We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Global Warming Hysteria

10th December 2019

Claim: The Montreal Protocol Saved the Arctic From Global Warming

DOJ Watchdog Puts Final Nail In Steele Dossier’s Coffin

MSNBC’s Katy Tur Frets Liberals Not Doing Enough to Dismantle Capitalism

The Woke Media: Apologists For The State

No joke: Russian scientists marked problem Kara Sea polar bear with T-34

Report Reveals The Extent Of Liz Warren’s Past Defending Big Business From Enviro Activists

BREAKING: #ExxonKnew lawsuit crashes and burns

Exxon Defeats Climate Crusading AG’s Attempt To Hold Big Oil Responsible For Duping Investors

Exxon Mobil Prevails Over “Politically-Biased” New York AG In Major Climate-Change Case

At #AGU19, they declare – full “climate crisis mode” – but there’s an inconvenient fact

Mega-Rich Environmentalists Respond To Questions About Their Use Of Private Jets

40 million more people at risk of flooding as Greenland loses ice ‘seven times faster than in 1990s’  Call me when one of them gets wet.


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