be….

The polar regions in a 2°C warmer world


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NATO Splits Reveal Alliance is Redundant

7th December 2019

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If the NATO summit this week marking the 70th anniversary of its foundation in 1949 was meant to be a resounding celebration, it backfired spectacularly, more as a resounding farce. Amid all the pomp and ceremony afforded by an official reception at Buckingham Palace, hosted by the British Queen, the two-day gathering descended into squabbling, sneering and back-stabbing.

For an organization that declares its mission to be about “maintaining peace and security”, the infighting between NATO leaders showed an organization virtually at war with itself.

The reason for NATO expired with the old Soviet Union. In any case, there is no longer any excuse for including Turkey in a “North Atlantic” treaty organization.

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“I Was Once a Socialist. Then I Saw How It Worked.”

7th December 2019

David Brooks, NYT.

Or doesn’t, as the case may be. (Some might say that he still is, only not as much. But I won’t go there.)

My socialist sympathies didn’t survive long once I became a journalist. I quickly noticed that the government officials I was covering were not capable of planning the society they hoped to create. It wasn’t because they were bad or stupid. The world is just too complicated.

Actually, it because a lot of them are bad or stupid. Let’s face it, the cream of the crop don’t go into government service. Visit a local government office if you don’t believe me.

UPDATE: Join the Crooks and Liars, Get a Government Job!, by Audacious Epigone


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Six Saudis Arrested for Questioning After Pensacola Shooting – Three Were Filming Attack

7th December 2019

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According to the New York Times, three of the Saudis were filming the attack. It is unknown whether they were students at the base, or whether they are connected to the gunman.

UPDATE: Maybe the Saudis Aren’t Really Our Best Friends Forever?, by Steve Sailer


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Our Bodies Age in Three Distinct Shifts

7th December 2019

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In terms of biological ageing, the body seems to shift gears three times during our lifespans, new research suggests – with 34 years, 60 years and 78 years the key thresholds.

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Rolls-Royce Touts Nuclear Reactors as Key to Clean Jet Fuel

7th December 2019

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Drawing on technology developed for nuclear-powered submarines, the small modular reactors or SMRs could be located at individual plants to generate the large amounts of electricity needed to secure the hydrogen used in the process, according to Chief Executive Officer Warren East.

Synthetics and biofuels are likely to become the mainstay of aviation in coming decades, East said, providing liquid propellants for the next generation of aero-engines before the advent of all-electric alternatives. Reactors that could power the hydrogen extraction are small enough to be transported by truck and would occupy a building one-10th the size of a nuclear power station.

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Thought for the Day

7th December 2019

Wizard of Id Comic Strip for December 04, 2019

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U.S. Coast Guard Intercepts Highlight Growing Drug Submarine Epidemic

7th December 2019

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In November, the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Thetis intercepted two semi-submersibles in the Eastern Pacific, a favorite haunt of so-called narco-subs. They were carrying cocaine northbound toward the United States. Each vessel was carrying just under two tons of the narcotic.

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Outrage After Police Use Bystanders as “Human Shields” in Florida UPS Truck Shootout

6th December 2019

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Miami police and other officers appear to have used surrounding bystanders as “human shields” when they responded to the the hijacked UPS truck following an armed heist of a jewelry store Thursday. After suspects led police on a two-county rush-hour chase through Miami which ended in a hail of gunfire in the middle of crowded traffic on Miramar Parkway and Flamingo Road, hundreds of police bullets from 19 officers firing on the truck brought it to an end.

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Today in Global Warming Hysteria

6th December 2019

LONERGAN: Mass Immigration Is Killing The Environment

Climate Crusaders Hammer Big Oil For Pushing Green Energy, Championing Climate Change

Exclusive: Here’s An Inside Look At How Climate Crusaders Are Kickstarting A Campaign That Is Getting Hollywood’s Attention

Climate Scientist: Far Left British Politician Jeremy Corbyn will Save the World

Even 50-year-old climate models correctly predicted global warming

Early climate change models held up better than you think

Why Climate Alarmism Hurts Us All

Global warming-induced migratory bird body size reduction and shape change

Dozens of polar bears stranded outside Russian Arctic village because of melting ice

How Wrong Can One Article Be?

Washington DC Traffic Grinds To A Halt As ‘Extinction Rebellion’ Shouts ‘We Trust Bill Nye’

The Mysterious Warmth at Mackay

World’s High School Dropouts Reveal They’ve Actually Been Protesting Climate Change This Whole Time  Babylon Bee.

Greta Thunberg Enraged After Climate Strikes “Achieved Nothing”, Has Yet To Visit China


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

6th December 2019

Former NYT “Public Editor,” Now WaPo Hack: How Can We, The Unbiased Fact-Finding Media, Convince Our Deplorable Fellow Citizens to Do What We Want and Impeach This Motherf***er?

Jonathan Turley Calls For Civility In Impeachment Hearing — Gets Threats Instead  Democrats: Party of Fear — Party of Hate — Party of Death.

Pelosi: “Civilization Itself Is At Stake” If Trump Wins Re-Election

WaPo Columnist: Journalists Need To Simplify Impeachment Coverage To Reach Undecided Americans  ‘Orange  Man Bad’ seems to be about as simple as can be.

Nancy Pelosi Scolds CNN’s Jake Tapper For Asking About Impeachment

What The “Expert” Panel Should Have Told You About Impeachment… But Didn’t

Tucker Carlson And Neil Patel: Impeachment Charade — Faculty Lounge Edition

Adam Schiff Says Trump ‘Doesn’t Give A Sh*t About What’s Good For Our Country’  Yeah, you can just ignore the strong stock market, the increasing number of jobs, and the strengthening manufacturing sector.


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REPORT: One Out Of Five Managers Won’t Hire Trump Supporters

6th December 2019

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Question: Do you think that one in five managers would refuse to hire a black person?

What does it tell you that Trump supporters are more discriminated against than black people?

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Anti-Vaxxer Arrested as Samoa Battles Measles Epidemic

6th December 2019

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Been waiting for this to happen somewhere.

Actually, I’m waiting for some parent whose kid catches measles from an anti-vaxxer to beat the anti-vaxxer into dust. That would be appropriate.

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Biggest Loser: Joe Biden sheds the fat vote

6th December 2019

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Joe Biden is probably the unfittest candidate out there.

And yet he is the front-runner for the Democrat nomination. What does that tell you about Democrats?

Confronted by a skeptical independent voter about his corrupt dealings with Ukrainian gas company Burisma, and the icky spectacle of his son with his hand out following him in his capacity as vice president wherever he went, Biden flew into a rage against the man, an 83-year-old retired Iowa farmer with the central casting name of Merle Gorman.  Not only did Biden fail to answer the man’s question, but his response was to attack him, not once, but three times, for being fat.

And there you have it.

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Pensacola Navy Base Shooter Identified as Saudi National in US for Flight Training

6th December 2019

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The shooter opened fire in a classroom building on Friday morning, which suggests he was on the base for a reason. The assailant managed to kill three others before he was killed by officers with the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, who arrived on the scene and fatally shot the suspect after exchanging gunfire. FBI and ATF agents also responded to the scene.

At least eight others, including two police officers, were wounded in the cross-fire.

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Thought for the Day

6th December 2019

Go ahead – try it.

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The Hate Factory: How Facebook Fuels Far-Right Profit

6th December 2019

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I’ll bet you didn’t know that Facebook was a tool of the Far Right.

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Our French Fry Supply Is Safe for Now, but the Future Is Uncertain

6th December 2019

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No indication whether this is Trump’s fault, but I’m sure it is.

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Zero Gravity Kills Cancer Cells

6th December 2019

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After just one day in zero gravity conditions, researchers found over 80% of cancer cells died in a trial. Now, their plan is to send them to space. The initial results confirm earlier findings from German researchers.

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ISLAMOCOPIA FRIDAY: What’s New in the Religion of Peace

6th December 2019

Islamic State Alive And Well In Europe

A Failure Of Leadership In The Muslim World

Stockholm: 51% Of Women Feel Unsafe Going Out At Night

POTUS Greeted With Cheers As He Talks About Death Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

Several People Reportedly Stabbed In London Bridge Attack

Australia jails three Isil-inspired militants for decades over Melbourne Christmas bomb plot in 2016

Sudan repeals Omar al-Bashir-era law regulating women’s behaviour and dissolves former ruling party

‘I’m not surprised members of the public had to step in to do their bit’ says father of victim from eerily similar 2017 attack

London Bridge attack: Urgent review of UK terror threat level after it was downgraded just three weeks ago

String Of Attacks Rocks Globe: Hague Stabbings Leave Several Injured, Man Takes Hostages In Rio

London Bridge terror attack: Who was Usman Khan? What we know about suspect  Well, we know he was Muslim.

The Lost City of Londonistan

Fantasists of the Palestinian Authority

Irish Isil suspect arrested in Dublin after being deported from Turkey

At least 10 killed in attack on church in Burkina Faso 

The Prisoner of Hasaka

A Twilight Struggle in France

London Bridge attack: Terrorist who was jailed and released alongside Usman Khan is arrested on suspicion of fresh terror offences 

100 killed as fighting intensifies in Syria’s Idlib province

A Weekend with American Muslims for Palestine: Awad Says CAIR Fights Zionism “On a Daily Basis”

Mohamed the Butcher Becomes Mohamed the Rapist

Anti-Israel Activist Linda Sarsour Says Israel Is ‘Built On The Idea That Jews Are Supreme To Everybody Else’

Gay Activists Still Grasping At Straws: Claim Trump’s ‘AIDS Day’ Statement Left Out LGBTs, But So Did Obama’s

Yazidi woman collapses in front of Isil rapist on Iraqi television show

Second terror suspect returned to prison as officers begin working through list of 69 suspects

The Huddled Masses Yearn to Cross the Border Fence Into Hungary

The Superpowers Battling Over Iraq’s Giant Oil Field

Iranian State TV Acknowledges Killings Of “Rioters” During Gas Price-Hike Protests

Trump Administration Engaging with U.S. Islamists

The Berber Queen who defied the Caliphate: Al-Kahina and the Islamic Conquest of North Africa

London Bridge terror attack: Family of Usman Khan say they are ‘shocked and saddened’ by atrocity

Pakistani tycoon hands over £50m London house and £140m accounts in record National Crime Agency asset recovery

Former Sex Slave Confronts ISIS Rapist On TV After He Was Found Living Free In Germany

Japanese aid ‘hero’ shot dead in eastern Afghanistan after four decades of dedication

US forces kill jihadist leader in Syria with precision ‘ninja’ missile that chops up targets with blades

Lisa Smith charged with membership of Islamic State and denied bail at Dublin court hearing

Massive Leak Confirms Turkey’s “Gold-For-Gas” Scheme To Evade US Sanctions On Iran


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