We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Democrats’ Double-Cross Wrecks Bloated Infrastructure Deal

28th June 2021

Read it.

The White House held a press conference on June 24 to announce a bipartisan infrastructure deal. It was going to be an easy win for the left, with more money, power, and control for Washington.

Instead, President Joe Biden, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., all decided that this wasn’t good enough, and now the deal is on life support.

In separate statements, the three leading Democrats demanded that any bipartisan infrastructure bill be accompanied by a partisan spending package passed with the maneuver known as reconciliation.

The contents being discussed for reconciliation are a socialist wish list: upwards of $6 trillion in spending on the biggest expansion of the welfare state in generations, radical Green New Deal programs, massive amnesty for illegal immigrants, federal micromanagement of the economy, and more.

To make matters worse, it would be coupled with massive tax hikes that would kneecap the economic recovery.

Democrat cunning and Republican pusillanimity are no match for Democrat greed.

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