We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Friendly PSA: Republicans Could Discuss Disbanding DHS Whenever They Want

7th September 2024

Read it.

No studies needed. No cooperation from academia or the corporate media. No DHS whistleblowers with stuff we already basically knew anyway. National Republicans and alternative media commentariat just say things like, hey, remember how before 9/11 we didn’t have a Department of Homeland Security? It’s unconstitutional. It’s unnecessary. It’s a waste of money. People hate it. Let’s get rid of it*.

All of the above is true even if you don’t subscribe to the Officially Licensed Conspiracy Theory of the Deep State’s botched JFK-ish assassination attempt. But if you do, if you think they’re out to get Trump, and saving Trump is important because he’s going to save the Union, how do you not spend every day talking about how awful DHS is?

I don’t expect Republicans to seriously (or even haphazardly) advocate for disbanding DHS. Because Republicans don’t actually believe those things. Saint Ronnie didn’t defeat communism; he Americanized it. Republicans love central planning. They love federal government agencies. They love projecting power from DC.

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