We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Pakistan floods: British public ‘shaming world politicians’ with £29m donations

23rd August 2010

Read it.

Donations to the Pakistan Floods Appeal, which was launched on August 5, increased by 18 per cent in the second week and have not yet started dropping.

DEC member agencies and their partners have so far helped more than 800,000 people.

They’re certainly shaming the other Muslims around the world, whose giving has been so paltry as to be shameful. ‘Millions of dinars for radical hate mosques, but not one dhiram for flood relief!’

(Whatever happened to all these ‘Muslim charities’ who keep getting caught funneling money to Hamas and Hizbollah? Perhaps charity is only a Christian virtue after all.)

Or perhaps the rest of the Umma think of this as merely another form of jizya, an obligation laid on the kufr and not on Believers.

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