We have seen the future, and it sucks.


17th July 2020

ZMan does a weekly podcast. You ought to subscribe. (I get it through what used to be called iTunes; don’t know what they’re calling it these days.)

The thing is, I could probably go on a ten hour, Chris Farley rant without too much trouble, other than the possible stroke. I don’t know about anyone else, but I am done with the ongoing revolution. It seems that everywhere we turn, there is some new madness or new tax on our patience. It is close to impossible to live a normal day, much less a normal life now. Even the most basic task brings a reminder that we live in a continent sized lunatic asylum.

Toleration has its limits. The other day I got an e-mail from a client. I’m not sure why I was included, as it was an internal e-mail to employees. The point of the e-mail was to suggest all employees list their preferred pronouns in their signature. It’s not enough that these people feel the need to deny reality. They insist that the rest of us participate in their madness. Everywhere you turn, someone is trying to make you carry the burden of their madness. It is tax that is never paid in full.

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