We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

6th December 2019

Former NYT “Public Editor,” Now WaPo Hack: How Can We, The Unbiased Fact-Finding Media, Convince Our Deplorable Fellow Citizens to Do What We Want and Impeach This Motherf***er?

Jonathan Turley Calls For Civility In Impeachment Hearing — Gets Threats Instead  Democrats: Party of Fear — Party of Hate — Party of Death.

Pelosi: “Civilization Itself Is At Stake” If Trump Wins Re-Election

WaPo Columnist: Journalists Need To Simplify Impeachment Coverage To Reach Undecided Americans  ‘Orange  Man Bad’ seems to be about as simple as can be.

Nancy Pelosi Scolds CNN’s Jake Tapper For Asking About Impeachment

What The “Expert” Panel Should Have Told You About Impeachment… But Didn’t

Tucker Carlson And Neil Patel: Impeachment Charade — Faculty Lounge Edition

Adam Schiff Says Trump ‘Doesn’t Give A Sh*t About What’s Good For Our Country’  Yeah, you can just ignore the strong stock market, the increasing number of jobs, and the strengthening manufacturing sector.


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