We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The War on Noticing

3rd December 2015

Steve Sailer spells it out.

At this point, I don’t want to debate specific actions, but just call attention to the zeitgeist of the War on Noticing.

An analogy is to driving on a two lane winding road. You constantly have to make small decisions and adjustments to keep from either going into the ditch on the right or into oncoming traffic on the left. If you are trying to drive safely, sometimes you make perfect adjustments, sometimes you undercompensate to the right or left, sometimes you overcompensate to the right, other times you overcompensate to the left.

But if you adopt a rule that you will never ever allow yourself to overcompensate to the right, you will, on average undercompensate, and these errors will build up pushing you on average toward the left. Eventually, you will inevitably wind up over the line on the left with oncoming traffic headed your way.

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