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The Top 5 Bogus Public Health Scares

11th August 2013

Read it.

The world is full of busybodies, whose goal in life is to force you to live your life they way they want you to.

Health activists, nutrition nannies, medical paternalists, and just plain old quacks regularly conjure up a variety of menaces that are supposedly damaging the health of Americans. Their scares ranging from the decades-long campaign against fluoridation to worries that saccharin causes cancer to the ongoing hysteria over biotech crops to fears of lead in lipstick. The campaigners’ usual “solution” is to demand that regulators ban the offending substance or practice. Here are five especially egregious examples.

Any time you get somebody whose claim to fame is the ability to look good in front of a camera supporting an issue, you can safely bet money s/he’s on the wrong side.

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