We have seen the future, and it sucks.

UK: Doctors rights to ‘refuse abortion on conscientious grounds’ under threat

6th October 2010

Read it.

The right of doctors to refuse to refer women for abortions on conscientious grounds is under threat from the Council of Europe.

Politicians behind the move argue that growing numbers of doctors are refusing to become involved in abortions, depriving women, particularly from poor backgrounds, of treatment to which they are legally entitled.

I’m sure they do.

The proposal has been drawn up by the council’s British Socialist member Christine McCafferty, the former Labour MP for the Calder Valley who lost her seat at the General Election.

I’m sure it was.

Her proposal comes two years after the council adopted a resolution to recognise abortion as a universal human right, and to grant women unrestricted access to the procedure, so it is widely anticipated to win the vote.

And there’s the problem right there. Every day seems to bring a new ‘human right’ that depends on someone else being forced to provide the good to which said ‘right’ applied. So the language is perverted for a political agenda.

  1. Thank God you don’t live in Europe.
  2. Thank God we aren’t ruled by British Socialists (although Democrats aren’t any better).
  3. Without eternal vigilance, it could happen here. Probably in California.

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