We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Chicago Protests Against ALEC Turn Violent, 7 Arrested

11th August 2013

Read it.

My, what a surprise! Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.

The protest was organized by the Chicago Federation of Labor in collaboration with the Chicago Teachers Union, the SEIU, Action Now (formerly ACORN), and were accompanied by a large contingent of anarchists.

‘Anarchist’ being a media code-word for ‘violent mob’.

One protester told Breitbart News they were angry with ALEC because, “ALEC is an organization that helps to create state legislation and encourages state legislators to introduce that legislation in their home states.”

Dude, in this country we call it democracy; what do they do in your country?

Ah, well; unions and democracy have never really gotten along.

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