We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for September, 2024

Rising Runways, Sinking Narratives: Maldives Debunk Climate Fears

11th September 2024

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The Maldives’ remarkable investments in infrastructure and the scientific evidence of island geomorphology suggest that the only thing sinking is the fearmongering stories of nations disappearing because of climate change.

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Trump Suffers “Worst Anchor Pile-On” Yet While Harris Given Easy Ride in First Debate

11th September 2024

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Clear partisan lines can be seen here, too. Although certain elements of the debate do suggest that, like Harris, Muir and Davis were out for Trump.

The moderators ‘fact-checked’ and ‘corrected’ the former president four times—on issues as contentious as immigration and abortion. They chose not to correct a single statement by Harris.

No surprises here. The Narrative Media are in the tank for Harris and everybody knows it. The only question is why Trump would put up with this horseshit. Well, if he loses, he’s only got himself to blame.

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NYC Lawmakers Expected to Back Slavery Legacy and Reparations Study

11th September 2024


Brooklyn Councilmember Farah Louis says her bill “was initially expected to pass months ago,” but stalled because of “considerable doubts” from her colleagues.

What credibility can a black woman have who does her best to avoid looking like a black woman? For the record, I have the same issue with Joy Reid.

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“It’s a Crazy Story”: Illegal Alien MS-13 Gangster Kills Girl, Then Enrolls in Maryland High School

10th September 2024

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You know,  as you do.

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Springfield Gets What It Deserves

10th September 2024

The Other McCain.

It’s a long story. First of all, you’ll find liberals insisting that these Haitians are not illegal immigrants. Research further, however, and you learn that most of them entered the country illegally, crossing the U.S.-Mexico border after making their way through Central America. After Haiti descended into its latest crisis, the Biden administration granted Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to all Haitians in the U.S., so you may say that they have been retroactively (but temporarily) “legalized.”

Now let’s talk about Springfield, which is a “blue” island of liberalism in a sea of Republican “red.” Ohio was once a battleground state, closely contested in every presidential election, and then Trump came along and the Buckeye State has now become a GOP stronghold. Springfield was a city of 58,662 residents before the Haitian influx, and the city sits in Clark County (population 136,000) which voted 61% for Trump in 2020.

You see that, if the Democrats can turn these Haitians into voters, they can make Clark County “blue,” and a similar calculus is being applied nationwide by the Biden administration’s immigration policy. Democrats insist that the “Great Replacement” is a right-wing conspiracy theory, but we can see them doing it — blatantly, deliberately, in front of our eyes — in places like Springfield. And this brings us to the late Warren Copeland.

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Blue State Blues: Looting Hits Gucci Store in DC as Chaos Breaks Out in City Center & Georgetown Areas

10th September 2024

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The Washington Post confirms “incidents of looting and vandalism” in Georgetown, City Center, and other parts of Washington, DC, in the overnight hours.

The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) released a statement that said, “Overnight, groups of individuals decided to destroy property and burglarize businesses throughout our city, specifically in the City Center and Georgetown areas, along with a store in the H Street Corridor, a store in Logan Circle, and a store north of Columbia Heights.”

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Slovakia in Line for Brussels’ Rule-of-Law Blackmail

10th September 2024

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The European Union executive branch, the European Commission, is preparing to punish Slovakia’s sovereigntist government for its alleged violations of the rule of law, according to stories appearing in Slovak media and Bloomberg.

If the plan moves forward, the country would become the third EU member state, after Poland and Hungary, whose funds are frozen as a punishment for going against Brussels’ mainstream ideological lines.

By bringing ‘lawfare’ into its dealings with nations that elect conservative governments, Brussels continues to combine intolerance with punitive pressures for conformity in domestic policy.

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The Last Debates

10th September 2024

ZMan peers behind the curtain.

Philadelphia between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Given the result of the last Trump – Biden debate, this one should get a good audience. Despite the massive marketing campaign on her behalf, people know little about Harris. She has been a colored ornament on the Biden administration and the butt of jokes on the internet, but most people have no genuine sense of her.

That is the reason it could be the last debate of this cycle. Harris has a poor reputation as a public speaker. Her only real debate experience was in the 2020 Democratic primary and she was horrible. Despite having millions in tech money and a favorable media, she used the debate to alienate every constituency in the party and dropped out soon after it. Her recent CNN interview, which was heavily edited, suggests she has not gotten better over the last four years.

It is possible this may be the last presidential debate we see at all. It is assumed that debates are part of the show, but for most of the country’s history debates were not a part of our political process. The first general election debate in our history was the 1960 debate between John Kennedy and Richard Nixon. Prior to that, there were a few debates between members of the Democratic party on specific issues like foreign policy, but those were a rarity.

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Busing Migrants to Brussels: Hungary Both Praised and Criticised

10th September 2024

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The Abbott Protocol.

The Hungarian Prime Minister’s Political Director Balázs Orbán defended his government’s migration policies on Tuesday, September 10th, after Hungary came under fire for promising to bus migrants to Brussels.

“Hungary has been protecting the European Union’s external borders without any financial support from Brussels; what we received instead was political and financial blackmail. This nonsense must stop now!” Balázs Orbán wrote on his X account.

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United Nations Agency Declares War on ‘Gendered Language’

10th September 2024

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The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)–global guardian of trademarks and patents–is cracking down on the use of so-called masculine terminology in its communications and documentation.

Out go such words as ‘forefathers,’ ‘lumberjack,’ and ‘cavemen,’ and the phrase ‘brother­hood of man.’ In comes a series of stretched neologisms, with all the charm of something thrown together by committee—if not by a veterinarian trying to reassemble animals amid a butcher’s shop window display.

Despite widespread mockery, the process of eliminating ‘problematic’ words also has a sinister side. The Geneva-based organisation’s new Guidelines on inclusive language document claims that using “masculine-specific” terms risks giving the impression that “women are not represented in certain groups or do not possess certain skills.”

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Death of Schengen: Germany Reinstates Border Checks Amid Migration Surge

10th September 2024

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The German government has decided to implement temporary border checks on all of its land borders for the next six months in an attempt to curb illegal crossings into the country, the Interior Ministry announced on Monday, September 9th.

“We want to further reduce irregular migration. To this end, we are now taking further steps that go beyond the comprehensive measures currently in place,” Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said. She added that border checks are necessary until the EU’s external borders are sufficiently reinforced through joint action, although Brussels still lacks the legal framework for that.

According to Faeser, the measure is justified by the need to protect the country’s internal security from the “acute dangers posed by Islamist terror” and cross-border crime, as well as to alleviate the crushing “burden” on municipalities of having to accommodate and integrate too many asylum seekers.

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Thought for the Day

10th September 2024

Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis on Sun, 08 Sep 2024

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Counter-Terrorism: Hezbollah’s History of Violence

10th September 2024


Hezbollah, the powerful, Iran-backed Shia militia in southern Lebanon, is having problems. The most recent ones have to do with the Israeli retaliation for Hezbollah firing rockets into northern Israel and killing and wounding Israeli Druze children. The Druze are a quasi-Islamic group that is considered heretical by most Moslems. Druze live on both sides of the Israeli borders with Lebanon and Syria. It is not known if Hezbollah deliberately fired those rockets at Druze children or simply considered them Israeli kids because they were playing on a field in northern Israel. The response involved Israel launching massive airstrikes against the Hezbollah rocket storage sites in southern Lebanon. Numerous large secondary explosions were seen as Israeli missiles detonated rocket stockpiles.

Israel responds quickly and harshly against anyone who injures Israeli citizens. Many Europeans and Americans don’t realize that 24 percent of the Israeli population is not Jewish. Most of this minority is Arab, but some are Druze or Christian. Many of those Arab Christians are descendants of the first Christians who appeared two thousand years ago. The term Christian was first used about a hundred years after the Jewish rebellion that the Romans put down with massive killings and the enslavement and expulsion of most Jews to other parts of the Roman Empire. Substantial numbers of Jews didn’t start returning to what is now Israel until the 12th century. Even then the numbers were small and Moslems were still the majority. It wasn’t until the 1800s that Jews began to return to what eventually became Israel in the late 1940s. The movement became a flood after World War II when survivors of the Nazi effort to kill all Jews in Europe and Russia were only partially successful. Millions of Jews survived and most wanted to move somewhere else. Meanwhile most chose European countries or North America. But a substantial number chose the newly established state of Israel, which was born in battle and continues to be a dangerous region for unarmed Jews. The Arab states then expelled almost all their 600,000 Jewish people, who had been there for almost two thousand years after the Romans expelled them from ancient Israel. These all went to the newly independent Israel.


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The Molecular Secret to Longevity: Scientists Have Discovered a “Lifespan Limit Line”

9th September 2024

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Good luck wading through all the academic blather.

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Colin Allred Features His Wife in Border Security Pitch. She Fought to Release Criminal Illegal Aliens.

9th September 2024

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Texas Democratic Senate candidate Colin Allred is featuring his wife in campaign ads to cast himself as tough on the border and immigration. Just four years ago, she sued to secure the release of dozens of illegal immigrants held at federal facilities in California, including one who was charged with assaulting and threatening to kill his girlfriend.

Alexandra Eber, who married Allred in 2017, sued federal immigration officials in 2020 on behalf of nearly 100 illegal aliens seeking their release from Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities in California, according to federal court records. Eber, an attorney at the firm Cooley LLP, partnered with the liberal American Civil Liberties Union in the class-action lawsuit, which argued the illegal aliens should be released because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The attorneys fought for the release of 35 illegal aliens with other criminal records. Those immigrants included Anthony Alexandre, a Haitian migrant who was charged in 2016 with felony domestic violence for stalking, assaulting, and threatening to kill his girlfriend. Alexandre, who entered the Otay Mesa facility in February 2020, argued that his “asthma as a child” and “high blood pressure” made him a candidate for release from the ICE facility, according to the San Diego Tribune.

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When Your Little Ohio Town Becomes Port Au Prince and No One Cares

9th September 2024

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The third world used to be something Americans used as a measuring stick to hold against other cities or countries we visited or dealt with. When I would pull the newspapers back over a child sleeping in a doorway on the streets of Olongapo, that was “third world.”

When a couple of American Marines weren’t sure if, going in with the first wave to Somalia, they could shoot their “African brothers.” Their first whiff of Mogadishu and first encounter with life on the streets there soon made them realize they weren’t related – that was the third world.

For sure, we have grinding poverty here, but there is someone always working to do something about it. There is always that American Dream, as elusive as it may be in some circumstances.

In the third world, class distinctions and brutalization keep people in endless cycles of poverty, violence, ignorance, and despair. Stealing food and fighting for supremacy over turf is the way of life. Survival is the way of life.

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NEW LIB LINGO: Furious Mika Accuses Legacy Media of ‘Sanewashing’ Trump!

9th September 2024

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On today’s Morning Joe, a furious Mika Brzezinski accused the so-called “mainstream” media of “sanewashing” Trump — never confronting him with his alleged affronts to democracy as described by Dick Cheney in his statement explaining why he, like his daughter Liz, will be voting for Kamala Harris.

You knew it was going to be a tough morning for Mika and Joe Scarborough, having to deal with the new New York Times/Siena poll showing Trump with a one-percent lead among likely voters. Scarborough dismissed NYT/Siena polls as regularly being an “outlier.” In fact, Five Thirty Eight has rated it the #1 poll!

Any look at the 2020 polls demonstrates most of them were “outliers” compared to the actual vote totals.

They actually pay these people.

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Rewriters of the Plains

9th September 2024

The American Mind.

as a grinding tale of “indigenous resilience in the face of, and resistance to, the impositions of settler colonialism.” Under a three-year program to create a “national context narrative” on the Southern Plains Conflicts of 1864-1869, the agency will contract a group of writers to follow a pre-written script that will result in a politically-charged view of our past. This project should be stopped not just because it will distort Southern Plains history but also because it is an insult to a free society.

Leftists assailed the Trump Administration’s 20-member 1776 Commission, which produced a report on American history in 2021. But the Biden Administration’s institutionalization of official history within a state agency is far more nefarious. The 1776 Report was a one-off written by outsiders and having no official standing in government or education. The Southern Plains Conflicts report, on the other hand, is being managed by bureaucrats who work for the taxpayer, and it will be used as the official handbook for government operations, including tour guides, historical preservation, and, of course, grants to tribes. “The narrative will provide a framework of the US government’s policy towards Indigenous populations, and its support of American economic development and settlement west of the Mississippi River,” the program notes.

Most people associate officially-approved histories with the Soviet Union or Mao’s China. The state, we assume, should not be in the business of foisting its current political attitudes onto our understanding of the past. But our Scandinavian Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland, who is never seen without native American jewelry to emphasize her indigenous bona fides, has made a point of doing just that.

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The Votes and Who Counts Them

9th September 2024

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When The New York Times tells you that the United States Constitution is a threat to democracy — As it did on the front page of its August 31 edition — you know that you are in thrall to exceedingly subtle minds. The Times only employs persons, both birthing and other, of the subtlest minds. You can tell because they are credentialed by our country’s finest institutions of educational credentialing.

They come to The Times fully equipped with the armamentarium of advanced, progressive, innovative, nuanced, cutting-edge modes of understanding our world — which, you’ll agree, is a pretty goshdurned complex place, and rather niggardly in yielding its secret workings. Hence, The Times has concluded that the Constitution is flawed, perhaps fatally, because it allowed for the election of Donald Trump once, and now, possibly, a second time.

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Children of Big Brother: What It Means to Go Back-to-School in the American Police State

9th September 2024

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Feel the urge to look over your shoulder? Relax–professionals are on the job.


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Paper Types Ranked by Likelihood of Paper Cuts

9th September 2024

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Via testing with a skin stand-in, a trio of physicists at Technical University of Denmark has ranked the types of paper that are the most likely to cause a paper cut. In an article published in Physical Review E, Sif Fink Arnbjerg-Nielsen, Matthew Biviano and Kaare Jensen tested the cutting ability and circumstances involved in paper cuts to compile their rankings.

Paper cuts occur through the handling of paper products. In addition to the nuisance factor due to the sudden flow of blood, there is also often a great deal of pain involved. In this new effort, the researchers noted that most research done on the topic revolves around infection factors. They chose instead to focus on the types of paper most likely to cause a cut, thereby allowing paper users a means to reduce their chances of an injury.

To test the cutting ability of different types of paper, the researchers used ballistics gelatin as a stand-in for skin. They then attempted to cut the gelatin using multiple types of paper. They noted the sturdiness and thickness of the paper, and the angles that were involved when cutting occurred.

Slow news day. (Hey, tenure doesn’t grow on trees….)

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Thought for the Day

9th September 2024

In my reboot, Dennis the Menace was just trying to send Mr. Wilson a nice comet, but accidentally wiped out his dinosaur garden.

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Millions of Dollars, Classified Information, and Biometric Data: Inside What the Biden-Harris Admin Left Behind in Afghanistan

9th September 2024

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The Biden-Harris administration abandoned $57.6 million in American funds, a “significant amount of classified information,” and advanced biometric data that enabled the Taliban to hunt down nearly 500 former Afghan officials during its bungled 2021 withdrawal, according to the findings of a three-year long congressional investigation.

The report, published Monday by the House Foreign Affairs Committee, provides previously unknown details about the scope of cash and sensitive information left behind when the United States left Afghanistan in a rushed evacuation that left hundreds of Americans stranded and 13 service members dead.

Because of these security failures, Taliban-controlled Afghanistan is now “a hotbed of terrorist activities.” But the Biden-Harris administration has not conducted a single anti-terrorism operation in the country since 2021, suggesting the withdrawal severely hindered the military’s ability to target militants operating in the country.

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The Obscure State Department Bureau That Fosters Global Illegal Migration

9th September 2024

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It is remarkable how many well-informed conservative foreign policy strategists have never even heard of the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM). Even those who closely follow immigration and border issues rarely understand the role PRM plays in accommodating and promoting the worldwide movement of illegal migrants.

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Tulsi Gabbard Destroys Cheney Endorsement: “A Vote For Kamala Harris Is A Vote For Dick Cheney”

9th September 2024

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That popping sound you hear is Democrat heads exploding.

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Nuland Confirms West Told Zelensky to Abandon Peace Deal

9th September 2024

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The US, UK and other backers of Ukraine told Kiev to reject the deal reached at the 2022 Istanbul peace talks with Russia, former US under secretary of state Victoria Nuland has said.

In an interview with Russian journalist Mikhail Zygar, former editor-in-chief of the opposition news channel Dozhd, which aired on Thursday, Nuland was asked to comment on reports that the peace process between Moscow and Kiev in late March and early April 2022 collapsed after then-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson traveled to Ukraine and told Vladimir Zelensky to keep fighting.

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“Can’t Take It Anymore”: Residents of Springfield Ohio Beg for Help After 20,000 Haitians Overwhelm City, Eat Local Wildlife

9th September 2024

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The city of Springfield, Ohio – population 60,000, has been overwhelmed by roughly 20,000 Haitian illegal migrants, who flocked to the city – exacerbating a ‘significant housing crisis’ according to city officials, and eating pets and wildlife according to locals.

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Bonus Thought for the Day

8th September 2024

There’s a reason that Doonesbury is located on the editorial pages.

Remember the days when Nixon was The New Hitler? Ah, the memories….

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‘Right to Repair for Your Body’: The Rise of DIY, Pirated Medicine

8th September 2024

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Most of the sins of Big Government arise from a conviction on the part of the Cloud People that the Great Unwashed have to be protected from themselves by means of stringent regulation and requirements for permission to do even the most petty daily activities.

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Against the Cult of Hitler

8th September 2024

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Between hysterical outrage and blasé indifference in the face of mass murder is a post-war state religion, organized around the doctrine that Hitler was not a human being, but literally the devil.

According to the precepts of Hitlerian Satanism, never explicitly formalized but everywhere visible through the distortion effects they exerts, World War II was not a political conflict, but a crusade against evil. It could not have been averted, and none of its destructive consequences, including the holocaust, could have been prevented except maybe by earlier action.

Because they were fighting the devil, all of the measures adopted by the US-led forces were justified, including the military alliance with a Soviet terror state which, over the previous decade, had murdered perhaps twenty million of its own citizens in concentration camps and politically engineered mass starvations, which are today widely defended as logistical errors. This criminally sadistic regime, which started the war in alliance with Germany and ended it as the ally of the Western democracies and the master of an Eastern European police empire, following a campaign of mass rape, and indiscriminate murder of European civilians, was our noble Antifascist ally, now and forever: nobody today will face consequences for being a Stalin-apologist.

Most of the time of the ‘thought-leaders’ (if such they can be called) of the modern Crust is devoted the The Hunt For The New Hitler, meaning any non-Woke person who achieves any kind of notoriety. Now it’s Trump; before that it was a broad assemblage of people from Rush Limbaugh to Mitt Romney; and before that it was anyone who had ever been in the same room with Richard Nixon without puking.

Indeed, if there hadn’t be a Hitler, the Left would have been forced to invent him.

By 1953, Leo Strauss, himself a refugee from Hitler’s Germany, had noticed the emerging intellectual maneuver of the reductio ad Hitlerum or the rhetorical move, in which a thought is held to be refuted or illegitimate because it is said to have been held by Hitler: a principle which finally generates the condemnation, not only of his deranged ideology, but also all of the ordinary thoughts that he held as a man of his time.

People need to be reminded constantly that just because Hitler said or believed something is not sufficient to make it wrong.

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Thought for the Day

8th September 2024

Infographic: Germany Resumes Deportations to Afghanistan | Statista

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8th September 2024

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Through a sequence of random events (seeing a note about an Alto emulator, listening to a truly atrocious podcast-retelling of the NeXT computer company) I found myself reading about the PERQ computer this evening.

Reader: the modern Mac is not “a copy of an Alto”. I mean it kinda is. But more recently than that, it’s really a copy of a PERQ.

The PERQ is an early, commercial, and technical-user-focused version of an Alto. Except not quite. It had the same fast CPU, large local memory and bitmapped display with fast microcoded rasterops (a so-called “3M machine” — 1 MIPS CPU, 1 megabyte RAM, 1 megapixel display, “and 1 megapenny of price”, about $10,000). It had the same GUI with overlapping windows. It also had Pascal, Fortran, C and Lisp. It also demoed and started taking orders in 1979 and shipped in 1980, before the competition, including before Xerox. The Xerox Star (Xerox did finally commercialize the Alto) and Apollo/Domain each shipped a year later, in 1981.

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All Maps Are Wrong

8th September 2024

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This particular topic piqued my interest after seeing negative feedback about the quality of tracking on services like AllTrails and Strava. Users often complain about inaccurate routes, inaccurate mapping, “incorrect” elevations, “wrong” distances and more. What I find really interesting about these related complaints is that there are a lot of fundamental misunderstandings about how GPS works, expectations around accuracy, and confusion around how that data interfaces with other applications. So today, I’m going to dive a little bit into how digital mapping systems are built and how GPS works.

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Gov. Walz’s Legacy is That Majority of Students Can No Longer Read

8th September 2024

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Gov. Tim Walz has made much of being a former high school teacher in his political campaigns. The DNC brought out former students of his on stage and the media has rolled out adulatory stories claiming that Walz’s time as a teacher will help him shape America’s education policy.

The recent release of the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA) test scores for 2024 by Education Commissioner Willie Jett, a Walz appointee, were described by the Minnesota Star Tribune as “stagnant with only about half of students meeting or beating grade-level standards in math and reading.” The paper struggled to describe an empty glass as half-full.

The actual numbers showed that 49.9% of Minnesota students reached grade-level proficiency standards in reading, only 45.5% did so in math and only 39.6% managed it in science: a more accurate description would be that well less than half of Walz’s school students are proficient.

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It’s All Elon Musk’s Fault

8th September 2024

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After all the culture-enriching knife carnage in Solingen last month, followed by this month’s antique rifle jihad in Munich, the German Green Party wants to solve the problem of “radicalization” by shutting down Twitter.

There’s no denying that the Internet helps accelerate the transformation of ordinary observant Muslims into raging mujahideen. But the mosques are also well-known as hotbeds of “radicalization” — so why not shut down the mosques? No, of course we can’t do that. It would be racist and Islamophobic. Better to keep everyone off X and Telegram instead.

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Friendly PSA: Republicans Could Discuss Disbanding DHS Whenever They Want

7th September 2024

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No studies needed. No cooperation from academia or the corporate media. No DHS whistleblowers with stuff we already basically knew anyway. National Republicans and alternative media commentariat just say things like, hey, remember how before 9/11 we didn’t have a Department of Homeland Security? It’s unconstitutional. It’s unnecessary. It’s a waste of money. People hate it. Let’s get rid of it*.

All of the above is true even if you don’t subscribe to the Officially Licensed Conspiracy Theory of the Deep State’s botched JFK-ish assassination attempt. But if you do, if you think they’re out to get Trump, and saving Trump is important because he’s going to save the Union, how do you not spend every day talking about how awful DHS is?

I don’t expect Republicans to seriously (or even haphazardly) advocate for disbanding DHS. Because Republicans don’t actually believe those things. Saint Ronnie didn’t defeat communism; he Americanized it. Republicans love central planning. They love federal government agencies. They love projecting power from DC.

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‘Maybe We Took a Wrong Turn Somewhere,’ Thinks Party Whose Candidate Just Got Endorsed by Dick Cheney and Vladimir Putin

7th September 2024

Babylon Bee.

Just maybe.

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College Grades Have Become a Charade. It’s Time to Abolish Them.

7th September 2024

Wall Street Journal.

Grade inflation at American universities is out of control. The statistics speak for themselves. In 1950, the average GPA at Harvard was estimated at 2.6 out of 4. By 2003, it had risen to 3.4. Today, it stands at 3.8.

The more elite the college, the more lenient the standards. At Yale, for example, 80% of grades awarded in 2023 were As or A minuses. But the problem is also prevalent at less selective colleges. Across all four-year colleges in the U.S., the most commonly awarded grade is now an A.

Some professors and departments, especially in STEM disciplines, have managed to uphold more stringent criteria. A few advanced courses attract such a self-selecting cohort of students that virtually all of them deserve recognition for genuinely excellent work. But for the most part, the grading scheme at many institutions has effectively become useless. An A has stopped being a mark of special academic achievement.

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Blood Boffins Build Billions of Nanobots to Battle Brain Aneurysms Without Surgery

7th September 2024

The Register.

An international team of scientists has developed a drug delivery system that could one day treat human brain aneurysms in a way without the need for traditional surgery.

The team said it built billions of tiny simple magnetic nanorobots – each 300nm in diameter, or about a twentieth the width of a human red blood cell – that contain clotting medications. After injecting several hundred billion of these into a rabbit’s artery, the scientists used magnets and medical imaging technology to cause the bots to cluster together inside an aneurysm, according to the boffins.

The bots were then heated to their melting point. The process released a naturally occurring blood-clotting protein to prevent or stop the aneurysm bleeding into the brain, the researchers noted.

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Bonus Thought for the Day

7th September 2024

Image slide 1

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All Your Woman Are Belong To Us

7th September 2024

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When I first started focusing on Europe almost twenty years ago, gang rape in Germany was very rare. As the years went by, it began to occur more and more often, and the perpetrators — if the news stories gave out any information about them — were always third-world immigrants, usually Muslims. Eventually the incidence of such horrible crimes increased to the point that they didn’t always get reported in the media. They have become the new normal.

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Website Provides Shocking Snapshot of Daily Knife Violence in Germany

7th September 2024

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In the first seven days of September, German police responded to more than 100 crimes occurred in which a knife was used. This is according to a new website called Messerinzidenz (Knife Incidence), which analyses police reports daily to create a live knife crime tracker. The frequency and severity of this now-common crime makes clear that ‘isolated incidents’ add up to a chilling reality.

Numerous knife attacks occur on Germany’s streets every day—but most of them are not even recorded by the media. In order to make the number of daily knife attacks more visible, a developer has now published an interactive map of Germany on which new cases are recorded in real time and displayed geographically and with source references.

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Why It Matters

7th September 2024


What will the destruction of humanity look like? First and foremost, it will involve the separation of humans from their soul. Most “sheep types” will not find this to be a threat, as the “soul” is not a real thing to them, it is an abstraction, a made-up religious word that most of them probably do not even believe exists (getting people to this state was one of the first efforts of the agenda). This soul detachment will take place in a variety of ways, and many of these methods are in place right now. You know what they are, I need not take up space here and list all of them.

The transhuman movement is probably one of the most prominent methods of soul detachment. Medical technological advancement is the primary culprit in this currently successful movement. Again, I need not explain how this is happening, but most people do not care, and if they care at all, they typically are all for it as it means to them a longer human life (or I should say, “longer physical existence”—let me leave the word “life” out of it). Maybe even an existence with less physical suffering.

So why does any of this matter?

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Bugs and Goo: Welcome to “Alternative Protein”

7th September 2024


Sometimes it feels like writing for OffG has fallen into a recognizable pattern the last two years, one that could be best summed up “as ignoring the (mostly) fake stuff on the front pages and collating the real stuff on the back”.

Regular reminders that no matter who you vote for, or which side wins what war, the overarching agenda is still out there, eating and growing. Like the Blob or the Thing.

Censorship? We all know that’s on the elite’s shopping list.
Digital currencies? They’re still going.
Digital ID? Absolutely on the cards.

And we’ll be returning to talk about all of them no doubt until they eats any more or we’re finally shut down (whichever happens first)

But today we’re talking about eating the bugs.

Posted in You can't make this stuff up. | No Comments »

Ireland: McGregor for President?

7th September 2024

Read it.

In a lengthy post on X, one of the best-known fighters in mixed martial arts (MMA) has again strongly suggested he may run for the Irish presidency.

Taking to the social media platform previously called Twitter, McGregor set out his goal, if elected, of using the powers of the Uachtarán na hÉireann to summon and dissolve the Dáil Éireann (the lower chamber of parliament).

Scott Adams brought this situation to my attention. If you consider the chief value of modern politics to be entertainment, as Scott and I do, this would be extremely entertaining.

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‘Woke’ German Bank Terminates AfD MP’s Account Immediately After His Election Win

7th September 2024

Read it.

A lawmaker for the German anti-immigration party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) has had his bank account closed for unknown reasons. Sascha Schlösser, a recently elected member of the Thuringia state parliament, made the public aware of his plight in a post on X on Thursday, September 5th.

“The DKB [Deutsche Kreditbank Aktiengesellschaft] did not miss the opportunity to congratulate me on my election as a member of the state parliament for the AfD and has terminated all my accounts,” he wrote, attaching a photo of the letter sent to him by his bank. The bank did not give a reason for the closure, but all signs point to yet another ‘debanking’ scandal—where financial institutions get rid of clients for political reasons.

Posted in The Hunt for Heretics and Sinners | No Comments »

Tesla Launches World’s First All-Electric ‘Giga Train’ With Mind-Blowing Passenger Capacity — and It’s Free to Ride

7th September 2024

Read it.

If, of course, that’s what you want to do.

Posted in Think about it. | No Comments »

Quotation of the Day

7th September 2024

ZMan: “We live in the narrative age, but it is also part of the democratic age, which means the path to fame and fortune is to get an audience. That means getting an audience within the prevailing narrative of the time. Alternatively, it means creating an alternative narrative for those who oppose those benefitting from the prevailing narrative. Our politics now reduce to crude storytelling and fan service.”

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Former Vice-President Dick Cheney to Vote for Kamala Harris

7th September 2024


Which tells you everything you need to know about Dick Cheney (and, to be honest, Geroge W. Bush).

I wonder whether any Democrats will draw a lesson from this? After all, Dick Cheney had a longer run as The New Hitler than Donald Trump ever did.


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Thought for the Day

7th September 2024

Infographic: The Countries Holding The World's Nuclear Arsenal | Statista

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