We have seen the future, and it sucks.

“I Was Once a Socialist. Then I Saw How It Worked.”

7th December 2019

David Brooks, NYT.

Or doesn’t, as the case may be. (Some might say that he still is, only not as much. But I won’t go there.)

My socialist sympathies didn’t survive long once I became a journalist. I quickly noticed that the government officials I was covering were not capable of planning the society they hoped to create. It wasn’t because they were bad or stupid. The world is just too complicated.

Actually, it because a lot of them are bad or stupid. Let’s face it, the cream of the crop don’t go into government service. Visit a local government office if you don’t believe me.

UPDATE: Join the Crooks and Liars, Get a Government Job!, by Audacious Epigone


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