We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Maui Residents Turned Back By Police Barricades Recount Their Brush With Death

26th August 2023

Read it.

After Joe Biden’s recent delayed visit to Maui in which he fell asleep during a ceremony honoring the people killed during the terrible event and chuckled about almost “losing his wife, his corvette and his cat” in a fire, many questions about the calamity remain unresolved. Without any obvious pressure from the federal government to get answers, Hawaii’s Democrat leadership is left to its own devices. They are even attempting an information blackout instead of begging Maui citizens for their forgiveness.

Multiple reports from Lahaina indicate that West Maui residents ran into government barricades while trying to flee the rapidly expanding fire; with the survivors being forced to disobey the blocks and bypass police. It’s yet another bizarre occurrence in a long list of disastrous decisions made by Hawaiian officials that likely cost hundreds (if not thousands) of lives.

The government gave no warning siren, denied access to water for fighting back the blaze, and set up barricades which stopped people from escaping. It’s almost as if the state government did not care about a high body count…

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