Campaign Finance Laws? Not for the Obamanation.
11th November 2010
Read it.
During the campaign it was noted that tens of thousands of dollars came in to the Obama campaign from a Hamas-controlled camp in Gaza. Pamela Geller observed that Al-Jazeera actually ran a story on Obama phone banks in Gaza (video below).
Geller discovered one large contributor to the Obama campaign (Monir Edwan) who was listed on FEC documents as contributing to Obama from the city of Rafah in the state GA. “If you were reading quickly,” Geller wrote, “you might have thought it was just a contribution from Georgia. But there is no city of Rafah in the Peach State. Monir Edwan sent money to Obama from Rafah, Gaza.”
Needless to say, all of this is incredibly illegal.
Hamas’s love of Obama endures. Now comes Amir Taheri to report on the latest installment of the story. Taheri reports that the slogan “Abu Hussain! Palestine loves you!!!” appears in English on a poster and other products produced by Hamas and put on sale in Gaza. Yeseterday it was depicted on the front pages of several leading Arab dailies.
But don’t say that he’s a secret Muslim. That would be raaaaaaaacist.