We have seen the future, and it sucks.

It’s War! It’s War! Freedonia Goes to War!

20th March 2011

We appear to be at war with Libya. (Well, what would you call 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles taking out air defense installations? For a hint, ask the people at Pearl Harbor.)

Funny thing, I don’t recall the Congress making any kind of declaration about that. Nor to I recall any mention of Libyans invading the United States, or making mischief with American citizens or property. I guess that’s not required any more.

Now, ask yourself: What if a Republican President had done this?

3 Responses to “It’s War! It’s War! Freedonia Goes to War!”

  1. ppp Says:

    A Libyan called al-Megrahi is well-known to have made some mischief to Americans, supported by his government, later received as a hero back home some time ago.

    Still, I don’t disagree with the general point: what if a Republican president had done this?

  2. Jay Says:

    If a Republican president had done this, Kucinich would already be talking impeachment.

    Oh, wait …


  3. RealRick Says:

    I can’t find a single reason to attack Libya that makes any sense. No matter what goes on, we end up looking bad to the eventual victors. (In fact, chances are pretty good the victors will hate us anyway, since both sides started out at that point.)

    Step back away from Libya for a second and look at Obama’s political efforts for the entire MiddleEast. It’s completely confused, inept, and inconsistent (except for being consistently inept).

    It may well be that Congress can’t figure out what’s going on in order to object to it.

    Meanwhile, the Obamas are having a lovely time in Rio. A third war we can’t afford? Nuclear meltdown in Japan? Economic disaster at home? Not gonna bother Barry!

    And the LSM isn’t gonna bother Barry, either.