We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

10th December 2019

Fireworks Erupt As Matt Gaetz Goes Off On ‘Non-Partisan’ Democrat Impeachment Lawyer

Trump Surging in Polls in Three Battleground States, as Impeachment Seems to be Damaging Biden and the Democrats

Former Ukrainian Prosecutor Exposes Yovanovich Perjury, George Kent’s Motive To Impeach Trump

‘Take Your Donor To Work Day’: Matt Gaetz Rips Democrats For One-Sided Impeachment Hearing

Dems Plan To Focus On At Least 2 Articles In Impeachment Push

CNN Lets Guest Blame Trump for Dems Rejecting 2020 Minority Candidates

ABC Parrots Democrat Talking Points: Impeachment ‘Exactly’ What Framers Would’ve Wanted

Whoopi Says We’re ‘Celebrating’ Our Rights And The Constitution By Impeaching Trump

Democrats Unveil Two Frivolous, Focus-Grouped Articles of Fake Impeachment

Democrats Abandon Poll-Tested ‘Bribery’ In Articles Of Impeachment Against Trump

Trump’s new homeless czar a ‘real-life horror,’ say housing advocates

‘Incredible Bulls**t’: Democratic Rep. Abigail Spanberger Faces Constituent’s Wrath Over Impeachment Support

Speeding Toward Impeachment in the Absence of Facts


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