We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Down, But Still Russian

7th January 2012

John Derbyshire, Patron Saint of Dyspepsia, ponders ethnicity.

The Third World-ification of Britain began in the same way that, according to a famous historian, the British Empire itself began: in a fit of absent-mindedness. As the dissolution of that empire commenced in the years after WW2, it seemed only fair to let some of Her Majesty’s overseas subject go settle in the imperial homeland.

Then, in the 1960s, at about the same time as their American cousins, British socialists and love-the-world globalists realized that mass Third World immigration was a marvelous weapon to wield against both their native working class, who were getting ideas above their station, and domestic conservatives and traditionalists of all kinds, whom the globalists needed to delegitimize so that Davos Man could take over.

Forty years on, one in eight of Britain’s population was born abroad, most in the Third World — in, that is to say, places whose net contribution to human civilization over the last millennium has been zero, if not actually negative.

The consequences fill the pages of Britain’s newspapers. They filled them rather spectacularly in August this year, when the ineducable, unemployable, and unassimilable descendants of those Third World settlers burned and looted British town centers.

And America is well on the way to being the same.

They have filled them this past few days with the story of Emma West, a British woman who, admittedly in salty language, had the audacity to lament the demographic transformation of her homeland in public. Ms West is in jail as I write, charged with “a racially aggravated public order offence,” though no disorder seems to have ensued. Ms West’s children have been “placed in care,” which is to say, sent to re-education camps where they will be taught to hate their mother in between sessions of sex play with the pedophile camp staff. “Being the child of an enemy of the people” was the charge in Stalin’s time.

You will, I am sure, comb the records of British courts in vain to find anyone but a native Briton charged with “a racially aggravated public order offense.”

That, America’s already got.

One Response to “Down, But Still Russian”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    And yet mass immigration (read: cheap laobor) is what makes capitalism work. It built the industrial empires of the 19th century, and it still is in play today.

    So, which will it be: Cheap labor, or socialism? You can’t have it both ways.