We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Horowitz Report Is Damning for the FBI and Unsettling for the Rest of Us

10th December 2019

Jonathan Turley.

Despite this shockingly damning report, much of the media is reporting only that Horowitz did not find it unreasonable to start the investigation, and ignoring a litany of false representations and falsifications of evidence to keep the secret investigation going. Nothing was found to support any of those allegations, and special counsel Robert Mueller also confirmed there was no support for collusion and conspiracy allegations repeated continuously for two years by many experts and members of Congress.

In other words, when the Titanic set sail, there was no reason for it not to. Then there was that fateful iceberg. Like the crew of the Titanic, the FBI knew investigative icebergs floated around its Russia investigation, but not only did it not reduce speed, it actively suppressed the countervailing reports. Despite the many conflicts to its FISA application and renewals, the FBI leadership, including McCabe, plowed ahead into the darkness.

Turley is a Democrat and a Professor of Law at Georgetown.

UPDATE: Turley Takes Down Media Trying to Spin ‘Damning’ IG Report

UPDATE: Jonathan Turley Says Even His Wife And Dog Got Threats After Impeachment Testimony


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