We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Global Warming Hysteria

6th December 2019

LONERGAN: Mass Immigration Is Killing The Environment

Climate Crusaders Hammer Big Oil For Pushing Green Energy, Championing Climate Change

Exclusive: Here’s An Inside Look At How Climate Crusaders Are Kickstarting A Campaign That Is Getting Hollywood’s Attention

Climate Scientist: Far Left British Politician Jeremy Corbyn will Save the World

Even 50-year-old climate models correctly predicted global warming

Early climate change models held up better than you think

Why Climate Alarmism Hurts Us All

Global warming-induced migratory bird body size reduction and shape change

Dozens of polar bears stranded outside Russian Arctic village because of melting ice

How Wrong Can One Article Be?

Washington DC Traffic Grinds To A Halt As ‘Extinction Rebellion’ Shouts ‘We Trust Bill Nye’

The Mysterious Warmth at Mackay

World’s High School Dropouts Reveal They’ve Actually Been Protesting Climate Change This Whole Time  Babylon Bee.

Greta Thunberg Enraged After Climate Strikes “Achieved Nothing”, Has Yet To Visit China


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