We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

9th December 2019

Linda Ronstadt’s delicious takedown of Mike Pompeo  CNN, your local high school news source.

‘A Method To The Madness’: Historian Doug Wead Describes Trump As A ‘Great Leader’

What To Expect During Nadler’s Monday Impeachment ‘Trial’

Impeachment Charade, Faculty Lounge Edition

Exposing The False Statements Made In The Trump-Impeachment Hearings

Impeach Trump Because of…Slavery?

Geraldo Rivera Snaps Over CNN’s Attack On Fox News: ‘F*ck You And F*ck Russia’

Marianne Williamson Completely Fabricates A Trump Pardon Of Charles Manson

Jerry Nadler’s Opening Statement Interrupted By Infowars Host Owen Shroyer Screaming ‘Trump Is Innocent!’  Wonder how they’ll handle getting their own tactics shoved in their faces.

Scarborough Virtually Admits: I Aim to Destroy Trump Cause He Mocked Mika  Actually, I think he mocked the both of you.

EXASPERATED: Journalists Fear Dems May Have Blown Impeachment

Donald Trump could abuse power again if he is not impeached, Democrats claim  My net worth has increased 20% since Trump became President. If that’s ‘abuse’, I’d like some more, please.

IG Report Confirms Brennan Lied Through His Teeth About Steele Dossier  Not really news but a useful reminder. Prediction: Nobody will get fired, nobody will go to jail.

Star Democrat “Witness” Says That Trump Should Be Impeached Because His 8-Year-Old Son Thinks Trump Is a “Bad Person,” Then Jumps from the Witness Seat to the Prosecutor’s Table and Starts Interrogating Republican Witnesses


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