Poverty Then and Now
11th May 2014
You hear the word “poverty” tossed around a lot. There’s been a “war” on it for some 50 years, and I am hardly the first person to notice that either poverty is a tough opponent, or the goalposts keep moving on what constitutes “poverty.” Or both.
Follow these 6 simple rules and you may struggle, but you will never be in poverty:
1. Stay in school and actually pay attention. Do your homework, graduate.
2. Do not do drugs at all or drink alcohol to excess.
3. WORK. At anything. Currently, 20 percent of families have nobody working.
4. GET MARRIED. Marriage is the single-best anti-poverty tool there is. If you have a spouse, remember that two crap jobs are equal to one fairly-decent one.
5. Do not have a baby you have no intention of supporting. Do not have a baby without a lawfully wedded spouse, preferably your own.
6. Do NOT be a criminal. It is evil and hurtful to others, but most importantly, the habits and attitudes you will develop are the worst thing you can do to yourself. When you believe that you are entitled to take, by stealth or violence, something someone else has earned, then you are close to a lost cause as a human being.
Not one of these rules calls for a government program. But if every American followed them, poverty would end overnight.
May 12th, 2014 at 04:14
When you believe that you are entitled to take, by stealth or violence, something someone else has earned, then you are close to a lost cause as a human being.
What does this say about politicians.
May 12th, 2014 at 12:15
Good article.
May 12th, 2014 at 19:06
Nothing good.