We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Against the Cult of Hitler

8th September 2024

Read it.

Between hysterical outrage and blasé indifference in the face of mass murder is a post-war state religion, organized around the doctrine that Hitler was not a human being, but literally the devil.

According to the precepts of Hitlerian Satanism, never explicitly formalized but everywhere visible through the distortion effects they exerts, World War II was not a political conflict, but a crusade against evil. It could not have been averted, and none of its destructive consequences, including the holocaust, could have been prevented except maybe by earlier action.

Because they were fighting the devil, all of the measures adopted by the US-led forces were justified, including the military alliance with a Soviet terror state which, over the previous decade, had murdered perhaps twenty million of its own citizens in concentration camps and politically engineered mass starvations, which are today widely defended as logistical errors. This criminally sadistic regime, which started the war in alliance with Germany and ended it as the ally of the Western democracies and the master of an Eastern European police empire, following a campaign of mass rape, and indiscriminate murder of European civilians, was our noble Antifascist ally, now and forever: nobody today will face consequences for being a Stalin-apologist.

Most of the time of the ‘thought-leaders’ (if such they can be called) of the modern Crust is devoted the The Hunt For The New Hitler, meaning any non-Woke person who achieves any kind of notoriety. Now it’s Trump; before that it was a broad assemblage of people from Rush Limbaugh to Mitt Romney; and before that it was anyone who had ever been in the same room with Richard Nixon without puking.

Indeed, if there hadn’t be a Hitler, the Left would have been forced to invent him.

By 1953, Leo Strauss, himself a refugee from Hitler’s Germany, had noticed the emerging intellectual maneuver of the reductio ad Hitlerum or the rhetorical move, in which a thought is held to be refuted or illegitimate because it is said to have been held by Hitler: a principle which finally generates the condemnation, not only of his deranged ideology, but also all of the ordinary thoughts that he held as a man of his time.

People need to be reminded constantly that just because Hitler said or believed something is not sufficient to make it wrong.

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