We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Forgotten Fakery

26th July 2024

ZMan’s weekly podcast. Highly recommended.

I was unsure what to do for a show this week. The nonstop firehose of craziness from the political class has fried my brain a bit. That and the events of the last week have broken the gauge on my clown meter. The absurdity of the Kamala Harris campaign on the heels of Nursing Home Joe getting bumped off in a midnight coup highlights the utter fakeness of our politics.

Instead of trying to make any sense of it, I just turned the mic on and started talking for an hour in a drug fueled stream of consciousness. Okay, there were no drugs involved, even though drugs would make it easier to follow the election. Instead, I meandered around from one topic to another, all revolving around the fact that our politics have been fake and gay for a long time.

In fact, I was going to call the show “Fake & Gay” but that ran into problems with the platforms I post this to, so I went with something less salty. That is, however, the prevailing sentiment of the show. It is not just that things are fake now, but they have been fake for a long time. What we are seeing now is the approach to peak fakeness, which most likely comes just before collapse.

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