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Doctor Says He Taught These 3 ‘Lies’ in Medical School About Weight Loss, Heart Disease

26th July 2024

Read it.

Lufkin believes lifestyle is key to preventing chronic disease and writes about his advice in the new book, “Lies I Taught in Medical School: How Conventional Medicine Is Making You Sicker and What You Can Do to Save Your Own Life.”

He doesn’t believe they’re intentional lies since medical knowledge is always evolving and doctors have to constantly re-evaluate things they thought were true. But he’s critical of what he calls the “currently accepted dogma” in medical school, which is often presented without any alternative theories, he notes.

Lufkin says these are three of the “lies” he taught in medical school. TODAY.com also reached out to medical specialists in each field for their take on his views. The interviews were edited and condensed for clarity:

Yeah, I’ll rush right out to buy a book by somebody who admits to teaching lies in medical school.

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