Remembering Chicago’s Victims
22nd July 2012
William Jacobson adds a little perspective.
A mass murder like Aurora, Colorado, naturally grabs the headlines and attention, as it should. A presidential recognition of the murders is appropriate.
Yet more than twice as many people have been murdered this month in the president’s hometown of Chicago than were killed in the Aurora shooting. They are just statistics for whom there will be no presidential visits or flags flown at half staff.’
Most of them weren’t white people. Perhaps that made a difference. The Crust always worries a lot more when white people die — after all, they’re mostly white people (and their pet black people) — than when non-white people die, unless there’s some political juice to be extracted, as in the Trayvon Martin case.
July 23rd, 2012 at 06:42
So now you’re concerned about NAMs killing each other? When did that start?
Or are you only interested to the extent that it gives you an opportunistic club with which to pummel The Crust (whoever they are)?