We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Narrative Collapse III: Magic Masks

7th July 2021

Severian reviews the ascendency of the face diaper.

In the previous installments in the series, I suggested that the purpose of PoMo propaganda isn’t, pace Dr. Dalrymple, to humiliate people by forcing them to repeat obvious lies. Rather, the purpose of PoMo propaganda is narrative reinforcement.

In part, I think the difference in our viewpoints is simply one of time. The Soviets weren’t history’s first attempt at a totally ideologized society — that would be Revolutionary France — but as students of the French Revolution, the Bolsheviks concluded that Robespierre and the gang hadn’t done enough to get the masses onside. Thus the Soviets seemed to assume that they needed to propagandize everyone. The Nazis followed a similar trajectory, because they, like the Soviets, were ideologically committed to the idea that the laboring masses were the backbone of their movements.

The Third Reich didn’t last long enough to figure it out, but in their 70-odd years the Soviets learned that “the masses” can be more or less ignored. They’re no threat to the regime. Your average Soviet “citizen” — Ivan Sixpack — would follow pretty much any rule, so long as he had a steady and predictable life course. That’s no slander on Ivan; it’s just the way people are. If you want proof, go look around — if I’d told you, back in the summer of 2019, about all the masks and the social distancing and the lockdowns and everything else, you’d have laughed at me. “There will be blood in the streets! No one will stand for it!”

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